+v ". ■H'*. ■>. 71 a'i'T'it-v 7 '. .‘•‘ •*- '•,' ♦, «. ' t ■ f T ‘ -V / — . I • I -:-7-..!t^<iW'->Ffr'i.j.-» ■■■■ ■■.■■ /■ UBCTEEif TUESDAY, APRIL *8, 1982 . A w nffi Dsfir Net Pren Rim fKattrb^Hter Sttratttg ’■ FeiraM W edt lEnded Tht Wdfithtr - c r Mhireb SL IMS ' Fereeaet of U. a Weather Bofeaa nans have bean completed by iaerement for only thoaa anudoyea Fair, not so cold tonight. Lew Ft. Margaret's Circle, Daughtera of. Commission in wige gnmpa 5 through 16 who - l g ; 5 5 9 80 to 26 except 26 to 36 In ptn- i@tt>lit Toivn Isabella, for an Eaater party Sat did not reertve the ■ addiUenal In- lREE*DiaJ^8Y teetod valleys. Thuraday vaina- urday, April 14, at 1 pjn. at the Member ef the Andlt erement In the 1981-1962 budget, AtTkaFARKpE ,Biu«aa ef Olfenlatioii hie eloadinees, warmer, fifigh In ' Mk Hooka Joknaton will eon-: K of C' Home.' Reaervetlona/Will proridlng they have worked for the 60s. ' d u ^ a Bible atudy d ais In the close Saturday, and may be'fnadw HtvditsCall the town .three yean as of July 1, ■■ M anthe$ter-^A C ity of VUlage Charm \ ' Junloe hto-room , Center Oonere- by calling Mrs. John KleWafchmldt, 1962, . LIGGEH M U i (fatlwialCiiurch, timonrow at 9:45 86 Summit St., or Mra. Thomaa : On Revisions Martin haa also' recommended fcm. Magfiotta, 32 Marahall Rd, full payment of 'individual em­ VOL. LXXX!, NO. 156 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—(N TWO SECTIONS) AIANCHESTER, c o n n ., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1962 (Uaaetfled Advertlahig en Page $8) .e ' ployes' Blue Cross hospitaliaaUpii PRICE PIVE CENTS A rummage eale will be co-apon- The charter rtvision committee Insurance by the town. The Katfee Klataehe Group of Bored by Story And Willing Work- and thp executive ttoard of the-Mu­ .Read Herald.-Ajvs. tha Manchester YWCA will meet ers^CIrcles. WSCS of South-Metho- nicipal lEmplOyCs’ GroUp are wait­ tomorrow at 9:80 a.m. to work on dist Church, tomorrow at 9 a.m. lit ing for g ChSrtiw Revlrton Com- jnoaaic ■ tUe and glass etching. mlastlon - subcommittee to call a Thoae tleslrlng a baby sitter should Cooper Hail at the church. Mem- bera of the Willing Workera Circle meeting for discussion of four pro­ call Mrs. Robert Kittle, 28 Crom- are to bring their lunches for A posed cliarter revisions drawn 19 HOUSE &.;,HALE weU Rd. meeting after the sale. by the employes' group. Members of the eihplpyes’ group discussed the propoeed rerisionk at , MAIN ST., M A N C H ^E R —MI S-4123 The Little- Theater of Mamiies- a mteting Friday a t the-Municipal ter, sponsored -by the Town Recr Blrildlhg..'’- reation Department, will meet to­ "Atty.vLaon Podrbya- and Fred. RUMMAGE morrow at 8 p.m. at the lEa'st Side N^UT;f'his)nbsci .tff - thhTiChartsr Rec. Business and productions Revtsfoh Commission ‘sub-iiQmmit- SEMI-ANNUAL staffs will be choeen for "The CAve tec) .sum noW.stu^jring. the propos­ SALE ' Ehvellers.” als ijf The group, at least one .of apoBeoTed By The Siaterhoad whibh 'wU found to .be controver­ Of World Red Conspiracy Of Temple Befh HlHel Methodist Men of North Metho­ sial at a'.mceting of the (3harter dist Church will meet Monday, Revision '.CommlssionAsst month. ' <r tVelles Farm Wagon April 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the church. *nie controver8ial;0'pr6posal. If NO-M END Route 83, TaDcottsille A motion picture, "Sound of a adopted, would require all toT^m em- (A Few Mlnutb* From Vernon Stone," will be shown preceding a I^oyea to^bc either town residents Circle) di.scusston of "Freedom In An Age Or property owners. State News Wedneeday, April 4 of Conflict.” ~ The other proposed changes STO CKIN G Ex-General Would iestabbsh a personnel depart­ • A.M. to 10 F.M. Hbnanuel Ohurchwomen w' 111 ment or ; officer, 'create a merit ■meet tonight at 7:45 at Emanuel system for air, employe's, and in­ Roundup Lutheran Church. Guest speaker clude under the'Jurlsdletlon of the Hurls Blast will be Roy Steivart of New Brit­ board of directors and the general ain. an officer of "New Horizons." manager all clerlcaremployes cur­ a fellowahip of handicapped and rently responsible only to their Youth Assists At KenneiJy and non-handicapped persona. department heads. RUMMAGE Favor Reobmmendations Convict Flee The Rockville Emblem Club will At Friday’s meeting the em­ WASHINGTON (AP) — . SALE conduct an Installation of officers ployes’ group also voted to recom­ In Waterbury Edwin A. Walker, former Wednesday. April 11, at 8 p.m. at mend that the board of directors Army major general, told Sponsored By The Story the Elk's Carriage House.. Dinner approve the' general manager^! Groap and Willing W'orkers win be served at 6:30. Reservations recommendations for wage in­ WATERBURY (AP)—Po­ investigating senators today mav be made by calling Mrs. Rose lice today sought a 2S-year-oId he “was a scapegoat of an un-. Of The South Methodist Vailuzart, 171 Summit St. The offi­ creases andt Blue Cross, insurance. Church cers will rehearse at the Carriage General Manager Richard Mar­ convict and the companion written policy of collaboration House Sunday at 4 p.m. tin has recommended an additional who engineered his escape and collusion with the inter­ Wednesday, April 4 from a courthouse detention national Communist conspir­ 9:00 A.M. Tickets for the BUster breakfast cell. acy.” at the Salvation Army Citadel at Smallest Olympic of Them All The convict, Daniel Peruginl, 204 The Army veteran lashed out at In The Church 7 a.m. may be purchase from any Oierry St., (led several hours after all officlalH, from the President member of the Men's Lesgue. Two University of Omnecticut students pull a statue -o* liberty play for reed in a 26.2-mlle relay GOMMERGIAL he was sentenced In Superior Court down, In an appearance before a that crossed Manchester, among other towns. Don Sadler of New York City holds the torch and " ■ AND yesterday to a seven-to-10 year iueclal Senate investigation Into and Gordon Ultsch of Groton Is about to grab It, ju st oast of the Municipal Building. Police S'gt. term In state prison for a burglary harges that antl-Communtat ac­ William Cooke drives one of two cruisers that escorted the boys across to\vn. The relay among Flames roar unchecked through Tambling two-story warehouse in Norwich yesterday with violence Feb. 17. tivities of military leaders havs 1.30 fraternity boys began at- 4 o’clock at the State Oapitol, with Gov. John Dempsey and Hartford INDUSTRIAL lite r chemical explosions kill^ four firemen and injured four others. (AP P||otofax.) Police sold he was aided in his been muxsled. Mayor William Glynn lighting the torch to bb carried to the Storrs campus |or the opening of Greek escape by a companion who had "With this notion's survival at Week. Runners got as far as Pearl St. in Hartford where firemen ordered them to extinguish the PMNTING been seen in the courtroom during ateke, our armed forces are para­ RUMMAGE SALE flame. They returned to the Capitol, got a police escort, and ran with a burning, but flameless, the sentencing. They identified him lysed by our national policy a t 'no eagerness through Blast Hartford, Manchester. Bolton, Coventrj-, Mansfield Depot.- etc. Oc- Insnnuice Coverage For Sponsored By Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom I - Truckload of Chemicals sa 20-year-old James Gorman Jr., win' and retreat from victory," caslonaily they rode in cars, especially after it got dark. ’ The torch was relighted Just liefore It Vonr Protection 58 MUl fit. Walker said. AT THE TEMPLE reached campus, and was used to light the lamp which vsill bum during a week of community service 8100,000 CompensaDon Three deputy sheriffs yrere about "I, myself, ara a victim of thla CORNER OF IJnVDEN AND MIHTLE STREETS and fun-making by fraternities and sororities. (Herald photo by Satemls). $.300,000 Pnbtie Liability to take Peruginl and another pris­ ■no win’ policy. I was charged e New Spring Fahrice and New UnIngS oner to the State Prison lit Weth­ with nothing. I have -been fqund $25,000 Property Damago guilty of nothing, I have been e Excellent Clothing for Men, Women and Children to groups of a non-polltlcal nature. to all elements” on the town com- 1 ersfield, police said, when Gortqan (Jongp-essman Frank Kowalski, mittee, he said. Established 1915 ' entered the basement cell blortc, punished for nothing.” e Boohs and Toys - ‘ Ahe Invited on the other hand, the only man Norwich Blast Kills 4 armed with a pistol and a switch­ Walker was relieved of com- A poll was recently takenyto 48 Years Of Serriee who has announced himself pub­ blade knife. ,mand of the 24th Army Division Wednesday, April 4th—6:00 to 9:0() P.M. determine what w-ould please the 1 In Germany last year and admon­ licly as a candidate for the sena­ 60 members of the commit'tee on HARTFORD' (AP)—Onvernor eaway. Tracka of tha naarby Oen-eWUllam J. EUieridan, 47; Carl Peruglnl's cell woa already un­ Thursday, April 5th—9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon To Speak in torial post, has spoken everywhere locked. He came running out with ished 'after his troop Indoctrina­ the choice o* a senatorial nom­ WM. DICKSON Dempaey today ordered a full tral Vermont Railroad wore dis­ Burke, 84; LMonard M. Oounlhan, tion program came Into contro­ he was asked.
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