Engineering Building Dedication Tomorrow Dignitaries From MIT President Sixty Colleges Here Guest of Honor At Dedication For Dedication Day Dr. James R. Killian, Jr., presi­ Sixty Eastern colleges and engi­ The Semes dent of the Massachusetts Institute neering societies will be represent­ University of Bridgeport Campus Weekly _______ of Technology, will be the principal ed by guests of the University dur­ speaker at a special convocation Voi. 22 BRIDGEPORT. CONN.. APRIL 20. 1950 N o . 21 ing the all-day ceremonies dedicat­ tomorrow morning at 10:50 a.m. in ing the new Engineering-Tech­ the Klein Memorial Auditorium. Dr. nology building on Friday, April 21. Killian’s talk will be entitled At the dedication luncheon, Dr. Student Activities Ticket Plan “ Science and the Spirit of Adven­ Killian, Jr., president of the Mas­ ture.” sachusetts, Institute of Technology, To ]|B e Decided By Balloting President James H. Halsey will will be the principal speaker. The preside at the historic convocation . theme of this address will be “The By Bob Donaldson which will open with a prelude, Engineering School and the Com­ The Student Council is making plans for a campus-wide processional, the singing of Amer­ munity.” Other guests of honor referendum oiTa student activities season ticket. This plan ica, and the invocation by the will also be introduced at the would entitle every student to admission to all home football Rev. James F. Murphy, Ph.D. assis­ luncheon meeting. Walter F. Her- games; all home basketball games; the four major social tant pastor of St. Ann’s Church. functions of the year; the two campus productions staged old, president of the M anufac­ Other features of the program turers Association will preside over each year, and would also entitle each student to a free yearbook. will be greetings from the Board the meeting. I of Trustees by H. Almon Chaffee, The Council has estimated the Exercises at the Engineering- [ Chairman of the Board; from the New York Accredits average cost of these activities to Technloogy Building will begin at faculty, by Charles O. Kishibay, each student at more than $30 and 3:30 p.m. Dr. Henry Littlefield will assistant professor of Mechanical has set up a program whereby, if preside over the ceremonies. The University Program Engineering; from the students by passed upon favorably by the stud­ exercises will be highlighted by the James N. Gaffney, president of the The University has been noti­ ent body, a book of coupons would presentation and acceptance of the Student Government Association; fied by the New York State De­ be issued to each student and these Development Fund Honor Roll and and from the Alumni by Herbert J. coupons would be exchangeable for presentation of keys to the Univer­ partment of Education that its Bundock, president of the Alumni tickets to designated dances, ath sity’s deans and directors. four-year course of study for the Association. Mayor Jasper McLevy letic events, campus productions, As a representative of the com­ degree of Bachelor of Arts has Dr. James R. Killian, Jr. will extend the greetings of the and for the annual yearbook. munity, Walter F. Herold, will also been approved and has been reg­ City of Bridgeport and Carl M. The plan would provide that each be presented with a key. William1 istered with the Commissioner of Lynge, president of the Chamber student would be assessed $6 per Three Radio Stations T. Alexander, dean of the College Education at Albany. of Commerce will speak on behalf semester which would total $12 of Engineering of Northeastern The approval followed a recent To Carry Dedication of the Greater Bridgeport Com­ annually. This method of collection University, will speak during the visit to the University by Dr. D. Three local radio stations will carry munity. was approved so that the student ceremonies in behalf of the repre­ S. Otis of the New York Educa­ broadcasts of the dedication of the paying his own bills would be able Other speakers will be John Bod­ sentatives of engineering colleges tion Department who has written, Engineering-Technology building, Fri­ to meet the ticket expense more nar, director of the Division of attending the event. “ It was a pleasure to note that day. WLIZ will broadcast the convo- readily. Furthermore those students Engineering, who will introduce the Following the dedication exer­ progress has been continuing at ;ation from the Klein Auditorium, at who started their courses at UB guest of honor, and Dr. Henry W . cises, the new building will be open the University. I was very favor­ 11:05 a.m. Station WNAB will boad- in mid-semester or transferred at Littlefield. After the singing of Alma for inspection. Scientific exhibits ably impressed by the quality of this time would not be assessed oast the dedication ceemonies at 7-30 Mater, the benediction will be given from various schools in the State the instruction which I saw and p.m. and W1CC will carry the lunch­ for the total amount and would by Rabbi Albert Martin, Congregation (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 8) receive more than their payments eon broadcast at 8:30 pjn. B'Nai Israel. worth in remaining activities. The purchase pried of the stud Raubvogel Replaces Broadwin ent activities season ticket would Equipment Valued at $30,000 be in addition to the regular tuition As SCRIBE Editor for 1950-51 charges of the University and Presented to UB Engineers would be payable by the govern Equipment valued at over $30,- Benjamin Raubvogel was elected Gifts already received include: ment under the G. I. BiU for vet editor of the Scribe for the , 1950 000 has been presented to the An Air Blower, Aircraft Engine, eran students. This extra charge 51 school year, it was announced University by local and national Air Ducts, Automotive Engine, would very rarely detract from this week by the Scribe Board of industrial organizations for use in Dead Weight Pressure Gauge student’s G.I. entitlement time un Editors. He will succeed Lee Broad- its . new Engineering - Technology Tester and Gauges, Diesel Engine, less the student exceeded the $590 win, who has edited the paper since Building, it was announced this Drill Press, Electric Motors, Floor yearly tuition allotment specified Sfili* September, 1949. week. These gifts will soon be aug­ Crane, Generators, Heat Treating by the Vetrans’ Administration. mented by other laboratory devices Furnace, Helicopter Engine, Induc­ Ben was Managing Editor of the The Activities Ticket Committee which have been pledged, but as tion Heating Equipment, Inspec­ Scribe this year (1949-50), News of the Student Council headed by yet, have not been delivered to the tion Gauges, Laboratory Heat Editor in 1948-49, and Editor of (Continued on Page 2) laboratories. Treating Furnace, Metallograph, the Summertime News in both Metallography Equipment, Mining 1948 and 1949. As well as his Scribe Machine, Miscellaneous Hand work, he was founder of the UB Attention Faculty and Students! Power Tools, Motor Control Equip­ Campus Chest,- is corresponding ment, Motor Generator Weldor, secretary of Alpha Gamma Phi There will be no parking all day Friday, April 21st ia the following areast Planer, Riehle Testing Machines, vice-chairman of Pi Delta, the jour­ Rockwell Hardness Tester, Sensi­ nalism fraternity; public relations 1. Park Place between Myrtle aad Head Aves. tive Balance, Shaper, Steam Pump, chairman of Southern New Eng­ 2. Behind «be Engineering-Technology Banding. Three Stage Centrifugal Pump, land Region of N. S -A.; has been 3. O s the grounds o f the Fairfield Avenue Uamjias One and one-half KVA Transform­ active in campus productions, as Classrs will be snspeaded ia he Fagjnnrlsg Bafidkig after 10:30 a n . er, Venturi Meters, Vertical Steam' well as being a thunderette, stage Friday, instructors wfil inform students before hand where classes will be rondwcffdi Engines, Vibration Analyser, Weirs Benjamin A . Raubvogel (Confirmed op Page 5) and Auto Chassis. ££gii April 20, 1950 T H E S C R I B P «fle 2 ment of Science an Art* Prof. Herbert F. Roemmele; M. L T., Dr. James R. Killian. Jr.; Lehigh University. H. A. Neville: Balloting Will Decide Representatives Of University of Maine. Fred D. Knight; Wor­ cester Polytechnic Institute. Prof. A. H. Associate Degrees Apply Holt; Umi varsity of Now Hampshire, L. E. Student Activities Ticket Seeley. Those students who expect to Sixty Colleges W ill Alas representatives of Howard Univer­ (Continued from Page 1) These benefits would include a tre­ sity. 8tevens Institates of Technology. Syra­ mendous boost in school spirit, receive an Associate Degree at cuse University; Jehus Hopkins. U. S. co-chairmen Bob Heath and Bob Const Guard Academy, University of Con­ greater participation in school graduation, May 31, 1960, and Attend Dedication necticut, The Community Collage and Technical Institute ef Temple University; Donaldson with the aid of the events, both social and athletic, who have not as yet filled a (Continued from Page 1) The Fannie A. Smith School. Arnold Col­ lege, Pratt Institute. Willimontic State Student Council Advisory Commit­ and benefits derived from setting formal application must do so will also be shown iii the building Teachers allege. Rhode Island State. New tee are setting in motion a cam­ a precedent for those students to as part of the program. Inspection Haven Teachers College, Lowell Textile by Friday, April 21st at the Institute. Northeastern Unievrsity, Car­ paign to allow every student who come which would help insure the of the building will be held from negie Institute of Technology, Newark Col­ Recording Office, Howland Hall. lage of Engineering. Bridgeport Engineer­ is to be affected by this plan to growth of a future dynamic stu­ 4 to 9 p.m.
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