Angewandte News Chemie SociØtØ Chimique de France Prizes 2018 Chemistry—A European Journal on the synthesis of polyfunctionalized triaryllanthanum reagents,[3a] Awarded … TheSociØtØ Chimique de France (French Chemical and in Angewandte Chemie on cobalt-catalyzed Society) has announced the winners of its “Grands cross-coupling reactions.[3b] Knochel is on the Prix” and “Prix binationaux”. We feature the Editorial Board of ChemPlusChem and the Inter- awardees here. national Advisory Board of Chemistry—An Asian J. Antoine Baceiredo (Laboratoire Heterochi- Journal. mie Fondamentale et AppliquØe(LHFA), Univer- Zhigang Shuai (Tsinghua University) has been sitØ Paul Sabatier,Toulouse) is the recipient of the honored with the Prix franco-chinois.Shuai studied Grand Prix Joseph-Achille Le Bel. Baceiredo stud- at Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou, and Jinan ied at the UniversitØ Paul Sabatier,where he University,Guangzhou, and worked with Xin Sun completed his PhD (supervised by Guy Bertrand) at Fudan University,Shanghai, for his PhD (com- in 1982. From 1985–1986, he was apostdoctoral pleted in 1989). From 1990–2001, he was apost- researcher with William P. Weber at the University doctoral researcher with Jean-Luc BrØdas at the of Southern California. He subsequently joined the UniversitØ de Mons,and from 2001–2008, he was CNRS,and in 1992, he was made Directeur de research professor at the Insitute of Chemistry, Recherche at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Chinese Academy of Sciences.Hewas made Coordination, Toulouse.Hejoined at the LHFA Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor at Tsinghua as Vice-Director in 1999. He is currently Director University in 2008. Shuaisresearch program of the Institut de Chimie de Toulouse.Baceirdos includes theoretical studies of excited-state decay research is centered on the chemistry of highly and carrier dynamics in organic functional nano- reactive species with specific electronic properties materials.Hehas reported in Chemistry—An Asian such as carbenes,ylides,and silylenes.Hehas Journal on acomputational study of aggregation- reported in Chemistry—A European Journal on a induced-emission quantum efficiency, [4a] and is co- phosphine/sulfoxide-supported carbon(0) com- author of areport in Angewandte Chemie on plex,[1a] and is co-author of areport in Angewandte ultralong organic phosphorescence.[4b] Shuai is on Chemie on reversible addition of CO2 to aSi=O the International Advisory Board of Chemistry— bond.[1b] An Asian Journal. Paolo Samorì (UniversitØ de Strasbourg) is the Francisco Lloret Pastor (Universitat de Valn- winner of the Grand Prix Pierre Süe. Samorì,who is cia;UV) is the recipient of the Prix franco- on the Editorial Boards of ChemPhysChem, Chem- espagnol. Lloret studied at the UV,where he PlusChem,and ChemSystemsChem,was featured worked with Juan Faus Payµ and JosØ M. Moratal here when he won the Catalµn–Sabatier Prize and Mascarell for his PhD (completed in 1982). He the Grignard–Wittig Lectureship.[2a] He was also subsequently held various lecturer positions asso- recently highlighted in an Author Profile.[2b] Samo- ciated with the UV,and carried out postdoctoral rìsresearch interests include nanoscience,nano- work with Olivier Kahn at the UniversitØ Paris- materials,and organic electronics.Hehas reported Sud. He joined the faculty at the UV in 1987, and in Chemistry—A European Journal on was made professor in there in 2000. Llorets phenoxyaluminum(salophen)scaffolds.[2c] research interests involve coordination chemistry Paul Knochel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universi- and molecular magnetism, in particular multifunc- tätMünchen;LMU) is the winner of the Prix tional molecule-based magnetic materials.Hehas franco-allemand. Knochel studied at the École reported in Chemistry—A European Journal on the Nationale SupØrieure de Chimie de Strasbourg, synthesis and magnetic properties of MIICuII chains and worked with Dieter Seebach at the ETH (M = Mn and Co).[5] Zurich for his PhD (completed in 1982). From Armando J. L. Pombeiro (Centro de Química 1982–1986, he was aCNRS chargØ de recherche Estrutural (CQE), Instituto Superior TØcnico with Jean-FranÅois Normant at the UniversitØ (IST), Universidade de Lisboa) is the winner of Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris,and from 1986–1987, the Prix franco-portugais.Pombeiro studied at the he carried out postdoctoral research with Martin F. IST,and carried out his doctorate (completed in Semmelhack at Princeton University.In1988, he 1976) with Joseph Chatt and Raymond L. Richards joined the faculty at the University of Michigan, at the University of Sussex. He is currently Ann Arbor, and in 1992, he moved to the Univer- professor at the IST,President of the CQE, and sity of Marburg. He was made Professor of Organic President of the College of Chemistry at the Chemistry at the LMU in 1999. Knochel and his Universidade de Lisboa. Pombeirosresearch pro- group are interested in the development of new gram includings topics such as the activation of organometallic catalysts and reagents for organic small molecules and design of new catalysts for synthesis,aswell as the preparation of polyfunc- sustainable synthesis and catalysis,aswell as crystal tional organometallics,asymmetric synthesis,and engineering of coordination compounds and self- natural product synthesis.Hehas reported in assembly of polynuclear and supramolecular struc- Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2018, 57,15313 –15314 2018 Wiley-VCH VerlagGmbH &Co. KGaA,Weinheim 15313 Angewandte News Chemie tures.Heisco-author of aReview in Chem- 2017, 56,15498; Angew.Chem. 2017, 129,15702;c)L. CatChem on transition-metal-catalyzed cross-dehy- Mengozzi, M. El Garah, A. Gualandi, M. Iurlo,A. drogenative coupling reactions,[6a] and in Chemis- Fiorani,A.Ciesielski, M. Marcaccio, F. Paolucci, P. Samorì,P.G.Cozzi, Chem. Eur.J.2018, 24,11954. trySelect on solvent-free Friedel–Crafts benzoyla- [3] a) A. D. Benischke,L.Anthore-Dalion, F. Kohl, P. [6b] tion and acylation reactions. Pombeiro has also Knochel, Chem. Eur.J.2018, 24,11103;b)J.Li, P. co-edited books on topics such as noncovalent Knochel, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,11436; interactions[6c] and functionalization of alkanes.[6d] Angew.Chem. 2018, 130,11607. [4] a) Y. Xie,T.Zhang,Z.Li, Q. Peng,Y.Yi, Z. Shuai, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10,2154;b)L.Guetal., Angew. And also in the News Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,8425; Angew.Chem. 2018, 130,8561. (Technische UniversitätBerlin) has Peter Strasser [5] J. Ferrando-Soria, Emilio Pardo,R.Ruiz-García, J. received the 2018 Sir William Grove Award from Cano,F.Lloret, M. Julve,Y.Journaux,J.Pasµn, C. the International Association for Hydrogen Ruiz-PØrez, Chem. Eur.J.2011, 17,2176. Energy.This honor is presented for outstanding [6] a) A. M. Faisca Phillips,A.J.L.Pombeiro, Chem- contributions to hydrogen energy (within the area CatChem 2018, 10,3354;b)T.R.Barman,M.Sutrad- of electrochemistry). Strasser was featured here har, E. C. B. A. Alegria,M.F.C.Guedes da Silva, when he won the Otto Roelen Medal.[7a] He has M. L. Kuznetsov,A.J.L.Pombeiro, ChemistrySelect 2018, 3,8349;c)Non-covalent Interactions in the recently reported in ChemSusChem on nitrogen- Synthesis and Design of New Compounds (Eds.: doped porous carbon catalysts for electrochemical A. M. Maharramov,K.T.Mahmudov,M.N.Kopylo- hydrogen peroxide production.[7b] vich, A. J. L. Pombeiro), John Wiley &Sons,Hobo- Siegfried Waldvogel (University of Mainz) has ken, 2016;d)Alkane Functionalization (Eds.: A. J. L. been awarded the 2018 Jaroslav Heyrovsky Prize Pombeiro,M.F.C.Guedes da Silva), John Wiley & for Molecular Electrochemistry from the Interna- Sons,Hoboken, in press. [7] a) Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55,6134; Angew. tional Society of Electrochemistry.Waldvogel was Chem. 2016, 128,6240;b)Y.Sun, S. Li, Z. P. Jovanov, featured here when he won the Zukunftspreis D. Bernsmeier, H. Wang,B.Paul, X. Wang,S.Kühl, P. [8a] Pfalz. His report on the dehydrogenative electro- Strasser, ChemSusChem 2018, 11,3388. synthesis of biaryls was recently featured on acover [8] a) Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53,1739; Angew. of Angewandte Chemie.[8b] Waldvogel is on the Chem. 2014, 126,1767;b)S.Lips,D.Schollmeyer, R. Editorial Board of ChemElectroChem and the Franke,S.R.Waldvogel, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, International Advisory Board of the European 57,13325; Angew.Chem. 2018, 130,13509. Journal of Organic Chemistry. International Edition:DOI:10.1002/anie.201811647 German Edition:DOI:10.1002/ange.201811647 [1] a) M. Lozano Gonzµlez, L. Bousquet, S. Hameury,C. Alvarez Toledano,N.Saffon-Merceron, V. Brancha- dell, E. Maerten, A. Baceiredo, Chem. Eur.J.2018, 24, 2570;b)R.Rodriguez, I. Alvarado-Beltran, J. Saouli, N. Saffon-Merceron, A. Baceiredo, V. Branchadell, T. In this section, we report on various awards for Kato, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,2635; Angew. chemists who are closely connected with Chem. 2018, 130,2665. Angewandte Chemie and its sister journals as [2] a) Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56,15799; Angew. authors, referees, or board members. Chem. 2017, 129,16007;b)Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 15314 www.angewandte.org 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int. Ed. 2018, 57,15313 –15314.
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