News: Culture: Lifestyle: Business: Krakow & Events, film, theatre, music, Shopping, eating, fashion, The great, the good and the Małopolska reviews + more cutting edge June 2013 Edition 104 ISSN 1898-4762 www.krakowpost.com Photo: © Marcin Ryczek © Marcin Photo: PAGAN POLAND page 22 BE A BEEKEEPER INDIAN KRAKOW page 20 page 10 SPYING ON POLAND page 8 To Tyniec Trash Trouble Ritual Slaughter Keeping bees (Photo: David McGirr) Krakow from another angle – the photos of Marcin Ryczek Contents Recycle Flop 4 Survivors 5 Krakow’s Outdoor Pools 6 Local News 7–9 The Krakow Post is a monthly publica- On Two Wheels 8 tion owned by Lifeboat Ltd. and pub- Ritual Slaughter 10–11 lished under license by Krakow Media ISSN: 1898-4762 Posted: The Month’s Events 12–13 www.krakowpost.com Women in the Polish Workplace 14–15 Managing Director: David McGirr Club Life: Music and Gigs 16–17 [email protected] Kino Mania: Polish Cinema 18 Managing Editor: Jamie Stokes Be a Beekeeper 20–21 [email protected] The New Face of the Old Gods 22–23 Design: Darren Wilde The Photography of Marcin Ryczek 24–25 [email protected] Tour de Pologne 26–27 Printers: www.polskapresse.pl Healthy Living: Let’s Tango! 28 Topical Polish 30 For advertising inquiries, please contact: [email protected] Tales from the Chalkface 30 +48 519 714 474 Dear Luiza… 30 Classified Ads 31 Sir Bradley Wiggins (Photo: David McGirr) 4 recycle flop ■ Jamie Stokes conscientious citizens “ will quickly lose their ” ne month after new laws about the enthusiasm bags beside their mixed-rubbish blue bins. O collection of rubbish in Krakow came Unfortunately, in places where this advice into force, many Cracovians are complain- they reach with refuse collection compa- July 2, Gazeta Wyborcza reported that a has been followed, bags are frequently ing that the transition has been bungled nies. single yellow bin had been delivered to spilling their contents across courtyards. by the city. There have been numerous What this actually means is that build- Osiedle Niepodległości (an estate of 18 Local media have also reported a plague reports of uncollected rubbish creating a ing owners, or the residents’ committees blocks in Bieńczyce), which had filled and of bulky and oversized rubbish, such as health hazard, and many buildings have that administer buildings, were required to overflowed within hours. old furniture, clogging up residential re- received posters telling residents how to make a waste declaration before the July MPO spokesperson, Krystyna Paluchows- fuse collection points. MPO suspects that segregate their rubbish, but no bins in 1 deadline. These declarations included ka, said: “We will need some time to imple- Cracovians were attempting to dump which to put the segregated refuse. whether or not the building would be seg- ment the new rules,” she said, adding that oversized rubbish before new, higher re- “There is a nice, clear notice in the refuse regating its waste (80 percent in Krakow it would take “several days” to get bins to fuse collection fees came into force. The room explaining what kind of rubbish to said they would) and, crucially, the num- everybody. She also laid some of the blame service has not yet set a date for the clear- put in blue bins, yellow bins and green ber of green and yellow bins they would on residents, saying that many buildings ance of the backlog this has created. bins, but there are no yellow or green bins. need. had made their waste declarations incor- Paluchowska praised residents who People are, understandably, confused,“ said The bins themselves were to be pro- rectly, or underestimated the number of have made the effort to segregate their Kuba, a resident of an apartment building vided by the Municipal Waste Disposal yellow and green bins they would need, rubbish, saying: “There is a growing sense in the city’s Krowodrza district. service (Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Oc- in order to reduce their costs. She pointed of responsibility among Cracovians who According to the website of the Polish zyszczania) for a rental fee. MPO also has out that MPO had already received thou- are serious about their civic duty.” The risk, Ministry of the Environment, it is gener- overall responsibility for refuse collection sands of requests to correct waste declara- however, must be that conscientious citi- ally down to the owner of the property to services in Krakow, and works with several tions. zens will quickly lose their enthusiasm for provide refuse collection facilities, but it private companies to achieve this. MPO is recommending that residents the scheme if they continue to see their ef- also notes that local gmina (the smallest Even in places where green and yellow who live in buildings that do not yet have forts undermined by poor organisation on administrative units) may provide bins to bins have arrived, they are proving too few green and yellow bins should still segre- the part of the authorities. residents, depending on the agreements for the volume of segregated rubbish. On gate their rubbish and leave it in separate Holocaust survivors found to live longer than those who Survivors escaped the tragedy ■ Abraham Sagi-Schwartz, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Shai Linn, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn enocides are atrocious events destroy- between 4 and 20 years old when World but it did not make a difference whether or after their combat experiences. ‘Differen- Ging the lives or spirits of unimaginable War II started, and immigrated to Israel ei- not they had experienced the Holocaust. tial mortality’ implies that those individuals numbers of victims and leaving indelible ther between 1945 and 1950 (Holocaust Only males who had survived the Holo- most vulnerable to life-threatening condi- scars on the survivors. Among the geno- survivors) or before 1939 (for a comparison caust appeared to live longer than their tions had an increased risk of dying during cides of the 20th century, the Holocaust to those who had not been exposed to the peers without a Holocaust experience. For the Holocaust. Holocaust survivors, by defi- stands out as the most cruel and system- Holocaust). The National Insurance Institute those who were in their early adolescence nition, survived severe trauma, which might atic attempt to extinguish an entire ethnic of Israel provided exact dates of death from during the Holocaust, life expectancy was indicate that they had stronger physical or group. Most survivors not only suffered which we derived estimates of the ‘hazard increased by 10 months, and for late ado- psychological make-ups. This resilience grave psychosocial trauma, but also fam- of death’ or life expectancy for males and lescents and young adults it was increased may have enabled them to survive during ine, malnutrition, poor sanitation and a lack females, and for various age groups. by 18 months. the Holocaust and, at the same time, pre- medical facilities, potentially damaging later We found that, against all odds, genocide We offer two explanations, both highly disposed them to reaching a relatively old health and reducing life expectancy. survivors were likely to live longer. Across speculative. The first is ‘posttraumatic age. Surely, differential mortality cannot be The children and adolescents who sur- the total group of 55,220 subjects, the risk growth’ associated with protective factors viewed as a full explanation for survival of vived the Holocaust have aged, and many of death was significantly reduced by 6.5 in Holocaust survivors or in their environ- such a massive killing, since potential resil- of them have already died. We examined months for Holocaust survivors compared ment after World War II and the second is ience could not have increased the chances whether Holocaust survivors have a higher to non-Holocaust comparisons (hazard ra- ‘differential mortality’ during the Holocaust. of survival for many, even the strongest. risk of dying younger than persons without tio 0.935). Thus, Holocaust survivors seem The extraordinary resilience of survivors Our study emphasises the strength and a Holocaust background. We conducted the to have a longer life expectancy than those of severe trauma has already been docu- resilience of humans even after brutal and first cohort study of the Holocaust, based on who did not experience the Holocaust. mented outside the domain of genocide. inhuman events such as the Holocaust and the entire population of immigrants from However, further analyses indicated that the For example, soldiers with combat-related other genocides, providing a basis for hope Poland to Israel (until May 1948, the British effect was specific to males. Females had, as trauma showed ‘posttraumatic growth’ as after prosecutions and genocides that Mandate of Palestine). The subjects were usual, a longer life expectancy than males, they found greater meaning in their lives should never be forgotten. 186 Photo: David McGirr ■ Angelina Wormus SummerOUTDOOR is finally here, and with tempera- children’s pool has a three-lane water slide area complete POOLS with deck chairs for relaxing tures rising, it’s time to seek out the city’s wa- and a small island. There are plenty of grassy in the sun. Floating on the river is a flatbed PRICES: ter holes. Who could refuse a view of nature, areas for picnicking and laying out your tow- boat that contains the swimming pool. It’s Basen Krakowianaka: a cooling breeze, or best of all, the chance to els to get a little sun. It has three beach vol- not exactly Olympic-size, but it does make Adults 13zł, Youths 8zł, dive into some refreshing water? Just keep in leyball courts, as well as a snack bar where for a nice dip when the sun beats down. children (4–8yrs) 5zł mind that these places attract people like an you can order Polish fast foods such as burg- There is also a beach volleyball court and a After 15:00: Adults 8zł, Youths 5zł, oasis in a desert on weekends.
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