★ 1889 Diamond Jubilee Year 1964 -+C Sinter! iter © term rr Vol. 74, No. 48 Robert Lee, Coke County, Texas, Thursday, April 30, 1964 Single Copy 10c Homecoming at Sanco On First Two Primaries Sunday in June Sanco Community Association made plans in a meeting Thursday night for the annual homecoming Slated Saturday held on the first Sunday in June each year, this year on June 7. With county and precinct offi­ at the Court House, Republican in Two probrams are planned, one cers here unopposed and with a the home of John Brown on the the election Saturday of this week to come on Saturday night, June river drive. 6, at the Community Building, Republican Primary announced, Interest centers largely on state with singing and review of the has two first for Robert Lee and races, and the U. S. Senate, with community’s place in the organiz­ area. that between t h e incumbent, ing of the county, as the 75 years Democratic primary will be held Ralph Yarborough offering about of the county’s existence. the only slam-bang old style slug­ A piano, bought during the year, Balmorhea Man to ging match. will be available, at the commun-j Vocational Post In At the marker erected by the Senator, Col. R. B. Coke was ity meeting place. Sunday's pro­ state in honor of his cou­ guest of Coke County Thursday, gram will be held under the big Robert Lee School sin, Richard Coke, Confederate with Mrs. Coke, left, and his tabernacle at the usual hour of | Mrs. Prine’s Home officer, judge, governor, U. S. sister, Mrs. J. E. Salter. Elected at the recent board j 10:30, with meat furnished and meeting to take the place of Bob j Burned, Counts other ingredients of a basket din­ Cox, resigned, Lee Roy McDan- j ner brought by each individual or iel, 39, will come here from Bal­ Loses Half Barn family. morhea to teach vocational agri­ Robert Lee Host in Except for a program of around culture in the 1964-65 term. The house in which Mrs. J. M one hour, the day Sunday is giv­ Prine, Sr., lived at Sanco burned Mr. McDaniel holds a Bachelor’s en over to meeting and mingling, degree from Abilene Christian to the ground from a fire that among relatives, friends, former College, Masters from Sam Hous­ started at noon Monday. First of Coke County residents of the community, and She had just gone outside to ton State College. He has had visitors. look at some tomato plants, when ten years experience — three of Mrs. Nolan Pentecost is chair­ she saw heavy smoke pouring these at Dublin and 7 at Balmor­ man of the program committee. from the southwest corner of the hea. 75th Year's Events house. By the time her son, J. Mr. and Mrs Eddie Roy Bras­ His work is to begin here on M. Prine, Jr., could come from Officially, with the dedication of greeted pioneer fathers, Frank C. well of Colorado City came July L his house, less than fifty yards a historical marker to the man Dickey paid tribute to outstanding through Robert Lee Sunday on away, flames had engulfed the for whom Coke County was nam­ cowboys of the county’s past their way home from a Jaycee There will be a cemetery work­ small building, and it was im­ ed, local officials, civic leaders, while Elton Mims gave a brief his­ convention in Corpus Christi. Ed­ ing. Robert Lee Cemetery on F ri­ possible to remove anything from and those who were here at the die Roy is president of the C-City day, May 8. according to an­ founding, opened a Diamond Jubi­ torical sketch. 1 the building. Jaycees. While their parents nouncement turned in by Guy A high wind was blowing, and lee observance expected to por­ A quartet composed of Garland were gone the Braswell children. Denman, who says lawn mowers tray throughout some six months Davis, Mrs. Yarbrough, Mrs. i before the fire department could Van, Ginger and Sterling, visited would help a lot. and those wish­ of 1964 the heritage of the coun­ Frank Coalson, and Bill Williams | reach the scene from Robert Lee, in the Leslie Copeland home near ing to send money instead of doing the house was completely consum­ ty, its communities, and its peo­ sang ’ The Old Spinning Wheel in Silver and the George Braswell work are invited to send it in to ple. the Parlor”, and other songs of ed. home in Bronte. him. Origin of the firei s not known. The first program was introdu­ by-gone years. It started from the opposite side ced by County Judge W. W. Thet- Gerald Allen was master of ce­ of the room from stoves or elec­ ford at a noon luncheon Thurs­ remonies in the afternoon pro­ tric wiring of any kind. Mrs. day sponsored by the Board of gram, dedicating the Coke mark­ Prine, alone at the house at the Community Development, at the er. State Senator Dorsey Harde­ Golf Course Move time, said she had not lit a lire Recreation Building, at the Rob­ man, of a pioneer Texas family, since the day before, and tbere ert Lee County park. reviewed the life and work of was no gas or gas appliances. Governor Richard Coke, emphasiz­ Guests of honor included Col. The fire department had a tali B. R. Coke, a cousin of the re­ ing his contribution to free gov­ Getting Under W ay the day before. Sunday, to the nowned Governor Coke, with Mrs. ernment in restoring popular rule A joint effort by Robert Lee [of the course is a natural and can James Counts place on the Di­ Coke, and with Mr. and Mrs. J. following the reconstruction. and Silver has achieved a suffi­ l be constructed in a short time due vide, where a barn filled with E. Salter, as well as Elton Mims, A land that has lost its legends cient number of charter members to terrain, abundance of water in hay was afire. Fire fighters cut has lost its greatness. Senator historian, and a number of Coke to begin construction of a 9 hole the creek and existing well on the the barn half in two, to save half Countians who were here at the Hadreman emphasized in a poem golf course within the next week Eubanks place. The course, of it. quoted in climax to his speech a- time the county came into actual or 10 days. After more than 10 when completed, should bring a being April 23, 1889. bout the county and its founders. years and talking and planning, number of out-of-town players and TESTIN G GRAY SAND Mrs. Salter, mother of Rev. "Each of us has an individual the Mountain Creek Golf Club be­ greatly enhance Robert Lee and Tucker No. 1 Campbell was Dempsey Salter, pastor of the and a particular heritage,” Elton came a reality Wednesday night surrounding area. testing the Gray sand early this Robert Lee Methodist Church, is Mims said, in presenting histori­ when officers were elected and Charter memberships which week after reportedly failing 1® a sister of Col. Coke, a retired cal milestones in the area that is committees appointed to carry out have been selling for $25.00 (plus find pay in the 5,000 foot Santo lieutenant colonel of the Air now Coke County. the project. $12.50> dues until September 1st.) Menielle Pennsylvania. The well Force, veteran of World War I (Names and account of the The course will have its origin will be raised within the next is also to be an Ellenburger test. and II. group of citizens here in 1889 with on the bank of Mountain Creek few days. A meeting of all mem­ Mayor Robert Vaughan spoke details will appear in the Anni­ at the Park, cross the creek and bers will be held Thursday night Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Milton briefly and presided in the intro­ versary Edition.) meander along the creek bank be­ at 7 p.m. at the court house, at (Sarah Nell) Tomlinson of Ster­ duction of guests. A total of 71 hind Jerry Thomason’s home; on which time the cut off date for ling City visited her parents, ihe> people attended the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mayhall, who into the Ellis Eubanks field, and charter membership will be de­ Foy Askins. They also visited Mrs. Bryan Yarbrough, in have been living at Silver and had ending back at the park. This cided and future membership fees Sarah Nell’s grandmother, Mrs. charge of general arrangements the Odom Cafe leased, have mov­ location and setting can be made announced. Persons wishing to Sam McGallian, who was in West for the day, spoke in tribute to ed to Strawn, Texas, where Ray into one of the prettiest golf cour­ join as charter members can still Coke County Hospital recovering (pioneer mothers, Ulmer Bird is now' employed. ses in West Texas. The layout do so this week. from recent surgery. U C R A Engineers Ready for Permit To Study Sites The story of an application for Board of Directors. The other is completed their study, the two Forrest and Cotton, Inc., of Dal­ mentation. permit to study dam sites on the the Colorado River Municipal Wa­ are expected to have some kind las. consulting engineers, who The studies are along lines of a worked with San Angelo in the Colorado, published last Friday ter District, with offices in Big of joint meeting.
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