• ISSUE NUMBER 393 THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER JULY 31, 1981 INSIDE R&R: Jerry Lee Seven-Year Radio License Proposal Broadcasters React New VP/GM To 7-Year License Gets Congressional Negotiators' OK Possibility: Pleasure mixed • A codification of the FCC's At KJQY Broadcaster Fees Axed; Ne w Facilities To Be with a continued sense of radio deregulation covering non- Jerry Lee has been appointed to A warded By Lottery; Radio Deregulation Dropped; responsibility to the community entertainment program ming, the position of VP/GM at Group seems to be the tenor of Congressional Approval Likely This Week ascertainment, logging, and com- W's KJQY/San Diego. He re- remarks from radio people mercial limits. places Bert Wahlen, who was After a week of haggling, A week-long fight had erupted polled 5 recently promoted to VP/FM Sta- budget negotiators for the House because the Senate had included Even though both the House and tions for the company. Lee was and Senate Monday reached a radio deregulation and four other Senate had earlier approved the Charter To Change KITT Station Manager at KLOL/Hous- compromise agreement making communications bills in its ver- FCC fee system for broadcasters, To Country KCB 0-FM: the scheme was killed in con- ton for the past nine years. several sweeping changes in sion of the federal budget. The tac- Changes set as company formally ference at the insistence of Senate Wahlen, in making the appoint- broadcast regulation, including: tic infuriated House leaders, acquires San Diego FM 3 Com merce Committee Chairman ment, commented. "We are pleas- • Seven-year radio licenses. whose budget contained no broad- cast items. Bob Packwood (R-OR), who Latest Arbitron Advances: ed to find a broadcaster like Jerry • Five-year licenses for TV sta- would not permit fees to be impos- Results from 16 major Lee, who has an exceptional oper- tions. Death For FCC Fees, • Awarding new licenses by lot- ed unless broadcasters received markets this week including ational and managerial back- Radio Deregulation, ground for this important position. tery, instead of the lengthy com- deregulation in return. Baltimore. St Louis. Miami. Petitions To Revoke R&R also learned that the con- Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and With the support of a very talented parative hearing process. Senate-passed proposals which ferees' primary concern in ap- Tamoa 15, 16, 20 staff, he will further the station's There was also discussion of proving lottery selection was to present success and involvement preventing groups from obtaining did not survive the conference help the FCC cope with a backlog Nuclear Plant Warning in the dynamic and expanding San financial settlements from broad- com mittee included: • A schedule of annual broad- of thousands of applications for System May Give FM's A Diego community." casters by filing frivolous peti- caster fees to be paid to the FCC. low power television stations, Free Ride: Plan to air accident Lee's career before managing tions to deny or competing ap- although at press time no specific warnings on FM subcarners would KLOL includes sales positions plications, but it was unclear • Indefinite radio licenses coupl- language had been written. mean radios in thousands of with KLOL and its AM sister whether such a provision would ed with a petition to revoke pro- homes tuned to lust one FM KTRH plus program ming ex- emerge when the compromise cess. LICENSE/See Page 22 outlet 5 perience at Cleveland, St. Louis, language was put down on paper. and Minneapolis stations and on- The compromise agreement Bender Becomes Program Manager Rich Meyer New PD At air work in Los Angeles, Houston, was expected to go to the House KAZY: Moves to Denver AOR Denver, and Albuquerque. He and Senate floors for a vote last from 91X San Diego, where Jim takes on his new responsibilities this week or early next week, and For RKO 1 & 2 Networks Gelaro replaces him 3 at the San Diego Beautiful Music observers expected approval in Tom Bender has been named station August 16. both chambers. Program Manager for the RKO Troll, Dawson Promoted and RKO 2 radio networks. REPUBLICANS BUY TIME TO PROMOTE TAX CUT At CBS Radio: Gal Trell Bender comes to the newly- becomes VP Sales & Marketing, created post from WR1F/Detroit, Tom Dawson VP Marketing Radio Gets Call From White House where he was PD for five years. for net 10 Needing to build an immediate runs to their airports to pick up Bender will be responsible for campaign in support of Presi- the spots. the operation of RKO 1 program- A Sense Of History From dent Ronald Reagan's tax pro- ming as well as helping RKO Ra- Black News Journalists: posal, the National Republican Networks Squeamish dio Network VP/Director of Pro- A pioneering black radio newsman Congressional Committee (NRCC) Only RKO, Mutual, and CBS gram ming Dan Griffin with the and a man he influenced now turned to radio early this week for networks were included in the start-up of RICO 2, which is ten- a prominent White House its sell. Three networks and seven other of the Republican buy. While tatively scheduled to begin broad- correspondent, present their rep firms participated in the both ABC and NBC agreed late casting in September of this year. Tom Bender perspectives on news and its S300,000 radio portion of the buy. Monday and early Tuesday Bender will be developing long edge of music and his background black practitioners 58 "It's an approach to legislation respectively to sell time, their and short-form program ming for in talk and feature work as well as that may be on the increase," OK's missed the deadline. "The the nets and will be working with Myron Roth Promoted To his administrative experience. R&R learned from Buddy Bishop, networks were very cautious," Griffin on the creation of RKO 3 as Sr. VP/GM For CBS Tom was an ideal choice. He can President of Washington, DC- Walter Staab of New York agency well. West Coast: Move signifies BENDER/See Page 22 based Bishop, Brand Se Associ- SFM Media told R&R. "ABC and Commenting upon the appoint- greater emphasis on company's ates, which created and placed NBC originally rejected our cam- ment, Griffin told RSeR: "We were SUPERVISES KZAM-AM &FM L A headquarters 3 one of the four radio spots used paign because it is issue advertis- looking for someone with a good this week. ing that they're reluctant to take solid programming background, Sharon Named Jheryl Busby Named A&M Included in half the buy were because of equal time considera- someone who had both the VP/Marketing: Assumes 175 stations in 40 markets chosen tions." he said. creative and administrative abili- Bellevue VP/GM responsibility for sales and as select Congressional districts, Mutual President Marty ty to handle the diverse elements promotion of black product 3 according to Bishop. whose final W HITE HOUSE See Page 22 of RICO 1 and 2. With his knowl- Bob Sharon has been appointed Vice President/General Manager decision on stations was based on of Bellevue Radio Inc., owner of Bill Staton Moves To E/A demographics. Bishop used Katz, WDRQ Sets Torcasso As New PD KZAM-AM&FM/Seattle and af- As VP: Former RCA VP takes Major Market, Torbet, H-R/Stone, filiated with Sandusky News- Promotion/Special Markets Selcom, Eastman, and Pro-Media Rick Torcasso, formerly known papers' radio division. Sharon was position 3 to place the spot-radio business. as Spanky Lane, has been named most recently President/GM of The 30-second ad addressed the Program Director of WDRQ/De- issues of jobs, inflation, and quali- troit, replacing Bill Garcia, who KLAK SC KPPL/Denver and John McLaughlin VP/GM previously served in executive ty of life: and urged listeners to moved crosstown to WOMC (R&R At KPRZ: Promoted from sales positions at KFW'B. KIIS and telephone Congress in favor of cut- 7-24). Torcasso, who was most position at Gannett's L A ting taxes. recently PD of WBMX/Chicago, KPOL/Los Angeles as well as Christian outlet 3 Bishop indicated to R&R that a will join the Charter station KPOJ / Portland. Sandusky Broadcasting Presi- cursory study on Tuesday, the day August 3. "1 am very impressed Mikel Hunter, Gene after the spots began and the with the whole Charter dent Toney Brooks commented to Mitchel Promoted At President addressed the nation, company," Torcasso told R&R. "I R&R, "Bob is a dynamic and KOME: Hunter now Operations revealed phone circuits into the think that working for these peo- energetic manager with extraor- Manager Mitchel Program nation's capital were jammed. ple will be great because they're dinary people skills. He is a Coordinator at San Jose Delivery was a problem in some radio-minded and just a great Rick Torcasso welcome addition to Sandusky." AOR 3 cases, Bishop told R&R, and group of professionals." with Rick I was very impressed. Sharon told Ft&R, "What sold me Republican volunteers were WDRQ VP/GM Joe Bacarella He's a very research-oriented guy on this job was Sandusky. I'm recruited in several cities to make said, "After personally meeting TORC ASSO/See Page 22 SHAR ON/See Page 20 Producer: DAVID MALLOY Personal Management: Stan Moress/Scotti Brothers Artists Management 1 1 FORMAT AND CALL LETTERS TO CHANGE GELARO TAKES OVER 91X PD POST Charter's KITT Meyer Becomes KAZY PD ‘ 0 4 PAGE 3 V I Purchase Official Rich Meyer has been appointed Program Direc- tor at AOR outlet KAZY/Denver in the wake of Charter Broadcasting will officially become the Dave Van Dyke's resignation Monday (7-27).
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