M.K.Peterson Library New Additions April - July 2010 PUB CALL_NO TITLE / Author PUBLISHER DATE Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds / by AZ999 .M34 1993 Charles Mackay ; with a forward by Bernard Baruch. Barnes & Noble, c1993. You've got to be kidding! : how jokes can help you think / John Capps BC177 .C3455 2009 and Donald Capps. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Industrial and organizational psychology / Walter C. Borman, Daniel R. Ilgen, Richard J. Klimoski, volume editors ; Irving B. Weiner, editor-in- BF121.H1955 2003 chief. Wiley, c2003. Ref. BF176 .A5 1997 Psychological testing / Anne Anastasi, Susana Urbina. Prentice Hall, c1997. BF176 .G76 2003 Handbook of psychological assessment / Gary Groth-Marnat. John Wiley & Sons, c2003. Psychological testing : principles, applications, and issues / Robert M. BF176 .K36 2001 Kaplan, Dennis P. Saccuzzo. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, c2001. BF181 .C48 2001 Experimental methodology / Larry B. Christensen. Allyn and Bacon, c2001. BF385 .H48 2001 Your memory : how it works and how to improve it / Kenneth L. Higbee. Marlowe & Co., c2001. What intelligence tests miss : the psychology of rational thought / Keith BF431 .S687 2009 E. Stanovich. Yale University Press, c2009. Reading in the brain : the science and evolution of a human invention / BF456.R2 D36 2009 Stanislas Dehaene. Viking, 2009. Emotion science : cognitive and neuroscientific approaches to BF531 .F69 2008 understanding human emotions / Elaine Fox. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Age of empathy : nature's lessons for a kinder society / Frans de Waal ; BF575.E55 W33 2009 with drawings by the author. Harmony Books, c2009. Loneliness : human nature and the need for social connection / John T. BF575.L7 C23 2008 Cacioppo and William Patrick. W.W. Norton & Co., c2008. Professional counselor's desk reference / edited by Irmo Marini, Mark BF636.6 .M37 2009 A. Stebnicki. Springer Pub., c2009. Brooks/Cole Thomson BF637.C6 B722 2001 Basic skills in psychotherapy and counseling / Christiane Brems. Learning, c2001. Counseling the culturally diverse : theory and practice / Derald Wing BF637.C6 S85 2003 Sue, David Sue. J. Wiley, c2003. BF637.S8 C37 2009 How to win friends and influence people / Dale Carnegie. Simon & Schuster, 2009. Ref. BF698 .H63 2010 Handbook of personality and self-regulation / edited by Rick H. Hoyle. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes / edited by John P. Robinson, Phillip R. Shaver, Lawrence S. Wrightsman ; BF698.4 .M38 1990 contributors, Frank M. Andrews ... [et al.]. Academic Press, c1991. Complete book of palmistry : includes secrets of Indian thumb reading / BF921 .W399 2001 Richard Webster. Llewellyn Publications, 2001. Malleus maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger. Translated with introductions, bibliography, and notes by Montague BF1569.A2 I5 1971 Summers. Dover [1971] Just a job? : communication, ethics, and professional life / George BJ1725 .J87 2010 Cheney ... [et al.]. Oxford University Press, 2010. BL2760 .J33 2004 Freethinkers : a history of American secularism / Susan Jacoby. Metropolitan Books, 2004. Ref. BP40 .G85 2010 Guide to Islamist movements / edited by Barry Rubin. M.E. Sharpe, c2010. University of Notre Dame BP130.4 .W24 2008 Opening the Qur'an : introducing Islam's holy book / Walter H. Wagner. Press, c2008. Garden and the fire : heaven and hell in Islamic culture / Nerina BP166.8 .R87 2009 Rustomji. Columbia University Press, c2009. Dying for heaven : holy pleasure and suicide bombers--why the best BP190.5.T47 G57 2009 qualities of religion are also its most dangerous / Ariel Glucklich. HarperOne, c2009. Rise of Western Christendom : triumph and diversity, A.D. 200-1000 / BR162.3 .B76 2003 Peter Brown. Blackwell Publishers, 2003. BR305.3 .D58 2002 Reformation in Germany / C. Scott Dixon. Blackwell Publishers, 2002. BR305.3 .M23 2004 Reformation / Diarmaid MacCulloch. Viking, 2004. Lost Christianities : the battle for Scripture and the faiths we never BS2840 .E4 2003 knew / Bart D. Ehrman. Oxford University Press, 2003. CT22 .H36 2008 How to do biography : a primer / Nigel Hamilton. Harvard University Press, 2008. CT759 .R32 2000 Renaissance lives : portraits of an age / Theodore K. Rabb. Basic Books, 2000. Escape from Saddam : the incredible true story of one man's journey to CT1919.I78 A47 2007b freedom / Lewis Alsamari. Three Rivers Press, c2007. Empires in world history : power and the politics of difference / Jane D32 .B94 2010 Burbank and Frederick Cooper. Princeton University Press, c2010. New Cambridge medieval history set / edited by Paul Fouracre ... [et D117 .N48 2005 al.]. Cambridge University Press, 2005. Peoples and empires : a short history of European migration, exploration, and conquest, from Greece to the present / Anthony D135 .P33 2003 Pagden. Modern Library, 2003. Sacred violence : the European crusades to the Middle East, 1095- D157 .C53 2009 1396 / Jill N. Claster. University of Toronto Press, c2009. Belknap Press of Harvard D157 .T89 2006 God's war : a new history of the Crusades / Christopher Tyerman. University Press, 2006. First Crusade : the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source University of Pennsylvania D161.1 .F57 1998 materials / edited by Edward Peters. Press, c1998. University of Pennsylvania D161.2 .R48 2009 First Crusade and the idea of crusading / Jonathan Riley-Smith. Press, 2009. Making of Europe : conquest, colonization, and cultural change, 950- D200 .B27 1994 1350 / Robert Bartlett. Princeton University Press, c1994. D200 .B76 1999 Renaissance / Alison Brown. Longman, 1999. Short history of Renaissance and Reformation Europe : dances over D200 .Z66 2009 fire and water / Jonathan W. Zophy. Pearson Prentice Hall, c2009. Crisis of the twelfth century : power, lordship, and the origins of D201.8 .B57 2009 European government / Thomas N. Bisson. Princeton University Press, c2009. D203 .J64 2000 Renaissance : a short history / Paul Johnson. Modern Library, 2002. After Tamerlane : the rise and fall of global empires, 1400-2000 / John 2009, D210 .D28 2009 Darwin. Bloomsbury Press, 2008. D258 .B66 2002 Thirty Years' War 1618-1648 / Richard Bonney. Osprey Publ., 2002. Globalization and security : an encyclopedia / G. Honor Fagan and Ref. D763.M47 G56 2009 Ronaldo Munck, editors. Praeger Security International, c2009. Globalization and security : an encyclopedia / G. Honor Fagan and Ref. D763.M47 G56 2009 Ronaldo Munck, editors. Praeger Security International, c2009. Remembering survival : inside a Nazi slave-labor camp / Christopher R. D805.P7 B76 2010 Browning. W.W. Norton & Co., c2010. Soldier from the war returning : the greatest generation's troubled D810.V42 U635 2009 homecoming from World War II / Thomas Childers. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. D843 .G22 2005 Cold War : a new history / John Lewis Gaddis. Penguin Press, 2005. Shock of the global : the 1970s in perspective / edited by Niall Belknap Press of Harvard D848 .S53 2010 Ferguson ... [et al.]. University Press, 2010. Empire project : the rise and fall of the British world-system, 1830-1970 DA16 .D296 2009 / John Darwin. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Belknap Press of Harvard DD256.5 .F747 2008 Life and death in the Third Reich / Peter Fritzsche. University Press, c2008. DG311 .C36 1993 Later Roman empire, AD 284-430 / Averil Cameron. Harvard University Press, 1993. Fall of the Roman Empire : a new history of Rome and the Barbarians / 2007, DG311 .H43 2005 Peter Heather. Oxford University Press, c2006. 2001, DG533 .P56 2001 Italian Renaissance / J.H. Plumb. Houghton Mifflin, c1989. DG737.9 .M376 2003 April blood : Florence and the plot against the Medici / Lauro Martines. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reinterpreting Russian history : readings, 860-1860's / compiled and DK3 .R45 1994 edited by Daniel H. Kaiser, Gary Marker. Oxford University Press, 1994. Russian empire : a multiethnic history / Andreas Kappeler ; translated DK33 .K35713 2001 by Alfred Clayton. Longman, 2001. DK43 .C35 2006 Cambridge history of Russia / edited by Maureen Perrie. Cambridge University Press, 2006. DK49 .H68 1997 Russia : people and empire, 1552-1917 / Geoffrey Hosking. Harvard University Press, 1997. DK131 .C73 2003 Revolution of Peter the Great / James Cracraft. Harvard University Press, 2003. Russian thinkers / Isaiah Berlin ; edited by Henry Hardy and Aileen DK189.2 .B47 2008 Kelly ; with an introduction by Aileen Kelly. Penguin Books, 2008. Media relations department of Hizbollah wishes you a happy birthday : unexpected encounters in the changing Middle East / Neil DS49.7 .M28 2009 MacFarquhar. PublicAffairs, c2009. Dining with al-Qaeda : three decades exploring the many worlds of the DS49.7 .P67 2010 Middle East / Hugh Pope. Thomas Dunne Books, 2010. DS79.66.Y36 T38 2008 Poet of Baghdad : a true story of love and defiance / Jo Tatchell. Broadway Books, c2008. Judea, Samaria, and Gaza : views on the present and future / edited by DS127.6.O3 J83 Daniel J. Elazar. American Enterprise Institute, c1982. DS318.9 .M35 2008 Ayatollah begs to differ : the paradox of modern Iran / Hooman Majd. Doubleday, c2008. Empires of the Silk Road : a history of Central Eurasia from the Bronze DS329.4 .B43 2009 Age to the present / Christopher I. Beckwith. Princeton University Press, c2009. To live or to perish forever : two tumultous years in Pakistan / Nicholas 2010, DS389 .S36 2010 Schmidle. Henry Holt and Co. , c2009. DS557.7 .V5664 1989x Vietnam War day by day / introduction by Fox Butterfield ; general Oversize editor, John S. Bowman. Mallard
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