Henrico Schools ANNUAL REPORT 2017 2017 in review: Thank you, Henrico County Henrico County Public Schools made major strides in 2017 in creating strong student supports, fostering academic growth and improving school facilities for the next generation of Henricoans. In each area, the division’s progress relied on the strong support of Henrico County citizens. Henrico County Public Schools in spotlight From academic recognition to innovative programs, people took notice of Henrico County Public Schools’ many achievements in 2016-17. The National School Boards Association rec - Deep Run H.S. was awarded the 2016-17 ognized HCPS for a sweeping overhaul of the Virginia High School League Wells Fargo school division’s approach to student sup - Cup, the highest award given by the VHSL. ports. HCPS was one of five large U.S. school The cup goes annually to the school in each systems recognized with a first-place honor in classification achieving the best overall re- the 2017 Magna Awards. The award recognizes cord in state-level competitions in 27 sports Henrico Schools’ efforts of the past several years, – the “state champions’ state champion.” from re -examining its policies in remaking its Code of Conduct to implementing more support systems. Highland Springs High School read the most books among Henrico County high schools Twenty-three Henrico County schools to win the 2016-17 “Reading and Writing earned 2017 Virginia Index of Perfor- Across the Curriculum Challenge.” Springers mance awards for advanced learning and read a total of 12,941 books during the 2016­ achievement, presented by Gov. Terry 17 school year. The challenge is part of HCPS’ McAuliffe and the Virginia Board of Educa- intense concentration on literacy as one of its areas of focus. The tion. HCPS was again tops in the Richmond contest is designed to increase reading and writing across the cur- region with the most schools earning the distinction. Short Pump riculum, in courses ranging from English and history to art and Middle School was one of only nine schools in the commonwealth health. Students electronically logged the books they read. to earn the highest designation. The National Association of Counties recog- U.S. News & World Report ranked four Henrico nized nine innovative HCPS programs with high schools among America’s best. The maga- 2017 NACo Achievement Awards. Among zine included Deep Run, Glen Allen, Mills Godwin the programs receiving awards were Career and Douglas Freeman high schools in its annual and Technical Education’s unique partnership “Best High Schools” report. Deep Run was the with the company filming the award-winning No. 11-ranked high school in Virginia. Glen Allen, movie, “Loving.” Also recognized were innova- Mills Godwin and Douglas Freeman were Nos. tive programs in web development; digital citi- 16, 27 and 34, respectively. Henrico’s total of four zenship; community health education; summer ranked schools was the most in Central Virginia, and Deep Run preschool; refurbishing computers for the community; revamping was the highest ranked school in the region. lunch schedules to accommodate more tutoring and remedial education; involving students in renovating baseball facilities; and More than 1,400 HCPS students participated adopting a new digital learning platform. in competitions coordinated by Special Olym- pics Virginia. The three competitions – Little Moody Middle School student Tejas Muthusa- Feet Meet, Meet in the Middle and Big Feet Meet my made his final Scripps National Spelling – span grade levels from K-12 and seek to give Bee the best of his career. The four-time HCPS students with and without intellectual disabili - spelling champion finished tied for fifth nation- ties the opportunity to train together, to create ally in the ESPN-televised contest, of the 291 re- friendships and to foster mutual respect. gional champions. His final bee was the eighth- grader ’s third top-10 finish. He finished eighth in Three athletic teams at HCPS high schools won the nation in 2014 and seventh in 2015. Virginia state titles in 2016-17: Deep Run’ s boys’ golf and cross country teams won state titles, and For the 18th year in a row, the National As- Highland Springs’ football team repeated as state sociation of Music Merchants named HCPS football champions. one of America’s “Best Communities for Mu - sic Education” for its commitment to music instruction. HCPS has earned the designation each year of the awards’ existence. Message from the Superintendent Dr. Patrick C. Kinlaw, Superintendent • Model the behavior you want to see. sponsibility to provide I get this question a lot during the • Connect with the people you lead. Be the support students months of July and August: “What exactly do present, visible, available and engaged need to get there. Our you do during the summer?” The answer can with colleagues and your community. work is guided by four be complicated. There are so many moving • Involve them as much as possible. Stu- cornerstones: Student parts to preparing schools for the return of dents, staff, parents and the community want Safety, Academic Progress, Closing Gaps and faculties and students that an easier question to have a voice and be a part of things. Relationships. Our community can expect might be, “What don’ t you do during the sum- Model, Connect, and Involve. That ’s it. to see schools continue their focus on sev- mer?” It ’s with that in mind that I wondered, Lead Simply. eral key areas including K-12 literacy, cultural why can’ t we make things more simple? On these pages you’ll see concrete evi - competency and equity, family engagement, In early August, during our annual Leader- dence of a school division that continues to and closing gaps. We believe this focus will ship Academy that included more than 300 earn national recognition. For example, we’ re support our students as they strive for aca- school leaders, we spent time studying “Lead proud to have earned a “first place” Magna demic success. Simply,” a book by author Sam Parker of Rich - Award from the National School Boards As - Thank you for taking the time to review mond. It speaks to how all of us can boost our sociation for our work to overhaul the Code our school division’s accomplishments during leadership impact regardless of a person’ s of Student Conduct and create more student the 2016-17 school year. As always, it ’s an ex- position in the organization. The approach supports. In addition, more schools have citing time to be part of Henrico County Pub - is based on three key behaviors that should earned full accreditation and others are mak- lic Schools! apply to all of us, whether you are a teacher, ing positive gains toward that goal. principal, central office staff member, support In Henrico County we believe that all Warm regards, personnel or other HCPS employee. students have the right to achieve to their Pat Kinlaw, Superintendent These three leadership behaviors are: highest abilities. And as the adults, it ’s our re - YEAR AT A GLANCE Average pupil-to-teacher ratio 2016-17 Enrollment data Elementary 20.4 Middle 22.2 High 22.2 SY Elementary Middle High Other Total 2016-17 22,909 11,555 15,227 482 50,173 2015-16 23,166 11,413 15,042 605 50,226 HCPS Specialty Center enrollments 2016-17 50,000 Center Enrollment 45,000 Advance College Academy - Business ...............................................120 40,000 Advance College Academy - Social Sciences ..................................185 35,000 Center for the Arts .....................................................................................279 30,000 Center for Communications and Media Relations ........................125 25,000 Center for Education and Human Development ...........................209 20,000 Center for Engineering ............................................................................113 15,000 Center for the Humanities ......................................................................146 10,000 Center for Information Technology ....................................................160 5,000 International Baccalaureate Diploma Program ..............................519 Center for Leadership, Government and Global Economics.....196 0 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 Todd Allen Phillips Center for Medical Sciences ........................... 181 Elementary Middle High Other Center for Spanish Language and Global Citizenship ................... 81 Budget overview Revenue Sources General Fund Expenditures by Function Fiscal year 2018 — $577,193,207 Fiscal year 2018 — $469,907,245 General and Debt Service Funds, $503.7 million Instruction 75.6% $355.2 County $239.1 Other $1.0 Administration/Attendance & Health 3.6% $17.0 State $254.2 Meals Tax $9.0 Pupil Transportation 5.4% $25.6 Federal $0.4 Operations & Maintenance 9.7% $45.8 Technology 5.6% $26.3 Special Revenue Funds, (in millions) $72.5 million Trust and Agency Fund-CodeRVA, $1 million Community involvement key to progress in student supports, facilities, academic growth saw evidence of just how com­ began immediately and continues, revamp­ 2017 mitted the citizens of Henrico ing the Code of Student Conduct required a County are to public education. From team­ measured, longer-term approach with greater ing with the school division to overhaul HCPS’ stakeholder input. approach to discipline and student supports, The Code of Student Conduct is HCPS’ to continuing to support structural invest­ guiding document for behavioral expecta­ ments through the meals tax and bond refer­ tions. Students, parents and guardians sign endum, Henrico County citizens are helping the Code annually, signifying that they have members include a preventative services keep HCPS strong. read and understand it. HCPS talked with specialist, seven behavior support facilita­ the community about ways to improve tors, two behavioral support coordinators, Academic Progress the document. HCPS held an input session a K-12 intervention specialist and a sub­ Community support has also been es­ in each of Henrico County’s five magisterial stance-abuse intervention coordinator.
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