FOR ADVERTISING AND Year 4 | Number 21 PUBLISHING PROFESSIONALS R PortadaT RACKING THE EXPANSION OF PRINT AND DIGITAL MEDIA FOR S PANISH- SPEAKING AUDIENCES June / July / MEXICAN ADVERTISERS August 2006 AND PUBLISHERS SEEK TO CAPITALIZE ON U.S. MARKETS PORTADA® ´ S SUPPLEMENT ON TM DIRECT MARKETING TO HISPANICS The Hispanic market is the logical United States and Mexico for our peo- extension for Mexican media and ple. My experience of publishing daily > Hispanic newspaper publishers advertising powerhouses. Both are expand into direct mail products entering the U.S. with an increasing (continued on page 4) (page 33) speed. With more than 60% of U.S. > News and Trends: Vertis launches Hispanics coming from Mexico, Direct Marketing Program Mexican media companies target a PORTADA-ONLINE (page 35) similar audience in the U.S. In addi- tion, they often can offer their vehicles www.portada-online.com > Offer Analysis: People en Español to the same advertisers. Some observers direct mails 'soft' subscription offer (page 37) call it the North American Cultural Area (NACA). Get essential updates at “Culture, needs, and topics of www.portada-online.com interest are very similar here in the 5 NEWS AND TRENDS • Advertisers see profit in Hispanic custom publishing • Best Buy's advice to print media Sports Marketing companies Advertisers look to score goals, 24 DIGITAL • What you need to know about hit home-runs, and land punches Hispanic online media buying • Hormel builds ambitious Spanish- As advertisers take stock of the ball are also increasingly popular language website ever-growing purchasing power of among US-Hispanics. • For mobile phone content providers Latinos living in the USA, they are see- the sky is the limit king ever more ways to reach them – The sports... and their pocketbooks. Hence it is no Though Hispanic marketing does surprise that many are turning to not seem to have really taken off yet in 30 CONTENT sports marketing as a good way to get baseball, there has been some activity. • Editors share best practices about their message out to this increasingly One interesting example is a 5-year how best to connect with Hispanic influential market sector. Hispanics are joint initiative launched by the readers traditionally passionate about sports, National Baseball Hall of Fame in • Spreading “The Word” to U.S. with soccer – or “el fútbol” – reigning Cooperstown, NY and the Citgo Hispanics: IBL News and LTP supreme. However other sports such as Publications baseball, boxing, and American foot- (continued on page 16) 3 Mexico R (continued from page 3) PUBLISHER Marcos Baer newspapers for more than 20 years in Publications to introduce some of its Mexico helps me to identify which sto- titles into the U.S. Hispanic market. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Alex Andrews ries, events and sections are day-by - “They will take advantage of our distri- day the most attractive for our rea- bution network, our know-how and CORRESPONDENTS ders,” says José Santiago Healy, publis- our contacts,” says Reynaldo Mena, Tomás Bustigorri her of Diario San Diego (Healy Media, general manager of Megazines (USA - Los Angeles) Spanish, daily, circ. 8,000, predomi- Publications. “We still don’t know Heather Norgaard (USA - St. Louis) nantly paid publication). exactly what titles Armonia is going to Ana Lydia Valdes “Media companies are redefining introduce in the U.S.,” Mena notes. (Mexico) programming to address different life Grupo Editorial Armonia also publis- Ivonne Ramírez experiences and narratives of the cross hes custom publications for several (Southern Cone) border cultural collide. Food and beve- companies in Mexico including Angela Sandoval (Spain) rage companies and consumer goods American Express, Campbell’s, Yoplait, companies like Procter & Gamble, Carnation and Maggi. ADVERTISING retailers like HEB and Walmart, are at Mexican publishing house Grupo Annette Fielman the early stages of understanding and Reforma recently agreed to provide 516 396 01 79 responding to NACA’s potential,” content for Cancha, a new Spanish-lan- Jean Gaddy Wilson notes Stephen Palacios Senior guage weekly which is going to be laun- RESEARCH Consultant of New York based ched by Hearst's San Antonio Express Agustin Wydler Cheskin Research. News. Cancha will target first generation Does the fact that Mexican Latinos living in San Antonio (Texas) DESIGN www.dafnedesign.com.ar Americans know many Mexican with sports and entertainment oriented brands help when selling advertising to content. It will be published twice a Audit pending Mexican companies? “Definitely yes,” week (total circ. 50,000). answers Jose Santiago Healy of Diario Last year, Time Inc. acquired San Diego. “Brands like Jarritos, Mexico’s Grupo Editorial Expansión Bimbo, La Costeña, Tecate, Bancomer, (GEE) The transaction has promising Urbi, etc., are well-known in the and interesting implications for the Copyright: Portada®2006 No part of Portada® may be copied, reproduced Mexican-American community. But Mexican and Panregional publishing or broadcast in any form without prior permission. even American brands that have been Comments by sources cited in Portada® have been directly obtained from them, unless its is popular in Mexico for many years such Mexican advertisers explicitly noted otherwise. Portada® is not as Ford, General Motors, Sears, among affiliated with any other publication, media eager to reach Hispanics group, advertising agency or any other institution. others, get good results when they Portada® is published by Contenido LLC in New advertise in Hispanic media.” York City. Portada® publishes a weekly e-newslet- ter, a bimonthly print issue (except for the summer AD CATEGORY Companies months, 5 times a year) that is direct mailed to Publishers make inroads subscribers and, daily, the website www.portada- online.com. A one year subscription of Portada® Televisa, the largest Spanish-lan- Soft Drinks Jarritos in PDF format costs US $139, including access to guage media company in the world, is the Portada® website, (www.portada-online.com) Food La Costeña, Grupo Bimbo with round-the-clock-breaking news and its arti- the biggest publisher of magazines in cles archive. A subscription to Portada® printed the U.S. Hispanic market. Other large Alcoholic Femsa (Tecate), Grupo version (delivered by regular mail) costs an addi- Beverages Modelo (Corona) tional US $10 (Total US $149). Single issues of Mexican publishers recently have also Portada® cost US $20. To subscribe please send moved into the U.S. Airlines Mexicana de Aviación a check payable to Portada, Park West Station, P.O.B 20526, NY, NY 10025, USA. For payment In April, Editorial Armonia, a Banks BBVA-Bancomer, Citibank- by wire transfer send funds to Citibank N.A. 399 Mexican publisher of women’s, coo- Banamex, Banorte Park Avenue, NY, NY 10022, USA Account name: Portada, Account #22072064 Routing # king and family magazines bought a Retail Famsa, Elektra, Gigante, 021000089. majority stake in Miami-based Comerci For reprints information and prices please contact reprints@portada-online.com. Megazines Publications, the publisher Developers Grupo Urbi, Cemex (cement Please send address changes to Portada, Park West of the Hispanic newspaper insert Sobre maker) Station, P.O.Box 20526, NY, NY 10025, USA. Ruedas (8 x /year, Spanish, circ. MISSION 640,000). Armonia will use Megazines Portada® provides news, analysis and insights to (continued on page 22) foster the development of the print and digital media sector (newspapers, magazines, direct mail and the Internet) for Spanish-speaking audiences. Portada® seeks to increase knowledge about Hispanic print and digital media and improve the CLASSIFIEDS performance of publishing and marketing Reach thousands of prospective customers and employees through professionals, media buyers, journalists, financial analysts, academics and market researchers. Portada® 's CLASSIFIED AD SECTION. For information about rates in PRINT and ONLINE go to 4 http://www.portada-online.com/classifieds.aspx PORTADA-ONLINE (www.portada-online.com) Check it out for the latest breaking news on print and digital media for Spanish-speaking audiences News and Trends USA / Advertisers get ready for custom publications targeting Hispanics ortune 1,000 companies are Increasing interest F increasingly interested in targe- ting Hispanics via custom publi- PUBLISHER/ADVERTISER Name of Content cations. These companies can distribu- Publication te their publications at their stores and own powerful customer lists in order to Bank of America TBD Spanish. Similar content to Vias (Visa custom publication), focused on banking relationship direct mail the publications to a large Hispanic demographic. In the general Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Para Spanish-language, Catalog Tu Hogar market, many large retailers invest more than 20% of their marketing Comcast Northern NA Spanish. Educate Latinos about the value of California on demand, the “Cable Latino” video pack- budgets in custom publishing. age, and benefits of Comcast High-Speed Recent projects in the Hispanic Internet for families. custom publishing arena include Fisher Price (Mattel) Jugando a Crecer Spanish. Stresses the importance of play in Latina Magazine’s (Latina Media the early years of life, provides information about early childhood development Ventures, circ. 400,000, monthly, bilingual) recent agreement to produce NBA NBA en español Spanish. Supplement on Latin Baseball Stars three custom publications for Unilever. Procter & Gamble Avanzando con tu Billingual.
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