sr 320^4 What makes a man kill? Psychologist probes the thinking of a killer By SANDY WESLEY the man shoot at Kennedy rather has brought to such men as Lee It's an accepted theory that a chance to release our pent up into our living room he added. than Senator Eugene McCarthy? Harvey Oswald, Charles Whit- man in order to be manly must emotions the possibility of All you have to do is turn on What makes a man kill? According to Dr. O'Donovan, man, Jack Ruby, Speck and not show his emotions or must something happening increases. the newscast for bloodshed to- In the case of shooting of Sen- McCarthy does not have the others who resorted to violence. not let his reactions seep out. "Although in most cases the day. ator Robert F. Kennedy and glamour, or whatever it takes "It's safe to bet that these Something like a John Wayne target is symbolic and the other members of his entourage to be a candidate for assassin- men would not be known today personality," O'Donovan added. means is symbolic, in the case Television, he added, is high- Wednesday morning, the man ation which Kennedy did have. if it hadn't been for their violent He possibly was exploding his of Senator Kennedy, the target ly emotional. You see on tele- was probably a loser who had deeds." pent up emotions with a gun. may have been symbolic but vision such acts of violence as very intense, mixed up feelings The Kennedy family has an al- "A good example is a man by O'Donovan also predicted that the act was real." the death of Lee Harvey Os- about his father. most royalty image, while the wald. ..the dramatic experience the name of Smith who killed a the public response to the shoot- O'Donovan listed two basic Senator has associated himself group of people in Phoenix be- ing will be "a new rash of con- of a surgeon. It takes a long A man who thinks violence with the downtrodden. ingredients for assassination time to be a surgeon and ex- would bring him manliness, ad- cause he wanted to be known," spiracy charges," mainly be- attempts, the general climate He added that people are fas- O'Donovan said. cause "it's frightening to think perience the thrill of perform- venture and success. cinated with the Kennedy's. The which he said today is basically ing an operation, but it takes "It's interesting to note that that one disturbed individual one of violence, and television. Dr. Denis O'Donovan, asso- Kennedy's draw extreme emo- the suspect in the Kennedy case could at any moment do this just- a moment to experience ciate professor of psychology tions of love or hate. wouldn't even give his name. type of thing." He cited the automobile as the thrill of actually killing at Florida Atlantic University, The would-be killer must have Monday no one cared to know He also said that people will an example of the violent nature someone. predicted that the would-be as- had an intense emotional mix- who he was, but today everyone be wary mainly because any act of man. We know automobiles sassinator probably had atrua- This need to be someone is ture of love or hate which he wants to know," he added, "He's of violent increases even slight- can be made safer but we want part of what both Kennedy and matic relationship with his fa- identified with Kennedy. really playing the game." ly the likelihood of another act the faster car. The truth is ther. McCarthy have been talking He probably had a mad, grand O'Donovan said the "man was of violence. people don't exactly dislike about in their campaigns, he "Presidents and presidential idea that he could be famous if slight in stature, reports are "Everyone has a certain killing. added.. .offering the poor per- candidates have always served he killed the Senator. he's 5'6" and he s probably a amount of beast in him," O'- Today for the first time in son the opportunity to be some- as father figures," he said. O'Donovan cited the inter- quiet man." Donovan added. "Most of us hold history actual killing in form one without having him resort If that were the case, why did national fame which television Why quiet? it in check. Whenever we see of a war can be brought right to violence. BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 13, No.81 Thursday, June 6, 1968 24 Pages \ Public works strikers straggle back to jobs Department has half of workers The city public works de- partment was working at hall- strength yesterday, and addi- tional employes were expected to return today'as the wildcat walkout neared the end of its second week. Garbage pickups continued on an emergency, once-a-week schedule with three garbage trucks and two "box trucks" rolling. City Public Works Di- rector William Prendergast said things were proceeding smoothly, with supervisory per- sonnel still carrying a share of Hector VanLennep checks falling barometric pressure on Time the burden. and Tide barometer. Prendergast said the gar- bage pickup schedule probably will be revised next week and Storm Abby 'mulling that efforts are continuing to Residents continue to supplement the city's emergency, once-a-week garbage pickup by making fill vacancies on the department trips to the city dump on South Dixie highway. payroll. He said 16 workers returned to their jobs Wednes- day, pushing the complement to around? moves south the half-way mark. Zoning board workshop Striking employes had in- Storm Abby, a bit the worse Barometric pressure here volved all of the public works for her trip across the state, had dropped to 29.5 by 5 p.m., department's divisions. How- was mulling around in the ocean slightly lower than that ever, Prendergast said that near Vero Beach most of Mon- recorded in the center of the crews are now back on the job Multi-family study tonight day, and casting an eye at the storm. also in the parks department, Palm Beaches, Abby has lost her status as a the street department, and the water and sewer department. Planning and Zoning Board ing area, maximum building two story apartments on small And folks from Boca Raton hurricane, however, and was members will attempt to explain coverage and setbacks. lots to four and six stories to north were casting a wary eye pushing winds of only about 50 But while some employes were returning to their posts, to the public tonight the board's Flancher said that in its earl- high rise on the larger par- right back at her as the storm miles an hour. proposed revisions of standards ier considerations and studies cels. It also includes separa- drifted slowly southward. As the News went to press some 19 workers who had man- ned the picket line at City Hall in the R-3 through R-5 dis- of these factors the board found tion of transient and permanent Boca Raton residents started yesterday, the storm was ex- tricts. then to be inter-related to an ex- housing into multiple family, watching the weather bulletins pected to continue its southward marched in to pick up their final pay checks late Wednesday. Although the board has termed tent that it was impossible to motel and hotel categories. during the afternoon as the winds drift during the night. Predic- the session a workshop meeting revise one zone without making began shifting around toward the The workers walked off the Copies of the proposed chang- tions called for it to resume a job May 27 in a demand for and not a public hearing, indi- parallel changes in the other northwest and barometers northeasterly course at a point cations are that the meeting zones. es are still available at the around the city began dropping. higher wages and better work- planning and zoning office in somewhere between Palm Beach ing conditions. Their walkout tonight will be devoted to noth- It took the board two years Gus Hager, the Weather Bur- and Vero Beach. ing else but explaining the zon- the city hall annex. eau's cooperative observer followed demand s by represent- to come up with the final plans Gale warnings were displayed atives of a Fort Lauderdale lo- ing board proposals and how for revisions. Tonight's meeting will begin here, said winds during the af- only as far south as Palm Beach. they came about. ternoon were from the west- cal of the International Union of According to Flancher the at 7:30. Boca Raton had been exper- Operating Engineers that the Actually the revisions pro- board found that in a great ma- northwest at 15-20 miles an iencing heavy rains as a result hour. Earlier in the day, the union be allowed to negotiate posal study came into being in jority of cases the builders built of the storm, although the clouds on behalf of the employes. June, 1966 when City Council beyond the minimum specifica- wind had been from the south- cleared Wednesday morning and Graduation west. requested that the board re- tions, "therefore we revised up- the city began to dry off a bit. Union attorney Seymour Gop- view the possibility of raising ward most of the minimum stan- man subsequently told the city the lot sizes on residential dards." council that if negotiations properties in new subdivisions. Florida Atlantic University is Saturday started, "possibly this prob- As board chairman John also came in for consideration College gets grant lem, this grave problem that Flancher puts it, "From this when the new plans were made.
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