This Book Is a Gift of Elizabeth Norris The Oak Leaf Volume XVIII 1943 Published by THE SENIOR CLASS of Hugh Morson High School Raleigh, North Carolina Evelyn Straughan Editor-in-Chief Billy Neal Betsy Vaden Class Editor Advertising Manager Saludos Amigos Greetings friends! Let the Senior Class of 194<3 introduce you to those brave romantic countries south of our borders. During its travels through the many and varied fields of knowledge offered by the departments of Hugh Morson High School, this group has found no other subject more interesting than the habits, customs, and life of its good friends, the Latin Americans ; so they have tried, in this book, to create for you the atmosphere of these fascinating nations. 4 Lista de Materias Escuela Dedication Samuel Rankin McDonald, III To the Former Students of Hugh Morson High School noxo serving in the armed forces of our country, the Senior Class of 19 J/,3 gratefully dedicates this, the eighteenth volume of the Oak Leaf, m tribute to their flaming courage, their devotion to duty, and their patriotic fervor ably characterized by one of their number, Sam McDonald, z&ho laid down his life for his country. 0 Lista de Honor Abbot, Alex Bryan, Edward Dixon, Charles Hardee, Howard Acton, Philip P Buchanan, Shafter Dodd, George Hardesty, Ivan Adams, Charles £? Buffaloe, James Dodd, L. M. J) Harrington, Katherine Alexander, William Bundy, Eugene Dodd, Walter, Jr. Harris, Robert Allen, Ben Bunn, Carl Dowdee, Leonard Hatley, John Allen, John Burt, Braxton Dowdee, Linwood Hawkins, Robert h Andrews, Charles Burt, Millard Driggers, Buddy P Haywood, Hubert Andrews, George Burt, Ralph Duffer, Allen Heath, Ralph Arendell, William Byrum, Eddie Duke, Edwin High, Sidney Arnaiz, Manuel Byrum, Fred Duke, Willie Hodge, Augustus Ashe, William Cage, Frank Dunaway, William Hodge, Gale Austin, Sbelden, Jr. Campbell, Curfman Duncan, Bruce Hodge, H. E. Aycock, Charles P Campbell, Julius Duncan, Jack Holderfield, James Aycock, William Campbell, Paul P Early, Roland Holland, Samuel Ayers, Edwin j? Campbell, Ronald Edge, Wolbert Holeman, Frank Ayers, John ^ Capps, Carl Edwards, Branson Holmes, Johnny P Badger, Alex V Capps, Maurice Eisenhardt, Marion Horton, Kenneth Bagley, Jack Card, Thomas ~p Ellington, William Howell, Philip Bagwell, I. S., Jr. Carlyle, Alex JJ> Elliott, Leighton Hudson, Robert Bailey, Allen Carroll, Herbert t> Ellis, R. C. Hudson, Seaman Bailey, Mayo Carroll, Philip Ellis, Walter Hussey, Colleen Bailey, Pou Carson, Paul Faison, Harold Jeffries, Ralph Baldwin, Henry Carver, James Ferrell, Roy Jennings, James Ball, George Carver, Lewis Few, Eugene Johnson, Albert Ball, George Casper, Alton Few, Thomas Johnson, Arthur Ball, George W. Casper, James Field, Jack Johnson, Baxter Ball, Needham Caudle, Leon Fields, Carlton Johnson, James Ballance, N. L., Jr. Champion, Hubert Finley, Joseph Johnson, Joseph Barbee, James Cheek, Kendrick * Fleming, Carey Johnson, John R. Barbour, Clarence Cheek, Stanley Floyd, Marcus W.J? Johnson, Kenneth Barham, Roger Clark, William Foster, Robert Johnson, Ralph Barham, William Coble, Edwin Fountain, Theodore Johnson, Robert Barnes, Carl X> Cole, John Franklin, Roy Johnson, Worth HP Barnes, George Cole, John Frazelle, William J> Jones, George Bartholomew, Howard Collie, Ida Fra/.ier, Earl Jones, Thomas Bartholomew, Melvin Collier, J. C. Freeman, James Jones, Rohe Bashford, Emmie Collins, Rex Fuller, George p Jones, William Bashford, Hubert t> Colvin, William Fuller, Harold Jordan, Dixon Baucom, George Connelly, Joseph Gaffney, Franklin Jordan, Robert Belo, Harry L., Jr. Cooper, James Gaines, George Justice, Frank Belvin, Charles Corbett, Willie Gant, Kenneth Kametches, Paul Benton, Wilson Council, Robert Garris, D. Ulany Keen, Allen Bergeron, Edward Council, T. C. Garris, Grace Keith, J. B. Best, Wallace Cox, Albert Garris, H. L. Kelly, Harold Betts, Earl Cox, John Gay, Henry Kelly, William Betts, Dwight Cox, William Glascock, Harold j> Kennedy, Rowland Blackley, Roy Crabtree, Jack Glascock, Spencer . Kennison, Richard Bland, Milton Crinkley, Andrew Goad, William ,| Kiger, L. W. Bonner, Lex Crinkley, Frank Godwin, James Kiger, Oliver Booker, Carr Crinkley, John Godwin, Julius Kimler, Mac Booker, Roy Critcher, William Godwin, Russell Kimrey, Willis Bost, John ^ Curry, Lewis Goodman, Alex King, Frank -P Bradley, Everette Daniels, Alfred Goodwin, Irvin King, William Bretsch, Cornelius Daniels, Mitchell Goodwin, Julius Jj> Knight, Donald & Bridges, Dudley Daniels, Russell Grady, Albert Lane, Charles Brock, Alex Davis, Bryan Grady, Charles Laughlin, Ralph Brockwell, Kenlon Davis, Charles Grady, Hubert Lawson, William fc> Brockwell, Sherwood p Davis, George Grant, Hugh Lee, Earl Davis, Brooks, Robert Gus P Gray, Louis Lee, Smith Brooks, Linwood Dean, Owen Green, George Liebman, Robert R. Brooks, Terrell 25> Dean, William Green, Robert . Likas, Billy Brown, Benton Deaton, J. F. Griffin, Henry Liles, James Browning, Amos DeBoy, William ]> Gupton, Oscar Browning, William Dempsey, Percy Hamilton, Gordon Link, Charles Browning, Thomas Denton, Graham Hamilton, William Link, John Bryan, Charles Denton, William Hancock, Roy Lloyd, William 7 - London, George P' Parker, James M Shaw, A. Turner, Jr. Tyndall, Hurley London, Henry Parker, Robert Shearon, Kervin Ullery, Robert Lord, Eric Pate, Robert Shelden, Howard Upchurch, Edith Lowe, Joe Pearce, J. G. Shelden, Hugh Upshaw, Sage •— J^^-O- McDonald, Bruce Pearce, Marion Shelden, John Vaden, Marion M. McDonald, Carl Pendergraph, A J. Shelden, Robert Vaughan, Jack .^i McDonald, EugenejP L<Perry, Annie Mae Shepherd, Paul £> Vaughan, Owen McDonald, Samuel Perry, Louis Shook, Samuel Vaughan, Thomas McKee, James gxP" Perry, Mildred Shook, Wallace Vestal, Alex McLendon, Jack Perry, Wilbur Sides, Fred Vestal, James McLeod, Henry Phillips, Hallie p Simms, John Vickers, Hubert McPherson, Williamp Phillips, J. C. Smith, Edward Vurnakes, Chris -I Maddry, James Phillips, T. M. Smith, Clarence Wi'de, Hen Maddry, Woodie Phipps, Gerald Smith, Farmer, Jt Wallace, Charles Mangum, Claiborne Pillsbury, Ross Smith, Fred Wallace, Kenneth Mangum, Dent Polier, Louis P Smith, Gordon P Wallace, Royal Mann, Carroll ^ Poole, Clarence Smith, Harry G. Wallace, Wesley Mann, Gordon Poole, Edgar Smith, Haywood Walters, Johnny Marsh, Alex Pope, R. A., Jr. Smith, Henry Ward, Thomas' Marshall, George Porter, Irving Smith, Horace Waring, Elmer Marshall, Luther Powell, Charles G.^Jr. Smith, James Watkins, Bernice Marshall, Willis Powell, William Smith, Louis Watkins, R. O. Martin, Dan Pulley, James Smith, Macon Weathers, James Martin, Edwin Purnell, Earl*- D Smith, Stanley Weaver, Kern]) Martin, Elbert Purnell, Hattie Smith, Thurston Wehbie, Sam Martin, John Rae, John Smithey, William Weinstein, Norman Martin, William Rand, Hubert Snakenbery, James Wellons, James Massengill, G. K. Ray, Charles Snow, Grover Wellons, W. D. Massey, Joseph Ray, Thomas Sorrell, Rut'us Westbrook, William Matthews, Allen Reddish, Jack Sorrell, Russell Wheeler, C. T. Matthews, Joseph Reeves, Thomas Spence, Nathan White, George L., Jr Matthews, Leroy Reynolds, Russell Staneil, Fred White, Julian Mayer, Albert Rice, Richard Stell, T. M., Jr. White, Wray L. J) Meekins, Herbert Richardson, David Stell, Robert Whitley, E. *D. Miller, Donald Richardson, David M. Stevens, Edwin J. Whitley, William -</ Miller, Meredith Richardson, Wm. H. Stevens, Graham Wicker, E. J. Mills, Robert Ricks, Robert Stewart, Daniel Wilder, Warren Minis, Douglas Riddle, George O Stewart, William Wilkins, Paul Mingia, Wiley w -\ Riddle, Richard/ Stone, Carl Williams, Charles T. Monie, William Riggan, Joseph Stone, Philip Williams, H. B. Monie, John Roberts, Floyd Straughan, Clifton Williams, James Monroe, Alton Roberts, James Stronach, Angus Williams, Joseph Moody, William Roberts, Lamar Strong, John M. Williams, Leo Moody, Willis Robertson, Arthur Summey, James Williams, Marshall Mooneyham, Joseph Rogers, Arthur Sumner, Paul Williams, Peter Moore, James Rowe, Edgar Sumner, William Williams, Wesley Moore, Randall Royster, Thomas X Swan, Charles Williamson, William Moras, George Royster, Vermont P Talton, Douglas JL Williamson, Ellis .0* Moras, Luther Ruffner, Robert Talton, John Wilson, Louis H. Morgan, John Russell, James Tannery, Fred Winborne, Tommy Morris, Robert Russos, James Tannery, Graham Winborne, Vaughan wight Mount, D Russos, Nick Taylor, Ben Wollett, Norris ^p> Thomas, Jr. Mullen, Spencer Sanders, Taylor, Jack , Womble, Alvin Murchison, Louis Sandlin, Bryan p Tennant, Wilson Womble, David Myatt, Robert Sapp, Junius Tennant, Wood row Womble, William Newton, Luther Satisky, Henry Thiem, LeRoy Woodard, Mose Nichols, Hernam Saunders, Charles Thomas, Beaman Wood ell, James Nowell, Robert Sawyer, William Thompson, Hal Worley, Tracy O'Donnell, Hubert^ . Scarborough, Robert Thurman, Eddie Worth, Thomas Ohnstead, Albert Scholl, J. C. Till, Robert William O'Neil, Clarence Sears, Joseph Tucker, Bradford S Woltz, O'Neil, Rudolph Senter, Donald Tucker, William Yancey, William Paris, Raymond Senter, Harold Turner, Clyde Yates, William v Park, Albert ' Senter, Robert Turner, Maynard York, Harold 'r Park, John A. "£> Separk, Wharton Tuttle, John York, William Earl The staff has listed all names given to them. If any person has been omitted, they hope he will consider that this book is dedicated to him also. 8 Administration Superintendente Jesse (). Sanderson was horn in Wayne County Oil January 19, 1901; He received his early education in Raleigh, North Caro- lina, where he was graduated from high school in 1920. At Duke
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