HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Sound and fury: HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE 2010 4 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES D2 TAYO! (DEFEND DIGNITY) 7 SA RIGHTS AGENDA A HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE AGENDA 8 ON GOOD GOVERNANCE JM VILLERIO 14 AUTOMATED NA CROSSING BARRIERS 18 By Dr. Faith Mesa 21 ALAMIN ANG INYONG MGA KARAPATAN JOY ANNE ICAYAN PUTTING AN END TO TORTURE 22 By Ellecer Carlos 25 HR DIGEST 26 HR TRIVIA 26 FACTS AND FIGURES JAY AZUCENA Editorial Board • NYMIA PIMENTEL-SIMBULAN DR. P.H. • SONNY MELENCIO • GINA DELA CRUZ • Editor - JM Villero • Editorial Assistants - Jay Z. AZUCENA • MARIA Katherine BERNADETTE R. CANSINO • SAMANTHA V. Villegas Art Director - VANELI • Illustrator - EUGENE BACASMAS The Human Rights Forum is published quarterly by the Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PhilRights) with office address at 53-B Maliksi St., Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon City • Telefax: 433-1714 • Tel. No.: 426-4048 • BALAY REHABILITATION CENTER, INC. E-mail:[email protected] • Website: www.philrights.org • ISSN 0117-552-1 HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM EDITORYAL Itakda ang kinabukasan ng bayan ALAPIT NA ang Mayo 10, isang araw sa kasaysay- Ang pag-exercise at pag-angkin ng karapatang bumoto ay an ng ating bansa kung saan nabubura ang hindi hindi lamang responsibilidad ng bawat botante. Ito ay isang Mpagkakapantay-pantay ng mga Pilipino. Sa araw mahalagang tungkulin dahil nakasalalay sa ating pagboto at na ito, ang mahirap ay nagiging kapantay ng mayaman; ang iboboto ang kinabukasan ng ating bansa at ng susunod na mga ordinaryong mamamayan ay nagiging kasing-impor- henerasyon. Ang isang boto ng bawat Pilipino ay katumbas tante ng mga opisyal ng gobyerno. ng buhay o kamatayan ng ating mga sanggol; karunungan Sa araw ng pambansang eleksyon, saang sulok man ng o kamangmangan ng ating mga estudyante; makataong pa- Pilipinas, ang bawat boto – mayaman man o mahirap, bata mumuhay o laganap na kahirapan ng ating mga magsasaka; o matanda, babae o lalaki, may asawa o wala, nakatapos ng maayos na trabaho o paghihikahos ng mga manggagawa; at kolehiyo o hindi, nasa siyudad o kanayunan, Moro, Katu- mayamang kapaligiran o pagkawasak ng ating mga kabun- tubo o Kristiyano – ay magkakapareho ang halaga at bilang. dukan at dagat. May tig-isang boto tayo at ang bawat isang botong ito, kapag Ang boto ng bawat isa sa atin ang pag-asa ng mahigit 94 binilang at pinagsama-sama, ay magiging mapagpasya sa milyong Pilipino. pagpapanalo ng mga karapatdapat na pinuno ng ating ban- Sa Mayo 10, angkinin ang karapatang bumoto para sa sa sa susunod na 3 hanggang 6 na taong panunungkulan sa mga tunay na maglilingkod sa bayan. iba’t ibang sangay at antas ng gobyerno. Sa Mayo 10, ipagtanggol ang boto! HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM O GAUGE how human rights issues figure in the 2010 elections, PhilRights looked into the platforms and sampled some public appearances of the presidential candidates.1 TCampaign Platforms2 the perspective of citi- Of the eight platforms re- zen’s power over State viewed, five parties/candidates institutions. contained provisions which Participation is expressly mentioned human discussed in all but rights: Liberal Party (LP), Na- Bagumbayan’s plat- cionalista Party (NP), Bangon form. Participation is Pilipinas, Lakas-Kampi-CMD defined as decentral- (Lakas)3 and Sen. Jamby Mad- ized and participa- rigal (Independent). Of the five, tory democracy (LP LP’s platform offered the most and Madrigal), elaborate discussion on human rights. Three political parties (Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino or PMP, Bagumbayan, and Ang working with local NGOs and Kapatiran) did not explicitly civil society groups (Ang mention human rights in their Kapatiran and Madri- platforms. gal), building capacity of Provisions for accountabil- LGUs and increasing lo- ity and participation were also cal government autonomy looked into. Not surprisingly, (PMP and Lakas), peoples’ the various parties/candidates participation in the screening view accountability from differ- of the members of the judicia- ent perspectives: Bangon Pilipi- ry (Bangon Pilipinas). nas and Lakas discuss account- For the most part, the plat- ability in relation to transpar- forms examined reveal that ency in government transac- programs related to basic ser- tions; NP and Madrigal believe that the government should be accountable for human rights violations. LP discusses ac- countability from HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM vices were not discussed as people turn to violence because should improve on basic health rights but as programs. of the absence of better opportu- care services. Others propound- nities and thus calls for sustain- ed on the concept of choice in Survey Results4 able development. Claiming to justifying their position on the Ang Kapatiran be the son of a victim of extra- bill, such as Villar (NP) and Ang Kapatiran expounded judicial killing, Gordon empha- Gordon (Bagumbayan), who on the relationship between sizes that there must be swift stressed that a huge yet edu- integrity and human rights, de- action against EJKs, and calls cated and skilled population is fining integrity as “the steadfast for better law enforcement. an asset to the country. Aquino adherence to a strict ethical or Lakas (LP) pushed for responsible par- moral code”, and underscoring The party’s human rights enthood, while Teodoro (Lakas) the principle of respect for life platform is based on what it calls called for a “moral obligation” and dignity of the human per- a “Centrist Humanist Agenda” of individuals to be responsible son. which believes that “politics for their families. The party believes that cor- and government should serve Of the three media forums ruption “is the biggest culprit the greater good of the greatest sampled, Inquirer’s Presidential and major cause of the nation’s number of people in society.” Debate touched on more HR poverty and hunger. It violates Lakas advocates the principles issues compared to the other human rights and is a social and of a democratic system and be- two, even as the questions and moral cancer.” To address this lieves in people empowerment answers were not expressly problem, Ang Kapatiran has a as the basic requirement in the framed as human rights per se. six-point program that seeks to advancement of democracy. Lakas standard-bearer Gil- address the structures that pro- Its top human rights issues bert Teodoro was asked wheth- mote corruption. are: a) protection of migrant er he would defend the rights of The party rejects the Repro- workers; b) urban poor resettle- IPs when mining, logging and ductive Health (RH) Bill; is for ment; c) solving extrajudicial other programs threaten their the dismantling of the “culture killings and disappearances communities. Teodoro said that of guns” and seeks the prohibi- and d) the rights of indigenous it is necessary to get the consent tion of political dynasties and peoples, including ancestral do- of IPs to ensure sustainability of pork barrel. It also promises to main. these projects. improve delivery of basic ser- Lakas proposes safeguards Villar (NP), on the issue vices in education, health care and support systems that will of impunity, stressed the im- and housing. protect migrant workers at all portance of strengthening the Bagumbayan stages (from recruitment to human development index in Bagumbayan “assigns the employment) and will assist in places where private armies are highest priority in upholding matters of legal issues, repatria- rampant, through the enhance- the rule of law, uplifting the tion and support. It plans to ad- contributions of men and wom- ment of entrepreneurial skills, level of dignity of our people dress housing insecurity of the en”. health and access to education, and good governance,” and poor through the use of produc- Pangmasa’s top three hu- while also strengthening secu- promises to protect basic hu- tive economic projects. It also man rights issues are: a) abol- rity through enhancement of man rights to life, liberty and stresses opposition to all forms ishing private armies; b) re- the military. property. of violence. It will work with opening investigations into Madrigal (Ind.) sees the Gordon’s top human rights the Commission on Human extra-judicial killings; and c) need to control advertising of issues are: a) addressing the Rights (CHR) in investigating releasing detained military men junk food, saying that the em- huge gap between world stan- and prosecuting perpetrators and women who are fighting phasis should be on food qual- dards and local conditions in of HR violations. It also calls for for rights and reporting abusive ity. She said she intends to limit education and health care; b) stronger implementation of the plans and actions in all military the advertising of several com- solving the war in Mindanao Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act departments. panies and implement stringent through sustainable develop- (IPRA) to promote the cultural, measures against companies ment; and c) addressing the nu- economic and social welfare of Media Forums5 that “misadvertise,” such as merous cases of extra-judicial IP communities. In the media forums sam- milk companies that advertise killings through better enforce- Pangmasa pled, the issue of accountability powdered milk as breast milk ment of the law. Pangmasa affirms “the im- was often discussed. The presi- substitute. Bagumbayan will ‘encour- portance of developing the full dential candidates believed in Eddie Villanueva under- age the creation of a deep pool human potential of a person” to the need to prosecute erring scored the importance of social of knowledge workers by pro- ensure maximum contribution officials, and the need for trans- security for the elderly. viding scholarships directed to society. It recognizes the im- parency in government transac- De Los Reyes reiterated his towards greater access to vo- portance of people’s participa- tions. stand against the RH bill, but cational training and science/ tion in an “authentic participa- Health issues were also dis- stressed the importance of ma- engineering programs.” It also tive democracy”, and believes cussed constantly in relation to ternal health and promoting plans to “utilize school systems in equal sharing of the fruits of the RH bill.
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