Tea'" Year of PubUcatlea Volume 30, Number Z8 pc San Diego Wednesday, March 16, 1977 "thiS is Peter Frampton reminding you to pick up your copy of the official Wolf & Rissmiller Concert Guide ... don't buy tickets without it." "KLOS in coordination with Steve Wolf and Jim Rissmiller announce the return of Pink Floyd ... " Without any stretch of the imagination, the firm of Wolf & Rissmiller is known in most of the households of Southern California. Be it radio an- Wolf & Rissmiller: Concert Promoters ExtraoldiDaire nouncements for their shows or their Concert Guide, or by the ads they place in most newspapers, this best known of Southern California's rock promotional firms has made its . presence known. But how did this organization come to be? The story, as it turns out, evolves along with the entire spectrum of rock music. The middle '60s saw very little activity in the realm of rock concert promotions. It was, to say the least, a vast and mostly untapped resource. But the arrival of the Beatles in Los Angeles in 1965 seemed to change all that. Steve Wolf, who started out in show business at the Universal Studios mailroom, along with Bob Ewbanks, best known as "The Newlywed Game" emcee, made good use of a golden ee.tlllaed _ hie % ........... .,. W~.I."",,,,,,,,,,,,, ..... Wedaesday, March II, 1t77 I rhuill i " "'s Page 3 ·ssmillel... Rainbow and Unicorn art, film deal a nd nature stage tween acts ammounClIl1 upcomlOg Olt. l!L becomes even smaller. For us it's a volume Dusiness, Rissmiller concerts. Vallon, the son of a ForeIgn C4-th zd fnm Pal. 1 ro e m t e l m as a young some shows make it and some don't." Service diplomat, went to school at Pasadena City In the face of conflicting or and magnification, Malle draws For most of us, the next few weeks will be filled with anxiety and opportunity by forming Concert Associates and Wolf added "it's important to realize that every unclear forces of nature woman who seeks refuge from attention to and demands tension. as we put forth that last great effort of the Quarter to get College where he majored in Radio & Television. His the war in an old country producing two Ikatle shows at the Hollywood Bowl. person working the .night of the sh?w, f~om the college' career a lso encompassed the college radio working in the environment, appreciation of small details of everythmg done by finals week. Conveniently, there i a place of man io n; the home of an eld erly The following years saw the dep~rture ~~ E.wban~s, musicians to the secunty guards, are bemg paId by the station where he attained the position of manager. furtive think ers of the past nature, at once making us aware refuge from those feelings of depression and hopeles ness that bedridden woman, an elusive of our increasing alienation often creep into our psyches at this time, turning our pleasant and and Concert Associates changed Its affilIatIon with promoters." . Working as an usher at ABC studios~ Vallon . ma~e often created mythical beasts to ABC to Filmways, (which eventually found the same By the day of the concert, "our productIon mana~er deal with the situation. T he brother, (Joe Dellesandro) arid from our natural environment. lovable personalities into those of irritated monsters. his initial contact with Wolf. FoUowmg a stint 10 sister, a troop of young, naked fate a the "The Beverly Hillbillies," one of Filmways' has already met with the group's representatIve Vietnam, Vallon returned to Los Angeles, where he unicorn is o ne such beast. This This alienation from nature is The Quenzler Gallery, at 7919 Girard Ave. in La Jolla, ha ~ been child pig-herders, the unicorn alluded to many times in the converted into a retreat of hope, where "A Rainbow of Colors and presentations.) . worked his way up to junior partner status in the Wolf bisexual creature was a symbol In 1967 Wolf collaborated with Jim RIssmIller, a for the solar eclipse and a a nd a tree roo (sma ll relative of film . There are numerous shots Thoughts" combats these pent-up (and sometimes released) ill & Rissmiller firm . the kangeroo). former theology student turned booking agent, to Expressi ng a genuine interest in our intentions, beacon of moral purity who was of nude young children feelings and tickles the child in us all. Throughout the month of Alice in Wonderland form the Concert As ociates that, in 1975, became Vallon consented to an interview wilh the Triton omnipotently aware of man's joyfully romping through the March, Susie Reneau is presenting a show of her serigraphs. Harri on's adventures are woods and fie lds with pigs, in Reneau, a native of California, has studied art at the Los Angeles Wolf & Rissmiller Concerts. Times. Tim Mackenzie, Arts Editor of the Triton existence in accord with hi s comparable to those of "Alice Today Wolf & Ris miller Concerts is at the Times, conducted the interview on the promoters environment. The unicorn came constant celebration of their Immaculate Heart College and in Boston under designer and in Wonderland" and we wander consultant Norman LaLiberte. She ha taught graphic workshop, forefront of the rock n' roll scene in Southern extraordinaire backstage before the Queen concert at from afar after long intervals unity with nature and animals. about the mansion with her, Harrison comes in contact with illustrated fcmini t poetry and album cover, and is currently California. In addition to the production of con~er . , the Sports Arena. of time, to deliver mankind the organization has a subsidiary in the ProfeSSIOnal Tnton Times: Is Wolf & Ri ss miller content at this fro m oppres ion and play the puzzled by her experiences and various insects, snakes and working on designs for children's books. Her work has been questioning their reality. The di tributed throughout the US and can also be seen at the Bazaar Skateboard Association of America. 1976 saw the stage of the game with the size and breadth of its role of M essiah. animals throughout the film del Mundo in Old Town. advent of the Concert Guide, another offshoot of the operation? Would you like to expand into other areas? and is able to hear flowers cry as firm. The Concert Guide provides seating c~art s .of Vallon: Well basically the promotion of pop concerts she carelessly steps on them. "A Rainbow of Colors and Thoughts" i a election of Reneau's Debbie Schwartz on the Arts work from the pa t seven years. The serigraphs are visual every arena and concert hall. i~ Southern CaltforOla. is sectionalized. A promoter, by hook or by crook, ~a s There are also scenes with an attractively bound and contammg plenty of photos of fallen into certain cities where he has played headhne With this bac kground, it is visual " hallucinations" in elderly woman In oral com­ representations of original poetry. as well as poetry by such well­ rock tars and some helpful tips on ticket buying. attractions over the years, or-where he has broken in appropriate that Louis Malle, Black Moon are enhanced by munication with the ratlike tree know.n thinker as Robert Frost, ee cummings, the Beatles, Carl The job of the promoter begins with the securing of other bands. A pe rfect example can be found. in director of famed Lacombe the photography of Sven Nyk­ roos, depicting a necessary Sandburg, Emily Dickinson, Carl Rogers, Confucious, the Jef­ vist, I ngmar Be rgman 's the date and concert hall. Says Ri ss.m~lIer, '.' !he tonight's shoW, Queen with Thin L~zzy support mg. Lucien, included a unicorn in interplay between woman and ferson Airplane and others. The principle in spirational themes of promoter, manager and agent arrive a.t a JOInt decls!o,n Thin Lizzy will come back and headhne Golden !"fall his new film, Black Moon, photographer. Nykvist's effects animals. the works are love, hope, tenderness and beauty. One whole wall of regarding which facility the group. w!1I ~se. T~en . l~ s Iheir next time through. They'll- owe the San DIego which is even titled in reference give the film a very ~arm, the exhibit is dedicated to the subject of friendship. just a matter of matching the bUlldm~ s. avallablhty date to us as well as the Phoenix and Sacremento to a solar eclipse. The con· human, sensual quality and Although Malle makes many The simple figures in her prints represent a primitive, child-like with a group' availability. Once the bIll IS complete, dates, beca~se of the fact that we presented them first, nicting force in Malle's en· heighten the beauty of nature. implications about human innocence with only enough detail to capture a basic essence of the the next step is to start our radio and newspaper ad­ unless we did something horrendous to offend them . viro nment are men and women The sound effects add much intersexual and environmental form being represented. .. Ladies and gentlemen, nlht here 011 ourstage ... " The bright color u ed in the silk-screen eem to renect the vertising campaign and print the tickets." Of course we try very hard not 10 do that. The acts are who have taken up arms against to the credibility of the visuals. relationships, he leads the As for the concert dollar, it "is divided as follows: each other in fierce and brutal The amplified scratching of a viewer to no direct conclusions. warmth of sunshine in the same way that drops of water reneet the regarding stage prepa.rations, c.rew calls, cat.ering; our bread and buller.
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