NOAA Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Imaging Support Task, October 2006-Title: WMO Pub. No. 47 (1973-98) Series reference information: WMO (World Meteorological Organization), 1955: lnfemafional List of Selecfed, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships. WMO-No. 47, Geneva, Switzerland. (Serial publication; recently annual. Editions prior to 1966 were titled lnfemafional Lisf of Selecfed and Supplementary Ships.) Task background: This is a follow-up to an earlier CDMP task that imaged and digitized WMO- No. 47 editions and supplements for 1955-72, which were previously available only in paper form. Starting with the 1973 edition, the ship metadata contained in the publication were made available digitally by WMO, but not images of the printed materiahhich this task accomplishes through 1998 (Table 1). Reproduced by permission of the World Meteorological Organization. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the UK Met Office in providing photocopies of two editions. Table f: Editions of WMO-No. 47 imaged- for this task. The individual document contained in this file is shaded in the table. -Year Source’ Edition 1973 WMO Ed.1973 1974 Met Office’ Ed. 1974 1975 Met Office’ Ed.1975 1976 NOWNCDC Library Ed. 1976 1977 NOAAfNCDC Library Ed. 1977 1978 NOMCentral Library Ed. 1978 1979 NOAA Central Library Ed. 1979 1980 NOAA Central Library Ed. 1980 19J?.. NOAA Central Library Ed.1981 m. $#@mwfl$@bm w@j2 1983 NOAA Central Library Ed.1983 1984 WMO Ed.1984 1985 WMO Ed.1985 1986 WMO Ed.1986 1987 NOAAfNCDC Library Ed.1986 1988 NOM Central Library Ed. 1988 1989 WMO Ed. 1989 1990 NOAA Central Library Ed.1990 1991 US Dept. of Commerce Library, Boulder Ed.1991 1992 NOA&Central Library Ed.1992 1993 US De$: of-Commerce Library, Boulder Ed.1993 1994 US Dept. if Commerce Library, Boulder Ed.1994 1995 NOAA Central Library Ed.1995 1996 US Dept. of Commerce Library, Boulder Ed.1996 1997 NOM Central Library Ed. 1997 1998 NOM Central Library Ed.1998 I 1. Organization provided a photocopy for this project. (C),CopyrigM World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1982. All Rights Reserved. The information presented is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literature and Artistic works, under other international conventions and under national laws on copyright and neighbouring rights. Permissions and licensing Extracts of the information may be reviewed, reproduced or translated for research or private study but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. Any use of information should be accompanied by an acknowledgment of WMO as the source. Reproduction or translation of substantial portions of the material, or any use other than for educational or other noncommercial purposes, require explicit, prior authorization from the World Meteorological Organization in writing. Thedesignations employed and the presentation of material in these publications do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The World Meteorological Organization does not warrant that the information contained is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use. WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION M~OROLOGIQUEMONDIALE ILINTERNATIONAL LIST OF S~LECTED,SUPPLEMENTARY AND AUXILIARY SHIPS LISTE INTERNATIONALE DE NAVIRES SELECTIONNES, SUPPLEMENTAIRES ET AUXILIAIRES 1982 EDITION / EDITION 1982 CENTRAL -+ LIBRARY APR 15 1983 N.O.A.A. -U. S. Dcpt. of Commerce (0 1982, World Meteorological Organization Organisation m6t6orologique mondiale The deeignations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whataoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteoro- logical Organization concerning the legal statue of any country, territory, city or area or of ita authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundariee. Lee appellations employdes dane cette publication et la prdeentation des donndes qui y figurent n’impliquent de la part du Secretariat de I’Organi~tionmdtdorologique mondiale aucune prim de position pant au statut juridique dca payr, territoires, villes ou zonee, ou de leure autoritbe, ni quant au trace de leurr frontibres on limiter. I IRTRUDUCTIOK This edition of the "International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships" contains information, valid on 1 January 1982 supplied by countries listed in the table on page 11, in eccordance with Regulations and 2.3.F.1.6 os contained in the Manuel on the Global Observing System, Volume I, Part 111. The List is preceded by two summery tables showing the participation of vmious countries in the WKO Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme (table on page 11) and providing some statistical data (table on page 111) on upper-air observation equipment, telecommunication facilities and number of radio operators on hoard. For ease of consultation, an alphabetical index of ships' names has been added at the end of the List. The alphabetical index gives the country heading and the type of ship station (selected, supplementary or auxiliary) under which o given ship appears in the Internetional List. Full use has been made of electronic data-processing techniques in preparing the International L.ist, the alphabetical index and the summary tables. INTRODUCTION Cette edition de la "Liste internationale de nevires s8lectionnbs, suppldmenteires et auxiliaires" contient les renseignements, volables au ler jonvier 1982 fournia par les pays dnum6rds dens le tableau B la page 11, conform6ment aux rbgles et qui figurent dans la partie 111 du Volume I du Manuel du systkme mondial d'observation. La Liste est prtScEdde per deux tableaux recepitulatifs indiquant la participation des diffBrents pays au syst&me de nevires d'observation ben6voles Ctebli par 1'OMM (tableau i la page 11) et donnant quelques renseignements statistiques (t.ableou B la page 111) sur l'kquipement d'observation en altitude, les moyens de t6l~communicationset le nombre d'opkrateurs radio h bord. Pour faciliter la consultation, on a ajoutc! un repertoire alphabgtique des noms des navires B la fin de la Liste. Le repertoire alphabetique indipue l'en-tCte du pays et le type de station sur navire (navire stSlectionntS, suppl6mentaire ou auxilisire) sous lesquels un navire donne apparalt dans la Liste internationale. Pour l'dtablissement de la Liste, du repertoire olphabetique et des tableaux recapitulatifs, il a 6te tire pleinement parti des techniques de l'informatique. Ed. 1982 I1 List of Countries and Summary Table of Selected. Supplementary and AuxLliarv Shba participating in the WMO Voluntary ObseminR Scheme Liste des Pays et tableau dcauitulatif des navirea a6lectionn6s. suppl6mentaires et auriliaires particiuant au syatkme de navires d'observation b6n6volee de 1'm Selected ships / Supplementary Navires ships / Navires e6lectionn6s auppl6mentaires \ si COUNTRY / PAYS $1 br OH$2 . 1.2.I 3 7 8 . ~ . Argentina / Argentine .................................. 141 Australia / Awtralie .................................. 91 Bangladesh ............................................. 11 Belgium / Belgique ..................................... 86 Brazil / Bdsil ........................................ 155 320 Bulgaria / mgazie .................................... 30 Canada ................................................. 196 295 Chile / chili .......................................... 20 china / Chine .......................................... 38 Cuba ................................................... 4 Denmark / Danemark ..................................... 18 51 wand / made ..................................... 14 France ................................................. 205 German Democratic Republic / Rhubliaue d6mocratiaue allemande .................... 131 Gem&. Federal Repubiic of / Allemagne. R6publique f6d6rale d .................... 22 480 Greece / Gdce ................... ..................... 16 Hong Kong / Hong-kong ............ ..................... 40 Iceland / Island8 ................ ..................... 16 60 India / Inde ..................... ..................... 32 277 Indonesia / bdonksie ............ ..................... 11 26 Ireland Irlande ................ ..................... 11 Israel IsraSl .................. ..................... 47 Italy /Italie ................... ..................... 13 Jamaica / Jdque ............... ..................... 1 Japan / Japon .......................................... 386 Kenya .................................................. 13 14 Malaysia / maisie ........... ........................ 39 Netherlands / Pays-Bss ................................. 138 336 New Caledonia / Nowelle-CalBdonLe ..................... 3 New Zealand / Nowelle-Z6lande ......................... 12 65 BO~Y/ NOIT&@ ....................................... 27 Pakistan ............................................... 20 32 Philippines ............................................ 9 64 Poland / Pologne ....................................... 66 241 POW............................................... 58 Republio of Korea / RBpubllque de Code ................ 63 sin@Apore / sitlgapour .................................. 31 South Africa / Afrique du Sud .......................... 41 Spain / Espagne .......................................
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