STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37886 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS No. 599 1 August 2014 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: BIODIVERSITY ACT 2004 (ACT NO, 10 OF 2004) ALIEN AND INVASIVE SPECIES LISTS, 2014 I, Bomo Edith Edna Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, hereby publishes the following Alien and Invasive Species lists in terms of sections 66(1), 67(1), 70(1)(a), 71(3) and 71A of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) as set out in the Schedule hereto. MS. BOMO EDITH EDNA MOLEWA MINISTER OF WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4 No. 37886 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1 AUGUST 2014 NOTICES AND LISTS IN TERMS OF SECTIONS 66(1), 67(1), 70(1)(a), 71(3) and 71A Notice 1:Notice in respect of Categories 1a, 1 b, 2 and 3, Listed Invasive Species, in terms of which certain Restricted Activities are prohibited in terms of section 71A(1); exempted in terms of section 71(3); require a Permit in terms of section 71(1) Notice 2:Exempted Alien Species in terms of section 66(1). Notice 3:National Lists of Invasive Species in terms section 70 1 . 559 species /croups of species List 1: National List of Invasive Terrestrial and Fresh-water Plant Species 379 List 2: National List of Invasive Marine Plant Species 4 List 3: National List of Invasive Mammal Species 41 List 4: National List of Invasive Bird Species 24 List 5: National List of Invasive Reptile Species 35 List 6: National List of Invasive Amphibian Species List 7: National List of Invasive Fresh-water Fish Species 15 National List of Invasive Marine Fish Species 0 List 8: National List of Invasive Terrestrial Invertebrate Species 23 List 9: National List of Invasive Fresh-water Invertebrate Species 8 List 10: National List of Invasive Marine Invertebrate Species 16 List 11: National List of Invasive Microbial Species Notice 4:Prohibited Alien Species in terms of section 67(1 560 species /croups of species List 1: Prohibited Terrestrial and Fresh-water Plant Species 238 List 2: Prohibited Marine Plant Species List 3: Prohibited Mammal Species 18 List 4: Prohibited Bird Species 20 List 5: Prohibited Reptile Species 10 List 6: Prohibited Amphibian Species 9 List 7: Prohibited Fresh-water Fish Species 110 List 8: Prohibited Marine Fish Species 1 List 9: Prohibited Terrestrial Invertebrate Species 130 List 10: Prohibited Fresh-water Invertebrate Species 8 List 11: Prohibited Marine Invertebrate Species 7 List 12: Prohibited Microbial Species 7 These notices must be read together with the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2014. Any word or phrase defined in the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations shall have the same meaning in these notices. These notices shall take effect 60 days from date of publication in the Gazette. This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za NOTICEPROHIBITED IN RESPECT IN TERMS OF CATEGORIES OF SECTION la, 71A(1); lb, 2 AND EXEMPTED 3 LISTED ININVASIVE TERMSNOTICE OFSPECIES, SECTION1: IN TERMS71(3); REQUIRE OF WHICH A PERMITCERTAIN IN RESTRICTED TERMS OF SECTION ACTIVITIES 71(1)ARE This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at (b)(a)Categoriesexemptedprohibited 1 a, 1in b, terms 2 and of 3 section Listed Invasive71(3);71A(1); or Species, in terms of which certain Restricted Activitiesare- (c) require a Permit in terms of Chapter 7. AUGUSTUS 2014 1 STAATSKOERANT, No.37886 through"catchment",and must surface be readin relationflow with to the ato common alists watercourse in Notice point or3. or common watercourses points; or part of a watercourse, means the area from which any rainfall will drain into the watercourseor watercourses or part of a watercourse, other"discrete"cultivation", catchments; catchment in relation systems" to land, means means all any inland act bywater means bodies, of which whether the freshtopsoil or is saline, disturbed including mechanically; rivers, natural lakes, dams, wetlands and estuaries,that are within a catchment that is separated from www.gpwonline.co.za as"watercourse""untransformed soil erosion, shall over-grazing, land" have means the over-burning,meaningland that assignedhas flooding,not been to it invasive alteredin the National from species its Waternatural and bush Act, state, encroachment;1998 or land(Act No.that 36isand usedof 1998). for natural grazing, and including land inits natural state that has been degraded by factors such AllGeneral dead specimensexemption of of any listed listed invasive invasive species: species are exempted from requiring a Permit for any restricted activity. Note that the species-specific exemptions and prohibitions in Notice 3 take precedence over Notice 1, in the event ofany conflict. 5 6 Restricted Activities as defined in the Act Category la Category 1 b Category 2 Category 3 No. 37886 2014 AUGUST GAZETTE,1 GOVERNMENT b.a.oflistedHavingImporting a listed invasive in invasiveintopossession species.the Republic,species. or exercising including physical introducing control from over the anysea, specimen any specimen of a ExemptedProhibited ExemptedProhibited Permit Required ExemptedProhibited This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at c. Growing, breeding or in any other way propagating any specimen of a listed d. invasiveConveying, species.species, moving or causing or otherwise it to multiply. translocating any specimen of a listed Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited e. invasiveasSelling a gift, or species. orotherwise in any waytrading acquiring in, buying, or disposingreceiving, giving,of any donatingspecimen or ofaccepting a listed Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited f. Spreading or allowingRestricted the Activitiesspread of anyas defined specimen in ofRegulation a listed invasive 6 species. Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited h.g.TheReleasing transfer any or specimen release of of a a specimen listed invasive of a listedspecies. invasive fresh-water species Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited www.gpwonline.co.za notdiscretecatchmentfrom occur one catchment asdiscrete systema result catchment system ofin awhich natural where itsystem ordoes itartificial does notin whichoccur occur;barrier. itto occurs, or,another from to partwithin another where a part discrete it does of a Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited i. Catchanaquarium,Discharging alien and or tankarelease listedof or other disposinginvasiveof a specimenreceptacle species. into anyof that a waterwaylisted has beeninvasive or used the fresh-water toocean, keep watera fishspecimen orfrom listed anof Prohibited Prohibited Permit Required Prohibited j.k. shoreTheinvasive introduction islands. fresh-water of ainvertebrate specimen ofspecies. an alien or a listed invasive species to off- Prohibited SeeProhibited Notice 3 SeeProhibited Notice 3 SeeProhibited Notice 3 I. systemlistedThe release invasive in which of afresh-water itspecimen already occurs. of invertebrate a listed invasive species, fresh-water into a discretefish species, catchment or of a See Notice 3 See Notice 3 See Notice 3 See Notice 3 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTIONNOTICE 66(1) 2: - EXEMPTED ALIEN SPECIES distribution"extra-limital" range means by naturalan indigenous means ofspecies migration translocated or dispersal or intendedwithout human to be translocatedintervention. to a place outside its natural distribution range, but not an indigenous species thathas extended its natural This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 1. a.The followingDead specimens categories of of any alien alien species species, that including: are within the Republic when this Notice comes into effect, are exempted from the provisions of section 65(1)of the Act: (ii)(i) dead specimens usedimported, as derivates kept, or removedin products, from including one area food, to another cosmetics as taxonomicand detergents. reference specimen; and AUGUSTUS 2014 1 STAATSKOERANT, No.37886 c.b. Anyany aliennew cultivar,species,species variety, thatother has than or been hybrid an legallyalien of anyspecies introduced species introduced legallyinto the importedfor Republic, agricultural for or agricultural was purposes introduced purposes as contemplated into (excludingthe Republic in paragraphthose prior which to any(b) are above,legal already requirement that listed has beenas for invasive). suchlegally introduction, introduced intofor agriculturaltheRepublic, purposes, or was and e.d. AllAnyintroduced extra-limital invasive into species taxathe Republic in listed the Republic, in prior terms to ofotherany section legal than requirement70(1)(a) fresh-water of the forfish. Act. such introduction, prior to the commencement of this Notice. 2. a.provisionsThe following of section categories 65(1) of ofalien the speciesAct: that are not within the Republic when this Notice comes into effect and comes into the Republic from outsideof the Republic are exempted from the www.gpwonline.co.za Any(i) alienhas speciesbeen subjected that- to a risk assessment and authorised for importation in terms of the Act; and b. Dead(ii) whichisspecimens listed register in a of register anyis established alien of alien species speciesand including: maintained legally imported by the Institute. into the Republic for the first time after the date of publication of the Alienand Invasive Species Regulations, 2014 and this Notice, c. Any(i)(ii) invasivedead specimens species listed usedimported, in as terms derivates kept, of sectionor removedin products, 70(1)(a) from including of one the
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