Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 118 years PLYMOUTH SUNDAY April 18 2004 75 cents V o l u m e 118 N u m b e r 6 8 www.hometownlife.com © 2 0 0 4 H o m e t o w n C ommunications N e t w o r k Truck crashes through Midas window Experts warn that even a BY TONY BRUSCATO moderate tan could be STAFF WRITER damaging to your skin A Plymouth Township woman suffered a possible bro­ and promote cancer ken arm and lacerations when the driver of a Ford F-250 PAGE C6 pickup apparently suffered a seizure and crashed through the front lobby of the Midas Muffler Shop on Ann Arbor Road Plymouth Township Police Detective Sgt Bob Antal said 41-year-old Lisa LeBlanc was waiting for her car to be repaired when the truck slammed through the two- foot-high brick wall base and plate glass window She doesn’t remember too much of the incident,’’ Antal said ‘She was in the waiting room when the truck came through, and ended up in the restroom area Bob Antal said Terry Lovell, 42, of Plymouth Township “possibly suffered a seizure that caused him to drift off LI the road ” He was taken to St Mary Mercy Hospital in Carnegie Hall perform Livonia for evaluation of cuts and bruises Ron Barck of Canton Township, manager of the ance highlights choir Precision Tune shop next door, narrowly avoided being trip hit by the truck and saw it crash into the Midas store “I was driving eastbound (on Ann Arbor Road) and SECTION C before I got to their driveway I noticed him veer over, crossing the center line,’ Barck said ‘He then drove up Win a $500 the grass, never slowing down or hitting the brakes, and hit the building at about 45 mph Farmer Jack ‘ I couldn’t tell whether he was conscious,” Barck added I t scared me because a couple seconds later and shopping spree the truck would have hit my car ’ All the Midas employees were in the garage area work­ See page B6 for details ing on cars when the crash occurred “It was like a bomb going off,” said Midas manager Marty Clendemng of Garden City “We were startled and started looking around, and then saw the truck “Many times we have three or four customers in the waiting area, and a couple of employees,” he added Pipeline “We’re lucky it wasn’t worse ’ Antal said Lovell wasn’t cited for causing the accident, but was ticketed for driving with a suspended license Honor mom A customer at the Midas Muffler shop on Ann Arbor Road was injured when this pickup truck smashed through the front of the store tbruscato@oe homecomm net | (734) 459 2700 Friday afternoon The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers is part­ nering with i Tamara Going to the highest bidder City wrestles Spa and ^ , Thrifty Florist to honor 10 lucky moms Plym outh auctioneer is having the tim e of his life Mother's Day is Sunday with parking W May 9, and your mom BY BRAD KADRICH could win a day at the STAFF WRITER spa or a dozen red roses BY TONY BRUSCATO Tell us in 75 words or Joe Carli has made a pretty good living during his STAFF WRITER less why your mom is lengthy career as an auctioneer thanks largely to the special Grand prize is a people in and around the Plymouth community With the weather partly sunny and warm Fnday, day at Tamara Spa, In the That's why Carli, the owner of JC Auction Services Sheldon and Marityn Felk of West Bloomfield spent Courtyard Plaza at Inc, spends a great deal of his time giving back to that the day strolling downtown Plymouth, where the shops 32520 Northwestern same community are quaint, restaurants serve gourmet foods and the Highway, Farmington Carli, a retired General Motors supervisor who’s run parking is free Hills Nine others lucky his auction business for some 16 years, is a popular fig­ That may not be the case much longer moms will receive a ure at fund-raising auctions as diverse as the Plymouth The city commission is grappling with a decision to dozen red roses courtesy Community Chamber of Commerce and the March of eliminate free parking m the downtown area of Thrifty Florist Dimes Depending on who you want to believe, it could have a Send your nomination ‘ I want to give back to the community, Carli said negative effect on downtown businesses, or traffic will to Cathy Young, promo­ 111 be honest, we get a lot of business out of the com­ continue as usual tions manager, Observer munity I just want to make sure we give back, too We shop Birmingham more now because they give & Eccentric Newspapers, It s a career move Carli made on a part-time basis two hours free parking, said Marilyn Felk “We 36251 Schoolcraft, back in 1988, while still at GM He and his wife, Carol, thought about it more carefully before because you had Livonia, Ml 48150 or e- were big into antiques and used to travel the antique to worry about the meter running out and having cor­ mail your entry to show circuit He was constantly amazed by the sorts of rect change I see it as a detriment’ cyoung@oe homecomm n things people would buy, and how much they would “If they were to start charging I doubt we d come to et pay for them Plymouth more than once a year,” said Sheldon Felk Include your moms His wife simply got tired of lugging stuff home “We re just walking around, but we may buy coffee and name, address and phone ‘You always came home with lots of stuff,’ Carol drop $10-$15 Yes, I d be annoyed ” number and your name, Carli said with a laugh “We thought it would be neat Commissioner Anthony Guilliom believes the cur­ address and phone num­ to take it all somewhere, and come home with the rent budget shortfalls warrant a look at paid parking as ber on the entry money” , an option Deadline is 5 pm “I think we could generate $2 million a year from Wednesday, May 5 Ail SO HAPPY TOGETHER parking revenue,” said Guilliom The question we nominated moms will be need to consider is whether the average taxpayer is honored in the O&E edi­ Auctioneering is just one of the things the couple willing to forego the money, which could go toward a tions the week of May 9 does together They met when Carol was a freshman at reduction in taxes or keeping them from going up Detroit’s Cooley High School Joe, a sophomore then, Auctioneer Joe Carli of Plymouth Township says he likes to give It’s too big an opportunity to not spend a little ener- Senior Safety Day back to the community, because the community has been so good The Plymouth PLEASE SEE AUCTIONEER, A5 to him PLEASE SEE PARKING, A6 Community Council on Aging will sponsor a "Senior Safety Day" at 1 pm Tuesday,April20at Coming Thursday m your Plymouth Observer the Plymouth District Library Wayne County Sheriff Police seek driver in cycle fatality Deputy K. Sobel, Plymouth Township BY BRAD KADRICH accident, and police are trying to Officer Jamie Senkbell STAFF WRITER The driver le ft the scene of the find her to question her and City of Plymouth They do not believe she was at Detroit Music Awards Officer Jennifer Dergis Plymouth Tbwnship police are accident, and police are trying fault See who was nominated will provide information looking for a woman they hope Police said alcohol was a factor and make plans to attend on identification theft, can shed some light on a fatal to find her to question her. m the crash, but aren’t sure yet to this very hip event. scams directed at sen­ motorcycle accident that claimed what extent it factored m iors, travel and home the life of a 51-year-old Milford The woman dnvmg the red car safety, 911 calls and man Thursday night is being sought for questioning, stranger awareness According to police, the acci­ and the investigation continues INDEX There Is no cost for this dent happened on westbound Ann Arbor Road Police say the Anyone with information about Apartments E2 Obituaries C5 program, but registration Ann Arbor Road at the entrance driver of the red vehicle, a woman, the accident can call Plymouth Automotive FI Observer Life Cl is requested Call the to 1-275 when Luther Ratliff ran may not have realized the seventy Township Police Detective Sgt Crossword Puzzle D5 New Homes C8 Council on Aging office at his 2003 Harley-Davidson into of the accident, because a second Bob Antal, (734) 453-3869, Ext For The Record A4 Real Estate 02 (734) 453-1234, Ext the back of an unidentified red motorcycle was also on the scene 241 Health C6 Service Guide F2 B1 236 vehicle on the poorly lit stretch of The driver left the scene of the bkadnchHoe homecomm net j (734) 459 2700 Jobs E4 Sports i i . ..gy T4r : B u y D i r e c t f i c e s ! A r t ) , ft, r?. Call Now 1-8 77-N O rectbuy.net KL (P ) Observer & Eccentric j Sunday April 18 2004 NEWS BRIEFS iviviv,hometownl(fe.com GRIEF WORKSHOP For information, call Bob Arts Council, 774 N Sheldon, Academy Award-themed fash­ Kilgore at (734) 459-6393 are free and open to the public ion show, along with door pnzes New Hope Center for Grief Call (734) 416-4278 and flowers Registration starts Support and the Northville EMERGING ARTISTS EXHIBIT at 11 30 a m Tickets are $25 Senior Citizen Center offer a OPEN HOUSE For reservations and more gnef support workshop for The first-annual Emerging information, call the chamber, adults who are dealing with the Artists Exhibit, Apnl 26-30 at Plymouth Nursery hosts an (734) 453-1540 death of a loved one, beginning the Plymouth Community Arts open house, Apnl 18 Vendor Thursday, April 22 Council, will showcase art from representatives will be present, ROCKETTES TALENT SHOW This seven-week workshop, several different groups, includ­ door pnzes given, and refresh­ held at the Northyille Senior ing this year’s Demans Award ments served The Salem Varsity Rockettes, Citizen Center
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