Cape Librarian November/December 2014 | Volume 58 | No. 6 Kaapse Bibliotekaris contents | inhoud FEATURES | ARTIKELS CHOICE READS OF 2014 16 Compiled by Grizéll Azar-Luxton COLUMNS | RUBRIEKE BOOK WORLD | BOEKWÊRELD Die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Boekebeurs - ’n nuwe blaadjie, of net ’n ander omslag? 21 Dr Francois Verster NB uitgewers groet Verna Vels 23 Creating a new national history - Part 2 25 Nomonde Ngqoba Book Reviews | Boekresensies 33 Compiled by Book Selectors / Saamgestel deur Boekkeurders Accessions | Aanwinste 37 Compiled by / Saamgestel deur Johanna de Beer The Arts | Die Kunste Ride the high country 41 Robert Moult Workroom | Werkkamer To waive or not to waive, that is the question 45 Marilyn McIntosh Spotlight on SN | Kollig op SN The Karoo: the harsh, beautiful heart of South Africa 47 Dalena le Roux NEWS | NUUS between the lines / tussen die lyne 2 libraries / biblioteke 4 books and authors / skrywers en boeke 7 literary awards / literêre toekennings 8 miscellany / allerlei 9 about authors / skrywersdinge 14 40 years . 15 COVER | VOORBLAD This year’s cover is a representation of book characters and this month the mischievious Peter Pan flies across our cover. Vanjaar se voorblad is ’n voorstelling van boekkarakters en vandeesmaand vlieg die onnutsige Peter Pan oor ons voorblad. ND14 Contents.indd 1 2014/12/11 07:27:40 AM festive greetings t is with a great sense We look forward to the conference of satisfaction that I am of the International Federation of Library Iable to wish our readers a Associations and Institutions (IFLA) which is to peaceful and restful festive be hosted in Cape Town from 15 to 21 August season. Notwithstanding 2015 and which will provide a platform for the never-ending negative all and sundry in the library and information reports one is faced with world to share ideas. More than 3,000 in our country, the Library delegates are expected to be at the conference. Service remains a beacon The Western Cape Library Service, the largest of light and has continued library service on the African continent, will be to grow its service to a celebrating its 60th anniversary next year and a host of exciting total of 361 fully functional, projects are underway to commemorate this important event. public library service points - this from 353 in 2013/14. Nomafrench Mbombo I am in my eighth month as Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport minister of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Western Cape and have had the pleasure of More on Minister Mbombo already opening two of the new libraries. Dr Nomafrench Mbombo was born and bred in Mdantsane Apart from the abundant supply of reading material, the Library Township, East London. She relocated to Cape Town 16 years ago. Service has also supplied libraries with periodicals, newspapers, Her academic background includes being an associate professor audiovisual material and even chess sets. at the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences, University of More good news is the upgrading of the SITA Library Information the Western Cape. She obtained a PhD in the area of Gender and Management System (SLIMS to Version 3.90) and the significant Human Rights (UWC), and a Masters degree in Maternal and Child increase in funding received by the Municipal Support Service Health at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). (MSS) to address the unfunded mandate at larger municipalities. As a scholar and community activist she has worked and This substantial increase in the Conditional Grant for community collaborated with different stakeholders provincially and nationally libraries ensured that great strides were made towards solving across Africa and globally, engaging communities, as well as civil the unfunded mandate and to date 98% of libraries in all B3- society, governments, parliamentarians and professional bodies to category municipalities are funded. This includes upgrading of (re)claim the voices of the population at risk (for example, pregnant posts to permanent positions as well as extended contract posts and rural women, youth, impoverished communities and minorities) with benefits. into the mainstream. She served in different organisations as a It has also been a great year for the Rural Libraries Connectivity member, advisor and consultant in various ministerial committees Project. Cooperating with the Western Cape Broadband and government task teams, locally and globally. Initiative, we aim to have provided 200 rural libraries with free She also worked in provincial and local governments in the Internet service for the public by 31 March 2015. Three of these Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. libraries, namely CJ Langenhoven, Paarl and D’Almeida are part Dr Mbombo was appointed as the minister of Cultural Affairs of a pilot project, Mzansi Libraries On-Line, funded by the Bill and and Sport on 26 May 2014. Melinda Gates Foundation. Editor • Redakteur Online public access catalogue Editorial policy Grizéll Azar-Luxton http://wc.slims.gov.za/desktop/desktopwc The Cape Librarian is the house journal of the Western Cape Library Service and is published bi-monthly. Articles in the field Tel: (021) 483-2446 E-mail • E-pos of library and information science, library administration, news Sub-editor • Subredakteur [email protected] items, reviews and accession lists are included. The editorial staff Ethney Waters [email protected] reserve the right to edit, shorten, or rewrite any copy should it be deemed necessary. We cannot guarantee that unsolicited copy Tel: (021) 483-2234 [email protected] supplied will be printed. Opinions expressed by contributors are Graphic Designer • Grafiese Ontwerper Address • Adres not necessarily those of the Library Service. Copy for a particular Wynand Coetzee PO Box 2108, Cape Town, 8000 issue must reach the editor two months in advance. Articles, letters and news items should be submitted directly to the editor. Tel: (021) 483-2283 Posbus 2108, Kaapstad, 8000 Photography • Fotografie Indexed in • Geïndekseer in Redaksionele beleid David Webber Die Kaapse Bibliotekaris is die huisblad van die Wes-Kaapse LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts) Biblioteekdiens en verskyn twee-maandeliks. Dit bevat artikels Administration and advertising • Reproduction and printing • oor biblioteek- en inligtingwese, nuusberigte, resensies, aanwins- Administrasie en advertensies Reproduksie en drukwerk lyste asook praktiese artikels. Die redaksie behou hom die reg voor om, indien nodig, bydraes te redigeer, te ver kort of te Szerena Knapp Creda Press herskryf. Die publikasie van artikels wat nie in opdrag geskryf Tel: (021) 483-2483 Cover design • Omslagontwerp is nie, kan egter nie gewaarborg word nie. Die menings van Fax/Faks: (021) 419-7541 S McClurg medewerkers is nie noodwendig dié van die Biblio teekdiens nie. Alle kopie vir ’n bepaalde uitgawe moet die redaksie twee Web site • Webtuiste © Library Service © Biblioteekdiens maande vooruit bereik. Artikels, briewe en nuusberigte kan direk www.westerncape.gov.za/cas SA ISSN 0 008 5790 aan die redakteur gestuur word. ND14 Editorial.indd 1 2014/12/11 09:35:35 AM tussen die lyne Musiek Kom saam op ’n avontuurlike ontdekkingstog deur klassieke musiek-CD’s deur Pieter Hugo my daaraan dat ek nie alleen is in doen, is dit Bach. Ek het al opnames my onbegrip nie. Dis ’n algemene van sy werke gehoor wat klink soos ’n manneding. Jy sal selde ’n vrou op die blik vol note wat geskud word. Luister gangbankies in winkelsentrums sien sit. maar na enige van Bach se musiek. Dit is Daarvoor is die tyd net te min en die alles goed. Bach se Das wohltemperiete winkels te veel. Dit is die mans wat daar Klavier is wat ek sal saamvat as die sit en oorleef. enigste opname as ek vir ’n jaar op ’n Die denkende man het darem ook verlate eiland moet gaan woon. Dis die ’n paar ander oorlewingstrategieë mees sublieme musiek in die wêreld, met in winkelsentrums: boekwinkels en Prelude en Fuga nr. 13 as die uitstaande koffiewinkels, in daardie volgorde. Kry een. Ek het nog nie eers genoem van sy eers iets te lese en geniet dit dan met hemelse kerkmusiek nie. Dink maar net koffie. Totdat jy ’n selfoonboodskap van aan die Mattheuspassie. jou vrou kry dat jy die vyf broeke wat Kom ons stap nou na die Mozart-CD’s. sy vir jou uitgesoek het, moet kom My top Mozart-stuk is sy Klarinetkonsert aanpas . (in A, K622). Was dit nie vir Bach nie, Maar meneer, vandag gaan ek jou sou dít my eilandmusiek wees. Verder ’n bietjie uit jou gemaksone ruk. Kom kan jy letterlik enigiets van Mozart koop. eerder saam met my na ’n musiekwinkel. Dit is alles mooi, van die oorgewilde Eine Ek weet jy kom soms daar om CD’s kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade no 13 in G, te koop. Vandag gaan jy egter nie K535) tot sy simfonieë. na die rak met jou gewone gewilde En dan kom ons by Beethoven se populêre musiek nie. Nee, ek neem simfonieë. Eintlik moet ’n mens al nege jou op ’n avontuurlike ontdekkingstog van hulle in jou versameling hê. Met die deur die klassieke musiek-CD’s. Maar té gewildes moet ’n mens pasop vir swak wees gewaarsku. Ek gaan jou lei deur opnames. Ek praat hier van die Eroica, die hoogtepunte van my persoonlike die Pastorale (Simfonie no 6 in F op 68) terloopse kennismaking met klassieke en die Koraal (Simfonie no 9 in D min musiek. Ek is nie ’n kenner nie, ek is ’n op 125) - daar waar die koor so lekker k is dikwels omring deur vroue. genieter. En onthou dames, dit is ’n man saamsing. Behalwe vir vroulike familie se keuse: meer dramaties meesleurend Maar Beethoven is natuurlik ook Een vriende het ek ook dosyne en minder romantiese vervoering. baie meer as net sy simfonieë. Sy vrouekollegas.
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