7d5n/8d6n | 23MAY - 6JUN HOKKAIDO IN SPRING A DATE WITH SHIBAZAKURA Akan | Monbetsu | Sounkyo | Otaru | Sapporo 紋別 Monbetsu 層雲峡 Sounkyo 小樽 Otaru 札幌 Sapporo 阿寒湖 Lake Akan 千歳 Chitose 池田 Ikeda 湧別町公园 Kamiyubetsu Tulip Garden s 吉隆坡 北海道 摩周湖 硫磺山 鄂霍次克塔 纹别温泉 + DIY“麻薯” 海豹中心 DAY 于吉隆坡机场集合办理登机手续, DAY DAY 大雪山 层云峡溪谷 1 然后搭乘夜晚航班飞往日本。 3 4 层云峡温泉 • 摩周湖:一个火山口湖,堪称日本最美丽 的湖泊,也是其中一座最深的湖泊。除了清 池田酒城 阿寒摩周国家公园 • 鄂霍次克塔:世界上第一座冰海 澈邃蓝的湖水,摩周湖也经常出现朦胧的雾 展望塔。这里可以360度眺望鄂 爱奴村 阿寒湖 阿寒湖温泉 DAY 气,营造诗情画意的景象。 霍次克海全景,也可在海底楼 裸海蝶 Sea Angel 2 • 硫磺山:川汤温泉的源头。除了可近距离 层透过窗户欣赏深海景色。 • 池田酒城:欣赏具有德国古城堡的建筑外观。 观看硫磺火山口,还可以尝试这里特有的 从1963年开始,酒城不仅酿造葡萄酒,同时 • 鄂霍次克海豹中心:日本唯一的海豹保 温泉蛋。 也制作许多著名商品。 育设施。这里饲养生活在鄂霍次克海的各 • 纹别王子温泉:纹别一家拥有天然温泉的 种海豹,同时也治疗受伤的海豹,帮助他 阿寒摩周国家公园 小型旅馆。这家温泉小酒店的特色就是祖 们回归大海的生活。 位于北海道东部,是当地最古老的国家公园之 传秘方烹饪的“全螃蟹”豪华大餐。 一。它拥有著名及美丽的三个湖泊,即阿寒湖、 • 大雪山:北海道最大的国家公园,也是另 晚上,体验DIY制作日式“麻薯”。 摩周湖、屈斜路湖。 一座最古老的国家公园。搭乘层云峡•黑 (备注:如旺季,此酒店客房满客,将以同 岳缆车登上大雪山顶,能把大雪山群峰的 • 爱奴村落:坐落在阿寒湖温泉区,住着百余位 级酒店取代,当天晚餐及晚上的活动 壮阔美景尽收眼底。(胥视天气情况) 爱奴人(日本仅有的原住民族群)。主街两侧 将以同级酒店而定,恕不另行通知。) 的商店,售卖各种木雕制品和小食。 • 层云峡溪谷:这里有不少瀑布,其中被认为最 湧別町公园 美的两个瀑布,分别是从90米断崖倾泻而下 • 阿寒湖:一座美丽的湖泊,也是国家特别天然纪 (5月23日 - 6月6日) ★ 的流星瀑布(又称男瀑布),以及抽丝引线 念物‘绿球藻’生长的神秘之湖。这个外形酷似 这里种植了约120种郁金香, 般悠悠流下来的银河瀑布(又称女瀑布)。 绿色的毛线球,是这里独有的海藻类。 五彩缤纷的郁金香花海 • 层云峡温泉:住宿于北海道其中一个著名 • 阿寒湖温泉:今晚,夜宿于阿寒 美不胜收。 的温泉区,享受天然的露天浴池和四季分 湖温泉酒店,享用道地美食。 *以出发日期为标准 明的美丽溪谷。 爱奴族 滝上公园赏芝樱 (5月23日 - 6月6日) ★ 精细的木雕手工艺品 旧道厅 大通公园 Ainu Wood Handicraft 粉红芝樱铺满滝之上公园,还有白色, 北海道神宫 大仓山 浅紫色等花卉争妍斗丽, DAY 名牌厂商直销店 势北海道著名春季赏花景点。 6 *以出发日期为标准 • 旧道厅:在1888年建造的欧式建筑,具有巴洛 克风格,如今列为日本重要的文物财产,也是 札幌市著名的地标。随后,途径富有美式建筑 仅限8天6夜行程 风格的钟楼。 • 大通公園:办公楼街区中的绿洲,市民放松身 札幌 自由活动 心的场所。在这里,一年四季都会举行北海道 DAY 节庆活动。宏伟的札幌电视塔,也坐落在此。 6 • 北海道神宮:北海道最具代表性,并是规模最 今日,您可以享受 "NO MORNING 小樽 狸小路 大的神宫。 CALL" 的早晨,在酒店享用早餐。接下 DAY • 大仓山跳跃台滑雪競技場:1972年冬季奥运 来的一整天,都是属于您的自由时光! 5 会跳跃滑雪项目的比赛场地。从这里,您可 在札幌市,您可以尽情地享受购物乐 • 小樽:一座位于札幌西北部的海港城市。 以瞭望整个札幌市。 趣,或者搭乘电车到处游玩。 • 小樽运河:曾经是小樽港口运输区,如今已转 型成观光景点区,是小樽市最著名的地标。 蘋果旅遊独家安排 豪华海鲜宴:由日本大厨特别为您烹调的高 • 小樽步行街:结合漫步、选购精品和品尝 级海鲜料理,绝对让您大饱口福! 请参考7天5夜行程中 甜点的好地方。 这里涵盖著名的北一哨子 DAY 的第6天 玻璃饰品专卖地,以及音乐盒博物馆、美 • 名牌厂商直销店:这里拥有许多日本最流 7 术馆、 咖啡厅、 冰淇淋和甜点店。 行、最值得选购的名牌 。 • 狸小路:札幌市著名的购物街,拥有超过 北海道 吉隆坡 150家的店铺,包括饮食、服饰、药妆、 北海道 吉隆坡 土产店等等。在这里,您也可以途经北海 DAY 今天,我们将搭乘当日班 DAY 今天,我们将搭乘当日班 道最大的不夜城--蒲夜不夜天。 机,离开日本返回家园。 7 机,离开日本返回家园。 8 ★ 开花的状况会因气候或季节的因素而有所变更,敬请见谅。 KUALA LUMPUR LAKE MASHU OKHOTSK TOWER HOKKAIDO RYUOSAN OKHOTSK TOKKARI CENTRE DAY DAY DAY Assemble at airport for MOMBETSU + MT KURODAKE departure flight to Japan. 1 “MOCHI”DIY 3 4 SOUNKYO GORGE • Lake Mashu: One of the Japan’s SOUNKYO HOT SPRING IKEDA WINE CASTLE deepest and most beautiful lake. Be • Okhotsk Tower: The world's first AKAN MASHU NATIONAL PARK mesmerised by the world’s clearest lake of clear blue water; which is often underwater drift ice observatory. DAY AINU VILLAGE LAKE AKAN enveloped in heavy fog. Catch a glimpse of the cute Clione AKAN HOT SPRING (sea angels) flapping their 2 • Ryuosan: A boiling volcano valley, “wings” and observe various where sulphurous fumes rise from • Ikeda Wine Castle: Producing its first bottle of wine sea creatures in their the crevices in the rocks. in 1963 in an old building resembling the European natural habitat. castle. Wines are available for sale as well. • Mombetsu Prince Hotel: Enjoy the • Okhotsk Tokkari Centre: natural onsen in this classic onsen hotel • Akan Mashu National Park: Located at eastern More than 30 seals are kept and savour the Deluxe Kaiseki Crab Hokkaido. Along with Daisetsuzan National Park, at this Seal Protection Centre. Cuisine in the hotel. Experience DIY these are the two oldest national parks in Hokkaido. Watch these adorable seals fun activity making Japanese Mochi 鄂霍次克海豹中心 The park is well known for its three beautiful lakes: upclose showing off some Okhotsk Tokkari at night. (Note: If hotel rooms are fully amusing tricks! Lake Akan, Lake Mashu and Lake Kussharo. occupied during peak season, there will be Centre • Ainu Kotan: A small Ainu village in Akankohan. a change to similar class hotel. Dinner and • Mt. Kurodake: The most easily accessible major Stroll through the streets lined with souvenir night activity will be subject to the hotel’s peaks in Daisetsuzan. The Sounkyo-Kurodake arrangement) shops specialising in Ainu handicrafts. Ropeway is a magnificent gondola ride that takes passengers from the Sounkyo Village to the 5th • Lake Akan: A beautiful crater lake in Akan Kamiyubetsu Tulip Garden station of Mt Kurodake. (subject to weather conditions) National Park. It is the home to “Marimo”, a rare (23MAY - 06JUN) ★ algae species that forms itself into beautiful • Sounkyo Gorge: Flanked on both sides by 150m high Is the most popular destination green balls. The algae have been designated perpendicular cliffs with columnar joints. Visit the during Spring in Hokkaido. There as National Special Natural Monument. most popular and beautiful among all the waterfalls, are more than 120 types of tulips famed 120-meter high Milky Way Waterfall and • Akan Onsen: Overnight at Akan Onsen Resort and 120,000 tulips in the garden. 90-meter high Shooting Stars Waterfall. and enjoy authentic cuisine. *Base on Departure Date • Sounkyo Onsen: One of the famous hot springs in Hokkaido surrounded by picturesque natural FORMER GOVERNMENT landscape. Enjoy the indoor and outdoor bath BUILDING ODORI PARK facilities at Sounkyo Hotel. DAY OTARU TANUKIKOJI DAY HOKKAIDO SHRINE Takinoue Shibazakura Park (23MAY-6JUN) ★ 5 6 OKURAYAMA BRANDED Enjoy the spectacular view of the 100,000 • Otaru is a small harbor city located FACTORY OUTLET square meter park covered in pink, white and northwest of Sapporo City. light purple flowers. *Base on Departure Date • Otaru Canal: A picturesque century old stone warehouses along the nostalgic canal. • Hokkaido's Former Government Building: One of the For 8D6N Tour only Sapporo's major landmark. Drive past the classical • Otaru Handicraft Street: Renowned Sapporo Clock Tower. for its glass handicrafts, music box SAPPORO museum, art gallery, ice-cream & • Odori Park: Located in the heart of Sapporo, it is the DAY FREE & EASY dessert shop. A perfect place for a popular venue for various festivals throughout the 6 stroll, souvenir shopping and satisfy year. The 147.2 meters high Sapporo TV Tower is an Free at Own Leisure: Enjoy some leisure your sweet tooth! attractive landmark of the park. time to explore the breathtaking and • Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade: Have • Hokkaido Shrine: Built in 1869 and one of the most beautiful city! Go shopping, eat or fun shopping here with more than popular temples in Hokkaido. travel around by train. 150 shops ranging from souvenirs, • Okurayama Olympic Ski Jump : Renowned for its ski clothing, cafes, snacks and etc. Drive jump and was used for the Sapporo Winter Olympic Kindly refer to Day 6 past Susukino, Sapporo's most famous Games in 1972. in 7D5N Itinerary. night life and entertainment area. DAY EXCLUSIVE ARRANGEMENT BY APPLE 7 HOKKAIDO Gala Seafood Lunch Enjoy the seafood cuisine prepared by the chef of HOKKAIDO KUALA LUMPUR Hokkaido Kita Gourmet Kitchen at the wet market. KUALA LUMPUR DAY Proceed to airport for • Branded Factory Outlet: One of the famous factory DAY Proceed to airport for 7 your flight home with outlet of branded items on sale. your flight home with unforgettable memories. 8 unforgettable memories. ★ Blooming conditions are subjected to weather or seasonal changes. Your understanding is appreciated. 滝上公园赏芝樱 Takinoue Shibazakura Park 天 早餐 午餐建议 晚餐建议 住宿建议 Day Breakfast Proposed Lunch Proposed Dinner Proposed Accommodation (飞机上) 1 - - - (In-flight) 机上用餐 自理 酒店自助餐 新阿寒酒店 2 Meal on Board Own Arrangement Hotel Buffet New Akan Hotel 酒店早餐 日式套餐 豪华螃蟹会席料理 纹别王子酒店 3 Hotel Buffet Japanese Set Deluxe Kaiseki Crab Cuisine Mombetsu Prince Hotel 酒店早餐 自助式午餐 + 北海道著名咖哩 酒店自助餐 层云峡大雪酒店 4 Hotel Buffet Buffet Lunch with Famous Hokkaido Curry Hotel Buffet Sounkyo Taisetsu Hotel 酒店早餐 石狩火锅 + 刺身 + 花鲫鱼料理 烧烤式自助餐 札幌 Royton 酒店 5 Hotel Buffet Ishikari Nabe Set + Sashimi + Hokke Cuisine Japanese BBQ Buffet Royton Sapporo Hotel 豪华海鲜宴: 酒店早餐 烤帝王蟹 + 鲍鱼 + 扇贝 日式套餐 / 酒店自助餐 北広島Classe饭店 6 Hotel Buffet Gala Seafood Lunch : Japanese Set / Hotel Buffet Kitahiroshima Classe Hotel Grilled King Crab + Abalone + Scallop 酒店早餐 机上用餐 7 - - Hotel Buffet Meal on Board 仅限8天6夜行程 For 8D6N Tour only 酒店早餐 自理 自理 札幌 Royton 酒店 6 Hotel Buffet Own Arrangement Own Arrangement Royton Sapporo Hotel 豪华海鲜宴: 酒店早餐 烤帝王蟹 + 鲍鱼 + 扇贝 日式套餐 / 酒店自助餐 北広島Classe饭店 7 Hotel Buffet Gala Seafood Lunch : Japanese Set / Hotel Buffet Kitahiroshima Classe Hotel Grilled King Crab + Abalone + Scallop 酒店早餐 机上用餐 8 - - Hotel Buffet Meal on Board * 餐饮与酒店会随着季节与当时情况,作最适当的调整。 第二天午餐仅提供于乘搭泰航或亚航之团。 * Meals & hotels above are subject to change without prior notice. Lunch on 2nd day will be served for the tours by Thai Airways or AirAsia. 旅行必备 : Travel Essentials : 1. 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至 1. Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure 少6个月(从返程日期算起),并且取得必要 their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return 的签证和准证。 date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been 【体验】 2. 旅游保险 - 出发前,建议您购买全面的旅游 acquired. 保险。 2. Travel Insurance - It’s essential that you take out a 天然温泉 |“麻薯”DIY comprehensive travel insurance before travel. 【景点】 条规: Terms & Conditions: 阿寒摩周国家公园 | 大雪山国家公园 | 1. 行程、膳食、酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to 动,恕不另行通知。 change without prior notice. 芝樱公园 | 郁金香花园 | 北海道神宫 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是在旅游旺 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary 季期间,蘋果旅遊将保留更改或取消行程的 at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during 【商圈】 权利。 peak periods or in the event
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