FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OSAC-E INDIAN MURDERS PART 19 OF 19 BUFILE NUMBER: 62-5033 AND 62-5033 SUB A -.. -p- " &#39;~*~ . _______._.._"-._--+- __-----~ v- - Q _ ,k_. .- . hm. 4 .--.&#39; ~ y-»--"-- ___&#39;;,-;;;;-2.i~ .3 ~~.v-~»- w- ""&#39; " mi" &#39; W V F DE$QR|P_]&#39;__]_Q[§ A i . BUREAU FILE &#39; :"".&#39;A&#39;"" &#39; &#39; .311 . F SUBJ EOT &#39; bl» .- -=~- » F] LE NO,_ _ i:!.0: ;§F..___---- ¢.. SECTION NO.___¢1_/__.____---- F SER92ALS _ I ¢-- -Q-Q-Q-Q Q&#39;°" -&#39;9 .- _ - -- ""¬.&#39;- .- r-roll-§&#39;1"»-&#39;iI!"""7 - "" F . * 1---"&#39;1&#39;:-H»-":""-"-&#39;.&#39;""--"&#39; . 92 _ . U. __ F _ _. _"._.r-&#39;1.-£1 . ._.... - . -- -- sq: &#39;;-I-I-"°.-""&#39; " - r F ,_&#39; E L,__ &#39; 1 t it Znrczru of éiliiiwsiigaiioir 1&#39; "&#39;v:r- ; _. = -in: .. ¢ QEL §.23e3mrtmcnt nf Ensiimz " P. O. Box 1555 7 V Oklahoma City, Oklahoma November 1?, 1952 e.-. _ - ..... _.. ._.____._.. _.._.-.__l:_~,;.&#39;t&#39;_1-_.i. _&#39;s 5 &#39;! ,, "| 1,4,;. ?% RHC:MMB- RECORDED &#39;1 "&#39;_"&#39;;_f&#39;_TT?_&#39;x:$;-_92r<£ J.,&#39;-A ,~92 " -* " 52&#39;at as-436 & i 4,, INDEXED l§&#39;.,&#39;t 5:, _ iii Director, 3..Q§§J3? -1 * "~ . &#39; United States Bureau of Investigation, 1 ; " $&#39;*;g&#39; &#39;; =", Washington , D . C. i e :,__-J. __i;= e I Q 1, , _ ; I &#39; ------ _,. _ ,,_ J {- r _- -,_, V__. ., Dear Sir; Re; Qssge Indian murder Broadcast All of us at this office looked forward with much interest 5-. to the broadcast of the Osage Indian murder story which occurred on the " 15th instant, and I had taken pains to give the mstterwgglittleqlogal _ publicity by having an item appear in two of the local newspapers. "&#39;-----u-..-_.- ,_______,. I regret to say that we were all very much disappointed in the manner in which the story was dramatized and it is felt that the manner in which the episode was dramatized did not do justice whatever to the facts of the investigation. Sheriff Herve Frees, Pawhuskn, whose rv..,_ part was protrayed in the broadcast, is s big, upstanding western Sheriff, a. 1-. very active and aggressive, whereas his part as pictured in the broadcast would create in the minds of the listeners an impression that he was ii,-M" __ . perhaps a little "dried-up runt", ignorant, fearsome and requiring to be led. I suspect hat if Sheriff Frees listened to this broadcast, he will not hereafter have a very kindly feeling toward this Bureau. I realize that the subject matter of investigation was difficult to dramatize, but inasmuch as it is one of the most spectacular and im- portant cases ever handled by this Bureau, I think much more favorable publicity could have been had by having the story told by Agent Conroy along the same plans used by him in other stories ihich he has put out over the radio, and to which I have listernd with a great deal of interest and enthusiasm. I realize that the broadcasts by Agent Conroy do not reach one-tenth as many people as the N.B-C- broadcasts, but I wish to say that in my opinion the activities of the Bureau can be much more effectively brought out along the lines he uses than by the_§£5matization system as employed in the N.B-C- broadcast. &#39; i Please be aseired that I have only the best interests of the &#39;?° -&#39;. .0. __ - 1* 1 ._."_- -u I I . .., gJ :- ~: .5 - T. &#39;=*.~ :&#39;1. .=| _ .¢; i&#39;-...4&#39; . _1 - .-=, . _1-92. S_&#39;9292 .--p ... a~-ii? . _ _.L -&#39;1&#39; "" &#39;7 2:._ J ii . ~92*:&#39;_.,_ " - 0 -. ,_.-..F- . ~»- . -v&#39;5 . -;-z &#39;3:-".1!" ,-.11-¢¢ _:,; 1. - _ * &#39;~ . .. Ll; . ,_,:,..&#39;~ _ -II I _&#39; 92__:f_|&#39;}:-1.: J. 1,?-lie _- -." ".",-."" it - Q." l " F. A ; an. r Pi . .,. .- .- 7 u 92 -M4,. ~ Q"..- .I"";_-I.1&#39; .a&#39;. "in Q &#39; *1" + .-.- &#39;- o_ 41=@-~50: ._ . &#39;.>""&#39;f7? - -__ 1 ._,_,==&&#39;.- .~ 1 &#39; :51-1¥*;_|;;_- ._ .-_ is "&#39; 1?-"-&#39;.._.{§,!f,-11.: . = .- of * . - ~*&#39;"i1~ _. &#39; . _ -3-.&#39;-"F 92* M 92:&#39; -i-1-&#39;?.¬<a ,. ~ - ~-T-F-&#39;~--¬¢.*. .-. -- -.>----.1>l.~ --.1. - .,,_~, _;& -; .- _ &#39;7., Q 7- &#39; -=3 . _..~.~.-1--. ..§.- $5-mm,§;a_&#39;!*%!,_%, -w?,,,_ .._ J ..__&#39;.=§s92 z .;. L . L ,,:..: F -.. @.- . - - " &#39;*"&#39;--£ =.*=.@- »-- - _. 1.,» $1.» . ._--1,;-. - . H:--_ .1» ._=,,-,,,._ o _. 3- - -- , V . .r . Y:--=;. =92, .1 2 _ £.&#39;_.>-»: aw, i -ii; " - -. - ! - - _:- -=1 _.;-__.§_"~!&#39;;-1 ." "-....~%" .&#39;__. - _-r-&#39; ~-/§ . , -- .. - Q. _ . W-..<-" 2 . -ff 5;, ih . u &#39; _ ., " _ - sr-$15.1?!-?9,?#!=!_ .&#39;_ .-&#39;2»!-93?---<_. i 11 _. o . -_ _-;;, 3-$890016!. < <6_&#39;;.,_L;;.L Agent é _-k in1- Charge i§;1__:- ___q1 ~~_z-_..~=. -,.1 _ I , -7 _ 2.: _ -1--_. * __3,5, "-3-,-W:-,i,-@-&#39;.:"&#39;1: _--U-_._,._._- .&#39;§.1, _ - &#39; _ _ . : _&#39;. f!&#39;:<;»;d;§&#39;}-92-*92-4. - - _ - ».; . *-.-,,-.$_a,z_= _. .- :_3x-.>. __. EtatnilUuroan ot,_-_Inve:st_§.§lt1_n,6 --._-»._. >. ... ... --_-._. 13*. *3.M _ ;92_;.i;&#39;POI 153$; Qffidl I M.-.~&#39; A 4 92 J . _, 1 1:».-&#39;_* &#39;_..92_ 4 L &#39; - . _ -5, , - 1, . .&#39;,T- . ~ . - -w; --_- V -&#39;.$9*""= ¢-&#39;.-i&#39; . _ .. ~ &#39;~- ; .- &#39; -~.&#39;..-.&#39;<--~ &#39; &#39; 5 C5-Va " ... .. 1#.:;- 3 .. 2" r :- ,- _ o ."3-%%.?=,3 1 , "=-of-5*?*,-5 " ~ .-~ -1+-=..;_-r{. |_. --&#39;~--. _ _" ;-- _ mi. » &#39; :31! "...-F-F L"tiff-&#39;15- - .. &#39;|.&#39;- &#39;- -5-. &#39;.&#39;92.! 5&#39; &#39; > &#39;&#39; 1 " . &#39;&#39; .&#39;_- ,,>=&#39;~ :-:_&#39;;. V fl-. &#39;-"."Y_J?"- I 7 &#39;¢&#39;* J5. &#39;1 $1 .-&#39;1" ! &#39;.__ om . _ ,~---1-:&#39; j&#39;_-=4. .-H3. -*~- ~ - ~;;&#39;1&#39; 92 t -&#39;. : 2- 7; W - Q. r H =¬..»:.~.: &#39;- M MW" "&#39;1?".3 l g &#39; l &#39;T. >55, w";,_ . .--&#39;G.--g--;._,_. = _&#39; ____. 1 -92_. &#39; -. * .K . .-..: &#39;--L k -1»; 14Pf r; -_--JH "-;.9¢-.fv92-&#39;- 5o. &#39; &#39;E -;.*1-,.- &#39; .--_ -.- } ".2.-- " 92 - - . M . sr ~ .-_ .:&#39;I&#39;?;.,w-,-i.-*"--- 0 -&#39;.~-r::,F&#39;{5!5-1&#39; :92- 1 &#39;Q 92. _ o .. - ;~,.-,.-,f:_¢, -_ = - - ,_ L - r: »&#39;.&#39;w."&#39; &#39; - , Z. &#39;= Ruforuqco Q -__ __ _ &#39; . &#39; .__~_,.&#39;;,. -..,. _ ",&#39;1 f -. 1..;...-.i~ - .- ._-. &#39;1 &#39;- .~_ _-Fir4-»¢%$;_ gr. .&#39;~¢_"..-Z-5:4-1. -&#39;j_ % 1 -__-f .- - f92¢92z_w._¢__. _,,. , _____.."...- 3,1~92:.-$- -, ,3 _;=.,_- -rolativojcytho recent broaclcnat of tho Daqgé Iniinn25111:" <;:...-Q, ie.=r ;~~}- at }.. *.3 . z *4 21.-1 o&#39;.;,;,,_A -5;-:».r &#39; J1 , r &#39;1"-ifThe Bureau regrotn vourdisappointment andthafof your * 4 . .:~.~..-__~;--e -. is Ildlto yourlottei CiNovember 1931-! 1&#39;7, 1 frien-ii it this broadcast, &#39;ospou-£a1J;y-in view of the not L "- {E . _ ;. ,_ . it 23? -um. you ma pains to in 1,2»mzmr&#39;;m1s.¢n;+ to-3. 5-1:: . L - -- ,,92;==@;:;..o-.=:1 -- éqf .,;* , ;+-1%.I. 5:541 &#39; ~<""¢-5 - .v..-1*» ,1 . t _,g _ _ . .-:-.=_~;&#39;~&#39;. 1 -=.~-&#39;-+1". &#39;= .-T;*:.--1?-1-."&#39; 1-_"_ 1". vj"-. ,_<.;#--&#39;+;~-<- . - _ r - -:-";"&#39;§§-.".: "F Aa&#39;$.nc1icat.edin the Bureau&#39;s letterof Row-amber 2.1, .-3* %.".~*..-;>. .» &#39;..#<&#39;.&#39;V ff. _:--E - 34};--&#39;1.-*-*~.~ ..;§I-- 1932,10 Spatial 1,-goutF. 8- Smith, 5. copy of rmich 2.1:: amt £11»_ _.n.~"=_ . you, Other! sections of the country in which the lis 161;»-r."-i H519 J =1 . .?&#39;"OI?,&#39;._»_.§_;&#39;__.,.&#39;-.not &#39; fqniliar with the animal. otilla of the &#39;caee,in as am {!:"=..-;;;.=- i&#39;f&#39;5§T***,. co".mtr_y itself,received thegresmtation ofthiq case.&#39;;&#39;92<13I6Y.{.r1*._&#39;:i:l.&#39;-.-_-_.&#39;-&#39; ~.: . .3 .1,-3; 3.8-~ui;§-.1:-"=&#39;,v~. ably and connidumd J. it the most, affective of the broadcasts ,. 39 - prelmted $0chin. V - _ . ~ 3.-» §. - - ...{§ Séoua consideration in being given to the suggostionio. I H .;..:_?é_. M."-&#39; 2;. dontainod in paragraph throe of your latter to thc effect. that _&#39; - J §-E. T -..~._.¢,_;,< -_ 4*,-__§_.- -1%-*~#.-&#39;=.*~a-*_&#39;i_ U10 P1¬5Br-tlonof Gar-eacould be .;:-are ade¢,.1&.&#39;,el3-&#39;_f1."&#39;.;&#39;-:&#39;.- 17- &#39;3..I.-.- .-.1292 &#39;~ _,_9-1 . +2. -&#39;11.!given in _._, ,1-1_-Fe om, but at the prasezzt time ~r..~.-.- oar;-oz-- .-¥-.&#39;-;--:»~.- .r - - -.1. » ,&#39;&#39;&#39; V 92._> 1.:-_ V ..... _ ,,-_proadoutingazgaitatrfpreaent. desire only them indra.mat1_z=:=.-3 Q. &#39;xIon! V - &#39; V _ &#39;&#39; . ., E -r.. ¥§&#39;hC"5- 3&#39; #&#39; &#39;1-1 .1--.92 <-_-3.»- . _. _} I V. ._ 3;_ *5, The Bureau wouldbe vary planed 1.
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