University of Vienna Institute Rep ort Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems University of Vienna Vienna Austria Preface This rep ort describ es the scientic activities of the Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems at the University of Vienna for the threeyear p erio d from January through Decemb er The primary ob jectives of the Institute are to conduct research in programming languages compilers programming environments and software to ols that supp ort the user in the pro cess of solving problems on high p er formance computing systems to achieve a transfer of technology by co op erating with application develop ers and the industry and to disseminate knowledge in the elds of parallel computing and software technology Our research activities fo cussed on the continuation of the Vienna Fortran language develop ment a contribution to the evolving defacto standard High Performance Fortran HPF the consolidation and extension of the Vienna Fortran Compilation System VFCS and the de velopment of new to ols for p erformance prediction and analysis Longterm research topics included knowledgebased supp ort for parallel program development highlevel user interfaces and integrated programming environments combining compilers p erformance analysis systems and automatic parallelization supp ort to ols Research at the Institute was p erformed in co op eration with many institutions across the world Emphasis was placed on strengthening the collab oration with partners from industry in parti cular in the context of ESPRIT pro jects The most visible success resulting from these eorts was the founding of the Vienna Centre of Excellence for Parallel Computing VCPC in June by the Europ ean Union The ma jor ob jective of the VCPC which provides a MeikoCS architecture with pro cessors to industrial and academic users across Europ e is the supp ort of a technology transfer from academia to industry During the rep orting p erio d the Institute contributed to the ESPRIT III pro jects PPPE A Portable Parallel Programming Environment and PREPARE Programming Environment for Parallel Architectures The ESPRIT IV Long Term Research pro ject HPF co ordinated by the Institute started at the b eginning of in parallel with the industrial ESPRIT IV research pro ject PHAROS in which the VCPC is a partner The Institute co ordinates two nationally funded co op erative pro jects conducted together with memb ers of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computation ACPC the priority research pro gram Software for Parallel Systems supp orted by the Austrian Research Foundation FWF and PACT a pro ject funded by the Austrian Ministry for Science Research and the Arts BMWFK which involves partners from Central and East Europ ean countries i We would like to express our thanks to the Austrian Ministry for Science Research and the Arts BMWFK the Austrian Research Foundation FWF the Europ ean Commission and the University of Vienna for their generous supp ort and invaluable advice and guidance The co op eration with the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering ICASE NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton Virginia has b een instrumental in dening the direction of our work and reaching our goals in research I am grateful to the Rector of the University of Vienna and the Dean of the Faculty of So cial Studies and Economics as well as to the many colleagues at the University of Vienna who have supp orted us over the past years Last but not least I would like to thank all memb ers of the Institute for their hard work and continued enthusiasm Vienna February Hans P Zima Acknowledgement I thank Bernd Wender who coedited this rep ort and collected and organized the statistical information supplied in Chapters through Our Co ordinates Institute for Software Technology and Paral Vienna Centre of Excellence for Parallel lel Systems University of Vienna Computing VCPC Liechtensteinstrasse Liechtensteinstrasse A Vienna Austria A Vienna Austria Telephone Telephone Fax Fax WWW Home Page httpwwwparunivieacat WWW Home Page httpwwwvcpcunivieacat Anonymous FTP Server ftpparunivieacat ii Contents Memb ers of the Institute and Visiting Researchers Memb ers of the Institute Memb ers of the VCPC Visiting Researchers Research Activities and Co op erations An Overview Research Overview Background Motivation and Ob jectives Languages and Compilation Technology To ols and KnowledgeBased Program Development Pro jects Ma jor Co op eration Partners Languages and Compiler Technology Vienna Fortran Overview Language Features Comparison to HPF OPUS Abstractions for HighPerformance Distributed Computing Overview Shared Abstractions OPUS Runtime Supp ort HPF The Vienna Fortran Compilation System VFCS Overview Program Transformation and Analysis Parallelization Strategy Optimization and Co de Generation Future Work PARTI Dynamic Data Distributions Optimizations Reduction of Redistribution Costs Compilation Strategies for Multiple Reaching Distributions Compilation Techniques for Virtual Shared Memory Architectures Parallelization of Sparse Matrix Co des Overview Representing Sparse Matrices on DMMPs Language Extensions for the Supp ort of Sparse Matrix Computations Sparse Matrix Pro duct Implementation High Performance Access to Mass Storage Systems iii Intro duction Language and Compiler Supp ort Advanced Runtime Supp ort Conclusion To ols and KnowledgeBased Program Development ANALYST Summary Design of the To ol Concept Comprehension PAP Recognizer Supp ort for Data Alignment and Distribution 3 P T Simulation To ol Motivation and Ob jectives System Description Performance Indices and Monitoring Facilities Current State and Future Research VFPMS Postexecution Performance Analysis Exp ert System Adviser Motivation Current State Future Work Debugging NICE Algorithms for Massively Parallel Computer Systems Motivation Matrix Multiplication on SIMD Pro cessor Arrays Singular Value Decomp osition Algorithms for MIMD Hyp ercub e Systems VLSI Algorithms for Sp ecial Linear Systems Description of Ma jor Pro jects The ESPRIT I I I Pro ject PPPE The ESPRIT I I I Pro ject PREPARE The ESPRIT IV Pro ject HPF The ESPRIT IV Pro ject PHAROS VCPC The ACTS Pro ject DIANE VCPC LACE VCPC MAGELLAN VCPC The CEI Pro ject PACT FWF Priority Research Program Software for Parallel Systems Europ ean Centre of Excellence for Parallel Computing at Vienna VCPC Parallel Programming To ols CSHA Hardware Resources Services Other Activities iv Publications Bo oks Chapters in Bo oks Refereed Publications Technical Rep orts and Other Publications Editorial Activities Program Committee Memb erships Habilitation Thesis .
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