D-4 Cranford Ghronicle UtotFarMiUS 1 HirWeti litre UBO INF1NITI 035 COUPE '03 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS PONTIAC, BONNEVILLE "95 FORD BRONCO'86 4x4. exc. 1 VOLVO 940 TURBO WAG. '94 Diamond graphite, auto. '93 - Ereeh, 144K. runs 4dr., auto, a/c, anvfm CD .. Witt, w/tan m>f,,|nlw.i Sflto J aulo, TO .playnr igami, —weal cowrr "Eresnecreationai-vBtitcte." 23.5K Ml.. Exc. cond. Ask: sell. $850 908-9648530 $6,000/obo $2.800/bo. 90^8624088 fng $31,000 90&88& MERCURY SABLE 193 Pontlac Grand Am GT "98- whltfi, 5624 • • • . : . 4 door, auto, V6. A/C, CO, 85H VOLVO '96 850 GLT Blue FORD, EXPLORER/94. Blue, good running cond, Sedan 120K ml,, great JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4 1993 ni Exc cond. 1 cvnsr, $5000. 4Xd ptf. bratav'staTfi Tan i\ $1300 908-233-S565 condition,. problem free, . 4.0L 137k. trans case 2 y» 9C6789O766 . fcr/e*r./Ce*tcond.l53(nt anew MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Old, solid, leliablo, • runs dlr. malnt, pwr sunroof. $3,700033. 9082354363 '87 4-dr., good condtlon. great greal cond. $25O0/tx> PONTIAC Grand Prix SE $5900. 908-35&8981 SOK mi., $1,100 90a §l»217-3874 '20OO dark green, Very • 276-7850 call anytime good cond. 76K hwy ml. VOLVO '98 XCV7O AWD, LEXUS '93 IS400 fully loaded, $6400/obo. Cross Country wagon, Jaep Grand Cherokee '96, MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS : 4dr, blk w/blk leather. Call 908-6544293 ' L0ADEDI.3" seat, dealer 4WD.-AC, green, pwr pkg., 85Kml. loaded. .6C0, LS '95 • exc. cond.. 68K. serviced, garage . kept, PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE 80k ml.. $8OOO./obo,. lojack. 1 owner, beautlfull' S-1800/obo . '. 54.500 ml, $14,500. •94- Dk Grn. Exc'. Cond. 732-38&S549 days /eves • . must see! $8900 908^88-2566: 908-789-9420. .''..-. Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kenilworth 908-273-8216 Summit 118k ml.'$2000 call MERCURY OR, MARQ- 908-930^714 VW '02 Jetta GLS wagon, Trceks aTralleis 1405 Vol.116, Na 29 1091-blk. 4 dr., owo, 4 x-lra Thursday, July 15,2004 LINCOLN '02 Continental 1.8 turbo, Tlptronlc, Mon- 50 cents Jlics. toccnt scrv. S1200, PORSCHE 'H3 9-1.1 &spd 2000 FORD F-150 XLT - ExlavJ . ' Fully equlppd, low 'mlteiigo . soon premium sound, cVWa 008-276-7768 sun roof, custom Int..-fac- Cab, 5.4 V8, Auto, 2 VJO. 58k 4,800, mint cond., sunroof. lux". pkg. tory alarm, ponon AM/FM ml., Exeell cond., $12,900 $22,500, 908-23^7741 $12:980. 908-310-1372 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER cass 12K.WL $10,000firm 9086789120 LINCOLN '88 Mark Vll 2000 - black, 4dr, AWD, 908-687-9157 • VW JETTA W Moon roof, man 60k ml, $15,000/bo 908- Patnpeled, loaded, • 137k SAAB '97 900S 4 dr., 5 L«l. blue, runs good.lOSk ml. CHEVY SILVERADO PICKUP 9289292 or 908917-8706 ml.. wino/*ino Int., Ham- spd,, sllvor, 97k, sunroof, $1350. 9082726048 '88-A/C, PS, PB, full size miits/tlrei. $3200, nog. alloy whoolo, CCD V8, 8 ft. bed, exc. cond., 908-241-8699 • MONTECARLO SS '85-'blk, VW JETTA GLS '00 • 5 spd, p-top, needs work, 100k+ changor, oXC. COIld., $1750.973^22-1804 • g builder SGOOOJOBO 908-70(»-0587 Silver,- leather, snrf, CD. full UNCOLN CONTINENTAL '09- $950 QBO Flow-master power, 39K, oxt, war., oxc. DODGE 250 '85-1x4, orlgl blk .oxt., tan Ithr,. fully oxhauet 908-2654536 SATURN SL2 '2000, 60K. 1 cond., $12,500 90&277-3624 By LAUREN TRAINOR nal title, good cond. many with conspiracy to promote an interstate scheduled to discuss the project at a spe- loaded,. 64K,.' $14,300. ownor, c-xc cond. Now Renaud added the company is also now parts 4-plow. $1700. and GREG MARX 908-27&4888 • tlws abrakos Possod Insp act of prostitution, retaliation against a cial meeting Monday and try to finalize a NISSAN 200 SX '97 VW PASSAT 2OO0 • 5spd, 908-233-7113 bound by the contract, and can't renege on $5,990 9086884707 THE .CHRONICLE Lincoln Towncar "90, v«iy 2dr. Auto. Full power, • 4cyt, turbo, 44k -ml. 30+ witness, and obstruction of justice. The price for the 300-plus space parking deck its responsibilities either. flood condition, power CD player, Reur sppllor, mp/'. fully lod., excel, cond SATURN SL2 '98- 4dr.. good $12k Sold, Soldlll DODGE DAKOTA '97 • 78K. first charge carries with it a maximum the developer has agreed to build for the Several members of the committee, who everything, asking $1500. 81k; New' A/C, brakes, cond.. 1 ownor, auto, uc, CRANFORD - The thorn that is J 4x4, AC, 5spd, Excel. Cond. penalty of five years in prison, the second township. Now, that discussion promises Cull 908-2334977 tiros: 2' ownor. 123k ml.. $2,800. Ti«5 liko now, ABS,$45O0 had not yet consulted with each other, had VW PASSAT GLS 2001.5- Cranford Crossing twisted a little bit more NICE COMDITlONIl! 908-319-8080 OBO 908407O907 two a maximum penalty of 10 years in to be much more complicated. sharply different responses. MARQUIS 1997- Palm S4850 908«54-8468 blk/blk, auto, v6, 36k ml, Tuesday in the sides of • Township Beach. Dlack/W. loath. SATURN SL2 '98- 4dr., good P/L, P/W. ABS, 4dr, prison, and each carries a maximum of a At press time Wednesday, it was not George Jorn was most sanguine, saying FORD '96 Dump 26,000 Committee members, as developer Int. SOk ml., well malnt'd. cond., 1 ownor, auto, ac, $l'l,99O/bo 973895-3447 $250,000 fine. immediately clear what impact the news "As far as I'm concerned, we're still contin- $7,000000 973-744-1854 NISSAN. '91 300ZX 2+2, 5- 123k ml., $2,800. or 973-222-7737 GVWn, V8, 5 spd, split. 5 Charles Kushner was charged on. three ' spd, 130K ml. ox. cond. 908-3194080 yd. body, $17,500. 90& Kushner is the head of Kushner would have on the project. Cranford's spe- uing to negotiate to get the project going... MA2DA 626 W- 58K.HteftUiy criminal counts stemming from an alleged Now tiros and battery WE BUY CARS. HIGHEST 73S2226. Companies, the designated developer for cial counsel, Joseph Baumann, did not nil., WliBo w/belgo Int.. 4dr, 4 $6900/bb 732-381-3658. SUBARU IMPREZA '98- 2 PRICES PAID, MA- We're got a legal, binding contract." cvCAuto, new emissions sys plot to catch witnesses involved in an door, black, sunrool, auto, HAND & SONS AUTO FORD RANGER XLT 1998 the star-crossed Cranford Crossing proj- return a call, but township attorney Bob He pointed out that Kushner has not tern, (id. cond., $6495 908- fraud investigation against him engaging NISSAN MAXIMA GXE • 1996 4 wheel dr., 103k mllos. SALES, INC, 50713 pickup w/ cap, 51k mi. ect, which hnd already been moving ahead Renaud pointed out the township has a 232-7756 6 CYL., 4 DR, auto, pwi $5000 908-781-6414 South Avo., 150 South alarm, autostart, fogllghts, in acts with prostitutes. yet been found guilty of any offense, and lck,& wind. 89k oil(!. ownor Avo., Garwood at a glacial pace. contract with the developer that can't eas- MAZDA PROTEGE '92 - TOYOTA CAROLLA '93- good rod, gray Int.. <ixc. cond. said he believes the committee's next step $6500 908423-4554 $7400/bo. 9083704056 Kushner was charged in federal court $17QO/obo. 153,800 ml. cond. 94.000 ml. Poifcct for The Township Committee was already ily be broken. 4 now tiros, now starter. NISSAN SENTRA '96 - Gray. train car or hs student Auto, i Continued on page A-2) 908464-4267 63K mi., runs woll, dam- A/C. Bluo Book value $1900 FORD XL PICKUP '86 • 76K. ago Ift. fondor, have now OBO 908757-3919 A/C auto, bodllnor. cap. MERCEDES 450SEL '79 4 1394 factory alum, whools. dr, . sllvor/black Interior, fondor but noods to bo In TOYOTA COROLLA '90 • 4dr, 1928 MODEL A FORD $1900. 908-587-0054 ' runs oxc. $975. Cnll 90S- stalled. $1900/obo 908- Good Cond/Well kept Roadster, tnn, tostorod, 531-1691 70SW093 $3,000/obo. Call 908-370 Immaculate In. and. out. 3097 MERCEDES B6N2 300E '90 Nissan Sontr.i GXE 2000- 5 $26,900. 90*647-3367 sp. man.,.99(< ml., loaded, Find just the car you want 6 cyl all powr, snrf, any fm VOLKSWAGEN CABRIO CHEVY '86 WORK VAN • Re cass,, oibas. CC, dlloy vvhls., CM. cond., ask $4800. obo CONV. '97 . fun car. excel MERCEDES BENZ 73 450SL. liable, shoivos Included. 90K,. $5500 732-4.22-6776 6096290727 lont tranc. 95K, $6000 OBO Red w/black Int. hard and oxcollontly maintained, 908*89-9444 soft tops good cond. front $1900/0bo 908451-6850 MERCEDES BENZ 500 SEL '85- NISSAN, ULTIMA GXE 1999 end needs wori< 106k at the price you want to pay. 132K S3950 OBO O08- black. 4dr, auto, a/c, cd, V6LKSWAGEN PASSAT GLS $8,000 Obo. 7323400672 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 420-3993 or 908-400-5390 cruise, pwr win dr locks, now 2001- v6, automatic, powei Going strong brakes, tiros belt, 5<lk ml, windows, sunroof, 22K ml, LE'92-llW.Wi38L7pass., By GREG MARX $7000 732-381-5380 powor evorythlng, runs coat MERCEDES BE*1Z 560SL '8G $13,000 973467-5894 four Wheel Driue 1400 Close to 100 girfs descended on THE CHRONICLE Gar. Kept 93k; Biack.w/black npods wok. $1300/ obo. Call Cranfordgets leather, Kiia/Sblt tops, OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME VOLVO '03 S60, 14.500 ml. CHEVY '95 BLAZER LT 4X4 Tony 9088844503 Cranford High School this week for $17,500 obo 908-2359871 '96-excollont cond.. white, FWD, 16" whools, loathor 84K ml, lonthor, all-powor, 6-CD, Rood cond.
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