Appendix F Basin Review Committee Pierce County Public Works and Utilities – Sewer Utility Unified Sewer Plan Update Pierce Count y Public Works and Utilities Bria n J. Ziegier, P.E. Director 9850 64th Street West [email protected] s University Place, Washington 98467-1078 (253) 798-4050 Fa x (253) 798-4637 March 3, 2010 U-100023 Honorable Mayor Peter B. Lewis City of Aubum 25 West Main Stree t Aubum, WA 98001-499 8 RE: Reques t fo r Appointment to the Basin Plan Review Committee . Dear Honorable Mayor Peter B. Lewis: Pursuant to the provisions of Pierce County Code 2.84 and RCW36.94.050, Pierce County i s to maintain a Basin Review Committee whose fiinction i s to review sewerage and/or water general plans and subsequent amendments in accordance with the membership criteria contained i n those provisions. The committee's functio n i s to review sewerage and/or water general plans and subsequent amendments t o those plans and provide recommendations to the Pierce County Planning Commission, Council, and Executive. Under Pierce County Code 2.84.020(B), your jurisdiction i s provided representation unde r the followin g provision: One representative chosen at large by a majority vote of the executive officers o f the other cities or towns (less than J 0,000 population) withi n or adjoining the area; Recently i t has been found that many positions on the Basin Review Committee are vacant. Because th e Pierce County Unified Sewe r Plan Update will require committee review, we are asking that al l members and organizations select or confirm thei r representative. Pursuant to Pierce County Code Section 2.84.050, the terms of members of the Review Committee shall be two years. Pierce County will compile the names of each city's or town's nominated representativ e and distribut e the list in ballot format s o that collectively you may select your own representative. (Length of term i s two years.) Please submit the name of your representative by May 1 , 2010, to Steve Kamieniecki, Public Works and Utilities Department, 9850 - 64"' Street West, University Place, WA 98467. Please contact Steve Kamieniecki at steve.kamieniecki(5),co.pierce.wa.us o r by telephone at 253-798- 3094 i f you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, PatMcCarthy Pierce County Executiv e SK:hmo Cors/U100023-SK Printed on recycled pape r Honorable Mayor Pete r B. Lewis fionorable Mayor Pa t Johnson Honorable Mayor Richi e E . Morgan City of Auburn City of Bucl<ley Town of Carbonado 25 West Main Street PO Bo x 1960 PO Drawer 91 Auburn WA 98001-4998 Bucl<ley WA 98321 Carbonado WA 98323 Honorable Mayor Tamara Jenkins Honorable Mayor Ra y Harper Honorable Mayor Jeff Hogan City of DuPont Town of Eatonvill e City of Edgewood 1700 Civic Drive PO Box 309 2224104th Avenue East DuPont WA 98327 Eatonville WA 98328 Edgewood WA 98372 Honorable Mayor Barr y Johnson Honorable Mayor Davi d M. Viafore Honorable Mayor Chuck Hunter Cify of Fife City of Fircrest City of Gig Harbor 5411 23rd Street East 115 Ramsdell Street 3510 Grandview Street Fife WA 98424 Fircrest WA 98466 Gig Harbor WA 98335 Honorable Mayor Katrin a Asay Honorable Mayor Cheryl Temple Honorable Mayor Richar d Hildreth City of Milton City of Orting City of Pacific 1000 Laurel Street PO Box 489 100 Third Avenue S E Milton WA 98354 Orting WA 98360 Pacific WA 98047 Honorable Mayor Kare n Yates Honorablen Mayor Bruc e Hopkins Honorable Mayor Pegg y Levesque City of Roy Town of Rustori Town of South Prairie PO Box 700 5117 North Winnifred Street PO Box F Roy WA 98580 Ruston WA 98407 South Prairie WA 98385 Honorable Mayor Ro n Lucas Honorable Mayor Dav e Enslow Honorable Mayor Donn a Hogerhui s Town of Steilacoom City of Sumner Town of Wilkeson 1030 Roe Street 1104 Maple Street, Suite 250 PO Box 89 Steilacoom WA 98388 Sumner WA 98390 Wilkeson WA 98396 Pierce Count y Public Works and Utilities Bria n J. Ziegier, RE. Director 9850 64th Street West „ . , . , ^ University Place , Washington 98467-1078 [email protected] s (253) 798-4050 Fax (253) 798-4637 March 3,201 0 U-100021 City of Bonney Lak e Public Works Water Divisio n PO Box 738 0 Bonney Lake, WA 9839 1 -0944 ^ RE: Reques t fo r appointment to the Basin Plan Review Committe e Dear City of Bonney Lake : Pursuant to the provisions of Pierce County Code 2.8 4 and RCW36.94.050, Pierce County i s to maintain a Basin Review Committee whose fionction i s to review sewerage and/or wate r general plans and subsequen t amendment s i n accordance wit h the membership criteri a contained i n those provisions. The committee's fiinctio n i s to review sewerage and/or wate r general plans and subsequent amendment s to those plans and provide recommendations t o th e Pierce Coimty Planning Commission, Council, and Executive . Under RCW36.94.010(4) a municipal corporatio n is : "Municipal corporation" means and includes any city , town , metropolita n municipa l corporation, an y public utilit y district which operates and maintains a sewer or wate r system, any sewer, water , diking , o r drainage district, an y diking, drainage , an d sewerage improvemen t district, and any irrigation distric t Under RCW36.94.010(5) a private utility is: A "privat e utility " means and includes all utilities, bot h public and private, whic h provide sewerage and/or water service and which are not municipal corporations withi n the definition o f this chapter. Th e ownership of a private utilit y may be i n a corporation , nonprofit o r for profit, i n a cooperativ e association , i n a mutual organization, o r i n individuals. Under Pierce County Code 2.84.020(C), your jurisdiction i s provided representation under th e following provision : A representative chose n b y the executive office r o r th e chairman of the board, a s th e case may be, of each of the other municipal corporations and private utilitie s servin g one thousand or more sewer and/or water customers located within the area ; Recently i t has been found tha t many positions on the Basin Review Committee ar e vacant . Because the Pierce County Unifie d Sewe r Plan Update will require committee review, we ar e ® Printed on recycled pape r City of Boimey Lak e U-100021 Page 2 asking that al l members and organizations selec t or confirm thei r representative. Pursuant t o Pierce County Cod e Section 2.84.050, the terms of members of the Review Committe e shal l b e two years . Please submit the name of your representative by May 1,2010 , to Steve Kamieniecki, Publi c Works and Utilities Department, 985 0 - 64"' Street West, University Place, WA 98467 . Pierc e County will then compile the names of each nominated representativ e an d disfribut e th e list i n ballot format s o that collectively you may selec t your own representative . Please contact Stev e Kamieniecki a t steve.kamiemecki(a),co.pierce.wa.us o r by telephone a t 253-798-3094 i f you have any questions, and thank you fo r you r assistance . Pat McCarth y Pierce County Executiv e SK:hmo Cors/U 100021-SK CITY OF BONNEY LAKE CITY OF BUCKLEY CITY OF DUPONT PUBLIC WORKS WATER DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS WATER PUBLIC WORKS WATER SYSTEM PO BOX 7380 DEPARTMENT 1700 CIVIC DRIVE BONNEY LAKE WA 98391-0944 PO BOX 196 0 DUPONT WA 98327 BUCKLEY WA 98321 CITY OF FIFE CITY OF FIRCREST FIRGROVE MUTUAL WATER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS WATER COMPANY 5411 23RD STREET EAST 120 RAMSDELL STREET 10408 144T H STREET EAST FIFE WA 98424 FIRCREST WA 98466 PUYALLUP WA 98374 FORT LEWIS WATER SYSTEM FOX ISLAND MUTUAL WATER FRUITLAND WATER COMPANY BOX 339500 ASSOCIATION PO BOX 73759 FORT LEWIS WA 98433-9500 PO BOX 35 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0759 FOX ISLAND WA 98333 CITY OF GIG HARBOR LAKEWOOD WATER DISTRICT LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS WATER PO BOX 99729 PO BOX 4249 3510 GRANDVIEW STREE T LAKEWOOD WA 98496 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 GIG HARBOR WA 98335 MCNEIL ISLAND WATER CITY OF MILTON MT. VIEW-EDGEWOOD WATER PO BOX 88900 PUBLIC WORKS WATER UTILITY 11610 32ND STREET EAST STEILACOOM WA 98388-0900 1000 LAUREL STREET EDGEWOOD WA 98372 MILTON WA 98354 CITY OF ORTING PAKRLAND LIGHT & WATER PENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PO BOX 44426 WATER SYSTEMS PO BOX 489 TACOMA WA 98444-0426 PO BOX 78 ORTING WA 98360 GIG HARBOR WA 98335-0078 CITY OF PUYALLUP RAINIER VIEW WATER COMPANY SPANAWAY WATER COMPANY PUBLIC WORKS WATER SYSTEM PO BOX 44427 PO BOX 100 0 1100 39TH AVENUE SE TACOMA WA 98448-0427 SPANAWAY WA 98387 PUYALLUP WA 98374 TOWN OF STEILACOOM SUMMIT WATER & SUPPLY CITY OF SUMNER PUBLIC WORKS WATER COMPANY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1030 ROE STREET 9701 50TH AVENUE EAST 1104 MAPLE STREET, SUITE 260 STEILACOOM WA 98388 TACOMA WA 98446-5444 SUMNER WA 98390 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE POBOXU007 COMPANY TACOMA WA 98409 PO BOX 336 GIG HARBOR WA 98335 Pierce Count y Public Works and Utilities Bria n J. Ziegier, P.E. Director 9850 64th street West [email protected] s University Place, Washington 98467-1078 (253) 798-4050 Fax (253) 798-4637 March 4, 2010 U-100034 79th Avenue Community Wate r 17415 79th Avenue East Puyallup, WA 9837 5 RE: Reques t for Appointment to the Basin Plan Review Committe e Dear Water System Administrator : Pursuant to the provisions of Pierce County Code 2.84 and RCW36.94.050, Pierce County is to maintain a Basin Review Committee whose fitnction i s to review sewerage and/or water general plans and subsequen t amendments i n accordance with the membership criteria contained i n those provisions.
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