Sevenoaks Wills & Families before 1650 A hundred and thirty wills dated prior to 1650 are known to have survived for the parish of Sevenoaks; these are listed below. They have been used as source documents in the writing of: A History of Sevenoaks up to 1650 This document, which forms section 2 of that history, gives transcripts of many of these wills and details of the families where these can be deduced from the wills themselves, parish records or other sources. No Sevenoaks inventories have been found for this period. The transcripts are given in alphabetical order so that testators from the same family can be linked together. The wills are first listed in date order. The wills written in Latin have not been investigated nor have the wills of the Sackville-Wests since these mainly concern A.1 events outside Sevenoaks. The reference at the end of each line is used in some of the appendices to the history.. 1 2 3 P4 Sevenok, William 1432 PCC: Luffenam 16 not investigated P Mill, John 1460 PCC: Stokton 21 gent. written in Latin P Beal, John 1473 PCC: Wattys 8 will not found P Vaphopkyn, David 1474 PCC: Wattys 15 written in latin P Bone, Thomas 1487 PCC: Milles 1 bailiff written in Latin P Mugworthy, Thomas (Mr.) 1503 PCC: Blamyr 29 vicar mugsevP503 P Bedill, Walter 1508 PCC: Adeane 28 written in Latin P Gardyner, Henry (Essex) 1509 PCC: Bennett 20 not investigated P Newman, Peter 1510 PCC: Bennett 32 newsevX510 1 year will was proved 2 CKS - Centre for Kentish Studies, County Hall, Maidstone (01632 694363); PCC - reference to the probate copy held at the Family Records Centre, 1 Myddleton Street, London, EC1 RUW (0181 392 5300) 3 will reference; this starts with the first three letters of the testators’s surname and the first three letters of the testator’s parish (always “sev” here). The digits are the last three of the year in which the will was written (where this is known) whilst the date in column 3 is the year it was proved. The letter before the digits is A - artisan, C - citizen of London; G - gent (including Esq.), H - husbandman, O - other, T - tradesman, W - woman, X - unspecified, Y - yeoman. If this letter is in lowercase, the will is nuncupative. 4 where proved: P - at the PCC; R - at Rochester; S - at the Deanery of Shoreham A.2 P Brook, Clemens 1510 PCC: Bennett 38 widow brosevW510 P Tottisherst, Robert 1512 PCC: Fetiplace 8 gent. totsevG512 P Holway, Thomas 1512 PCC: Fetiplace 9 holsevX512 P Pette, Richard 1513 PCC: Fetiplace 30 petsevX513 P Yardley, John 1522 PCC: Maynwaring 2 Sergeant not found of Arms P Clemens, Robert (Sir) 1537 PCC: Dyngeley 13 clerk will not found P Potkin, John 1545 PCC: Alen 2 gent.; London potsevG543 P Leighton, Robert 1558 PCC: Welles 19 leisevX558 P Constable, William 1559 PCC: Chaynay 38 consevX559 (al.Gryffyne) P Nevill, Thomas 1567 PCC: Stonarde 27 haberdasher nevsevC567 P Beale, Emma5 1574 PCC: Martyn 27 widow beasevW556 P Farrow, Paul 1580 PCC: Arundell 15 farsevX578 P Lone, Richard (& Sundridge) 1581 PCC: Darcy 27 gent. lonsevG581 P Varncham, John 1586 PCC: Windsor 65 not investigated P Pococke, Thomas 1587 PCC: Spencer 30 yeoman pocsevY587 P Lennarde, John (Knole in) 1591 PCC: Sainberbe 27 Esq. lensevG587 P Bosville, Henry 1593 PCC: Nevell 57 Esq. bossevG590 (Bradbourne in) P Sibbell, Edward 1593 PCC: Nevell 29 gent. sibsevG593 P Pett, John 1593 PCC: Nevell 57 gent. petsevG593 5 Eme Beale of London, widow and late of Sevenoaks"; this is the only mention of Sevenoaks in the will A.3 P Burges, William 1594 PCC: Dixy 75 clothier bursevT594 (Kippington in) P Children, George 1595 PCC: Scott 74 yeoman; nun. chisevy595 P Hadsoule, Hellen 1596 PCC: Drake 25 widow hadsevW595 P Pococke, William (senior) 1596 PCC: Drake 60 yeoman pocsevY596 P Lambe, John 1605 PCC: Hayes 85 tanner lamsevA605 P Gifford, Henry 1605 PCC: Hayes 8 yeoman gifsevY604 P Olyver, Moses 1606 PCC: Stafforde 32 yeoman olysevY606 (Panthurste in) P Pearson, Clemence 1606 PCC: Stafforde 61 spinster6 peasevW606 P Webbe, Richard 1606 PCC: Stafforde 39 carpenter websevA606 P Gavell, Robert 1608 PCC: Windebanck 8 gent. gavsevG608 P Sackville, Robert (Knole in) 1609 PCC: Dorset 23,57 Earl of Dorset P Sackville, Thomas (Sir) 1609 PCC: Dorset 1 K.G.; Earl of Dorset P Pococke, George 1613 PCC: Capell 65 gent. pocsevG613 P Spratt, John 1614 PCC: Lawe 36 vicar sprsevP614 of Sevenoaks S Thomas, Richard 1615 CKS: Prs/w/16/142 thosevX614 S Vane, Robert (Riverhead in) 1616 CKS: Prs/w/17/75 yeoman vansevY615 P Sackville, Cicely (Knole in)) 1616 PCC: Cope 9 Countess Dowager of Dorset S Weery, Elizabeth 1616/7 CKS: Prs/w/17/114 single woman weesevw616 S Spratt, Beatrix 1616 CKS: Prs/w/14/204 widow sprsevW615 S Cox, William (Knole in) 1616 CKS: Prs/w/3/136 coxsevX616 6 contracted to marry A.4 S Everest, Mathew 1616 CKS: Prs/w/5/132 husbandman evesevH616 P Cranewell, Giles 1616 PCC: Cope 88 gent. crasevG613 S Smith, Percevall 1617 CKS: Prs/w/14/212 yeoman smisevY616 S Petley, Elizabeth 1617/8 CKS: Prs/w/12/161 widow; petsevW617 innholder P Cronck, Jone 1617 PCC: Weldon 58 widow crosevW617 S Wylde, Thomas (al.Hinge) 1617 CKS: Prs/w/17/117 yeoman wylsevY617 S Wills, Walther 1617 CKS: Prs/w/17/119 wilsevX610 S White, Emme 1618/9 CKS: Prs/w/17/127 widow whisevW616 P Sackville, Anne (Knole in) 1618 PCC: Meade 84 Countess Dowager of Dorset P Sackville, John (the elder) 1619 PCC: Parker 110 Esq.; Sussex P Wright, William (Riverhead in) 1619 PCC: Parker 14 gent. wrisevG617 P Sisley, Edward 1619 PCC: Parker 90 yeoman sissevY619 P Holmden, Robert 1620 PCC: Soame 5 leatherseller holsevC619 P Burges, Thomas 1620 PCC: Soame 63 yeoman bursevY620 P Long, William 1621 PCC: Dale 99 yeoman lonsevY621 P Jylbert, John 1621 PCC: St. John 79 gent. jylsevG621 P Pococke, John (the elder) 1622 PCC: Swann 17 yeoman pocsevY619 P Nash, Stephen 1623 PCC: Swann 54 nun. nassevx622 P Frost, Thomas (Knole in) 1623 PCC: Swann 60 gent. frosevG623 P Wright, Joane 1624 PCC: Byrde 89 widow wrisevW623 S Pococke, Thomas (Weald in) 1624 CKS: Prs/w/12/166 yeoman pocsevY624 S Brown, William 1624 CKS: Prs/w/1/160 brosevX624 S Holmes, Thomas 1624/5 CKS: Prs/w/8/20 gent. holsevG624 P Morley, Anne 1624 PCC: Byrde 104 widow not investigated P Sackville, Richard (Knole in) 1624 PCC: Byrde 27 Earl of Dorset A.5 P Warcop, Robert (Riverhead in) 1625 PCC: Clarke 30 gent. warsevG625 P Frankwell, William 1625 PCC: Clarke 53 yeoman frasevY609 P Garland, Elyas 1625 PCC: Clarke 68 nun. garsevx625 S7 Bare, John (Weald in) 1625 CKS: Prs/w/1/166 husbandman barsevH625 S Price, John (Riverhead in) 1625 CKS: Prs/w/12/171 yeoman prisevY624 S Winter, Edmund 1626/7 CKS: Prs/w/17/138 see More Families & Transcripts P Blome, John 1626 PCC: Hele 59 mercer blosevT624 S Lawrence, William (senior) 1627 CKS: Prs/w/10/104 bricklayer lawsevA627 S Morley, Thomas 1627 CKS: Prs/w/11/24 morsevX627 P Smith, Richard 1628 PCC: Barrington 66 nun. not investigated S Overy, Martin 1628 CKS: Prs/w/12/102 tanner ovesevA628 S Masters, John 1628/9 CKS: Prs/w/11/28 mercer maisevT626 S Weery, George 1628 CKS: Prs/w/17/142 shoemaker weesevA628 S Vane, Alice 1629 CKS: Prs/w/17/80 widow vansevW627 S Rebankes, Martin (Weald in) 1629/30 CKS: Prs/w/14/21 tailor rebsevA629 P Cole, John 1629 PCC: Ridley 35 yeoman colsevY629 S Lamparde, Edward 1630 CKS: Prs/w/10/109 husbandman lamsevH630 S Wimble, William (al. Hall) 1630 CKS: Prs/w/17/151 labourer wimsevO629 S Clampard, Richard 1630 CKS: Prs/w/3/174 clasevX630 S Smith, John (senior) 1630 CKS: Prs/w/14/250 wheelwright smisevA630 P Theobald, Stephen 1631 PCC: St. John 107 tebsevX631 P Leigh, Walter (Riverhead in) 1631 PCC: St. John 85 gent. leisevG631 S Walter, John 1631 CKS: Prs/w/17/153 walsevX630 7 where proved: P - at the PCC; R - at Rochester; S - at the Deanery of Shoreham A.6 P Jeffery, Susan 1632 PCC: Audley 82 widow; nun. jefsevw632 S Hope, John 1632 CKS: Prs/w/8/51 gent. hopsevG632 S Battie, John 1632 CKS: Prs/w/1/194 batsevX632 P Seyliard, William 1632 PCC: Audley 110 gent. seysevG631 P Besbeech, Richard 1633 PCC: Russell 80 gent. bessevG633 P Knight, Edward8 1634 PCC: Seager 66 mercer knisevT634 P Petley, Rose (Bradbourne in) 1634/5 PCC: Sadler 5 spinster petsevW634 S Turner, Richard 1634 CKS: Prs/w/16/161 haberdasher tursevt634 S Brown, Francis 1636 CKS: Prs/w/1/215 tailor; nun. broseva636 S Turner, John 1636/7 CKS: Prs/w/16/164 husbandman tursevH636 S Wimble, Agnes 1637 CKS: Prs/w/17/165 widow wimsevW637 P Carleton, Anthony 1638 PCC: Lee 150 gent. carsevG636 S Turner, William 1638 CKS: Prs/w/16/166 baker tursevT638 S Carrier, Rachel 1639/40 CKS: Prs/w/3/201 widow carsevW639 S Mantle, John 1639 CKS: Prs/w/11/45 tailor; nun. manseva639 S Floate, William 1640 CKS: Prs/w/6/41 carpenter flosevA640 P Bearding, John (Blackhall in) 1640/1 PCC: Evelyn 3 husbandman beasevh640 S Standford, Martha 1640 CKS: Prs/w/15/21 widow stasevW635 S Hills, Richard 1641 CKS: Prs/w/8/83 yeoman hilsevY639 8 Edward Knight, although from Sevenoaks when he died, was born in Cowden and wills have survived from there for other members of his family A.7 P Sharpe, Rebecca 1641 PCC: Evelyn 91 daughter shasevW641 (Bradbourne in)9 S Jeffrey, Thomas 1641 CKS: Prs/w/9/159 servant jefsevO641 S Hall, Walter 1641 CKS: Prs/w/8/82 husbandman halsevH641 P Turner, John 1644/5 PCC: Rivers 33 citizen & tursevC639 skinner P Pococke, Elizabeth 1644/5 PCC: Rivers 40 spinster pocsevW644 S Hills, John 1645 CKS: Prs/w/8/92 yeoman hilsevY645 P Farnaby, Thomas 1647 PCC: Fines 221 schoolmaster farsevP646 P Soale, John (Riverhead in) 1647 PCC: Fines 205 innholder soasevO647 P Soale, John (th'elder.) 1647 PCC: Fines 259 10 P Everest, Peter 1647/8 PCC: Essex 32 husbandman evesevH644 P Tomlin, Abraham 1648 PCC: Essex 79 miller tomsevO640 P Scott, George 1648/9 PCC: Fairfax 23 grocer; London scosevC645 P Duglas, Walter 1649 PCC: Fairfax 113 dugsevX649 P Poore, Thomas 1649 PCC: Fairfax 106 poosevX649 P Turner, Thomas 1649 PCC: Fairfax 156 Esq.
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