All students are equal Up in smoke WSO rises from the ashes from 2016 Idealis boss Van Medenbach The frankincense tree A new incarnation as Pulse, speaks. | p.18 | under threat. | p.20 | together with PSF. | p.26 | RESOURCEFor students and employees of Wageningen UR nr. 12 – 9 February 2012 – 6th Volume Harvard on the Rhine? The perfect academic climate – p.12 2 >> labour of love >> LAAN + OCEAN SAILING Laan van Staalduinen, acting director of the SSG ‘I like rough conditions best’ Oh, a life on the ocean wave! The space all around you, the demands it makes on you. The need to be constantly on the alert. For Laan van Staalduinen, sailing on the open sea is ‘the ultimate in freedom and self-reliance’. The sea is your biggest friend and your enemy at the same time. Here she is in wind force 9 on the North Sea, heading for England. Note the wave in the background. RK / Foto: Rob Bonte RESOURCE — 9 February 2012 PHOTO COVER: ANP >>CONTENTS no 12 – 6th Volume >> 9 >> 23 >> 24 NEW THEORY ABOUT ‘WHEN I CAME WE STILL WORKED DANCING IN THE SNOW MASS EXTINCTIONS WITH NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS’ How the pioneer international students L = aN + bM + cI explains it all. Departing head of Communications are weathering the winter in Ede. Viola Peulen looks back. ENVY AND MORE... A recent visit to Cambridge brought out the worst in me. How casually the stu- 2 Labour of love dents strolled around their centuries-old colleague. I looked on in envy. There ocean sailing they were, all the brainboxes together, with their world-famous professors and 4 News and opinion superb facilities. The stories my hostess told me added fuel to the fire. Open bar 8 Science balls with unlimited caviar and Dom Perignon, secret societies... I wouldn’t have 11 Resource.wur.nl minding studying somewhere like this. On page 12, ambitious Wageningen 12 Academic climate researchers tell us about their ideal academic climate, drawing on their interna- 16 In the picture tional experience. It seems that Harvard and Cambridge are not the holy grail skating after all. It is tough at the top. Researchers have to compete with their colle- 18 Idealis agues just to keep their jobs, professors hog the limelight and there is little 20 Francincense space for human warmth. Perhaps the climate during my student days was not so 23 Viola Peulen bad after all. I’ll try and remember that next time I’m sitting in a Cambridge 24 Student teashop, whinging over my scone. 29 Column 32 Typical Dutch Rob Ramaker cold >> Picture: Fun on the ice in Wageningen. P.16 9 February 2012 — RESOURCE >> news 678'(1762)7(1,*125( 0($7%$//21/(*6 &2856((9$/8$7,216 dents to fill in those questionnai- ð 5HVSRQVHWRHYDOXDWLRQ res. ‘We use the results to improve VXUYH\VèGHVSHUDWHO\SRRUé teaching.’ ð 1XPEHURIVWXGHQWVŊOOLQJLQ Students and lecturers say the TXHVWLRQQDLUHKDVEHHQIDOOLQJ poor response is because the ques- IRU\HDUV tionnaire is now sent electronically rather than being handed out on paper after the exam, as in the Food Technology professor past. But Vegter has his doubts. Marcel Zwietering has published a ‘That was eight years ago’, he says. letter calling on students to give ‘And the problem then is that you feedback about their courses. For leave out students who don’t take year, they have been able to do this the exam whereas they are impor- in the Evasys survey at the end of tant too. Another advantage of each course, but Zwietering says electronic evaluations is the small the response can be ‘desperately amount of work involved, which poor’. Zwietering writes that lectu- means we can evaluate every rers and teaching programme course every year.’ committees always use the feed- Vegter points out that Wagenin- back, indeed they need it. ‘We real- gen students have a high response ly do listen to you.’ That is why he to other digital surveys. ‘The uni- is calling on students to give seri- versity has a response of nearly 50 ous attention to the questionnaires. percent for the National Student Henk Vegter in the Education Survey, the highest score of any and Research department recogni- university.’ So Vegter has faith in zes the problem. ‘The response to the current method. ‘We do howe- course evaluations used to be ver want to give the course evalua- around 45 percent but unfortuna- tion results more publicity among tely it has dropped in recent years. students so they can see the pro- GUY ACKERMANS FOTO: We are going to look at what we gress being made.’ 10 0HDWEDOOVPDGHRIPHDOZRUPVDQGFKLSVPDGHRILQVHFWV2QHZRQGHUV can do about this.’ Vegter empha- ZKHWKHUWKHDYHUDJH'XWFKGLQHUZLOOEHTXHXHLQJXSIRUWKHP%XWVWXGHQWV sizes that it is important for stu- See too Zwietering’s letter on page 11 RI)RRG,QQRYDWLRQDQG0DQDJHPHQWWXFNHGLQZLWKUHOLVKODVWZHHN$QGWKH\ DUHKRSHIXOWKDWWKHLUSURGXFWSDUWRIWKHLUJUDGXDWLRQDVVLJQPHQWZLOOJHW XVDOOKRRNHGRQWKHèSURWHLQRIWKHIXWXUHé-XVWWRJHWHYHU\RQHXVHGWRWKH LGHDWKHPHDOZRUPVDUHFOHDUO\YLVLEOHLQWKHPHDWEDOOV6R\RXPD\QHHGD DŽƿ0,//,21/(66)25'/2 WRRWKSLFNDIWHUHQMR\LQJWKLVèGHOX[HSURGXFWRUGHOLFDF\HYHQé,QVHFWVDVD èXQLTXHVHOOLQJSURSRVLWLRQé":HOOOHWéVNHHSDQH\HRQVQDFNEDUPHQXVLQ ons of the measures will be for or- WKHQH[WFRXSOHRI\HDUVWRVHHLIWKH\DUHDUXQDZD\VXFFHVV RR ð &DELQHWLVVFUDSSLQJPLOOL- ganizations like DLO, TNO and RQLQIXQGVIRUVFLHQFH ECN. Minister Verhagen has set up ð 8QLYHUVLW\LQWKHFOHDUIRUWKH a priority sector policy in which go- WLPHEHLQJ vernment and businesses are to %/2**,1*6+$53(167+(0,1' join forces in investing in know- ledge. Verhagen is giving busines- If you like writing and have an idiosyncratic take on the world around The government will be making se- ses tax allowances totalling 500 you, then you are in luck! Resource is looking for a blogger. vere cuts in science research fun- million if they invest more in We are looking for a student with distinctive views on things and the ding over the next few years. There knowledge. That should compen- ability to present them in good Dutch. Someone who can be provoca- will be 400 million less for re- sate for the cut of 400 million in tive, is prepared to share their insecurities and likes to seek out inte- search between 2012 and 2016, government funding. resting, wacky or informative links. with 50 million of that coming Expenditure on universities will from the DLO institutes, says the remain untouched for the years Your blogs must be clearly linked to your life as a student but can cer- Rathenau Institute, which has cal- ahead. The universities will get tainly also deal with topical issues. The idea is to provoke reactions culated the effects of measures in combined funding of 2.3 billion from your readers while illuminating various aspects of student life. the coalition agreement. That 400 this year, rising to 2.4 billion in million comes on top of the 300 2016. The cabinet is considering If you think you can do this, send an e-mail to our web editor: nicolet- million in cuts over recent years. It more cutbacks, however. $6 [email protected] is not yet clear what the implicati- RESOURCE — 9 February 2012 news << 5 è67233877,1*678'(176,1%2;(6é by different kinds of rooms are on he himself terms ‘1970s policy’. choose a luxury apartment if he ð ,GHDOLVLVLQWURGXFLQJDQHZ offer for fi rst years, foreign stu- In the new situation any stu- can afford it, while a Dutch PhD UHQWDOPRGHO dents, PhD students and so on. dent, regardless of their nationali- student on a tight budget can opt ð $OOVWXGHQWVZLOOEHWUHDWHG The policy reversal is outlined in ty, will be able to apply for any for a smaller room on a corridor.’ HTXDOO\QRŊ[HGDOORFDWLRQV the new Idealis business plan and room in any Idealis complex, with The new policy will be introdu- is explained in more detail by di- furniture as an option. It will no ced step by step over the next few rector Hans van Medenbach later longer matter whether you are a years. The real turning point will In future, students will be able to on in this edition. Van Medenbach fi rst year or PhD student, or where be 1 January 2016, when Idealis apply for any of the rooms ma- says Idealis was getting a lot of cri- you come from. ‘It will be fi rst co- will get possession of 1,200 rooms naged by Idealis. That will mean ticism for ‘compartmentalizing me, fi rst served’, says Medenbach. that the university currently rents an end to the age-old policy where- the different target groups’, which ‘So a fi rst year from Uganda can for international students. 5* LQEULHI NjNj678'(17&+2,5 NjNj,'($/,6 2QW]HWWLQJLQ&KLQD )LUVWZLQGWXUELQHLQ:DJHQLQJHQ Wageningen student orchestra De Ont- The planned new student residence Rijn- zetting will be making a two-week tour veste will boast the fi rst (modern) wind- of China at the end of the year, during mill in Wageningen. It will not be a huge which it will give fi ve concerts in the turbine, says Wim van Alphen from stu- 6&+$0,1(ljlj Shanghai area. If all the concerts are dent housing provider Idealis. ‘But it will sold out more than 10,000 Chinese will provide enough electricity to light up the get the chance to enjoy the orchestra’s paths around the complex.’ Work will music. The tour is being arranged and start on Rijnveste on the Rijnsteeg in Fe- fi nanced by S&L Cultural Exchange Hol- bruary. It will have a total of 345 units of /RFK1HVV land. The students only have to pay varying sizes. The building is expected Some time ago my wife, our two children and I visited the their own travel costs, and they are ho- to be ready sometime in 2013.
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