666 woo SUSSEX. [ KELLY'S Won:i John, 21 Old Steine, Brighton Woodhead S.A.,B. Se. Grammar schl. Uckfid Woolner Mrs. 68 Dyke road, Brighton Wo'ld John Ea.rly, Haddocks Hill road, Bex- Woodhouse G. Gordon, Wootton house, Woolnough John William, 6 Vicarage drive, hill, Haatings Folkington, Polcgate R. 8.0 Old town, Eastbourne Wood J. H. 92 Cla.rendon rd. HovEl,Brghtn Woodhouse Mrs. 1 Arundel terrace, Kemp Woolsey· Rev. Henry M.A. St. John's col- Wood Jonathan, 48 Exeter street, Brighton town, Brighton lege, Hurstpierpoint Wood J. T. H. Mayfield pi. Eastbourne Woodhouse Mrs. Bagner villa, Shelley rd. Woolston Henry, 169 Saxon road, HW!tings Wood Miss, 36 Arundel rd. Llttlehampton WDrthing Woolston H. 3 Wellington houses, Hastings Wood Miss, 3 College pi. Kemp tn. Brghtn Woodhouse Mrs. 18 Montpelier pl. Brighton Woolven Mrs. 10 Pelham square, Brighton Wood Miss, Gra.ffham, Petworth Woodhouse William Robert, West end, Woolven T. London rd. Burgess Hill R.S.O Wood Mis!l., 21 Marlborough st. Brighton Ditchling, Hassocks R.S.O Woolver Albert E. 35 Queen'11 pi. Bhoreham Wood Miss, North cottage, Upper Maze Woodland Rev. Clement Colby M .. Vicar- Woolver Geo. :P. 7 Queen'a place, Bhoreham hill, Blt. Leona.rds age, Hammerwood, East Grinstead Woolver Thomas, 8 Queen's pl. Shoreham Wood Miss, 71 Southover street, Brighton Woodman MiSE!, Selsey, ChichAster Wootton Alfred, North street, Petworth Wood Miss, 1 Trinity vill!!.\'1, Hastings Woodma.n R. J.l3 Beaconsfield vils.Brightn Wordley Frederick, 9 Shornden villas, Wood Miss, Warrenficld, Southbourne, Ems- Woodman Thom:~s C. 2 Cambridge road, Bohemia road, St. Leonards worth Hove, Brighton Wordsworth Miss, The Homl~stead, 811. Wood Misses, 34 Brunswk. pl. Hove, Brghtn Woodman William Henry, Ferndale, South­ Botolph's road, Heene, Worthing Wood Misses, Kensin~?ton villa, Haddocks bourne, Emsworth Worger Edward, !.15 Londnn road, Brighton Hill road, Bexhill, Hastin!o!"s Woodrofl.'e Augustus Warren B.A., M.D. World Mrs. 6 Pelham terrace, LewPs Wood Mrl!. 47 Albany viis. Hove, Brighton 'l'icehurst, Hawkhurst Worley Newnham James., 7 PlyU:immoll Wood Mrs. Beachy Head cottage, Nutley, Woodrofl'e Henry Long, Highfield, The terrace, Priory road, Hastings Uckfleld Wallands, Lewes Worms Baron George de F.ll.C+.S., F.S.A., Wood Mrs. 6 Cissbury rd. Hove, Brighton Woodrow Edwin, 23 Sudeley street, Kemp F.G. S., D.L. ,J.P .27 Adelaide cres.Brightn Wood MTs. Hickstead place, Twineham, town, Brighton Worsfold William, Copthorne, Crawley Hayward's Heath Woodrow Miss, Holyrood, Upper High st. Worsley Mrs. Delta cottage, Forest Row Wood Mrs. Hunsdon, Easebourne, Midhurst Worthing Worsley Richard, Broxmead, Cuckfield., Wood MTs. 11 Markwick ter. St. Leonards Woodruff Edward Olark, Oaklands park, Hayward's Heath Wood Mrs. 16 Maze hill. St. Leonards Hurstpierpoinb, Hassocks R. S.O Worster John, 48 ClRrence sq. Brighton Wood Mrs. 95 Milward road, Hl!.\'ltings Woodruff George Baldwin J.P. 24 Second Worth George, 2 FitzaJan terrace, The Wood Mrs. Ockley manor, Keymer, Has· avenue, Hove, Brighton Causeway, Arundel 1!0Ck9 R. S. 0 Woodruff William Herbe>rt., 49 Westbourne W orthington Miss, 8 Sea field road, Hove, Wood Mrs. Providence house, Cambridge villas, Hove, Brighton Brighton terrace, Seaside, Eastbourne Wo<1drufl.'e Capt. Charles, Old Roar house, Wottxm Mrs. Walberton, Arundel Wood Mrs. 2 Ventnor villas, Hove,Brghtn Silverhill park, St. Leonards Wrag!l Mrs. 1 Madeira terrace, Kemp town, Wood Mrs. 37 York: road, Hove, Brighton Woods Col. James A. 20 Clarendon villas, Brighton Wood MTS. Charles\ Glenthorne, Arundel Hove, Brighton Wragge Mrs. 28 Upperton rd. Eastbourne road, Eastbourne Woods Rev. F. T., B.A. 4 Derwent road, Wraight W. Perrins fann, Wadhurst S.O Wood Mrs. J. Oakfield, HuTst rd. Horsham Eastbourne Wratten George, 168a, Harold rd. Hastings Wood Mrs. J. E. 25 Highcroft terrace, Dyke Woods Rev. William, Rehoboth lodge, Wratten John, 114 Braybrooke rd. Hastings Road drive, Brighton Whyke road, Whyke, Chichester Wratten Mrs. 25 Park road, Hastings Wood Richard, Parkmead house, Keymer, Woods F. Dunedin, Raven's rd. Shoreham Wray Rev. Vincent Placid O.S.B. The Pres- Hassocks R.S.O Woods G. 100 Mt. Pleallant rd. Hastings bytery, Mark cross..-Tunbridge Wells Wood Richard, 23 St. Andrew'~ sq.Hstngs Woolli! G. 37 Portland rd. Hove, Brighton Wreith Miss, Wenlock house, Burlington Wood Richard James, Derwent lodge, St. Woods Hy. Newsome, 143 High st. Lewes place, Eastbourne Helen's PaTk road, Hastings Woods Jas. Ivy lo. Godwin rd. Hastings Wren Miss, 7 Alpine road, Hastings Wood Robert, :16 Preston road, Brighton Woods Jn. Wm. J.P. Chilgrove, Chichester Wrey Mrs. 73 Upper North 11t. Brighton Wood Thomas George, Oxford house, West Woods Matthew Herbert, Great Ot:e hall, Wright Rev. Frank Wynyard B . .A.. Grange Tarring, Worthing Wivelsfield, Burgess Hill R.S.O gate, Carew road, Eastbourne Wood Thos. Godwin, 2 Argyle rd. Brighton Woods Miss, Avenue house, The Avenue, Wright Rev. Roger John B.A.. Kilverstone1 Wood Thos. W. 95 Enys rd. Ea~tbourne Eastbourne Madeira avenue, Worthing Wood Walter, 21 Old Steine, Brighton Woods Miss, Elmcroft, Church rd. Heene, Wright Rev. William Heber M.A. 26 Wood Wm. Hawthorn, !field, Orawley Worthing Selden road, Worthing Wood Wm. 28 Kensington pl!!Ce, Brighton Woods Miss, The Randa:ls, Town Row, Wrigbt Arthur, 26 Park crescent, Brighton Wood Wm. 9 Prestonville road, Brighton Tunbridge Wells Wright Benjamin, 13 St. Matthew's terrace, Wood William, jun. Stanhope, Chinese lane, Woods Mrs. 5 Clyde road, Brighton London road, St. Leonards Hnrl!tpieTlJoint, Ha~socks R. S. 0 Woods Mrs. 22 Preston Pk. aven. Bri~hton Wright 0. 53 Round Hill cres. Bri~hton Wood William, The Knoll, Hurstpierpoint, Woods Thomas, 2 Grange gardens, Black- Wright Charles Henry, Park side, Ease- Hassocktt R.SI.O water road, Eastbourne bourne, Midhurst Wood Wm. J. 21 St. Andrew's sq. Hastings Woods W; 43 New Town rd. Hove,Brightn Wright Chas. J. 62 High street, Worthing Woodall E. The Nook, Lovers' wlk.Brghtn Woodward Rev. Edmund Henry M.A. 13 Wright C. 8.65 St. Helen's rd. Hastings Woodall Mrs. 20 Kenilwocth rd. St. Lnrds St. George's ter. Kemp town, Brighton Wright Edwd. Sea view, Goring, Worthing Woodard William Blachford LL.M. Lanc- Woodward Rev. John Peckham Skirrow Wright Everest, 12 Hampton pl. Brighton ing College, Shoreham M.A. Rectory, South Plumpton, Lewes Wright F. 52 Round Hill cres. Brighton Woodbridge Arthur, Esmond house, Steyne, Woodward Rev. Richard Salisbury M . .A.. Wright E. 153 Mt. Pleasant rd. Hastings Bognor • Vicarage, Grange road, }';!llltbourne Wright G. 67 Round Hill cres. Brighton W oodbridge Geo. J.P. 81 North st.Chichstr Woodward .A.. A.Manor ho.High st.Worthng Wright H. L.· 15 Clermont terrace, Woodcock John Thomas, 22 Stafford road, Woodward Misses, South lawn, St. Paul's Preston, Brighton Buxton road, Brighton place, St. Leonards Wrl~ht Henry, 7 Glebe villas, New Church Woodcock Mis.s, Goldilea, Christ Church Woodward Mrs. Hurstlea, Royal parade, road, Portslade, Brighton toad, Worthing Eastbourne Wright Isaac, Ferry road, Rye Woodcock Mrs. Butlers green,- Cuckfield, Woodward Mrs. 9 Montpelier vilt~. Brighton Wright J. J.45 New Town rd.Hove,Brlghtn Hay word's Heath Woodward Mrs. 45 Preston rd. Brighton Wright John, Prior's farm, Worth, Crawley Woodcock R. The Cot. Rudgwick, Horsham Woodyatt Rev. George B.A. 41 Brunswick Wright J. Chas. 6 Bedford gro. Eastbourne Wo!>dcote Mrs. 2 Montgomery st. Hove, prace, H1>ve, Brighton Wright J. H. B Cha.lsworth road, Brighton Brighton Woolard J. S. 27 Hamilton rd. Brighton Wright J. H. 4Ji Terminus rd. Eastbourne Woodd Mrs. Leckby, Hollingtort pk.Hstngs Woolaston Alfred Buchanan, 16 Magdalen Wright Joseph, Rottingdean, Brighton Woodfield Thos. 14 Nelson oroad, Hastings terrace, Bohemia road, Bt. Leonards Wright Joseph, York house, Midhnrst Woodfine Mrs. The Downes, Compton road, Wooldridge Frederick, Rickman lane,Piais­ Wright J. M. Savernake, Olive av. Hastings Rrlghton tow, BillingsbuTst R.S.O Wright John K. 45 Preston road, :Brighton Woodgate A. 9 Brunswick rd. Hove,Brghtn Wooldridge Mrs. Kent lodge, Liverpool gar- Wright Miss, Little Bognor, FittleworthS.O Woodgate Hany, 13 Tamworth rd. Brighton dens, Worthing Wright Mii18, 12 Marine parade, Worthing Woodgate Miss, 9 The Lawn, St. Leonaro11 Wooldridge Mrs. 8 Upperton gdns.Eastbrne Wright MisM, 18 Billwood road, Brighton Woodgate Mrs. 42 Carisbrooke rd. St.Lnrds Woolett Wm. 11 Bedford place, Brighton Wright Miss, The Laurels, Five Oaks, Bil- WOfldgate Mra. 10 Hardwick rd.Eastbourne Woolf L. 1 Brunswick sq. Hove, Brighton lin~shurst R. S. 0 Woodh:uns Albert, Sundvolden~ Western rd. Woolfield Thomas William, 107 Freshfield Wright Misses Hurst, The Hall, Worth, Li'lt lehampton road, Kemp ·town, Brighton Crawley Woodhams Fredk. 19 Powis rd. Brighton Woolgar C. Fletcher's cr<Jft, St6yning R.S.O Wright Mrs. Chicbeater villa, Woodsland Woodhams Frederick George, 10 Devon­ Woolgar 0. A. High street, Steyning R.S.O road, Hassocks R.S.u shire place, Hailsba.m R.S.O Wcolgar E. u. 6 Westcuurt ter. Wocthing Wright Mrs.22 Eversley rd.Bexhill,Hastings Woodhams James, Stonehonse farm, Old Woolgar J. C. 177 Lewea rd. Brighton Wright Mrs. 9 Portland place, Kemp town, Hollingtorr lane, HoHington. Hastings Woolgar Jn. Felling,-15 Nelson rd. Hastings Brighton Woodhams Miss, B Markwick ter. St. T,nrds Woolgar Walter,49a,.Arundel td.Litt!P.hmptn Wright Mrs.l21 Sackville rd.Hove,Brighton Woedha.ms Mrs. Chilsum house, 28 Norfolk Woolger F. 7 Coventry stceet, Brighton Wright Mrs. 8 St. John's road, St. Leonardl road, Littlehampton Woollams WHliamj 3 Vale Bridge villi:\&, Wright Mrs. Small Dole, Up. BeedingR.S.O Woodhams Mra. Hurstmonceu:x, Hailsham Vale Bridge roa~, Burgess Hill R. S. 0 Wright Mrs. Westward HoL A.ldwick rd. B.B.O I • WooUedge Percy, 89 Waldegrave rd.Brightn Bognor Woodhams Mrs.
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