Appendix C. Milestones Appendix C. Milestones C.1 New Faculty and Staff related to the group's work on the development of aids for the hearing impaired and the deaf. Dr. Narayana R. Aluru was appointed as a research scientist in RLE's Circuits and Systems Dr. Steven H. Isabelle (PhD'95) was appointed as Group, effective August 1, 1996. Dr. Aluru had a research associate in RLE's Digital Signal Pro- joined RLE as a postdoctoral associate in 1995. He cessing Group, effective July 1, 1996. Dr. Isabelle, is a graduate of the Birla Institute of Technology a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Science (BE'89), the Rennsalaer Polytechnic (BS'85, MS'86), has been affiliated with RLE as a Institute (MS'91), and Stanford University (PhD'95). graduate student and postdoctoral associate since Working with Professor Jacob K. White's group, Dr. 1987. His continued research will involve the devel- Aluru will design and implement new serial and par- opment of advanced signal processing algorithms allel simulation algorithms to aid in the design of for wireless and wireline communications. systems. micro-electro-mechanical Dr. F. Thomas Korsmeyer (PhD'88) was Dr. Jay N. Damask (SB'90, SM'93, PhD'96) was appointed as a research engineer in RLE's Circuits appointed as a research engineer in RLE's and Systems Group, effective July 1, 1996. Previ- Quantum-Effect Devices Group, effective May 10, ously, Dr. Korsmeyer had been affiliated with MIT's 1996. Since 1991, Dr. Damask had previously Department of Ocean Engineering since 1988, and been a graduate student and research assistant in had collaborated on research with Professor Jacob RLE's Optics and Devices Group. In his new posi- K. White's group in RLE on fast algorithms to solve tion, he will work with Professor Henry I. Smith's complicated three-dimensional potential problems. group on the design, materials development, A graduate of the University of Michigan (BA'73, lithographic fabrication, and component testing for BSE'79, MSE'80), his work will continue to support all-optical networks. the group's research on adaptive gridding, with pos- sible future work on order N methods applied to Dr. Gerhard de Lange was appointed as a ocean engineering. research scientist in RLE's Optics and Devices Group, effective July 1, 1996. A graduate of the Dr. Rajeev J. Ram, Assistant Professor of Elec- Technical University of Eindhoven (BA'83) and the trical Engineering and Computer Science, joined University of Groningen (MS'88, PhD'94), Dr. de RLE's Optics and Devices Group in January 1997. Lange had previously been a postdoctoral associate Dr. Ram's research interests are focused on the in RLE since 1994. Dr. de Lange will work with Pro- quantum optics of microcavity lasers and on elec- fessor Qing Hu's group in the area of supercon- tron dynamics in quantum structures. A graduate of ducting receivers to develop micromachined the California Institute of Technology (SB'91) and cryogenic and room-temperature millimeter-wave the University of California at Santa Barbara imaging arrays. (SM/PhD'96), Dr. Ram has conducted a wide range of both theoretical and experimental research Dr. Kung-Hau Ding was appointed as a research including the quantum statistics of microcavity exc- scientist in RLE's Electromagnetics Group, effective itons, electromagnetic models of distributed mirror June 1, 1996. Since 1993, he had been a cavities, process development for long-wavelength postdoctoral associate in RLE. A graduate of vertical cavity lasers, and femtosecond spectros- National Tsing-Hua University (BS'78) and the Uni- copy of microcavity polaritons. versity of Washington (MS'84, MS'85, PhD'89), Dr. Ding will conduct research in the field of microwave Jennell C. Vick was appointed as a research spe- and millimeter-wave remote sensing of geophysical cialist in RLE's Speech Communication Group, terrains. effective August 5, 1996. A graduate of Ohio Uni- versity (BS'94) and Case Western Reserve Univer- Dr. Paul Duchnowski (SB'87, SM'89, PhD'93) was sity (MA'96), Ms. Vick will work with Senior appointed as a research associate in RLE's Research Scientist Dr. Joseph S. Perkell to conduct Sensory Communications Group, effective January research on speech motor control, which will also 1, 1996. Affiliated with RLE in various student and take into account the role of hearing. staff research positions since 1987, Dr. Duchnowski investigates phonetic speech recognition systems Dr. Pierre R. Villeneuve was appointed as a and the algorithms used to produce automatic research scientist in RLE's Surfaces and Interfaces speech cues in cued speech. His research is Group, effective June 1, 1996. Dr. Villeneuve, a 457 Appendix C. Milestones graduate of the University of Ottawa (BS'88) and MIT and the University of California at Berkeley Laval University (PhD'93), had been a postdoctoral (MS'83, PhD'85). associate in RLE since 1994. In collaboration with Professor John J. Joannopoulos' group, he will investigate the theory of photonic bandgap mate- C.3 Retirements rials and their application to the design of integrated photonic devices and semiconductor lasers. Dr. Abraham Bers (SM'55, ScD'59), Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Dr. Thomas E.v. Wiegand was appointed as a joined RLE in 1953 as a research assistant. He research scientist in RLE's Sensory Communication continued his work in the field of microwave elec- Group, effective July 15, 1996. A graduate of tronics as a member of RLE's research staff, and Franklin and Marshall College (AB'85) and was appointed to the MIT faculty in 1959. Professor Columbia University (BS'87, MA'90, MPhil'91, Bers' recent research in RLE's Plasma Physics PhD'93), Dr. Wiegand joined RLE as a Group involves fundamental studies aimed at postdoctoral associate in 1993. His research on understanding transport in radio-frequency heating, human-machine interfaces for virtual environments current generation in toroidal plasmas, and related and teleoperator systems includes the development studies of induced stochasticity and chaos. He has of a virtual workbench interface, as well as investi- served as president of the University Fusion Associ- gations into spatial knowledge acquisition and the ation and vice chairman of the American Physical effects of alterations in sensorimotor loops. Society's Division of Plasma Physics. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a fellow of the Amer- C.2 Promotions ican Physical Society. Dr. Jesus A. del Alamo was promoted to full pro- Dr. Shaoul Ezekiel (SM'64, ScD'68), Professor in fessor in the Department of Electrical Engineering the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics as and Computer Science, effective July 1, 1997. Dr. well as Electrical Engineering and Computer del Alamo conducts research in RLE's Materials Science, came to RLE as a research assistant in and Fabrication group that involves high- 1965 to investigate gravitation research. Professor performance heterostructure field-effect transistors Ezekiel was appointed to the MIT faculty in the for telecommunications and studies of new Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in quantum-effect devices based on one-dimensional 1968, and the Department of Electrical Engineering heterostructures. A graduate of the Polytechnic Uni- and Computer Science in 1976. An authority on versity of Madrid (80) and Stanford University laser physics and engineering, Professor Ezekiel (MS'83, PhD'85), Dr. del Alamo joined the MIT has made contributions to high-resolution laser faculty in 1988, after working at the Nippon Tele- spectroscopy and optical clocks. His research in the graph and Telephone Corporation in Japan. His is a fields of lasers and optics include their application former holder of the ITT Career Development to atom-field interactions, laser spectroscopy, Professorship, and a past recipient of the National optical frequency-wavelength standards, and fiber- Science Foundation's Presidential Young Investi- optic sensors. He also served as director of MIT's gator Award, the MIT Baker Award for Excellence in Center for Advanced Engineering Study from 1986 Undergraduate Teaching, and the MIT Edgerton to 1995. Junior Faculty Achievement Award. Dr. Lawrence S. Frishkopf (PhD'56), Professor of Dr. Jacob K. White (SB'80) was promoted to full Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has professor in the Department of Electrical Engi- been affiliated with RLE's research in communica- neering and Computer Science, effective July 1, tions biophysics and auditory physiology starting in 1997. Dr. White joined the MIT faculty and RLE's 1953. Professor Frishkopf was a research assistant Circuits and Systems group in 1987. A former and a research staff member in the Communica- holder of the Analog Devices Career Development tions Biophysics Group, applying correlation tech- Chair and past recipient of the National Science niques to the study of brain potentials. From 1957 Foundation's Presidential Young Investigator to 1968, he was first a research fellow at the Award, his research focuses on the theoretical and Rockefeller Institute and then a member of the practical aspects of numerical techniques applied to technical staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories. He problems in circuit and device simulation, pack- returned to MIT in 1968 as a member of the faculty aging, and micromechanical system design. In addi- and a principal investigator in RLE's Auditory Physi- tion, his group investigates parallel computation and ology Group. His recent investigations have the interaction between numerical algorithms and involved measuring hair cell stereociliary tuft computer architecture. Dr. White is a graduate of motions in relation to frequency selectivity in 458 RLE Progress Report Number 139 Appendix C. Milestones alligator lizard cochlea. These studies have contrib- labs. His recent research interests have focused on uted to the understanding of acoustic analysis in fundamental null experiments and surface studies in more complex mammalian cochlea.
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