fflHfflLdBl to MAP WITH INDEX A. T. CHAPMAN PUBLISHE%-^»NTEEAL Price 35 CENTS Manufacturing Furriers and Skin Dealers The large volume of fur business transacted in our three stores, means that we are able to secure skins at first cost, and of the finest quality. As manufacturers we claim the distinction of exclusive mod- els, designed and made in our own factory. We have at all times a choice collection of HUDSON BAY SABLES SILVER FOXES CANADIAN BEAVER FISHER MINK and MARTIN Our showrooms are one of the sights of Canada which no visitor can afford to miss. You are weU come whether a purchase is intended or not. Fairweathers Limited ~St. Catherine Street at Peel Toronto MONTREAL Winnipeg ADVERTISEMENTS Sfje Canabtan ?|anbtcrafts; #utlb 598a ST. CATHERINE STREET WEST Between Drummond and Mountain Sts.; three minutes from Windsor Hotel. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESPUNS Frznch Canadian Catalngnes, Linens, Couvrepieds, Rugs, Table Covers, Blankets, Portieres, Chairs, Ceintures Flechees Indian DOUKHOBOR Canadian BASKETRY AND RUTHENIAN POTTERY B E A D WORK FURNITURE LEATHER WORK EMBROIDERY M ETAL WORK EM BROIDERY CARVINGS English, Irish and Italian Lace ADVKRTISKMKNTS Wedding Presents THE LONDON SOCIETY JOURNAL says: "The most fashionable and the most acceptable IVedding Present is the piece of Antique Furniture, or Silver, or Old China, or Sheffield Plate 1 ' a FOR SUITABLE GIFTS IN ENDLESS VARIETY: VISIT The Antique Galleries 604, 606, 608 ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST MONTREAL ADVERTISEMENTS Murphy S—The Woman's Store iniplllll! Corner St. Catherine and Metcalfe Sts. extend a cordial invitation to all visitors^ in WE exclusive Montreal, to inspect our large and assortment of ladies fashionable Suits, Dresses, Blouses and Lingerie. All the latest New York and Paris creations are shown in our Mantle department. THE RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS FOR IRISH LACES AND LINENS. A PROFUSION OF MANY DISTINCTIVE AND CHARMING DESIGNS AND PATTERNS "Exclusive Agents 'Queen Quality' and ' Countess' Footwear" ADVERTISEMENTS Place Viger Hotel Montreal EACING the graceful, leafy square from which it takes its name, and touching on one side the picturesque quarter of older Montreal, the Place Viger Hotel appeals to the discriminating visitor and es- pecially to those who prefer a quiet situa- tion and restful atmosphere, combined with an excellent cuisine. C.At the same time it is near the City Hall and the docks, and within easy walking distance of the business section. It adjoins the C. P. R. station for Quebec, the Laurentians, the North Shore line to Ottawa, etc. It is also Montreal's favorite centre for re-unions. The Place Viger Hotel is operated by theCANADIAN PACIFIC There is no better standard of hotel service in Canada ADVERTISEMENTS The Double Track Trade and Tourist Route of Canada The Grand Trunk Railway System Reaches all trade centres in Eastern Canada. Fast limited trains are operated between Montreal, Bos- ton and New York in the east, and Chicago in the west, where connections are made for all points in the Western and Southern States and Western Canada <$> The International Limited Appreciated by all experienced travellers; leaves Montreal 10.00 a.m. daily and arrives Toronto 5.40 p.m., London 9.03 p.m., Detroit 11.45 p m., Chicago 8.20 a.m. Parlor, Drawing Room, Sleeping and Dining Cars. Modern in every detail. <> Twentieth Century Hotels The Grand Trunk Hotels are among the finest on the American Continent, and include THE CHATEAU LAURIER, OTTAWA, ONTAR:0 THE FORT GARRY, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA THE MACDONALD, EDMONTON, ALBERTA <S> For descriptive literature and all particulars, apply to any agent of the System G. T. BELL W. S. COOKSON Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent MONTREAL MONTREAL ADVERTISEMENTS Canadian National Railways Vancouver* [SASKATOON &WCTORIA CALGAfTl RECINA BRANDO* TORONTO NouT Operating Canadian Northern Railway System Canadian Government Railways The Great North Western Telegraph Company 14,000 Miles of Railway 56,000 Miles of Telegraph Line Traversing every Province of Canada's Domin- ion and directly serving the great ports of SYDNEY HALIFAX ST. JOHN MONTREAL QUEBEC VANCOUVER VICTORIA Passenger Freight Express Telegraph Hotels C. A. HAYES H. H. MELANSON GEO. STEPHEN Vice-President Passenger Traffic Manager Freight Traffic Manager Head Offices—TORONTO, Ont. ADVERTISEMENTS ^Delightful Boat Trips No city in the world can offer such wonderful boat trips. Right here at our very door are Scenic Wonderspots which people come thousands of miles to see. Niagara-to-the-Sea Whether you can spend two weeks or only a day on the water, any part of this wonderful trip will be most enjoyable. The complete trip is 1,000 miles—a journey that provides the greatest of holidays at moderate cost. Points of Interest Niagara Falls The World famous Shrine The Saguenay Can- The Thousand Islands of Ste. Anne de Beaupre yon, with its Capes Shooting the Rapids Quaint old Quebec Trinity and Eternity higher than Gibraltar YOU TAKE THE WHOLE TRIP OR ANY PART OF IT Fall information from Canada Steamship Lines Limited 9 VICTORIA SQUARE, MONTREAL Phone Main 1731 ADVERTISEMENTS Montreal W^l^m^ Canada Ritz-Carlton Hotel CANADA'S SMARTEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL HOTEL <$> Every convenience and all of the luxuries demanded by the discrimin- ating public. One of the latest of the Ritz-Carlton groups. <$> FRANK S. QUICK, General Manager ADVERTISEMENTS CANADA'S LEADING HOTEL u THE WINDSOR" DOMINION SQUARE MONTREAL, CANADA European Plan Exclusively . 700 Rooms, 450 with Bath. The location of "The Windsor" is unsurpassed for beauty and convenience Headquarters for Conventions Booklet and Rates on application JOHN DAVIDSON, Manager CABLE ADDRESS: "WINDREAL," MONTREAL ADVERTISEMENTS LOOKING for the RIGHT PLACE TO STAY ? Try Hotel IVilhelmina 242 MOUNTAIN STREET PHONE UPTOWN 5346 Attractive Bright Rooms. Every Modern Comfort. Excellent Home Table. Situated right in the heart of everything. Garage for Motorists. Moderate Rates. American and European Plan ADVERTISEMENTS THE EDINBURGH "WHERE ALL TOURISTS MEET" BREAKFASTS LUNCHEONS AFTERNOON TEAS DINNERS AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS A La Carte Service: 8 a.m. to Midnight <$> 436 ST. CATHERINE STREET WEST Near Peel Street Adjoining Loew's Theatre MONTREAL'S MOST POPULAR UPTOWN Restaurant and Tea Rooms for Breakfast, Luncheon, Supper H CASTLE BLEND TEA CO., LIMITED CORNER STANLEY 85 ST. CATHERINE STS. WEST Phones Uptown 5117-2266 ADVERTISEMENTS W A. EDWARDS GEO F DRISCOLL HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE ONLY THEATRE PLAYING HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS AND THE COMBINED BOOKINGS OF MESSRS KLAW & ERLANGER AND SAM S. SHUBERT AMUSEMENT CO. OFFICES EDWARDS & DRISCOLL LIMITED LESSEES AND MANAGERS <J> ALSO DIRECTING EDWARDS 8c DRISCOLL AFFILIATED THEATRES ADVERTISEMENTS B LOEWS B Corner of St. Catherine and Mansfield Streets MONTREAL'S MOST POPULAR HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. :: ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE . FIRST RUN PICTURES OPEN THE YEAR ROUND CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES, 1 to 11. PRICES: Afternoons, 10 and 15 cents; Nights, 15 and 25 cents. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, Night Prices prevail. ADVERTISEMENTS PRINCESS THEATRE AMUSEMENT CENTRE OF MONTREAL HIGH CLASS Vaudeville TW ICE DAILY SEATS RESERVED AND ON SALE Phone Uptown 74 BOX OFFICE - WINDSOR HOTEL BOX OFFICE - RITZ CARLTON HOTEL Arrangements made for Parties and out of town Visitors MISS POOLE 'Bookseller and Stationer <$> 45 McGill College Ave. MONTREAL All Lines from Cana- Steamship Tickets dian and U. S. Ports W. H. HENRY 286 St. James Street Victoria Square Telephone Main 7370 ADVERTISMENTS LET US PLAN YOUR TRIP By RAIL or WATER Canada, United States, West Indies, Europe, The World Over WHERE TO GO *\ THAT'S WHERE TO STAY r THE WHAT TO SEE • QUESTION Don't decide where you will spend your outing until you have had a talk with us. Expert advice and reliable infor- mation cheerfully furnished. All Lines represented. PASSPORTS SECURED The Jules Hone Travel Agencies 9 ST. LAWRENCE BOULEVARD Between St. James and Notre Dame Streets MONTREAL Telephones : MAIN 2605, 3929, 4097 Payable Everywhere COOK'S TRAVELER'S CHEQUES OFFER MOST CONVENIENCES SAFEST AND BEST Remittances by Draft or Cable, Foreign Exchange, Letters of Credit STEAMSHIP TICKETS BY ALL LINES THOS. COOK fflj, SON 530 ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST, MONTREAL 65 YONGE ST., TORONTO ADVERTISEMENTS Visitors to Montreal Come To Ogilvy's First Merchandise Famous for over half-a-century for high quality linens; women's andchildren'shighgrade wearing apparel; toilet sundries, candies, silverware, stationery, etc., etc. Service Lunch Room—Dinner served daily. Hairdressing and Mani- cure Parlors. Children's Hair Cutting. Postal Box. Stamps. Rail and Steamship Information General City Information Parcels Checked Free Jas. A. Ogilvy's Limited Corner St. Catherine Street West and Mountain Street Telephone Uptown 6400 iNgfjte anb ^^rines AN SUustrateb #uitre to jflontreal MONTREAL A. T. CHAPMAN 1919 Copyright, Canada, by A. T. Chapman 1919 PREFACE THE purpose of this Guide is to supply, concisely, such information as may enable visitors to see the chief points of interest in Montreal as it exists to-day; and also to acquaint them with a few details of the history and traditions of a City whose early years were full of romance, and whose whole life has been crowded with events of more than local import. The Introduction and Historical Notes have been, in great measure, compiled from articles by Sir Andrew Macphail, Dr. S. E. Dawson and the late Mr. William McLennan. Mr. W. D. Lighthall, too, has been drawn upon freely in the course of the Historical Notes and of the Descriptions. Thanks for permission to use the articles are most cordially extended to the gentlemen named. The statistics contain the most recent infor- mation obtainable concerning the matters to which they relate: and it should, perhaps, be explained that the historical chapter deals largely with material aspects of the life of Montreal, inasmuch as no adequate treatment of the complicated questions of intellectual and social development would be possible within the limits of the present booklet.
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