Nave Book Inventory 10/19/2014 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. I, 1 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 1994 Excellent, HB 1994 2 SOLD 3 SOLD The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. 4 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2004 Excellent, HB IV, Area News, 1777-1949 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. V, 5 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2005 Excellent, HB Area News, 1889-2005 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 6 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) 2007 Excellent, HB VI, 2007 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. 7 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2008 Excellent, HB VII, 2008 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. 8 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2009 Excellent, HB VIII, 2009 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. 9 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2009 Excellent, HB IX, 2009 The Heritage of the Toe River Valley, Vol. X, 10 Bailey, Lloyd Richard Sr. (Ed) Marceline MO: Walsworth Publishing Co. 2011 Excellent, HB 2011 11 SOLD Heritage of Watauga County, North Southern Appalachian Winston-Salem NC: Hunter Publishing 12 1987 Excellent, HB Carolina, Vol. II, 1987 Historical Association Co. Wilkes County Genealogical Winston-Salem NC: Hunter Publishing 13 Heritage of Wilkes County, 1982 1982 Excellent, HB Society, Mrs WO Absher (ed) Co. Heritage of Wilkes County, North Carolina, Wilkes County Genealogical 14 Charlotte: Delmar Printing and Publ 1990 Excellent, HB Vol II, 1990 Society, Nancy W Simpson (ed) Bicentennial History of Lee County, Virginia, Lee County Historical 15 n.p.: Walsworth Publishing, 2nd printing 1993 Excellent, HB 1792-1992 Genealogical Society Families of Washington County and Bristol, Holston Territory Genealogical 16 n.p.: Walsworth Pub 1996 Excellent, HB Virginia, 1776-1996 Society (comp) 17 SOLD Carter County History Book 18 Carter County and Its People, 1796-1993 n.p.: Walsworth Pub 1993 Excellent, HB Committee 19 SOLD History of Johnson County, 1986. Johnson County Historical 20 Marceline MO: Walsworth Pub 1985 Excellent, HB Sesquicentennial Ed. Society Johnson County Historical 21 History of Johnson County, 200, Vol II Marceline MO: Walsworth Pub 2000 Excellent, HB Society Families and History of Sullivan County, Holston Territory Genealogical 22 n.p.: Walsworth Pub 1992 Excellent, HB Tennessee, Vol I, 1779-1992 Society (comp) 1 Nave Book Inventory 10/19/2014 Sullivan County, Tennessee. Families and 23 Sullivan County Historical Soc Nashville: Turner Pub 2006 Excellent, HB History, 1779-2006, Vol II 24 SOLD 25 SOLD Tennessee Settlers and their Descendants Genealogical Data about some of the Men 26 Tennessee Genealogical Soc Knoxville TN: Tennessee Valley Pub 1994 Excellent, HB and Women who helped shape the Volunteer State Unleashed. The History of Hampton High soft cover, plastic 27 Combs, Jamie Jamie Combs 2012 School Football, 1940-2011 comb Portrait of the Past. A Pictorial Glance at 28 Lower Johnson County, Tennessee; and the Tester, Herman Jonesborough TN: Luem Pub 2011 Excellent, HB Elk, Roan & Watuaga Valleys Portrait of the Past II. A Pictorial Glance at 29 Lower Johnson County, Tennessee; and the Tester, Herman Jonesborough TN: Luem Pub 2012 Excellent, HB Elk, Roan & Watuaga Valleys 30 SOLD Heritage of Ashe County, North Carolina, Ashe Co. Heritage Book 31 Charlotte: Delmar Printing 1994 Excellent, HB Vol II, 1994 Committee Old Bumcombe County Heritage of Old Buncombe County, Vol I, 32 Genealogical Soc, Doris Cline Winston-Salem: Hunter Pub 1981 Excellent, HB 1981 Ward (ed) Old Bumcombe County Heritage of Old Buncombe County, Vol II, 33 Genealogical Soc, Doris Cline Winston-Salem: Hunter Pub 1987 Excellent, HB 1987 Ward (ed) 34 SOLD Virginia Tax Payers, 1782-87 Other than Fothergill, Augusta B and John loose back, 35 those published by the United States n.p. 1940 Mark Naugle reinforced spine Census Bureau Heads of Families at the First Census of the soft cover; repaired, United States Taken in the Year 1790. Dept of Commerce and Labor, 36 Washington: Government Printing Office 1908 separating from Records of the State Enumerations: 1782 to Bureau of Census spine 1785. Virginia Historical Soc of Washington 37 Washington County Virginia 1860 Census Co. VA. (John P. and Rubinette Historical Soc of Washington Co. VA. 1989 soft cover, comb M Neimann, eds) 1850 Census of Washington County, n.p.: Holston Territory Genealogical 38 Edwards, Shelby I (ed) 2000 Excellent, HB Virginia Annotated by Waverly W. Barbe. Society Heads of Families at the First Census of the soft cover; repaired, Dept of Commerce and Labor, 39 United States Taken in the Year 1790. North Washington: Government Printing Office 1908 separating from Bureau of Census Carolina spine 2 Nave Book Inventory 10/19/2014 State Census of North Carolina, 1784-1787, Register, Alvaretta Kenan 40 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1983 (1971) 2nd ed (trans) 1977 first printing; 41 Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina Bentley, Elizabeth P. (comp) Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1982 normal wear Tennesseans before 1800. Washington 42 Fischer, Marjorie Hood Galveston: Frontier Press 1996 County 1850 Yancey Co, NC Federal Census. 43 Index includes every surname in each Williams, Sally N. Highlands CA: Ancestor Seminars 1986 soft cover, comb household. 1860 Census. North Carolina. Yancey 44 Bishop, Brenda n.p. 1983 soft cover, comb County soft cover, stapled; 45 1870 Federal Census, Mitchell County, NC Toe Valley Genealogical Soc n.p. 1981 $18 soft cover, stapled; 46 1880 Federal Census, Mitchell County, NC Toe Valley Genealogical Soc n.p. 1981 $18 1900 Census of Watauga County, North 47 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1984 soft, comb Carolina. Vol I 1900 Census of Watauga County, North 48 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1984 soft, comb Carolina. Vol II 1900 Census of Watauga County, North 49 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1983 soft, comb Carolina. 1850 Census of Watauga County, North 50 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1981 soft, comb Carolina 1860 Census of Watauga County, North 51 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1981 soft, comb Carolina 1870 Census of Watauga County, North 52 Ross, Carl A. Jr (ed) Boone NC: Appalachian State University 1982 soft, comb Carolina 53 SOLD soft cover in 3 ring 54 1830 Census East Tennessee Sistler, Byron Evanston IL: Byron Sistler 1969 notebook 1840 Census Tennessee. Washington 55 Sistler, Byron & Barbara Nashville: Sistler 1986 soft, stapled County 1880 Census Tennessee. Washington 56 Sistler, Barbara and Byron Nashville: Byron Sistler Associates 1994 soft, perfect binding County Washington County, Tennessee 1870 57 Padgett, Hilda (comp) n.p. 1997 soft, comb, $25 Census Washington County, Tennessee 1860 58 Padgett, Hilda (comp) n.p. 2000 soft, comb, $25 Census Population Schedule of the United States 59 Census of 1850 for Washington County, Sepello, Margaret Ellis (trans) n.p. 1995 soft, comb Tennessee 3 Nave Book Inventory 10/19/2014 60 1880 Census. Unicoi County, Tennessee Padgett, Hilda n.p. 1995 soft, comb 61 1900 Census. Unicoi County, Tennessee Padgett, Hilda n.p. n.d. soft, comb 62 1840 Census Tennessee. Sullivan County Sistler, Byron & Barbara Nashville: Sistler 1986 soft, stapled 63 1880 Census. Sullivan County, Tennessee Sistler, Barbara and Byron Nashville: Byron Sistler Associates 1992 soft, perfect binding 1870 U.S. Federal Census. Sullivan County, Holston Territory Genealogical Bristol VA: Holston Territory 64 1994 soft, tape binding Tennessee Soc Genealogical Soc 65 1860 Census. Sullivan County, Tennessee Hunt, Shelia Steele (trans) Kingsport TN: Shelia S. Hunt 1989 soft, comb Population Schedule of the United States 66 Census of 1850 for Sullivan County, Burgner, Marion Keith Knoxville TN: Clinchdale Press 1963 soft, tape Tennessee 67 1920 Census of Carter County, Tennessee Taylor, Warren D. (trans) n.p.: Warren D. Taylor 1997 soft, comb 68 1900 Census of Carter County, Tennessee Latner, Connie J (abstr) Franklinton NC: Once Upon A Time 1997 soft, spiral 1850 U.S. Census. Carter County, 69 Schunk, John F. (ed) n.p.: S-K Publications 1989 soft, comb Tennessee 1880 Census. Tennessee. Transcription for 70 Sistler, Bryon and Barbara n.p. n.d. soft, taped $11.50 Carter County 1870 Census. Tennessee. Transcription for 71 Bishop, Brenda Tallahassee FL: n.p. 1983 soft, comb Carter County 72 1860 Census Tennessee, Carter County Bishop, Brenda Elizabethton TN: n.p. 1985 soft, comb 1860 Census Tennessee, Carter County. 73 Bishop, Brenda Elizabethton TN: n.p. 1988 soft, comb Transcription 74 1840 Census Tennessee, Carter County Sistler, Bryon and Barbara Nashville: n.p. 1986 soft, stapled 75 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1920 Census Gentry, Thomas W Mountain City TN: Thomas W. Gentry n.d. soft, perfect 1986, reprint 76 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1910 Census Gentry, Thomas W Johnson City TN: Overmountain Press soft, perfect 1995 1984, reprint 77 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1900 Census Gentry, Thomas W Johnson City TN: Overmountain Press soft, perfect 1995 Gentry, Thomas W and Bettye 78 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1880 Census Johnson City TN: Postal Instant Press 1982 soft, perfect G Morley 79 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1870 Census Gentry, Thomas W Johnson City TN: Postal Instant Press 1982 soft, perfect 80 Johnson County, Tennessee. 1860 Census Wilson, Walter W Los Almos NM: Custom Printing 1979 soft, taped Johnson County, Tennessee. Census 81 Wilson, Walter W Santa Fe NM: Sleeping Fox Enterprise 1974 soft, taped Records, 1840-1850 82 Not for Sale 83 Descendants of Richard White Notes. folder of notes 84 SOLD Revolutionary War Pension Applications of soft, binding coming 85 Kegley, Mary B Wytheville VA; Kegley 1997 Southwest Virginia Soldiers loose 86 SOLD 4 Nave Book Inventory 10/19/2014 Tweetsie Country.
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