Tuesday, February 4th at 2.30pm 1.* Antique Furniture in Malta, FPM €25 - 50 2.* Sciberras Keith, Roman Baroque Sculpture for the Knights of Malta €30 - 50 3.* Buhagiar Mario, The Late Medieval Art and Architecture of the Maltese Islands, FPM €35 - 60 4.* Degiorgio Stephen, Antoine Favray (1706-1798)FPM €35 - 60 5.* Cassola Arnold, The 1565 Ottoman Malta Campaign Register, PEG €35 - 60 6.* Bonnici Joseph, Cassar Michael, A Chronicle of Twentieth Century Malta, 2004 €25 - 45 7.* DePiro Nicholas & Cremona Vicki Ann editors, Costume in Malta, A Histpory of €45 - 70 Fabric Form and Fashion FPM 8.* Bonello Giovanni Editor, Giro.amo Gianni in Malta, FPM €75 - 90 9.* Manduca John Editor, Antique Maltese Clocks, FPM €75 - 90 10.* The Theatre in Malta ( Celia Xuereb); Portable Altars in Malta (John Azzopardi); The €35 - 60 Dghajsa (Joseph Muscat) FPM (3) 11.* Ganado Albert, Palace of the Grand Masters in Valletta ; Photographers of Malta €35 - 60 1840-1990 (Margaret Harker) FPM (2) 12.* The Sedan Chair in Malta; L'Arte Preistorica Maltese; Maltese Prehistoric Art 5000- €45 - 70 2500BC; Malta Island of Christian Heroes, Life in the 17th century 13.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta, 12 volumes €300 - 500 14.* Treasures of Malta, 63 Issues(1-60 and other issues) in hardcases €360 - 450 15.* De Piro Nicholas, The International Dictionary of Artists who Painted Malta, 1988 €90 - 140 16.* Galea-Naudi Joseph, Micallef Denise, Antique Maltese Furniture, 1989 €30 - 50 17.* Galea-Naudi Joseph, Micallef Denise, Guide to Maltese Furniture, 1993 €20 - 35 18.* Buhagiar Mario, The Iconography of the Maltese Isalnds: 1400-1900, 1988 €40 - 60 19.* De Piro Nicholas, The Quality of Malta, 2003 €30 - 50 20.* Balzan Francesca, FPM, Jewellery in Malta, 2009 €40 - 60 21.* Cini Charles (editor), Urso Maurizio, Gozo: The Roots of an Island, 1990 €20 - 35 22.* Azzopardi John, Freller Thomas, Pauline Malta, The Formation of a Nation's Identity €25 - 50 23.* Sire H.J.A., The Knights of Malta, 1994 €25 - 45 24.* Bondin Ray, Gringeri Pantano Francesca, Sicily and Malta: The Islands of the Grand €30 - 50 Tour, 2008 25.* Zammit Lupi Theresa, FPM, Cantate Domino: Early Choir Books for the Knights in €25 - 45 Malta, 2011 26.* Agius Muscat Hugo (editor), Buono Luciano (editor), Old Organs in Malta and Gozo: €45 - 65 A Collection of Studies, 1998 27.* Wettinger Godfrey, Slavery in the Islands of Malta and Gozo, 2002 €65 - 90 28.* Denaro Victor F., The Goldsmiths of Malta abd their Marks, 1972 €90 - 140 29.* Ganado Albert, Sammut Joseph C., Malta in British and French Caricature: 1798- €40 - 60 1815, 1989 30.* Manduca John, Sammut Joseph C., The Pens that Felled the Mighty, 2009 €25 - 45 www.belgraviaauctions.com Page 1 31.* Ganado Albert, Agius-Vadala Maurice, A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing €200 - 280 the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 (Vol. 1-2), 1994 32.* Malta Influence and Patronage, The Cathedral Museum, The Metropolitan €35 - 60 Cathedral, Miranda 33.* DePiro Nicholas, The Temple of tyhe Knights of Malta, Miranda €35 - 60 34.* Munro Dane, Momento Mori €55 - 70 35.* Cilia Daniel & Ellul Michael, Legacy in Stone, The Architecture of the Knights of St €45 - 70 John in Malta 36.* Scicluna Hannibal P., The Church of St. John in Valletta, 1955 €200 - 280 37.* Scicluna Hannibal P., La Chiesa di San Giovanni in Valletta, 1955 €160 - 200 38.* Ganado Herbet, My Century, Translated by Michael Refalo, 8 volumes €55 - 70 39.* Sensiela Kullana Ku;turali, 65 issues €220 - 280 40.* Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta, 5 volumes €45 - 70 41.* Ganado Albert, Agius-Vadala Maurice, A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing €200 - 280 the Great Siege of Malta of 1565, 1994 42.* Ganado Albert, Agius-Vadala Maurice, A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing €200 - 280 the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 (Vol. 2), 1995 43.* Mason Roger, Willis Pamela, Maps of Malta in the Museum and Library of the Order €30 - 50 of St. John: A Short Catalogue, 1989; Malta Map Society Newsletter (Vol. 1 No. 1-4), 2010 - 2012; OPM, Ghazla ta' Mapep mill-Kollezjoni Albert Ganado, 2008 (8) 44.* Ganado Albert, Schiro Joseph, German Maps in Malta, 2011; Ganado Albert, €30 - 50 Miniature Maps of Malta, 2009; Ganado Albert, The Early Maltese Cartographers, 2011; (3) 45.* Weston F., Weston M., Camera Pictures of Malta, n.d. €30 - 50 46.* Caruana Dingli Edward, Malta: The Colour and Life of Malta from Original Paintings €140 - 180 47.* Micallef Mark Anthony, The Politics of Art, 2008 €25 - 40 48.* Robb Peter, M, 2000 €25 - 45 49.* Freller Thomas, Verses and Visions, The Maltese Islands in World Literature €15 - 30 50.* Vella Theresa, Charles Frederick de Brocktorff: Watercolours of Malta at the €65 - 90 National Library (Vol. 1-2), 2007; 51.* Saliba Louis P., Anton Agius: Sculpture, 2002; BOV, Marco Cremona and Vincent €35 - 50 Apap: Bank of Valletta Art Exhibitions, 2000; (2) 52.* Degaetano J., Overview of the History and Development of the Public Works €25 - 40 Department in the Maltese Islands, 2006 53.* Farrugia Randon Philip (editor), Caravaggio in Malta, 1989; Sciberras Keith, Stone €25 - 40 David M., Caravaggio: Art, Knight, and Malta, 2006; (2) 54.* BOV, Vincent Apap: A Bank of Valletta Exhibition, 2000; BOV, Esprit Barthet: A Bank €35 - 50 of Valletta Exhibition, 2001; (2) 55.* Curcio Armando (editor), I Classici della Pittura: Caravaggio, n.d.; National Museum €25 - 45 of Fine Arts, Antonio Sciortino: Monuments and Public Sculpture, 2000; (2) www.belgraviaauctions.com Page 2 56.* Vella Dennis (editor), Woman in Maltese Art: Exhibition Catalogue, 1995; Azzopardi €25 - 40 Consiglia, Gozo Lace: A Selection of Bobbin Lace Patterns, 1998; (2) 57.* Contemporary Chirstian Art in Malta, 1996, 1998; (2) €25 - 40 58.* Azzopardi John (editor), The Schranz Artists: Landscape and Maritime Painters in the €35 - 50 Mediterranean, 1987; Farrugia Randon Philip, Turner's Malta Watercolour, 2000; (2) 59.* Jean de La Valette, A Man-A Siege- City; Findlater J & Willis P., Silver at St John's €15 - 30 Gate 60.* The Historical Collection: Celebrating Malta's Heritage through Stamps, 2009 €25 - 45 61.* Badano Nino, Mario Caffaro-Rore: Pittore - Scultore, 1984 €30 - 50 62.* Cremona John (forward), Gianni Vella: Paintings, Watercolours and Sketches of €25 - 45 Malta, 1979 63.* Debono John, Art and Artisans in St. John's and other Churches in the Maltese €25 - 45 Islands, 2005 64.* Paribeni Roberto, Malta: Con 173 Illustrazioni, 1930 €55 - 75 65.* Farrugia Randon Philip, Turner's Malta Watercolour, 2000; Willie Apap: The €35 - 50 'Conspiracy Trail' Drawings, 2004; Fenech Patrick, Noontime in the Boatyard: Photography Composites, 2001; (3) 66.* Muscat Joseph, Galley Slaves at Work, 2006; Lawrence Buttigieg, 2002; OPM, It- €15 - 30 Twelid u t-Tfulija ta' Kristu, 2013; OPM, Il-Bambini tal-Milied f'Malta, 2011; and 4 others; (8) 67.* Freller Thomas, St Paul's Grotto and its Visitors; The Order of St John in Malta, €25 - 50 Exhibition of Paintings by Mattia Preti 92) 68.* England Richard (editor), St.James Cavalier: Centre for Creativity Malta, n.d.; Rotta €15 - 30 ta' l-Arti: Indipendenza, 2007; FPM, Palazzo Falson: Historic House Museum, 2007; (3) 69.* Durer Exhibition, 19971; La Madonna nell'Arte, 1949; In Peril on the Sea, 1989; (3) €15 - 30 70.* Parkinson Large Pamela, A Taste of History: The Food of the Knights of Malta, 1995; €25 - 45 National Museum of Fine Arts, Esprit Barthet Portraits, 2000; (2) 71.* Azzopardi John, Sansone Matteo, Italian and Maltese Music in the Archives at the €25 - 40 Cathedral Museum of Malta, 2001; Borg Cardona Anna, A Musical Legacy: Malta- related music foound in foreign libraries, 2002; (2) 72.* Flair Magazines, 4 editions on Malta and Maltese History, 2007-2009 and 2 others €15 - 30 (6) 73.* Concise Hallmarks on Gold and Silver, 1994; Romano-British Coin Hoards, 2002; The €25 - 40 Tokens and Checks of Malta, 1999; Gold Coins, 1969; Your Personal guide to our unique Halfcrown Hoard, n.d.; and 5 others; (10) 74.* Exhibition of Maltese Art at the British Institute, 1946; Charles Vella Sac., 2006; The €15 - 30 Windmill, n.d.; The Sicilian Connection, 1992; Maltese Blockade Medals, 1994; National Museum of Fine Arts, n.d., and others (26) www.belgraviaauctions.com Page 3 75.* Caravaggio in Malta, 1951; Antoine de Favray, 1982; Wille Apap, 1984; G.F. Abela, €15 - 30 1961; Chev. Raphael Bonnici Cali, 1985; Giorgio Pullicino, 1989; Anton Inglott, 1988; Francesco Zahra, 1986; (9) 76.* Mifsud Bonnici Ugo, An Introdction to Cultural Heritage Law, 2008; €25 - 40 77.* Small collection of Vigilo periodicals from Din l-Art Helwa, 1995 - 2005; (20) €15 - 30 78.* Critien John E., Camilleri Maroma, Schiro Joseph, Fine Book Bindings, 1999; Zammit €30 - 50 George, Intimate Malta, 1978; Formosa Gerald J., The Megalithic Monuments of Malta, 1975; (3) 79.* Luttrell Anthony T., Medieval Malta: Studies on Malta before the Knights, 1975 €25 - 45 80.* Zammit Themistocles, Prehistoric Malta: The Tarxien Temples, 1930 €25 - 45 81.* Evans J.D., Malta, 1959 €30 - 50 82.* Leith Adams Andrew, Notes of a Naturalist in the Nile Valley and Malta, 1870 €60 - 90 83.* Caruana A.A., Ancient Pagan Tombs and Christian Cemeteries in the Islands of €65 - 90 Malta, 1898; 84.* Caruana A.A., Ancient Pottery from the Ancient Pagan Tombs and Christian €65 - 90 Cemeteries in the Islands of Malta, 1899; 85.* Caruana A.A., The Crypt of St. Agatha, 1899 €30 - 50 86.* Society of Antiquaries of London, Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to €35 - 50 Antiquity (Vol. 17, 20), 1916; (2) 87.* Murray M.A., Excavations in Malta (Part 1-3), 1923; Murray Margaret A., Corpus of €90 - 140 the Bronze-Age Pottery of Malta, 1934 (4) 88.* Trump D.H., Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiqaries of €65 - 90 London: Skorba, 1966; 89.* Pessina Andrea, Vella Nicholas C., Un Archeologo Italiano a Malta: Luigi Maria €25 - 45 Ugolini, 2005; Borg Malcolm, British Colonial Architecture, 2001; (2) 90.* Vassallo Cesare, Dei Monumenti Antichi nel Gruppo di Malta, Cenni Storici, 1851 €35 - 60 91.* Coleiro Edward, Maltese Coins of the Roman Period; Hyde herbert PT., Geology of €25 - 50 the Maltese Islands (2) 92.* Bruce M.W., Malta A Geographical Monoghraph 1965; Medaglie Rappresentanti...
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