TUR INTT VATOT.TS JOURXAT,. TR fRSPAY, PCOVEMBB 20. 19V. N NOV. 19. JOURNAL BIMNESS DIRECTORY. sldered. but It could not be learned whether J accept the offer of the Armour Packing AMI HKMFATS. OCE VIEtttERS. VITAL STATISTICS auch action was taken at to-da- y's meeting j Company, and will on Dec. 1 take the posi- LOCAL TRADE IS ACTIVE Fl NKKAL Di HECTOR-S- of the directors. The mortgage plan pro- tion of traffic manager of the Seaboard Air- FNfil ltHC Fridif and Sahiriay Might. Births. vides for the Issuance of $i:.imomi i.r bonds. line, succeeding W. H. Pleasant. Mr. UlULUII J S-- hir jj MifMff FRANK BLANCHARD. 7,60MM to b haroad of not in tri. N. Delswsre st. T- -l ill. Lady sttendant. at the rate Cost's desire to continue railroad work LAl'GHTFR! AMAZEMENT! DtADLEHIE! Jacksen E and W. C Lance. KS Fletcher more than ll.Ono.000 in any calendar year, Induced him to make the change in his The Psmous Master of Magic Q.SS V. ! J Ballard, -- i Ith Summit. KLoKISTS commencing 1900. For NoTtmb'f sod December. in' 4 girl. with plans. MAW VISITORS LEFT ORDERS AT C A. and L. JiKkTt. thbott. RERTf'I'.M ANN BRH.. Mr. Va:tT was president of the M K M U lls-.n- . 21 st Walnut, boy. 810 elected and New So. Ml Mass. Z M. Pel, at. Tel. I.- 1WT7. - Superintendent 8. H. Hutchinson, of the Go M-a- d. 132- boy. ?.. high Valley Railroad in succeed- THE WHOLESALE HOI W. R. and E illoway. Pittsburg & Ohio M, : ? $-- TVc. ing K. division of the Baltimore Trie tl,;c tic; tns'. Seat now re sir li. an.i M "uit. 73 Waai rmnt. boy. PATENT LAWYERS P. Wilbur. He was regarded as the Railroad, yesterday tendered his resigna- 8. 2217 Ji ..n. girl. choice of the Drexel-Morga- n Interests, To J. and Seilers. THOMPSON R. HELL, consulting engineer and tion, to be effective Dec. L Mr. Hutchinson i H Hatttc Terry. Knxllsh. glrl. which, a short time previously, had be- An Ideal voyag to a psrsdlae of flowers. and patent attorney, S3 Inga Indianapolis. r W. J. and T. Moor SM Weit W asninxion. Us block. come the dominant factors in the affairs has accepted the position of assistant gen- Mönch Xov. Steamt-- ssll fortnightly from New York. Wot SALE AND LI VERY STABLES of the company. Mr. has had wide eral superintendent of the Michigan Central KLAW & KKLANQER'8 Stupendous Prodi. illustrated pamphlets, passages, etc . writs to C. L. South East. tri. Walter Railroad, Prices Firm In enrly All Lines nnd and Brlnkman. Buck 172. He with headquarters at Detroit. A. B. St CO . Meridian, noy. HORACE WOOD. tCarrtaite. Tran. railroad experience dating from 8. General Lew Wallace's 'I tEKBRIDOS K. and C. L Febr. 1t South - will begin his new duties on Dec. H W ll 24A3 Broadway. aMrl. boards. c 25 Circle. Tel. 17- was at various times connected with the AdvnnrlnK In Nome. Krnits and Ats. juet.ee s. 8. Co.. Ltd.. Broadway. New J. St. and l.arnn. Members Asso- Y-r- O. and A. E. Eighteenth and Northwest-trn- Pennsylvania Railroad, the Northern Cen- of the Central Freight AKTHI It AHHKN. Secretary, gusbec. Jon. Balti- ciation are considering propsed re- Vegetables Being an Exception. Irl ULM-HOLS- E3. tral, the Baltimore & Potomac, the the h. FOR L and E. Cnverssw. 81 West Twenty-sevent- more & Ohio and the New York, Lake Erie vision of the rate sheets necessary to put Ai Western. In th new rntes on grain and grain Ben-H- ur W. and K Klley. 31 North Davldaon. boy. FOR RENT See list at 131 E. Market; round products, in conformity with recent r floor. GREGORY Al'I'EL. the More change made by the Western lines. An in- hy peel .ly ch rterel North German Lloyd - Eqnallaation of Wime. crease of 24 cents on export grain from Trade yesterday was more active in near- Lx press H. H K Il.öit Marrlas- Meenaes. a-- ya, tlascia." loss, Jan. 14 tit, FOR M ALF FARMS. The Jersey yes- Mississippi points to the Atlantic and a ly influx of Matinees Wsd and Sst. and Thanksgiving Day. shore nips, luncheons, gm ies, - Central Railway of New all lines, in part due to the I. drlre, William Rod- and Mary Schäkel. general S. at Rcadv To-ia- v rhese C. advance in other rates is considered cur. arlll c $30.00 with William Harry I.ang and Mabel Parker. terday made the following announcement: Scottish Rite Masons and Odd Fellows, .Vk?. :;.c. $2.00. other .t REAL E.STATE Sale: 0 acres, se-ve- probable. Prices It. 1.5i snd cruises. Tr mi- - Man ion and Nclll Kennedy. For Fine buyers. Medlterr .n-- s i Walter Dmvenprt and Lury McCord. miles city limits, V mile electric line, excellent "The management of the Jersey Central James McCrea. first vice president of among whom were a number of Crnlv. Feb. 7th, 400 no. Lent Granger and Lizzie Coleman. house, orchard, barn; level, loamy soil, all tilla intends that its employes shall be treated the Pennsylvania lines. W. C. Brown, vice Their purchases were liberal and orders . c. 3 Arn N. Shirrer and Mary Virginia Stes-.e- ble: rural delivery; telephone; 30 days only. president and general manager of Lake nm cum. m b-- - n CAKTER. 14 E as well as those of its neighbors, and where the from traveling salesmen also were satis- Adolph Jaeger and Hophle Tbl- m Market. Shore, and C. E. Schad. general manager De Witt V. Moore and Dorothy l. Corner. FOR SALE- - Farms 2:0 acres, rich farm; ood recent Increases made by railroads in this factory. In prices there were few chances. , Ktsly. - of the Big Four, held a conference on Ralph Alf.nio Henlsby and Ella H. miiidlngs. 10 miles out. urU-e- wages territory make average rate of Tuesday in to the new-unio- Linseed oil declined cent a gallon, DR. James A Drl and Mary C. itegmaier. 9 miles out. ood rich, black, sandy loam: fairly the Cleveland relative another JOSEPH tSK'S ooJ buildings: price. f7.C0. 314 acres 10 miles higher than those paid by the Jersey Cen- station at that city. Mr. Brown cocaine advanced 25 cents an ounce and all EXCLUSIVE FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE. out, near electric car line. 137 and .' per acre. em- - stated after the meeting that the project Cessisc Dymm ltd Deaths. tral, the waces of such classes of its HlM s of drugs ruled firm. Sugars are some- F. DE ARM1TT, 1408 Clinton St.. Ft. Wayne, ployes will be meet the pre- - was well way and plans would be RB9CO A: MICHA equalized to un!r- UD. 321 South Keystone. bat, j In a as the Oreat Comedy Macart' Dog Mon- HOMEOPATHIC Evert R. Meek. one. vailing rates paid." The management has ready thlrO- days. what surprise in their flrmmss. key Acrobats. anl Bright'? disease. not yet of employes Foun- season for an activs demand Is over, except Circus. Smith A Fuller. Winona A Hanks sixty-fiv- e. 102V West computed the number A director of the American Car nnd YVintor. & Scott. i buyers, Press Kldrldge, Silvern Em?ille. Hanwl Bauer FOR S ESTATE. who will be affected by the increase, nor dry Compar y of not for confectioners, who are large PREPARATIONS Twenty-sevent- h, ALEREAI states orders Claire, & rip. - that preparing for the holiday season. The fan- Atalle Manlev Rose. Rioscope. forty-seve- n. 6 New Tora. decided when it will go into effect. less $M.i00.000 of new cars and Matinee Dally. 25c. Evenings, löc. 5(. Ellen Martin, East than worth cy very busy, and a Are Mt w S14 fnanm i m FOR SALE Real eetate S3.n0 eouity in 11- - A notice has been posted at the various locomotives are now on the books of ttM notion houses also are ; big ftfty-Av- e. s Hospital. compan;-- shops effect trade is Indicated from now until the Mary Moore, St. Vincent room dwelling; heated by hot water of the Wabash system to the manufacturing concerns. Within the past To-D- ay SMBBBBBBBBBBBBI 6 wages for holidaya. The dry goods houses have had HUDEEL'S - valuable corner lot; can make pay per cert. that a revison of the scale of few days been multiply- I I Marv C flftv. 120 West Twenty- net by In rear. OWNER. Box 331. care presi these orders have two or days of trade, as have K t Mclevltt. bulldln skilled labor has been directed by the ing rapidly and the demand for new qulp-me-nt three brisk FVThe Sensational Melodrama, tlrt. tuberculoids Journal. dent. The superintendents met at head- Is the boot and shie houses. Hog products McConnell. sixty-nin- e. 2027 North sen widely distributed throughout the Thomaa quarters yesterday to go over the details country. is ur- carry an easy tone and further declines "HER ate, heart dil In most cases the demand Bra in Is MARRIAGE VOW" Sao lay Journal by Mail. $2.51 per Year. FOR SALE MISCFLLA.NKOt S. looking to a general advance if the scale gent, especially power. expectation. The flour market 10c. 20c, is of other for new motive Arm, but no higher. Flour is in good re- Prices 30c. Everybody goes to the Park. found to be lower than those In commenting report the Monday "Lost in the Desert." DIED. duplex power lines. on the that quest. On Commission row low prices are For SALE One Dean Bros.' Ramsey to the w.tces of employes of the Philadelphia & the rule- - fur both fruits and vegetables, but pump.
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