ARTIFACTS UNIVERSITY OF WasHINGTON / SEATTLE USA AUTUMN 2008 SCHOOL OF ART DIVISION OF ART / DIVISION OF ART HISTORY / DIVISION OF DESIGN Welcome to the new Artifacts If you are holding this newsletter in your hands, The online version includes the material in the the change of format is obvious. What once was printed newsletter, but it also has all the other ma- tabloid is now letter size. This switch has hap- terial you have come to look forward to: faculty, MORE ONLINE pened for two reasons. One is that we want to staff, and student news; an article about our study by going to the newsletter now make Artifacts available online, and letter abroad programs; alumni notes; photos; and small link at : art.washington.edu size documents fit this format better. The second articles about past and future activities and achieve- reason involves economics and ecology. We must ments. Please let us know what you think of the • Alumni Notes spend less on the newsletter in order to preserve new format, both paper and online, by emailing [email protected]. • Transitions in the SoA funds for other needs, so we are printing both a smaller size and fewer pages. This, of course, also • Study Abroad A link to the online newsletter is at the top of every uses less paper. web page on the SoA website: • Faculty News The printed version of Artifacts will now typically And much more! art.washington.edu contain the notes from the director, the calendar of upcoming events, and our acknowledgement of donors. It will regularly be sent to our donors and SUPPORT the parents of current students. THE UniVerSitY OF WASHinGton SCHOOL OF ART UW SCHOOL OF ART Christopher Ozubko, Director DIVISION OF ART FacultY Paul Berger, David Brody, Lou Cabeen, Rebecca Cummins, Ann Gale, Ellen Garvens, Layne Goldsmith, Philip Govedare, Denzil Hurley, Doug Jeck, Curt Labitzke, Zhi Lin, Amie McNeel, Helen O’Toole, Shirley SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR Scheier, Akio Takamori, Jamie Walker, John Young, Mark Zirpel DIVISION OF ART HISTORY FacultY Cynthea Bogel, René Bravmann, Susan Casteras, Meredith Clausen, Patricia Failing, Christine Göttler, Anna Kartsonis, Margaret Laird, Estelle Lingo, Stuart Lingo, Haicheng Wang, Marek NEXT NEWSLETTER Wieczorek, Robin Wright DIVISION OF DESIGN FacultY Sang-gyeun Ahn, Karen Cheng, Magnus Feil, Annabelle Gould, Kristine Matthews, Dominic 09 January 2009 Muren, Christopher Ozubko, Axel Roesler, Douglas Wadden AUXILIARY FacultY Anne Hayden Stevens, Timea Tihanyi DXARTS FacultY Stephanie Andrews, Shawn Brixey SOA ADVISORY BOARD Gayle Barker, Judi Clark, Gary Crevling, Madelaine Georgette, Bill Ingham, Harold Kawaguchi, Jack Kleinart, Alida Latham, Larry Metcalf, Alison Milliman, Bryan Ohno, Elaine Ethier NOTES FROM THE DIRECTOR Christopher Ozubko Director, School of Art As I write this, the temperature in Rome is in the eighties, and it is relatively Alison + Glen Milliman Endowed pleasant for this time of year (last year it was up to twenty degrees hotter). Chair in Art My Exploration Seminar has started off well. The beginning of a new academic year is fast approaching, and the SoA has a number of changes happening. As you read on the front of this newsletter, we have changed the format and design of our twice-yearly publication. Do be sure to let us know your feedback about this by emailing artifacts@art. washington.edu or calling 206.685.2442. In the online version of this edition of Artifacts, you will read about the staff and faculty transitions taking place. All are significant, but one that is par- ticularly significant for me is the departure of Kris Jones, who has been our Administrator for more than seven years. Kris has been a huge help to me in managing the School, particularly in the area of financial management. I am very pleased to announce that we have been able to hire an excellent replacement for Kris. Sharon Frucci takes up the position on 02 September 2008. She has worked at the UW for twenty-four years, the majority of that time being in the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition to her extensive administrative experience, she also has a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, so she should fit in well at the SoA. By the time you read this, our new website will have debuted at art.washing- ton.edu. It has been a long process to move this to completion, but we hope you find it useful. It will continue to improve over the next several months. Be sure to check the events link at the top of the page regularly for additions to our calendar. What you see listed in this newsletter is only a portion of the activities that will occur over the next six months. EVentS are Free anD OPen to all unleSS THUR 16 OCT TUES 02 DEC otHerwiSE noteD. New Graduate Student Welcome Party Christine Göttler, “Setting Fire to the Visu- Check the SoA’s Calendar of Events online 5–8pm, Henry Art Gallery al Arts: The Invention of the Flemish Style at http://art.washington.edu for addition- Abroad” ENTS al events and the most current informa- New graduate students in Art, Art History, tion. For more information please email Design, Museology, and DXARTS are invit- 6pm, Henry Art Gallery auditorium [email protected]. EV ed to join the fun, mingle, and get to know Göttler, Professor of Northern European one another. art, will explore the unusual and icono- RT TUES 30 SEPT For more information, please contact Au- clastic paintings on copper produced by Stuart Lingo, “Debating Bronzino’s Bodies: A 2009 tumn Yoke at 206.616.3350 or ayoke@u. many northern European artists. Issues F Dialogue, Disegno and the Nude in Late washington.edu. of metallurgy, a new interest in light and TER Renaissance Florence” shadow, and the representation of optical N I 5pm, 003 Art Building WED 29 OCT – Sat 15 NOV phenomena will be considered. A reception Lingo, Assistant Professor of Italian art of A Journey from Tiananmen Square to Prom- will follow the lecture. This lecture is part the 14th–16th centuries, lectures on his lat- ontory Summit of the series, “Hiding in Plain Sight: New HOOL O est research efforts. Opening reception: Tues 28 Oct, 4–6pm Research in Art History at the University of C N 2008 + W For more information, please contact the Jacob Lawrence Gallery, 132 Art Building Washington,” and is made possible in part M Art History program at 206.543.4876. Associate Professor of Painting + Draw- by the College of Arts & Sciences. U T ing, Zhi Lin, exhibits his latest paintings and Please RSVP to [email protected], WED 01 OCT – Sat 18 OCT or 206.616.6544. UW S AU works on paper. 2009 MFA Candidates Gallery hours: Tues through Sat, 12–4pm. For For more information, contact the Art His- Opening reception: Tues 30 Sept, 4–6pm more information, please call 206.685.1805. tory program at 206.543.4876. Jacob Lawrence Gallery, 132 Art Building Highlights of work by 2nd year Master of THUR 06 NOV WED 14 JAn – Sat 07 FEB Fine Arts candidates, which was produced Zhi Lin, “A Journey from Tiananmen Square Shenzen: Rebecca Cummins and Margie during their first year in the program. to Promontory Summit” Livingston Gallery hours: Tues through Sat, 12–4pm. For 4pm, 003 Art Building Opening reception: Tues 13 Jan, 4–6pm Jacob Lawrence Gallery, 132 Art Building more information, please call 206.685.1805. Lin, Associate Professor of Painting + Drawing, presents a lecture about his lat- Associate Professor of Photography, Re- THUR 02 OCT est research and artworks. becca Cummins, and alumna Margie Liv- Estelle Lingo, “Francesco Mochi and the For more information, please contact the ingston exhibit the work they created dur- Edge of Tradition” SoA Administration at 206.685.2442. ing a two-month residency at Shenzhen 4pm, 003 Art Building Fine Art Institute, China. Lingo, Assistant Professor of 17th–18th TUES 18 NOV Gallery hours: Tues through Sat, 12–4pm. For century southern European art, lectures on Cynthea Bogel, “Importing and Localizing more information, please call 206.685.1805. her latest research. Ritual Paintings in Ninth-Century Japan” For more information, please contact the 6pm, Henry Art Gallery auditorium WED 18 FEB – Sat 14 MAR School of Art OPEN Art History program at 206.543.4876. Bogel, Associate Professor of Japanese art Opening reception: Tues 17 Feb, 4–6pm and architecture, investigates the differ- Jacob Lawrence Gallery, 132 Art Building TUES 07 OCT ences between ritual paintings created in Margaret (Peg) Laird, “Red Meat in Black China and those that were brought back to Juried exhibition of work by undergraduate and White: Imperial Sacrifice in Ostia’s Japan by Buddhist priests in the early ninth and graduate students in a variety of me- ‘Caserma dei Vigili’” century. A reception will follow the lecture. dia. 6pm, Henry Art Gallery auditorium This lecture is part of the series, “Hiding in Gallery hours: Tues through Sat, 12–4pm. For Laird, Assistant Professor of ancient art Plain Sight: New Research in Art History at more information, please call 206.685.1805. and archaeology, will explore the unusual the University of Washington,” and is made sources for novel images of animal sacri- possible in part by the College of Arts & Sci- fices that deviate from the highly codified ences. depictions that one typically associates Please RSVP to [email protected], with these images. Further, she will read or 206.616.6544. the images within the political and religious For more information, contact the Art His- climates of the early third century CE, when tory program at 206.543.4876.
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