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PROCEEDINGS of the FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL' CNFERENCE ON JUVENILE DELINQUENCY held at Room 209, West Block, Parliament Hill OTTAWA on January 10-11, 1968 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL Fi4 OTTAWA 1 9 Co C‘ -, 4, .1- r try,- t O'He4. ji..(À..)-C--v ci•- ; ' • LIBRARY MINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR 1 GENERAL /PROCEEDINGS 3.9flg of the , BIBLio »r H ÈQUE MINISTÈRE DU SOLLICHEuR GÉNÉRAL I FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE ON JUVENILE DELINQUENCY held at Room 209, West Block, Parliament Hill OTTAWA on January 10-11, 1968 The Conference opened on Wednesday, January 10, 1968 at 10:00 hours, in the presence of; The HONOURABLE LAWRENCE T. PENNELL, P.C., Q.C., M.P. SOLICITOR GENERAL OF CANADA with Mr. D.H. CHRISTIE, Q.C., ASSISTANT DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA in the Chair. 1 /111 1 - 2 - The following delegates were in attendance: ALBERTA J.E. HART, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General J. CLEWES, Deputy Supt., Juvenile Offenders and Probation Branch S.G. HOOPER, Edmonton City Police J.D. LEE, Director, Correctional Services G.L. McPHERSON, Supt., Juvenile Offenders and Probation Branch BRITISH COLUMBIA Dr. Gilbert D. KENNEDY, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General T.D. BINGHAM, Supt., Child Welfare, Department of Social Welfare N.A. McDIARMID, Director, Criminal Law F. St-Jean MADELEY, Personnel Officer, Corrections Branch MANITOBA Gordon E. PILKEY, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General L. DEWALT, Chief Probation Officer A.J. KITCHEN, Special Assistant to Deputy Minister of Welfare A.D. ROSS, Supervisor of Child Welfare NEW BRUNSWICK Frank FORESTELL, Chief Probation Officer Gerard LEBLANC, Director of Welfare Ian MACKIN, Judge, Juvenile Court NEWFOUNDLAND Vincent P. McCARTHY, Q.C., Assistant Deputy Minister of Justice Dr. Raymond GUSHUE, Chairman, Family Law Commission Charles H. ROBERTS, Judge, Family Court Frank SIMS, Assistant Director of Corrections NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Frank SMITH, Legal Advisor Clare WILKINS, Director of Corrections NOVA SCOTIA J.A.Y. MacDONALD, O.C., Deputy Attorney General Daniel H. JOHNSON, Director of Child Welfare Welsford G. PHILLIPS, Judge, Juvenile Court ONTARIO A. Randell DICK, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General W.C. BOWMAN, Q.C., Director of Public Prosecution Harry GARRAWAY, Administrator, Training School R.G. GROOM, Q.C., Judge, Juvenile & Family Court Leo R. HACKL, Deputy Minister, Reform Institutions G.F. WALLACE, Q.C., Judge, Juvenile & Family Court 2 1 3824 - 3 - QUEBEC Maître Julien CHOUINARD, c.r., Sous-ministre de la Justice Maître Gilles BEAUSOLEIL, Directeur de Planification, Famille et Bien-être social Maitre Gérald BOISVERT, Conseiller juridique, Justice Maitre Jacques GIRARD, Economiste, Affaires Inter- gouvernementales Dr. Claude MAILHOT Psychologue, Famille et Bien-être social SASKATCHEWAN Roy MELDRUM, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General O.H. DRIEDGER, Director of Child Welfare B.J. KROEKER, Chief Probation Officer YUKON W.J. TRAINOR, Judge CANADA Jean BEETZ, Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet E.G. BLAKE, Programme Officer, Treasury Board -John W. BRAITHWAITE, Dir. of Correctional Planning (Solicitor General) Michael E. BUTLER, Secretariat, Privy Council Ian CAMPBELL, Director of Rehabilitation (Manpower) Miss Gladys DUNN, Officer, Privy Council Jacques FORTIN, Professor of Law, U. of Montreal J.N. HEFLER, Family Services, (Northern Administration) Ken A. HOLT, Judicial Section, D.B.S. G.F. JOY, Rehabilitation Consultant (Manpower) Michel LEBEL, Legal Officer ( Solicitor General) Miss Mary L. LYNCH, Q.C., Member, National Parole Board Allan J. MacLEOD, Q.C., Commissioner of Penitentiaries W.A. MAGILL, Chief, Judicial Section, D.B.S. J.D. McCARTHY, Legal Advisor, (N.H.&W.) R.W. NABLO, Planning, Indian Affairs Branch F.J. NEVILLE, Welfare, Northern Administration Branch Inspector G.W. REED, Legal Division, R.C.M.r. T. SAIDLA, Federal-Provincial Relations (Finance) E.B. SEXSMITH, Director, Youth Services (Sec.-of-State) E.I. SMIT, Consultant, Family & Child Welfare, (N.H.&W.) Isser SMITH, Corrections Planning, (Northern Admin.) Dr. R.B. SPLANE, Director, Welfare Assistance, (N.H.Mg.) Miss Pauline SPRAGUE, Legal Officer (Solicitor Generi,l) George T. STREET, Q.C., Chairman, National Parole Boarn SECRETARIAT George C. KOZ, Special Assistant to Solicitor General Walford D. REEVES, Information Officer, National Parole Board - 4 - THE HONOURABLE LARRY PENNELL, THE SOLICITOR GENERAL: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to bid the members of the conference welcome, but before I formally do so, there are one or two things I wish to say. The purpose of this conference is to direct attention to the great social challenge of juvenile delinquency. It is basically a responsibility for local authority, but one in which the federal government has certain constitutional responsibilitics and must be co- operative and helpful. As you know, under the constitution, Parliament has the responsibility for the enactment of the Juvenile Delinquents Act. Nearly forty years have elapsed since the last substantial amendment to this Act. The rising rate of crime is only one of the many compelling reasons to re-examine and make certain changes in the law. Allow me to add that I am personally committed to such a course of action. I wish to emphasize that the federal officials do not come to this conference with closed minds or fixed positions. The working papers distributed to the delegates reflect an attempt to arrange some of the recommendations set out in the report of the Committee - 5 - on Juvenile Delinquency in the form of a discussion paper supplemented by explanatory notes derived from further studies conducted by officials of the Department of the Solicitor General. In other words, these working papers take the form of orderly arrangement rather than firm proposals on our part. I welcome full and frank expressions of opinion on your part. I believe that your views will be most helpful to the federal government as it moves to dis- charge its responsibility to present a new act for parlia- mentary approval. In that sense, therefore, the officials of the federal government are here to listen and learn, not to instruct. I know that the new act will not resolve all the problems in the field of juvenile delinquency. It will, I hope, improve the method of dealing with young people already in trouble with the law. There is, of course, the much larger question of young people and their opportunities, and this is really what juvenile delinquency is all about. This is a many-sided problem; there are social, economic and educational aspects to it. There is the matter of juvenile court philos- ophy, organization and procedure. The answer to the problem of juvenile delinquency will require the co- IMM■ operation and efforts of the home, the community, and all levels of government, federal, provincial and muni- cipal. The whole spectrum must be viewed in the context of constitutional authority. Within the Department of the Solicitor General, we hope to be able to provide leadership, guidance and assistance in meeting this challenge. You will understand, of course, that our discussions unfortunately are circum- scribed by the time set aside for the conference. I wish to conclude by giving you a warm welcome and expressing the hope that our efforts to prevent and control juvenile delinquency will be advanced by this conference. Thank you. THE CHAIRMAN: Before we get under way, there are one or two points that I would like to mention. The first relates to the nature of the discussion draft which you have before you. This draft is a faithful reproduction in legislative form of the Report on Juvenile Delinquency in Canada which was prepared by a committee of the Depart- ment of Justice under the chairmanship of Commissioner MacLeod. The draft itself was prepared by Professor 7 Fortin and Miss Sprague. The second document to which I would like you to refer is the one described as Guide for Discussion of Some of the Issues Raised in the Dis- cussion Draft. The matters that are included in that guide paper are those that appear to us to be of the greatest concern to provincial authority. The choice is based in part on the reactions that have already been received from persons who have considered the draft. If any of the delegates have additional matters they think should be included, would they let me know what they are during the course of today and we will consider them and see if they can be worked in as a supplementary agenda. The next point is that Mr. Braithwaite of I the Solicitor General Department is in charge of organiza- tion of the conference.
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