UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII QUARTERLY BULLETIN VOLUME V NUMBER 2 REGISTER OF OFFICERS AND STUDENTS 1926-1927 OCTOBER, 1926 Published Quarterly by the UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIl Honolulu (Entered as se.cond-class mail matter at the Post Office at Honolulu, T. H., Nov. 14, 1921, according to Act of Congress of Aug. 24, 1912.) t- -I' CALENDAR 1926-1927 1926 September 13-14 Registration, Nineteenth Annual . Session. Mon.-Tues. September 15 Instruction begins. Wednesday October 1 Last day for receiving applica- tions from candidates for advanced degrees. Friday November 11 Armistice Day. Thursday November 25-27 Thanksgiving Recess. Thurs.-Sat. December 20 Christmas Recess begins. Monday Work resumed. Monday Mid-year Examinations. Mon.-Sat. Registration, Second Semester. Tuesday vVashington's Birthday. Tuesday Last day for receiving orations in Berndt Oratorical Con­ test. Monday Last day for receiving requests for examinations for ad- vanced degrees. Thursday Good Friday Recess. Fri.-Sat. Fifth Annual Contest for Berndt Prize in Oratory. Friday Final Examinations. Sat.-Sat. Sixteenth Annual Commence­ ment. Monday Last day for receiving applica- tions for admission. Thursday Entrance Examinations. Wed.-Sat. Registration, Twentieth An­ nual Session. Mon.-Tues. The Board of Regents Date of Present Term Appointment and . Expires Reappointment Arthur G. Smith ............. Aug. 16, 1918 May 2, 1923 Apr. 30, 1928 Mary Dillingham Frear....... Oct. 19, 1920 May 1, 1924 Apr. 30, 1929 Rev. Akaiko Akana ..........May 6, 1921 May 1, 1925 Apr. 30, 1930 C. R. Hemenway ............Oct. 6, 1910 ..., Apr. 30, 1916 Apr. 30, 1921 Apr. 30, 1926 Apr. 30, 1~31 Dr. Charles B. Cooper ........Oct. 27, 1922 Apr. 30, 1927 Ex Officio George Ii Brown, President of the Board of Agriculture and Forestry. Arthur L. ~ean, President of the University. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman: C. R. Hemenway Secretary: A. L. Dean .. THE FACULTY PROFESSORS AND ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Telephone ARTHUR L. DEAN, A;B. (Harvard '00) ; Ph.D. (Yale '02). President of the University. 2225 Hvde Street. 66062 ARTHUR R. KELLER, C.E. (Cornell '03); LL.B. (National Univ. '06); S.M.C.E. (Harvard '16); M.S. (Mass. lnst. Tech. '16). Dean of the College of Applied Science) and Pro­ fessor, of .Civil Engineering. 2456 Oahu Avenue. 67663 ARTHUR L. ANDREWS, B.L. (Cornell '93); M.L. (Cornell '95) ; Ph.D. (Cornell '02); L.H.D. Honorary (Tufts '26). Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences) and Professor of English. 2346 I..i1oa Rise. 67746 JOHN S. DONAGHHO, A.B. (Marietta '89); A.M. (Marietta '97). Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. 961.Alewa Drive. 88852 *JQHN M. YOUNG, B.S., (Univ. of Florida '98) ; M.E. (Cornell '02) ; M.M.E. (Cornell '04). Professor of Engineering. 945 Alewa Drive. 88849 -FRANK T. DILLINGHAM, B.S. (Worcester Poly- technic Institute '01); M.A. (Yale'16). Professor of Chemistry. 2562 Jones St. 67615 MINNIE E. CHIPMAN (Woman's Art School, N.Y.). Professor of Ceramics and Design. 2347 _.,v:.ancouver I:Iighway. 69257 , LOUIS A. HENKE, B.S. (Univ. of Wisconsin '12); " t M.S.· .(Univ. of Wisconsin '23). Professor of Agriculture. ' .. ., 2657 Terrace Drive, Manoa. 2077 * Leave of absence 1926-1921. 2 Telephone DAVID L. CRAWFORD, B.A. (Pomona '11); M.A. (Stanford '12); (Cornell '13). Professor of Entomology and Director of Extension 2355 O~.hu Ave. 69273 RICHARD WRENSHALL. Ph.B. (Yale '11) : Ph.D. (Yale '15). Professor of Chemistry. Makiki Hotel. 3675 IRVING O. PECKER, A.B. (Boston Univ. '12) ; Al­ liance Francaise, Sorbonne, Paris. Professor of Romance Languages. 3019 Nuuanu Ave. 69002 HERBERT F. BERGMAN, B.S. (Kansas Agric. Col- lege '05); M.S. (Univ. of Minn. '15) ; Ph.D. (Univ. of Minn. '18). Professor of Botany. 2819 Kahawai St. 67095 'cROMANZO ADAMS, A.B. (Univ. of Mich. '97); A.M. (Univ. of Mich. '98); Ph.D. (Univ. of Chicago '04). Professor of Ecolnomics and Sociology. 2315 Liloa Rise. CHARLES H. EDMONDSON, Ph.B. (Univ. of Iowa '03); M.S. (Univ. of Iowa '04); Ph.D. (Univ. of Iowa '06). Professor of Zoology and Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory. 2019 Vancouver Highway. 66125 CARL B. ANDREWS, B.S. (Rose Polytechnic In~t. '08); M.S. (Rose Polytechnic Inst. '09); C.E. (Rose Polytechnic Inst. '17). Professor of Enqineering. 743 Wyllie St. 69511 *TASUKU HARADA, B.D. (Yale '91); D.D. (Am- herst '10) ; LL.D. (Edinburgh '10). Professor of Ja/JGlnese Language and History. 1728 Rocky Hill St. • Leave of absence first semester 192~·1927. ( 7 Telephone *KARL C. LEEBRICK, B.S. (Univ. of California '11) ; M.S. (Univ. of California '13) ; Ph.D. (Univ. of California '17). Professor of History and Political Science. FREDERICK G. KRAUSS, D.Sc. (Univ. of Hawaii '23). Professor of Agron0111,y. 2447 Parker St. 67730 L1EUT. COL. ADNA G. CLARKE, Retired. LL.B., A.B. (Kansas Univ. '00); Graduate Artillery School '06; Distinguished Grad­ uate School of the Line '13; Graduate Army Staff College '14. Professor of Military Science and Tactics. 2125 Armstrong St. 67682 STANLEY D. PORTEUS (Lecturer Experimental Education, Univ. of Melbourne, '16; Re­ search Scholar Anatomy Department, Univ. of Melbourne. '18; Director. Research Lab­ oratory, Vineland, N. J., 1919-1925). Professor of Cli1'1,ical Psychology and Director of Psychological Clinic. 2620 Anuenue Street. 67075 SHAO CHANG LEE, Graduate Canton Christian Col­ leg-e. Canton, China '11; Graduate Tsing . Hua College, Peking, China '13; A.B. (Yale '17) : M.A. (Columbia '18). Professor of Chin.ese Language "and History. 1709 So. Beretania St. 67872 PAUL KIRKPATRICK, B.S. (Occidental College '16); Ph.D. (U~liv. of California '23). Professor of Physics. Courtland Hotel. 6124 **HAROLD S. PALMER, B.A. (Yale '12); Ph.D. (Yale '23). Professor of Geology: 1450 Kewalo St. * Leave of Absence :first semester 1926-1927. ** Leave of absence 1926-1927. 8 Telephone THAYNE MILLER LIVESAY, A.B. (Pacific Univ. '17); A.M. (Univ. of Washington '21); (Stanford 1921-1924). Professor of Education and PS'j'chology. 2211 Hyde St. 66058 ERNEST C. WEBSTER, Ph.B. (Yale '04); C.E. (Yale '06). Professor of Engineering and 111athematics. 1836 Punahou St. 2735 FRED EUGENE ARMSTRONG, B.S. (Clemson A. & M. College '16) ; M.S. (Univ. of Minnesota '21). Professor of Agricultural Education. 1445 Punahou St. 1984 OTIS WILLARD FREEMAN, A.B. (Albion College '10) ; M.S. (Univ. of Michigan '13) ; North- western Univ. 1923-1924). Acting Professor of Geology and Geography. 1450 Kewalo St. 5483 KIKUJIRO C. KONDO, A.B. (Univ. of Louisville '18); B.D. (Theological Seminary of Ken­ tucky '19) ; M.A. (Univ. of Louisville '23) ; M.Pd. (Hartford Foundation '24); Ph.D. (Southern Theological Seminary '25). '1 Acting Professor of Japanese Language and Liter- ature. 1728 Rocky Hill St. 6383 WILLIAM CARLSON SMITH, A.B. (Grand Island College '07) ; A.M. (Univ. of Chicago '12) ; Ph.D. (Univ. of Chicago '20). Acting Professor of Sociology. 1009 Thirteenth Ave., Kaimuki. JOHN HENRY WISE. Professor of H au.'aiian Language. 1910 Fort St. 5580 ANNA von BALZER DAHL (formerly head of Vi- enna School of Costume Designing, San Francisco) . Assistant Professor nf Textiles and Design. 2011-C Lanihuli Drive. 67575 t Telephone CHARLES H.NEIL, A.B. (Univ. of So. Carolina '03). Assistant Professor of English. University Club. 6491 CAREY D. MILLER, A.B. (Univ. of California '17); M.S. (Columbia University '22). Assistant Professor of Food and Nutrition. 2627 Kaaipu Ave. 67027 GERALD R. KINNEAR, A.B. (Oberlin College '21) ; M.B.A. (Harvard Univ. '23). Treasurer and Purchasing Agent of the University. 1527-L Makiki St. 2259 LAURA V. SCHWARTZ, B.A. (College of the Pacific '20); M.A. (Stanford '21); Ph.D. (Stanford '24). Assistant Professor of English. 2726 Hillside Ave. 67470 EDWARD H. VANWINKLE, B.S. (Harvard '20). Assistant Professor of Commerce. 1536 Dominis St. 3042 EARL M. BILGER, B.S. (Wesleyan Univ. '20) ; M.A. (Wesleyan Univ. '21); Ph.D. (Yale '25). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Men's Dormitory. 66046 CAPT. NORMAN M. NELSEN, Graduate of the In­ fantry School '24. Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics. 1638 Anapuni St. 68081 LIEUT. NUMA A. WATSON, U. S. Military Acad­ emy, West Point, '22. Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics. 2502 Waolani Ave. 69412 JOHN MILTON BAK'ER, A.B. (Knox '19); Lit.B. (Columbia '21) ; A.M. (Harvard '26). Assistant Professor of English. Apt. D, 2011 Lanihuli Drive. 67577. 10 Telephone LOCKWOOD MYRICK, JR., A.B. (Harvard '15); A.M. (Harvard '17). Assistant Professor of Philosophy. 2562 Jones St. 67615 INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS GEORGE HAROLD WILLIAM BARNHART, B;S. (Univ. of Hawaii '14); M.S. (Univ. of Ha- waii '23). Lecturer on Sugar Factory Engineering. 2629 Doris Plac·e. 67657 EDWIN H. BRYAN, JR., B.S. (Univ. of Hawaii '20) ; Ph.B. (Yale '21); M.S. (Univ. of Hawaii '24). Instructor in Entomology. 2721 Ferdinand Ave. 8613 J. OTIS DALE, B.S. in Agric. (Univ. of Missouri '24). Instructor in Poultry Husbandry. 1315 South King St. 68274 OTTO DEGENER, B.S. (Mass. Agric. College '22) ; M.S. (Univ. of Hawaii '23). Instructor in Botany. ~ 2220 Vancouver Highway. 69328 GIICHI FUJIMOTO, B.S. (Univ. of Hawaii '21); M.S. (Univ. of Hawaii '23). Instructor in Chem.istrv. 1524 Farrington St. 4278 MAY K. GAY, B.A. (Univ. of Hawaii '23); M.A. (Co- . lumbia Univ. '25). Instructor in Physical Education for Women. 1611 ~eeaumoku St. 3037 LEWIS ULYSSES HANKE, B.S. ( Northwestern ·Univ. '24); M.A. (Northwestern Univ. '25). Instructor in History and Political Science. 2011 Lanihuli Drive. 67:J77 CLAIR ARTHAUD HANNUM, B.S. (Univ. of Wash­ ington '23); M.S. (Univ. of Washington '24); (Graduate work, Univ. of Washing­ ton, 1924-1926). Instructor in Zoology. Niumalu Hotel, Honolulu. .. 11 Teleph'Oue *CLARA F.
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