- r l , VOL. U I I .n o . 181. (ClMtlflcd AdvwIMaf oo F f M.), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNEdOAY, MAY 2, 198A (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS. FIRE RUINS TURN FRENCH REPORT Radicals Parade Might On New York’s May Day STABILIZATION DIVERGENT REPORTS HALL, CENUR OF NEW SPY PLOT; FUND PUZZLES fl MADE TO HOUSE ON poLisHjnvnr A i m AGENT ■ 'M xJA x 'A -Xy WAU^STREET Kg Wooden Stroctare On Declare Organizadoo If At ' '.'A BeBeye It U New Move of DR. WIRT’S CHARGES North SL Is D estroy^ Large at Other ia Whidi Major Importance But Not TREASURY REPORTS Majority Condndes There Early Today — Fironon Two Americant Were Just Certain Wbat It Is. Was No Fonodation f « ^ ' 1 ON EXPEMOnURES Sare Adjacent Homes. Implicated. J -.y ' . Some Opinions. Educator’s Assertions —t Turn HaII, center of social sad Paris, May 2.—(AP)—Police an­ New York, May 2,—(AP) —For­ Spent Only Litde More Than Minority Claims Probe athletic activities among the Polish nounced today that a huge “ Ger­ : ....... mal setting up of the Treasury’s residents of Mimchester, was de­ man spy organization" had been un­ ty'- V : 'A'/A■.■Z't yf $2,000,000,000 stabilization fund this Half of What Had Been Was Not Thorongh stroyed by fire early this morning. covered with the arrest of an agent week hM Wall street wondering If The large wooden building, at 71 in Paris and that warrants bad some new monetary move of major North street, housed. In addition to ' " ^ .X Enough. been issued for Aber members of moment is In the making. Estimated. the meeting hall, the North End Market conducted by Joseph Kur- the group. Tbs fund, created from profit ac­ cruing to the Treasury through de- oski, owner of the property. The Secret service agents ^ere said Washington, May 2.— (A P )—The Washington, May 2.—(AP) — .entire block. Including,the store and to be searching for the ip ita , but valxtatlon of the gold dollar last January, may operate in the For­ Tresmury spent $5,822,427,211 dur­ Widely divergent, Democratic and fixtures, was valued at 116,000 and even the name of the agent arrest­ eign Exchange Market, or in the Republican views were submitted to Is nearly a total loss. ed here was not made public. ing ten months of the fiscal yesu*, market fm U. 8. Government bonds. the House today to wind up Its in­ Had Gained Beculway. The organization was uncovered, ^x. 'M y But the dollar has recently settled only a little more them half of the The blaze was discovered by Mr. authorities said, as the result of in­ down to a state of exemplary sta­ outlay estimated by the budget for vestigation of Dr. William A. Wirt’s Kuroskl who was sleeping at the vestigation of charges against a ■ *///,. /*•■■■. .. bility in the world markets, and U. the full year ending July 1. sfllegations that tulminlftratlon rear of the building at about 8:46 French army officer. Captain 8. (Government bonds have risen to The deficit at the close of the ten- this morning. He attempted to put Froge, who was taken into ctistody "Brain ’Tnisters” were seeking to. the highest prices In years. month period WEM $4,334,444,123 eu overthrow the existing sociM order. in a telephone call for the fire appa­ in connection with the mysterious So Wan street sees little stabiliz­ compared with President Roose­ ratus but was unable to do so be­ disappearance of plans for the'de­ The majority report, signed by ing to be done, unless something velt’s estimate of $7,809,000,000 def­ the three Democrats on the special cause of the beat. His hair was fense of the dty of Belfort. new Is Impending, which might mo­ icit for the end of June. House committee, concluded there burned before he could get out. Large Organization mentarily disrupt the Foreign Ex­ ’The public debt at the close of wEu no foundation for the Gary, Neighbors called the Bon Ami plant Authorities charged tbg spy or­ change Market, or the market for April was $26,118,280,752. The Ind., schoolmaster’s assertions. and the alarm was sounded from ganization Is as large, if not larger Government securities. In that budget estimated a June 30 public No. 68, North street and Wood The two RepubllcEm committee than that for which Mr. and Mrs. case, of course, the 'Treasury would debt of $29,847,000,000, Lane. The fire had gained consid­ Robert Gordon Swltze of New York want to have the fimd ready to members. In separate opinions, held April spending was the lEU^est that a thorough investigation hsu] erable headway when discovered and New Jersey and 18 other per­ While 1,500 police, reinforced by as many reserves, vigilantly guarded the line of march, New York So­ operate. since jEUiuary. This was due chief­ not been made. and Mr. Kuroski could not determine sons now are In prison. cialists and Communists showed thehr strength in separate May Day parades celebrating the anniversary of Part of Program ly to a $300,000,000 item for the Its cause. Chief Edward Coleman It is not necessiury for the House Captain Froge. who had been ua- the day set aside for the commemoration of the yrorkiogman. Here the Ckjmmunist parade is seen getting Of course, it le pointed out in sinking fund. Without the sinking said this morning that it was Rn- der investigation for a long time, under way in the downtown financial district. WeHI street, setting up the fund at ftind entry, April spending was to Eu:t on any of the rex>orts. posslble to determine the origin of was Just about to be cleared of all this time may be merely a part 'of a $674,422,793 as compEired with Majority BepMt the blaze, since the entire front of charges, police said, when' the se­ fcmg term program, Emd may not in­ ChEflrmEm Bulwlnkle of North the building was in fiames when the $610,232,937 in March, $635,321,855 cret service "caught an accomplice dicate anything new In the offing. In February and $980,579,087 in CEirollna Emd Representatives Arnold department arrived. It may Just be a step In financial in the act” of espionage. January, the peak month. of Illinois and O’CTonnor of New Adjacent Houses Saved. The prisoner arrested In Paris EXTORTION PLOT prepare^ess. York concurred in the majority view Two large two tenement bouses FOUR POLICEMEN INJURED Among the things which might Emergency Spending was described as “an officer of a Emergency spending dwindled to which WEUS summEirlzed in this fu h - en each side of the burning build­ foreign power.” He was arrested make t w fund hEmdy, It Is ex- ion: ing were saved by the daring work pUlXMd, would be any monetary the lowest figure since November. Saturday night, but was held se­ PROBE RENEWED April emergency outlays were $369- “’The committee is of the opinion of the firemen. Risking serious cretly and questioned. step, such as a further boost in the and r e p o ^ to the HoTise that the bums the fire fighters stuck to their AS REDS RIOT IN PARIS gold pride, or any Imfiortant re­ 623,464 as compEured with $449,808,- The Paris prisoner’s revelations testimony given at the beEUIng, and monetization of silver. Either de­ 000 in March, $447,323,000 in Feb­ posts alternating the two lines of were “so Im ^rtant” police said, ELll facts and circumstances connect­ velopment might give the dollar a ruary and $808,007,000 in JEmuary. water from the blaze to the sides that authorities immediately noti­ ed therewith, clearly shows that the and roofs of the adjacent bouses. Vermont to Investigate monetEuy conv\flrion in the ex­ Biggest spenders Eimong emer- fied the examining magistrate ut change markets, and prompt some statements made by Dr. WiUlEun A. In this way the Are was confined to Belfort. Froge in civilian clothes Four Hour Pitched Battle Is SILYERITES PLAN Wirt were not true, and that the Turn Hall and the houses escaped selling of U. S. Government bonds, (Continued on Page Twelve) was crossing the square in front of Young Case After Fmding as did the inauguration of the g(Hd five persons in the employ of the with but a scorching on the sides the court house Just as the secret United States government and the nearest the blaze. Fought as Communists price fixing last October. service agents came out the door newspaper correspondent who were No W nd. NEW CONFERENCE Dodging MdUey Problem with their warrant. of Home Made Bomb. present, at the dinner in Virginia on Fortunately there was no wind Tom Apartment But ths'Adiutoistratlon has indi­ RANSOM OF $15,000 and the water pr^n^re wag excel­ cated lately-that ft is veering away September 1,1933, did not make imy lent Flames smoke billowed from money ^uteceasy' and It has such statements as teere alleged to high In the air carrying.efiibers for Into a Forfiri^. dilate Bttek to ISee Pres- BrEmdon, Vt^*., M ^ 2,— (AP) — te£ezt 8dHMTe actimi Yo squd th« . AWAITS KIDNAPERS have been made l:y to Dig, a considerable distance 'but largely SCBOOLBOtmOT The State of Vermont reopen CongressfoDEd senti­ Wirt. ment to do something drastic for “ From all of the evidence pre­ to the east in the direction of open its Investigation of an attempt to dent on S ^ rd a y to Get silver.
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