Israelis retaliate for attack on bus while PLO faction claims responsibility BEIRUT (AP) -- A splinter faction of camp near Beirut Airport. The Israeli official says that is Meanwhile, an Egyptian government a Palestine Liberation group has This was despite claims that the because the U.N. cooperates with the spokesman denied a report yesterday claimed responsibility for Sunday's mainstream of the radical Popular Palestine Liberation Organization. that President Sadat's top domestic terror attack in London. Front had nothing to do with the aide, Prime Minister Mamdouh Salem, An El Al stewardess was killed and terrorist attack. Last night, President Jimmy Carter has submitted his resignation. nine other persons were wounded when In any case, the group headed by termed the Israeli raid "a tragedy," The earlier report came from Arab gunmen raked an El Al crew bus George a Habash suffered for the at- adding that he had not been offi- senior cabinet official outside a London hotel. One of the who also is tack as the refugee camp, said to be cially briefed on the action. an official of attackers was also killed. the political party a PFLP stronghold, was strafed by At the same time, he called the Salam heads. Those claiming responsibility are the Israeli planes. climate between Egypt and Israel That source said Salem told other a faction of the Popular Front for The Israelis are blaming the at- "generally good," referring to the party officials of his plans. the Liberation of Palestine-Special tack, at least in part, on the Uni- prospects for the upcoming Camp Da- The party was the ruling one in Operations. ted Nations. vid summit. Egypt until Sadat formed a new one The charge d'affaires of the Is- He also emphasized that the issues with himself as its head. Israeli warplanes, retaliating for raeli mission sent a letter to U.N. that divide Israeli Prime Minister the attack, blasted Palestinian bas- Secretary-General Kurt Walheim yes- Menachem Begin and Egyptian Presi- Sadat's move, to get more control es in Lebanon yesterday. terday which reads: "The United Na- dent Anwar Sadat remain significant. over domestic politics, had the ef- Witnesses said five guerrillas tions and its various organs lend But he said he feels the two lead- fect of taking away Salem's party were killed and 14 were wounded in themselves to the aims of Arab ter- ers appear determined to make pro- leadership. However, Salam was an air raid on a Palestinian refugee ror." gress at the summit. praised by Sadat in recent speeches. U. & NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO IRAY. CUBA Vol. 33 No. 159 The Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper Tuesday, August 22, 1978 1% - Columbus, Ohio still without approved desegregation plan WASHIINGTON (AP) -- The Justice De- NcCree says the stay is improper School Board's appeal for a stay partment argued yesterday for the unless the board shows more limited while it brings the U.S. Supreme U .S. Supreme-Court to let a plan to desegregation action would be "ap- Court an appeal of a desegregation use busing to desegregate schools appropriate" order. Your water bill is $300,000 iin Columbus, Ohio, take effect when The NAACP also has asked the court The appellate court said a stay this month! t he schools open Sept. 7. to let the plan be implemented, now, in the face of school openings See page 3. Solicitor-General Wade dcCreeThe use of businton desegr"gap- next weekwould be disrupti LA WC , WUpUV LLsLY-V . asked the court to overturn a ruling schools in Dayton, Ohio, received a by Justice William Rehnquist, who green light yesterday from a federal stayed the plan, calling it over- appeals court. board. The court turned down the Dayton Carter continues vacation in Idaho BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- President Jimmy On that subject, he had some pre- Wash D.C. voting rights to be decided Carter, who once made the long trek raft trip thoughts. from Plains, Ga., to the White House, He said Prime Minister Menachem WASHINGTON (AP) -- The future voting sued the president's statement to- is headed down the "River of No Re- Begin and President Anwar Sadat ap- day. In of the citizens in the District of it, he called the issue a turn" today. parently determined to make pro- Columbia will be on the line today. human rights priority. He and his family are beginning a gress, despite the differences Residents of the nation's capital But the Senate has already turned three-day rafting and camping trip still dividing them. now have a single non-voting con- down efforts to make D.C. either a down Idaho's Salmon River. gressman while they pay above aver- state or a part of Maryland. Carter has said he'll be out of The trip is part of an extended age taxes and serve in the military. Backers of the D.C.-vote plan con- touch, or as out of touch as you can vacation that will take Carter and The Senate will decide on a con- sider those two rejections a test of be with Strategic Air Command planes family later in the week to the stitutional amendment to give them support for their idea and they're hovering in the area. Grand Teton National Park for a week full voting rights, an amendment pleased. When Carter does return, he faces of fishing, hiking, resting and some President Jimmy Carter says he wants If it passes, the next requirement intensive preparations for the up- possible horseback riding. very much to see approved. would be approval by 75 percent of coming Mideast peace summit at Camp Carter is expected to return from The White House Press Office is- the states. David. his two-week holiday on Sept. 1. Conclave to elect new pope starts Friday The following is a special all cardinals have voted, the bal- the first pope and there has never report on the process for lots are recorded and read aloud by been a pope called Peter II. SDateline. selecting the person who will three "scrutinizers." How secret is the voting? e the successor to Pope Paul In theory any male Roman Catholic The word "conclave" itself comes can be elected pope. But in prac- from the Latin "cum clave," meaning VATICAN CITY (AP) -- On Friday, car- tice, the last non-cardinal was "with key." The cardinals will be WASHINGTON (AP) -- A State Depart- dinals of the Roman Catholic Church elected 600 years ago. locked into the conclave area for ment spokeswoman has commented on will file into the famed Sistine Two ballots are held each morning the duration. With them will be published reports that Vietnam has Chapel and open their conclave to and two in the afetrnoon. A majori- about 70 other persons, church of- found the remains of 11 Americans elect a successor to Pope Paul VI. ty of 2/3 plus one is needed for ficials, priests to give confes- listed as missing and would return It is unlike any election anywhere, election. sions in various languages, two doc- them. based on an 800-year-old formula mod- If a pope is not chosen after tors, one or two male nurses and Anita Stockman said last night ified 32 times. three days, the cardinal electors technicians to guard against any that "We welcome the return of fur- Here is how the church's 263rd pon- take a pause for prayers and dis- possible use of film or recording de- ther MIA remains" from Vietnam. tiff will be selected: cussion. They then resume. If the vices. Only cardinals of the church and conclave is still deadlocked after Each cardinal as well as the others WASHINGTON (AP) -- A spokesman for only those who have not passed their seven more ballots, there is another will be sworn to secrecy with the the Ford Motor Company says owners 80th birthday at the moment of entry pause and then futher voting. penalty of excommunication. of 1.5 million Pintos and 30,000 into the conclave will vote. A to- If after another seven ballots At the end of each session, puffs Mercury Bobcats are being recalled. tal of 114 of the 129 cardinals are they are still deadlocked, the car- of smoke billowing from a chimney He says the word will go out after under 80 and eligible. But three dinals can decide to switch to a sticking out a window in the Sistine modification parts now being manu- are ill, so only 111 are expected to simple majority plus one or a runoff Chapel will signal to the world the factured make it to dealerships. be present. Their average age is 66. between the top two candidates. outcome, black smoke for inconclu- The National Highway Traffic Safe- Each cardinal writes his choice on They also can decide to delegate sive ballots and white smoke for the ty Administration says the cars a rectangular card under Latin words the voting to an assembly of nine to election of a new pope. could catch fire after rear-end col- which say "I chose a pope," Eligo in 15 cardinals. lisions. summum pontificem. The Apostolic Constitution on the But the identity of the new pope Then each cardinal, in order of conclave also allows selection of a won't be known until the door of the LONDON (AP) -- The Salvation Army .saaerfy, approaches an altar set pope by acclamation or the delega- main balcony of St. Peter's Basilica has parted ways with the World Coun- up in the chapel, kneels, prays for tion of the choice to a group at the swings open and the senior cardinal cil of Churches over a council de- a short time and then arises and pro- start without any general balloting.
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