Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University 1987 The undF amentalist Journal 3-1987 Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 6, Number 3 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_87 Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 6, Number 3" (1987). 1987. Paper 6. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_87/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The undF amentalist Journal at DigitalCommons@Liberty University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1987 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Liberty University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1'llc scilllinc= I trn .* il"*"' ffi fi ii 1l il ri t' ri, ;l <C; Xr N:L"1 ai0F E ifr () r,i E^-- rl !r v }! I< l> rF lul Io , c,, I *ltd air, ift " ti' h',4iy I A native of Long Island, New York, Tina Hoddelmann is a communicationsmajor at Cedarville College. '6Ileft New York City for Cedarville Colleg€... For one reason.Balance. A bal- of the highest academic quality. solid education you need a solid re- ance between the academic and Now that I am at the College, I've lationship with God.' I hear it not spiritual aspectsof college life. A found that's so true! Classes are only in my classes,but alsoin chapel balance which challenges me to small. Faculty are within reach.And every day. I evenhear it in my Chris- grow both as a student and as a the Word influences the content of tian service. It leads to serious talks Christian. eachclass. with my friends where we wrestle Being from New York City, I had My professorscare about me. To with various topics and spiritual some of the best universities in the them, I'm not a number.I'm an indi- issuesand sharpenone another.Like 'Iron country at my fingertips. They of- vidual. They don'tjust lecture,they Proverbs says, sharpeneth fered academic challenge, but little interact - by word, by example - iron....' opportunity for spiritual develop- like friends. They challenge me to Balance. That's what makes ment. However, Cedarville was grow, to think. Sure, they're de- Cedarville so special. Sure, New serious about both. That's what at- manding when it comes to class- York City has great opportunities. I tracted me. work. But they make certain my love it. But Cedarville is giving me Everyone I talked to - friends, spiritual life is challengedas well. the greatest opportunity: to stretch people at my high school, and others The whole atmosphereat Cedar- my heartas well as my mind." I respect- told me Cedarville was ville saysto me, 'Tina, alongwith a I FORSERIOUS CHRISTIANS, THISBOOKCRIEDOUTTO BEWRITTEN Wequote from the editorialreport thd promptedw to select thk bookfor the Conservfrivehok Club: "Anyhonest believer will admit that he has often found himself facing uncomfortable dif- ficultiesand dilemmas when confronted by thepronouncements of scientists (genuine or pseudo)on mattenthat concem controversial Biblical passages involving scientific areas. Wesearch for explanations,but too oftencome up withweak ones that don't even convincem. Thisbook should help straighten usout. Henry Monis brings together those key Biblical insightsand instructions related to all thenatural sciences. In his own words: 'Whenever a Biblicalpasuge deals eitlrer with a bmadscientifrc principle or wilh somepar- ticularitems of scienfficdala, it will inevitablybe furnd on carefulstudy to befully accunb in its scientificinsighls. Often il will be foundeven to haveanticipated scienlific discoveries.' - A largeorder, but I thinkMonis fills it admirablyin whatcan only be called a monumen- $24.95 in stores tal volume.The main thrust of thebook is to reassuretheists of thevalidity of theftrip- yoursFREE turesnot onlyas a guideto livingbut as an explanationof thefacts of thenatural sciences, of mankind,and of theworld around us. Il moywell fo themeons of liberatinga reader from longtimedoubts and give him ammunitionforco4frontations with thescofers.,, Dr. Monishas served for 28yean on thefaculties of Anwm qu6li0tl no l, Problemswith the "big bang" theory.Other majorunivemitia - including13 years as chairman thinkirgbelioryr wt modemtheoria of creationand solar sy$em that of the Civil EngineeringDepartment of Virgrnia igme don'thold up - evenon scientificgrounds. PolltechnicInstitute and StateUnivenity. He is the z "Fossilsand the Flood": zew findingsthat presidentof theInstitute for CreationResearch. 'z Evolution,creation and the Bible:where the $rengthenthe old argumenhfor Genais. Soisn't this book healry going for thenonscienti$? secularconsensus goes wrong. Fallacies of evolu- One publicationthat would be unsparingif Dr. Again,our oditor: tionistslike Huxlry andTeilhard de Chardin. Monisfaild to dojustice to thecase for inenancyis t Apparentdiscrepancies in Scripture. @r. Monis "The bookis a massof scientificexoosition and TheBiblical Evangelisl, So its reviovcania great evidences, giva unbeLieversa full hanng, answentheir but so clearlywrinen and well anangd - wei$t: visuallythat it heldthe attention of evena laymanwith questions and thenfires some pointd qua- "Monis. isthe man to whomBiblical Chistianity rninima.lscientific background like myself." tionsri$t backat them.) lz Creatpioneen in scienawho had no doubtthat probablyows more in answeringthepseudo-sciene of As for thetheological position of Dr. Monis,our theBible is theinspird word of God. evolutionthan to anyother.. .The average readu will be amazed editorwrites: ,u "Miraclesand the laws of Nature." thatthe Bible and science are so inter- related." "Basicallyevangelical Protestant, but I thinkthereh verylittle that\ notfully mNonant with conservative Cafrolicteaching. fu a matteroffact, I foundmuch of .516pages o 41 tables and figures .3 indexes:Scripture (over histhinking and wen his style reminiscent of Chester- . ton'sOrthodoxy. You muld say Monis' overa.ll argu- 1,000citations), subject and propername EXTRA!"Global mentalmost parallels Chaterton's, with the addition ProcessesIndicating Recent Creation" of technicalreferences!" ----- ---How to getthis important$24.95 book FRE!------ How the Club Works Every4 weeks(13 times a year)you geta freecopy of the ClubBulletin which offersyou the FeaturedSelecion plus a goodchoice of Alternates- all of interest coNsERr/ArnrE'15 lii BooK curB to conservatives.* If you want the Featurd Slection, do nothing;it will come OaklandAvenue . Harrison,NY 10528 automatically.* If you don't want the FeaturedSelec.tion, or you do want an Alternate,indicate your wisha on the handycard enclosd with your Bulletinand Pleaseaccept my membership in the Club and send FREE retum it by the deadlinedate. * The majorityof Club bookswill be offerd at the $2.95 Biblical Basis for Modern Science by Henry M. 20-5090discountr, plus a chargefor shippingand handling.* As soonas you Morris. I agreeto buy 3 additional books at regular Club buy andpay for 3 booksat regularClub prices,your membershipmay be ended at pricesover the next 18months. I also agreeto the Club rules you anytime, either by or by theClub. * Ifyou everreceive a Featured Selction spelledout in this coupon. withouthaving had l0 daysto daide if you wantit, you mayretum it at Club ex- FJ_44 pensep.nr. for I full credit. * Goodservice.servia. No comDuters!computers!* The Club will offer Name regularSuperbargains, mostly at 70-9090discounts plus shipping and handling. ; Address I Superbargainsdo NOT counrtoward fulfilling your Club obligation but do enable vouto buyfine books at giveawayprices. * Onlyone membership per household. i City State_ Zip _ l--------r - r---r I MARCH1987 vol.6/NO.3 31 [old, Teach Me fQ Thunderin the Pulpit JessieRice Sandberg !! The Mysteryof the Human Body WalterL. Wilson 2 Practical Advice for Parents of Teenagers FamatyLiving JamesDobson 44 A Child's View of God s RebekahV H. Land The Discipline Decision 42 DavidR. Miller I z : HenryM. Morris,a scientistand Chris- tian,knows the realfacts of science havealways supported the Genesis accountof Creation.His "Science on 7 You Said lt Origins"settles the question,"From r wheredid we come?" From the Publisher 'A In Child'sView of God," Rebekah .1fl Jerry FalwellComments V. H. Land relates the different -! The Fatherof All Nature stagesof a child'smental develop- and Life ment with his abilityto know God. What can parentsdo to providethe 18 12 l"l9"l9ntal:m P,_d-"y secure and loving foundation that ::::i"^gt ttt il v tvt ?T^9'lsin"tvt( Jtt t- # ls SeminaryEducation childrenneed for propergroMh? - Obsolete? EdwardDobson P!:y-,,,_-_ ,2 The RealStory of the 47 TrialThat "Disgraced ;i! JeromeHines $ Biography AngelaElwell Hunl Fundamentalism" 27 WalterL. Wilson MarvinN Olasky BernardR. DeRemer Ministry 4$ Update Preaching& Pastoring JohnT. Scopes-William JenningsBryan-Clarence ln Review Darrow.Who werethese 58 men?What was the Scopes "Monkey"Trial really about?How did the media News affectthe outcome?Marvin SupremeCourt to Rule N. Olaskypresents the facts on Creation-Science in "The RealStory of the MartinMawyer TrialThat 'Disgraced d Fundamentalism.'" I F 22 TrumanDollar 4 FundamentalistJournal I IqfriEUlrynthat gives God'silbrd theat6ntion it deserves. LESSONPLAN brApr, ,ts lN ONE of his books,C.S. Lewisoh I servedthat the "bctter" s person bemmes,the morr scnsitivehe ij to his sins,and thc'wone' hs bcomes.the lcsshe is awarcof his sins.Manv be- lievcrs,unfortunatcly, are sadlyi-nsen- sitive to their shortcomincs. .fu4 so in Da-vid\life. In q$i#*f ""'ltm.Ti$"uxtl their conscquences.Perhaps this scnri- lii:fffi'tf*xilllffi,tgr Christiansnced to Ehrbrrdrff
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