SATURDAY-SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22-23, 2005 © The Asahi Shimbun 2005 ● NUMBER 16594 ● Japan’s Leading National Newspaper English Edition 23 PRIVACY ISSUE Limits urged for N. Korea now ready to resident registers discuss abduction issue entered in resident registers at tion Treaty and allow inter- The Asahi Shimbun municipal government offices Pyongyang will also rejoin national inspectors to monitor A panel reviewing the open- under the current system. all nuclear facilities. viewing system of resident But calls for privacy protec- 6-way talks, says U.S. official. At the ‘‘appropriate time,’’ he registers has recommended re- tion have increased among the said Pyongyang was willing to strictions on disclosing infor- general public. By TARO KARASAKI Korea’s first invite International Atomic En- mation, such as names, addres- The panel said those wish- vice foreign ergy Agency chief Mohammed ses, birthdates and sex, to ing to view resident registers Staff Writer minister, and ElBaradei for discussions on protect the public’s privacy. should submit documents North Korea is ready to Kim Yong how to manage nuclear ma- The advisory panel to Taro outlining the contents of polls unconditionally return to Nam, presi- terials. Aso, the internal affairs minis- they plan to conduct. The multilateral talks on disman- dent of the ‘‘I strongly believe that we ter, compiled a report Thurs- users should also make clear tling its nuclear capabilities and Presidium of made progress in our dis- day that says the four items of how they plan to keep and reopen channels with Japan to the Supreme cussions in North Korea on the information should not be dis- discard the information ob- discuss the thorny abduction People’s As- diplomatic front, on the nuclear closed as freely as they are tained from the registers. issue, New Mexico Governor sembly, front, on the humanitarian under the current system. The The names of the viewing Bill Richardson said Friday. among others. Richardson front,’’ Richardson said. panel said measures are need- parties should basically be Richardson, just returned Richardson He said he had briefed U.S. ed to prevent the information made public, according to the from a private four-day visit to visited from Monday to Thur- Assistant Secretary of State of residents from being used in panel. North Korea, told the Foreign sday. Christopher Hill on the out- direct mail services, market The panel also said more Correspondents’ Club of Japan A former ambassador to the come of his talks. research and other commer- severe fines should be con- that officials in Pyongyang ap- United Nations, Richardson Richardson said Pyongyang cial purposes. sidered if the viewers use the peared ‘‘willing’’ to be more has previously made four visits showed ‘‘flexibility’’ on its pre- Disclosure should be limited information in ways other than forthcoming on the abduction to North Korea. vious demand that a light-water to work by the central and the initially stated purposes. issue. He said the North Koreans reactor be provided before it local governments, polls con- The panel also proposed a He said Pyongyang was also were particularly keen to dis- dismantles all its other nuclear ducted by the media, and ban on photocopying lists of keen to resume talks on nor- cuss the disputed DNA analysis capabilities. Washington and academic studies of univer- voters names as well as limit- malization of diplomatic re- of human remains that Pyong- Tokyo both oppose this idea. sities and other research or- ing viewing of such lists to lations with Japan. yang said were of abductee He said the North Koreans ganizations, the report said. research on elections and poli- Richardson’s insights come Megumi Yokota but which To- had agreed to allow a third ‘‘There is a need to strictly tics. at a time when Tokyo has been kyo dismissed as false. party—such as the IAEA—to assess public interest related Calls for restricting access SHINJI MURAMATSU/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN anxiously waiting for Pyong- The remains were handed to oversee the introduction of to planned polls,’’ the panel to resident registers mounted yang to send word on whether a Japanese delegation during nuclear fuel, operations and said. after a disturbing case in 4 injured after car slams into students it plans to resume talks on all intergovernmental consul- disposal of spent fuel. The criteria for disclosure Nagoya. A man found the outstanding issues, including tations last year in Pyongyang. Richardson said there should be whether results of address of a girl living with a Bicycles belonging to eight students of Zuiryu Junior High School in Hitachi-Ota, Ibaraki the abduction problem. North Korea claims Yokota were still snags to iron out, planned polls will be pub- single parent by viewing the Prefecture, lay wrecked Friday after a car plowed into the group as they headed to Tokyo announced Sept. 20 died in 1994. though. ‘‘There is still mis- licized and whether the results resident register at a ward school around 8 a.m. Four of the students, three first-year males and one female in the that the two sides had agreed to On the nuclear issue, trust and still problems on would benefit society, accord- office. He was arrested in third year, were injured. According to police, the 23-year-old driver turned the steering hold talks, but no date was set. Richardson quoted North sequencing (the dismantling ing to the panel. February this year on sus- wheel too sharply after he failed to properly negotiate a right bend. The vehicle hit a Richardson, accompanied by Korean officials as saying they process) and verification’’ on Anyone can basically view picion of sexually assaulting concrete wall on the side of the road, and then careened back to the left, slamming into a delegation of 10, said he met were now ready to abide by the the North Korean side, he the four types of information the girl. the students who were walking their bikes on the sidewalk. with Kang Sok Ju, North terms of Nuclear Nonprolifera- said. Redress Panel backs first-born child as heir to the throne UPDATE submitting a bill to the Diet to determined at the time of his or perial lineage. Such a move chief Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, The Asahi Shimbun LDP expels 9 rebel members for 9,500 revise the Imperial House Law, her birth, the sources said. would put a male in line for the president of the National Insti- An advisory panel to Prime officials said. The system would also be throne. tute of Advanced Industrial and called a snap election. The Asahi Shimbun Minister Junichiro Koizumi has Opposition to allowing fe- easier for the public to under- The group wants to maintain Science and Technology, told They had submitted let- asbestos reached a consensus that an male emperors has already stand, the sources said. the imperial tradition of pass- reporters Oct. 5. ‘‘We have no The Liberal Democratic ters of resignation from the emperor’s first-born child— been voiced. If the proposal is accepted, ing succession on to only plans to solicit public feedback Party, seeking the last word party, but LDP executives regardless of sex—should be The panel in early October Princess Aiko, the 3-year-old males. anew.’’ in the postal privatization decided to expel them in- deaths the heir to the Chrysanthemum came up with two possible daughter of Crown Prince The prime minister’s advis- The government is also not dispute, officially expelled stead. throne, sources said Friday. proposals in allowing a female Naruhito and Crown Princess ory panel said it will review the planning to conduct public nine ‘‘rebels’’ on Friday after LDP executives are mull- The panel had earlier agreed emperor: One gave the oldest Masako, would be first in line. public opinions it has gathered opinion polls on the matter, the refusing to accept their resig- ing disciplinary measures The Asahi Shimbun that female emperors should be child of the emperor priority in No boy has been born in the so far and consolidate mem- sources said. nations. against 50 other party law- Family members of up to allowed, and that their children succession, regardless of sex, imperial household for 40 bers’ views at meetings starting But a senior government The rebels include former makers who voted against 9,500 people who have died of be able to ascend the throne to while the other gave priority to years. Tuesday. official said, ‘‘This is a very Lower House speaker Tami- the bills. The LDP will an- mesothelioma will be eligible maintain stability in succession. the oldest son of the emperor, However, a group of scholars Some panel members have difficult matter to deal with, for suke Watanuki and former nounce its decision next for payouts under a planned The panel is scheduled to even if he was not the first-born on Oct. 6 issued an ‘‘emergency argued that public views on the its historical importance.’’ party policy chief Shizuka Friday. law designed to compensate compile a final report by the child. statement’’ arguing that former issue could drastically change if The government plans to Kamei. Earlier Friday, the party’s victims of asbestos, the En- end of November and submit it The panel decided that giv- imperial family members who a boy is born to the imperial submit a bill to revise the They all joined new par- disciplinary committee start- vironment Ministry said to the prime minister. ing the first-born child priority withdrew from the imperial family, the sources said. Imperial House Law to the ties after Prime Minister ed deliberations on all 59 Friday. Once the report is issued, the to the throne would stabilize registration after Japan’s defeat ‘‘We had been discussing the regular Diet session next year.
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