Corella, 1991, 15(4): 120-122 BIRDS OF THE NORTHERN PRINCE CHARLES MOUNTAINS ANTARCTICA H.HEATWOLE1, M. BETTS2, J. WEBB3 and P. CROSTHWAITE4 1 Department of Zoology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351 2Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas. 7050 3Department of Geology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic. 3083 4Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, ACT Received 25 May 1990 INTRODUCTION RESULTS An Australian National Research Expedition The avifauna consisted of two species which in the summer of 1989-1990 made possible a nested in the area. These were the South Polar recon1wisance of the avifauna of the Prince Skua Ca1harac1a macconnicki and the Snow Charles Mountains. Mac. Robertson Land. Petrel Pagodroma nivea. A third species. Antarctica. Sixteen scientists. scattered widclv Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus was throughout the range. were moved periodic;illy present but evidence of nesting was not found. by helicopter to new sites. A stall of nine people was located at Dovcrs Field Base near the base Snow Petrel Pagodronw 11i1·ea of Farley Massif. These people made opportun­ istic observation� of birds from 26 December. The Snow Petrel was the most common bird in 1989 to 18 Fcbruar�'- 1990. The present report the Prince Charles Mountains. It nested in three summ;1rizes their collective findings. main areas: (I) the northern Amery Peaks: (2) Pagocloma Gorge. Raclok Lake and environs: STUDY AREA and (3) the northern part of Flagstone Bench. All of these arc in the large ice-free region The Northern Prince Charles 1\lountains arc collectively known as the Amery Oasis. located in East Antarctica. midwav between Mawson and Davis bases: 300 km inland is the In the Amery Peaks. Snow Petrels were seen Dove rs Field l3asc (70° I I'S. (i:->0:1 IT) ( Fig. I). In high up on Mt Seatnn. on Sandilands Nunatak and in the northwestern Manning Massif. All .di. :W l<>ctli1 in \\'l'l'C ,·isitcd h, 011c 01· 111orc· p;1r11n. three locations feature steep. north-facing cliffs. Because the Amery Group sandstones arc particularly susceptible to salt wedging. cliffs in 70' 90' these rocks arc often honeycombed with small cavities. These appeared to be preferred nesting sites for Snow Petrels. The majority of nests observed were in such cavities although several were among boulders in scree slopes at the base of cliffs. Relatively few petrels nest in the Precambrian basement gneisses that make up the majority of the rock outcrop in the northern ANTARCTICA Prince Charles Mountains. The site where Snow Petrels seemed to be most abundant was in Pagoclroma Gorge. Many birds were seen flying above the northern cliffs of the Fi�urL' I. l,ncatinn of l'rinn· Charle., .:\lo111t1oin, ;11 Anwrctica. 120 September, 1991 H. Heatwole et al.: Birds of northern Prince Charles Mountains 121 western par! of the gorge and disappearing into South Polar Skua Catharacta rnaccorrnicki crevices in the rocks. Two nests were found there Three skua nests were found in areas inhabited and one on the southern cliffs. In Bainmedart by Snow Petrels, the skua's prey. One nest was Cove. adjacent to the western end of Pagodroma found in the northwestern part of the Amery Gorge. nests were observed both in the cliffs on Peaks. close to the junction of Walker Valley with the northern side and at several locations on the the McKinnon Glacier. Another was on the southeastern side. There were also nests in the southeastern side of Bainmedart Cove. Below this cliffs along the eastern side of Radok Lake both nest over 60 wings of adult petrels were counted. to the north and south of Bainmedart Cove. A Away from the nest. very few wings were seen single nest was seen high up on the Dragon's and it seems likely that petrels were captured and Teeth Cliffs 10 the west of Radok Lake. On flown back to, or close to, thc skua nest to be Flagstone Bench. the cliffs along the northern dismembered. The separated pairs of wings were edge had at leas\ three readily accessible nests, probably then blown short distances rom the although only one was in use. f nest; one such pair was observed blowmg 111 the In places. old nest sites. identified by thick wind on one occasion. guano deposits. have been exposed by n�ckfall,_ particularly along the northern cliffs of The third nest was at the western encl of Pagodroma Gorge. These probably indicate a Paooclroma Gorge on a sandstone hill about 30 111 long history of petrel nesting in the gorge as the higl1. on a platform in a steep face about 20 m cliff is not retreating rapidly at present and there above the valley floor. The nest was 111 a small is little fresh rockfall at its base. depression in rocks. exposed overhead. A large. downy chick was present on 23 January. The top Breeding records for the area were: one nest of the hill was littered with bones and skulls of with eggs al Pagodroma Gorge on 10 January. adult Snow Petrels but there were no wings. How­ and unfledged chicks in one nest at Pagodroma ever. five pairs of adult wings were on the floor Gorge (22 January), two nests at Bainmedart of the gorge. Regurgitations were found near the Cove (29 January) and one nest at Flagstone nest and at the base of the hill. Bench (1 February). Some of the nesting sites clearly had been used over many years as there A fourth skua ·s nest found at Else Platform was were deep accumulations of guano. One nest half­ not near known nests of Snow Petrels. The only way up a steep. south-facing scree slope on the bird species observed there. other than skuas, was northern wall of Pagodroma Gorge was in a cavity Wilson's Storm Petrel. under large boulders. There were two entrances Skuas were seen outside their known nesting into a chamber 1.5 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.5 m areas at Dovcrs Field Base, (one bird on I high. A soil pit dug in the floor of the chamber January and another on 8 January). central revealed guano mixed with feathers and rock Jetty Peninsula and along the cliffs at Flagstone chips to a depth of at least 15 cm. A large, Bench. The latter two records may have been nf mummified chick was wedged in a rock crevice. birds that flew clown from the nest al Else In addition to known nesting areas. Snow Platform. Petrels were seen flying past Dovers Field Base on 26 December 1989 (4 birds). 27 December (3), DISCUSSION 2 January 1990 (2) and 6 January (1). All three species from the Prince Charles Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Mountains arc known to nest on various Antarctic islands. on the Antarctic Peninsula and around This species was not found nesting in the area most of the perimeter of continental Antarctica, although it cannot be stated with certainty that it including East Antarctica (Watson 1975; Furness did not. Further observations may add ii to the 1987). Most nesting records arc from coastal areas list of breeding species. There were tlrn::e sight­ but all three species have been noted at some ings: at Dovcrs Field Base on I January (elevation inland sites and have been reported as using rock I 100 m). Mt Lanyon to the south-east in the first cliffs and/or scree slopes as nesting habitats. The week of January (700 m) and on Else Platform on most southerlv nestin� record for anv bird is in 28 January (near sea level). the Theron Mountain�. 250 km inlan"d from the 122 H. Heatwole et al.: Birds of northern Prince Charles Mountains Corella 15(4) Weddell Sea (79°S), where South Polar Skuas. also been reported scavenging (Watson 1975). Antarctic Petrels and Snow Petrels have all been The nearest open water is 250 km away and carrion reported. Non-breeding skuas go even farther is unavailable in the Prince Charles Mountains. south. and have been recorded from the South The only birds seen scavenging dur ing the present Pole and fro111 Vostock Station (3 488 m elevation) study were skuas that came to the Glossopteris near the pole (Furness 1987). Gully campsite. This area has been occupied by humans sufficiently frequently in the last few atson ( 1975) gives the breeding season for W years for them to regard it as a supplemental food Snow Petrels as: egg laying from late November source. Detailed observations on the diet and to 111 icl-Dcccmbcr. hatching from early to mid­ daily movements of all three species of birds .January and fledging about mid-March but notes would be rewarding. that in inland mountains the cycle 111 ay be delayed as much as a month. Our breeding records arc ACKNOWLEDGMENTS consistent with the delayed schedule. Our observation of a large skua chick in late We are grateful to the other members of the January is in better accord with the fledging dates 1989-1 990 Prince Charles Mountains expedition of late January to February reported for this for supplementing our observations. species by Harrison ( 1983) than those of late February to mid-March given by Watson ( 1975). REFERENCES Except for the dependence of the skuas on Furness. R. W. (1987). ·The Skua,·. (T. & /\. D. Poyser: Calton.) Snow Petrels as prey. food relations of the species Harrison. P. (198:-). ·seabirds: /\n Identification Guide·. in the Prince Charles Mountains are uncertain. (Croom Helm: £3eckenham.) Snow Petrels and Wilson·s Storm Petrels both Watson. Ci. E. ( 1975). •lJirds of the Antarctic and Sub­ feed on marine organisms and the former have Antarctic'.
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