Office of the Director of Scheduled Tribes Development Department, Vikas Bhavan, IVth Floor, Thiruvananthapuram Phone No.: 0471þ2304594, 0471þ2303229, Fax- 2302990 email :þ [email protected] No. PM1/18452/16 Dated, 31/05/2017 BUDGET CIRCULAR Sub:- STDD- Annual Plan 2017-18- Scheme wise Plan & Non-plan Budget Provision - Information / Instructions issued – reg.- Ref:- Budget Estimates 2017-18 In view of the socio-economic condition of the tribals in the State, during 2017-18 Government have allocated an amount which is more than proportionate to the tribal population in the State. During 2017-18, the Annual Plan Outlay for the State of Kerala is Rs. 26500 crores, out of which an outlay of Rs 751.08 crore which is 2.83% of State Outlay is earmarked for Scheduled Tribes Development Department for the holistic development of Scheduled Tribes in the State. As has been done in previous years, during 2017-18 allocation to TSP is divided into two categories. One portion goes to LSGIs and the other portion goes to ST Development Department which has been proposed for meeting the educational expenses, infrastructure facilities, economic activities and basic minimum need of women and children. Infrastructure facilities include providing houses to houseless tribals in the hamlets, water supply, sanitation facilities and resettlement of tribals living in difficult conditions. All possible efforts shall be taken to converge similar schemes like housing, employment Programme Book 2017-18 Page 1 generation , health, education, Kudumbasree schemes, ICDS, NSAP etc implemented by different Department/Agencies. In the State Plan outlay, an amount of Rs. 100.00 crore is provided for Ambedkar Settlement Development Scheme (Erstwhile ATSP Fund/Special Package). Co-ordination of different departments including Rural Development, Social Justice, Kudumbasree, NREGS Mission, Health, Education, Forest etc and Panchayats must be ensured at State, District and Local level. At the State level the scheme will be monitored by a High Level Committee headed by the Hon’ble Minister for Scheduled Tribes Development Department and Hon’ble Vice-Chairman, State Planning Board. The Project Officers/Tribal Development Officers concerned shall conduct monthly review meeting with Implementing Agencies so as to ensure the completion of schemes in a time bound manner. District Collectors shall review the activities periodically and report to the Principal Secretary, Scheduled Tribes Development Department. The Scheme wise Plan write up and budget provision for the year 2017- 2018 is detailed in the Budget Circular. It also contains the funds for Resettlement of Landless Tribals by the State Tribal Resettlement and Development Mission, Critical Gap filling scheme (Corpus fund) and Pooled Fund for Special projects under Tribal Sub Plan, SCA to TSP, and Ambedkar Settlement Development Scheme (Erstwhile ATSP Fund/Special Package) during 2017-18. This document brings the details of development programme for Scheduled Tribes, which are formulated with the objective of improving their social status and providing them fuller educational and economic opportunities. The details of grant-in-aid provided to each and every Local Self Government Institution are also incorporated in this document for ready reference. This TSP 2017-18 documents will be of immense help for Department officials and other field level machinery to ensure effective utilisation of the earmarked fund for Scheduled Tribe population and to monitor the implementation of TSP schemes through local bodies. Programme Book 2017-18 Page 2 With the objective to facilitate speedy implementation of the schemes at the beginning of the financial year itself without waiting for Administrative Sanction and release of funds, vide G.O (P) No.561/2015/Fin. dated 9th December 2015, since 2016 plan document has been prepared in Green Book and Amber Book. The schemes which require high priority and are ready for implementation shall be included in the Green Book and other schemes in the Amber Book. The schemes/ project included in the Green Book are in accordance with the procedure set forth in the guidelines issued by Government. The details are included in this document. All the Controlling Officers in the Directorate are requested to initiate action to fix District wise financial and physical targets under the Plan and Non-plan schemes dealt with by them and to allocate funds to the Implementing Officers. Proposals that require Administrative Sanction from Government based on the Plan Write up 2017-18 should be submitted to Government by June 2017. The sections in the Directorate dealing with schemes will keep continuous monitoring on the progress of implementation of the schemes [financial and physical] in the context of the provisions. The Project Officers/Tribal Development Officers will take timely action to present the projects before the District Level Working Group [DLWG] for STs, in the case of those schemes which need the approval of the District Level Working Group [especially for the project proposals to be considered under the Corpus Fund, Grant-in-aid under Art.275(1) and SCA to TSP]. Prior to this they may take immediate steps to constitute the Oorukoottams with the help of Tribal Promoters and discuss the project ideas based on the needs of each habitat,prepare a micro plan in the District for the development of ST population, and based on the micro plan formulate projects with the help of line Departments for placing before the DLWG. The programmes for the Resettlement and Development of Landless Tribals are to be initiated by the District Tribal Mission as per the direction of the State Tribal Resettlement and Development Mission [TRDM]. Programme Book 2017-18 Page 3 The POs/TDOs are also requested to take timely action to assist the Local Bodies for the formulation and implementation of the schemes under the TSP Grant-in-aid. All efforts should be taken by them well in advance to ensure steady progress in the implementation of the schemes right from the beginning of the financial year. The Project Officers/ Tribal Development Officers are also requested to submit minutes of District Level Working Groups, the plan progress report, un- reconciled expenditure statement, progress report on 20 point programme, SCA to TSP, Progress Report of Non-Plan schemes, details of Departmental Institutions, Progress Report on Housing and Educational Concessions [ Post- matric & Pre-matric], Progress report of the resettlement and development activities [Financial & Physical] etc in the prescribed proforma. No lapse shall occur in the timely submission of these progress reports. The receipt of this circular should be acknowledged by all concerned. SD/- DIRECTOR To The Principal Secretary STDD [ with C/L] The Secretary Plg & Eco.Affairs [ with C/L] The Member Secretary, State Planning Board (with C/L) The Chief Engineer (Buildings) PWD (with C/L) The Chief, TRDM (with C/L) All District Collectors The Director, Plg. & Eco Affairs, CPMU The Commissioner, RDD [with C/L] The Additional Secretary STDD All District Planning Officers The Director, KIRTADS The Asst. Exe. Engineer, STDD All POs/TDOs & TEOs All Controlling Officers/Section Heads/Sections/ All Senior Supdts, MRS, STDD Table of DSTD/ CA to DSTD. Programme Book 2017-18 Page 4 TRIBAL SUB PLAN 2017-18 Amount I State Plan Schemes (Rs. lakh) State Share of ST Dept.( Including 50 % State Share of CSS and 40% State Share of SGRY,PMAY by RRD) 57508.00 II Plan Grant to Local Self Govt 17600.00 Total State Plan [I+II] 75108.00 III Central Sector /Centrally Sponsored Schemes [i] Centrally Sponsored Schemes [ 50 % of CSS] 2129.50 [ii] 100 % Centrally Sponsored Schemes 5559.80 [iii] 60% CSS (Rural Development) 4941.70 Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan [ SCA to [iv] TSP) 1300.00 Total III 13931.00 Grant Total [ I+II+III] 89039.00 Programme Book 2017-18 Page 5 Outlay of Various Departments Under TSP 58113.04 Sch. Tribal Dev. Dept 290.00 KIRTADS 4799.76 PWD Dept 8236.20 Rural Development (Green+Amber Book) 71439.00 17600.00 TSP to LSGD Total 89039.00 Programme Book 2017-18 Page 6 BapJw 30.01.2017 se k.D.(Fw.Fkv)06/2017 ¹m\nwKv \¼À D¯chv {]Imcw hniZamb amÀ¤\nÀt±i§tfmsS 2017þ18 hmÀjnI ]²Xn {Ko³_p¡v X¿mdm¡m³ kÀ¡mÀ A\paXn \ÂIn. km¼¯nI hÀj¯nsâ XpS¡¯n Xs¶ ]²Xn \nÀÆlWw XzcnXKXnbnem¡p¶Xn\v Cu Bibw e£yanSp¶p.ap´nb ]cnKW\bÀln¡p¶Xpw DS³ \S¸nem¡m³ Ignbp¶Xpamb ]²XnIfmWv {Ko³_p¡n DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xv. amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä {]Imcw ]²Xn tcJtbmsSm¸w {Ko³_p¡v X¿mdm¡n \nbak` ap¼msI kaÀ¸nt¡−XmWv. _Päv \nbak` AwKoIcn¨Xn\vtijw Bkq{XW km¼¯nI ImcyhIp¸v Hcp s]mXp D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡pw.AXn\ptijw ]²Xn X¿mdm¡Â {Kq¸pw (]n.]n.Pn) kvs]jy ]²Xn X¿mdm¡Â {Kq¸pw (Fkv.]n.]n.Pn) AwKoIcn¨ ]²XnIfpsS hniZmwi§Ä DÄs¸Sp¯nsIm−v `cWm\paXn \ÂIpw. Cu ]²XnIÄ \S¸nem¡p¶Xv ho−pw [\Imcy hIp¸nsâtbm Bkq{XW km¼¯nIImcy hIp¸ntâtbm D]tZiw Bcmtb−XnÃ. 2017þ18se hmÀjnI ]²XnbpsS `mKambn«mWv {Ko³_p¡v {]tXyIw {]kn²oIcn¡p¶Xv. kÀ¡mÀ \njvIÀjn¡p¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä {]ImcapÅ kvIoapIÄ/t{]mPIvSpIfmWv {Ko³_p¡n DÄs¸Sp¯nbncn¡p¶Xv. ]²Xn \nÀÆlWw XzcnXs¸Sp¯phm\pw ]²XnhnlnXw kab_ÔnXambn hn\ntbmKn¡psa¶v Dd¸m¡m\pw Cu Bibw hgnsbmcp¡psa¶v {]Xymin¡p¶p. Programme Book 2017-18 Page 7 SCHEDULED TRIBES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2017-18 - GREEN BOOK Scheme Amount Sl.No Name of Scheme Head of account Code (Rs Lakh) 0 1 2 3 4 Incentive and Assistance to students i) Special Incentive to 2225-02-277-40 (01) 100.00 Brilliant students ii) Ayyankali Memorial talent Search and Development 2225-02-277-40 (02) 60.00 1 WBC290 Scheme (iii) Assistance to study tour to schools & college going 2225-02-277-40 (03) 70.00 students (iv)Assistance to Orphans 2225-02-277-40 (04) 100.00 v) Supply of Lap top to 2225-02-277-40 (06) 140.00 students 2 Assistance to Tribal Welfare WBC287 2225-02-102-91 220.00 Institutions 3 Publicity Wing/Information, Education and WBC031 2225-02-277-39 250.00 Communication [I.E.C.
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