IMA’S Karnatak a State Health Scheme 'Your Health Our Concern' ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING NOTICE 2018-19 ANNUAL REPORT & AUDITED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 Host : IMA Chamarajanagar Branch Chamarajanagar Instute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) Venue Chamarajanagar On Friday the 18th October 2019 Date Kindly see the at 10.00 am onwards Page No.21a for IMA KSHS Elecon Noficaon and Head Ofice : IMA House, Aluru Venkata Rao Road, Bengaluru- 560015 Nominaon form Ph : 080 - 26703258 | Email : [email protected] Working Ofice : The Secretory, IMA Karnataka State Health Scheme-IMA- KSHS, Shushrusha Nursing Home, LG Road, Near Mahaveer Circle, Gangavathi-583227. | M : 9448122978 Email : [email protected] | [email protected] | Website : www.imahealthscheme.org MANAGING COMMITTEE IMA Karnataka State Chapter Dr. ANNADANI M METI President Dr. SRINIVASA S. Honorary Secretary Dr. VEERANNA B. Treasurer Dr. KARAVEERAPRABHU K. Joint Secretary IMA KSHS Chairman Dr. V.V. CHINIWALAR GANGAVATHI 9448122978 Vice. Chairman Dr. HONNEGOUDA HASSAN 9448118299 Vice. Chairman Dr. MAHALINGA. B. RAICHUR 9342710474 Secretary IMA KSHS Dr. SHARANABASAVA SANKANUR GANGAVATHI 9448896643 JT. Secretary Dr. H.K NAGESH HASSAN 8861951303 Dr. A.S SARVESHA RAJE URS MYSORE 9448434261 Dr. PANDURANGA NAYAK BHATKAL 9448081270 Treasurer Dr. MADHUSUDHANA KARIGANURU SIRUGUPPA 9448237145 Vigilance officer Dr. S.T YAVAGAL BANGALURU 9845005350 Ex. Officio - Secretary IMA KSB Dr. SRINIVASA S. BANGALURU Scrunizing Officer Dr. K.T PRAKASH REDDY HOSAPETE 9448415777 Scrunizing Commiee Members Dr. YOGANANDA REDDY Y.C BALLARI 9844085120 Dr. B VEERANNA BANGALURU 9448250685 Dr. ANNADANI METI MUNDARGI 9448629611 Dr. VIJAYA VENKATESH P MARIYAMMANHALLI 9449654186 Dr. R.P HIREMATH GANGAVATHI 9448133295 Dr. JASPAL SINGH TEHALIA VIJAYAPUR 9448139330 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS INDEX 1) Notice of The Annual General Body Meeting 2 2) Chairman pen 3 3) Secretary desk 5 4) List of Members enrolled since 6 inception of the scheme 5) Election Notiication And Nomination Form 21a 6) List of members to whom Health claim 25 amount reimbursed 7) Defaulter of IMA KSHS Premium - 3 28 8) Upper limit of reimbursement amount 29 in the scheme as on 1-10-2019 9) IMA KSHS Demise Members 32 10) Audited accounts from 1-4-2018 to 33 31-03-2019. 11) Details of Mutual funds 38 12) KSHS Membership Details since inception 39 13) Minutes of the Annual General Body 40 meeting held at Toranagallu on 28-10-2018 1 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS Indian Medical Association, Karnataka State Health Scheme Working office : Shushrusha Nursing Home, L.G. Road, Near Mahaveer Circle, Gangavathi-583227 Head Office : IMA House, Aluru Venkatarao Road, Near IMA Circle, Bengaluru-560018 NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING Annual General Body Meeting of the IMA Karnataka State Health Scheme will be held under the auspices of IMA Chamarajanagar Branch on Friday the 18th October 2019 at Lecture Hall-I at 10.00.A.M at Chamarajanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) Chamarajanagar. All the Members are requested to attend the Meeting. A G E N D A 01. Welcome by the Chairman 02. IMA Prayer 03. Reading of the Meeting Notice 04. Messages of Inability to attend, if any 05. Reading and Confirmation of the Last Annual General Body Meeting held at J-Max Theatre, Jindal Campus, Toranagallu, Ballary District 06. Enrolment of New members from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 (list enclosed) 07. Adoption of Secretary's Report of the year 08. Presentation and adoption of the audited accounts for year 01-04-2018 to 31-03-2019 09. Appointment of Auditor and fixing the remuneration 10. Budget for the year 2019-20 11. Ratification of the resolutions Passed by the Managing Committee during the year 2018-19. 12. Any other Business with the permission of Chairman 13. Elections to managing committee of IMA-KSHS for tenure 2019-22. 14. Vote of thanks Thanking you, Your’s sincerely -Sd/- -Sd/- DR.V.V. CHINIWALAR DR. SHARANABASAVA SANKANUR Chairman Secretary 2 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS CHAIRMAN'S PEN Good morning to all IMA KSHS members. On behalf of IMA's Karnataka State Health Scheme and myself, I extend warm welcome to all the members of IMA KSHS and IMA KSB to the General Body meeting and wish them happy DASARA & DEEPAVALI. On behalf of IMA KSHS, I extend my heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family of all the demise members of IMA KSHS since the last General Body meeting. I feel proud to share my experiences as chairman of IMA KSHS since the inception of this scheme to this day almost a term of 3 years. It is the brain Child of me, Dr. Yogananda Reddy, Dr. Honnegouda, Dr. Madhusudhana Kariganuru and Dr.H.K. Nagesh. It was started on 5th September 2016 during the presidentship of Dr. G.N. Prabhakar. Now it is 3 years old child. During this period all the presidents of IMA KSB Dr. R.S. Bellary, Dr. H.N. Ravindra and Dr. Annadani meti have helped and guided a lot to increase the membership growth. I feel proud to inform you that we have completed our term successfully, during this 1st term, we have given claims to 66 members which includes 44 Founder Beneiciary 22 members and Beneiciary members. We have given claim amount upto Rs. 32,98,135/-. I feel sorry to say that the membership growth is not up to the expected level,even after 3 years. We are not able to achieve the target of 500 FOUNDER MEMBERS. Only the members above the age of 60-65 are enrolling for membership. But the Younger generation and even some of the ofice bearers of IMA KSB are not showing interest to enroll. In this regard I visited 3 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS many branches personally, publicized in conferences and contacted on individual basis by SMS, Email and Whatsapp. The beneits of the scheme -1. Age limit up to 85 years. 2. No Medical test required 3. All the existing diseases are covered irrespective of medical, surgical, dialysis, malignancy etc. 4. Can avail the beneit from the other insurance companies if they are already customers of such insuranceschemes. Our scheme is not under IRDA. Some members have expressed the upper limit of 2 lakhs is not suficient, It has to be increased. Yes, we the managing committee members are also thinking of the same, but the source of income has to be increased by the membership growth then we can. The membership strength: - From 05.09.2016 to 31.03.2018 - 503 From 01.04.2018 To 31.03.2019 - 82 From 01.04.2019 To 15.10.2019 - 20 Total 605 Out of these members 492 members have renewed with 3rd premium still 90 members have to be renewed. 8 members are expired, 17 members not interested to renew. Our IMA KSB strength is more than 25000, but IMA KSHS is 606 only. It is progressing slowly and steadily My special thanks to Dr. Yogananda Reddy, Dr. Madhusudhana Kariganur, Dr. Honnegouda, Dr. K.T. Prakash Reddy, Dr. Jaspal singh and Dr. Annadani metti for their guidance and support. I also thank all the managing and scrutinizing committee members who have attended the meetings and guided in smooth functioning of the scheme. 4 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS SECRETARY DESK Dear esteemed members of IMA KSHS, a warm wishes to you all from our committee. On the occasion of Dasara and Deeepavali we pray god to bless you with honour, dignity and success. All your family deserves such rewards for being good throughout the year to their professional colleagues. The scheme has completed 3 years successfully. We need more members to get into the scheme with the motto of being helpful to other colleagues. Our scheme though may not fulill the total health needs of its members, deinitely it will help them inancially to certain extent. I request the IMA KSB ofice bearers to motivate their local branch members to enroll into the scheme to make it more robust. I thank all the members of our team IMA KSHS for their support and help. Long live IMA KSHS. - Dr. Sharanabasava Sankanur IMA PRAYER May everybody be happy May everybody be healthy May everybody be free from pain May everybody be free from sorrow May we be the healing cure Beyond every greed & lure 5 IMA' IMA'S KARNATAKA STATE HEALTH SCHEME KSHS List of Members enrolled since inception of the scheme TOTAL SL. FM DATE OF AGE ON AMOUNT KSHS NO NAME BRANCH NO & JOINING JOINING ON BM ADMISSION 1 KSHS0001 DR. SURESH T YAVAGAL FM 12-09-2016 "68Y8M" BANGALORE 13000 2 KSHS0002 SHOBHA S. YAVAGAL BM 12-09-2016 "60Y1M" BANGALORE 11000 3 KSHS0003 DR. VEERABHADRAPPA V FM 09-09-2016 "61Y8M" GANGAVATHI 11000 CHINIWALAR 4 KSHS0004 DR. SULOCHANA. V. FM 12-09-2016 "60Y3M" GANGAVATHI 11000 CHINIWALAR 5 KSHS0005 DR. SRISHAIL CHINIWALAR FM 12-09-2016 "36Y4M" GANGAVATHI 7000 6 KSHS0006 Dr. AMBIKA S.CHINIWALAR FM 12-09-2016 "32Y5M" GANGAVATHI 5000 7 KSHS0007 Kum. SHUBHADA. S. BM 12-09-2016 "6Y 6M" GANGAVATHI 4000 CHINIWALAR 8 KSHS0008 Kum. AVYUKTH. S. BM 12-09-2016 "2Y4M" GANGAVATHI 4000 CHINIWALAR 9 KSHS0009 CHIETANKUMAR. V. BM 09-09-2016 "32Y3M" GANGAVATHI 5000 CHINIWALAR 10 KSHS0010 NANDAKUMAR. S.GADGI BM 17-09-2016 "59Y5M" GULBARGA 11000 11 KSHS0011 VIDYA NANADAKUMAR GADGI BM 17-09-2016 "54Y9M" GULBARGA 9000 12 KSHS0012 VIJAYA VENKATESH BM 12-09-2016 "64Y6M" HOSPET 11000 13 KSHS0013 Dr.ANANTHARAJ. N.GOGI FM 12-09-2016 "62Y2M" GANGAVATHI 11000 14 KSHS0014 PADMA.A.GOGI BM 12-09-2016 "52Y2M" GANGAVATHI 9000 15 KSHS0015 DEVAKINANDAN.A.GOGI BM 12-09-2016 "26Y9M" GANGAVATHI 5000 16 KSHS0016 Dr.G.CHANDRAPPA FM 14-09-2016 "67Y3M" GANGAVATHI 13000 17 KSHS0017 SMT.
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