VOLUME 89, NUMBER 32 IESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1995 FIFTY CENTS 14 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT $550,000 project Pinney grant sparks plan for library expansion Rawson Memorial Library ers and material oi particu- lors. comprised of Bev Perry, officials last week unveiled lar interest to that group. Mike Weaver. Barbara Related story plans for a major renovation “A room will be devoted to ‘Cuckcy,Annette Pinney, Bill and cxpansion project made audio and visual materials, WL~II~UC,Dr. Delhert page 14 ~ possible largcly through a with machines and ear- Rawson, Glen Pietenpol and partnership with the Cass phones for prcviewing items. Jude Patnaudc.. savings in a building fund. City-based ‘Pinncy Founda- Thci-e will hc spacc for ad- tion. “We’re trying for soiiic ecluart. public use computers. FOUNDATION grants.” she said, “and we’ll Cost of the project, which close by an expanded refer- be forming ii fund raising follows a year-long compre- ence arca. A lounge area for Thc Pinncy Foundation was committee to raise tunds IO- hensive study of current and reading papers and maga- cstablished in November future library service nccds, cally. zines and quiet study areas 199.3 by Frcderick and Lottie “I’m hopeful we can raise is estimated at $550,000. Iocarcd in areas will be quiet Pinncy f‘or thc benefit o1’Cass most of thc money locally, AccordinlrU to lihrarvd- Direc- o t‘ the 1i brary.” City and surrounding areas. but it will be necessary to tor Barbara Hutchinson, new Funding for the project is MI-. Pinney served as the construction would rncludc a have some increase in oper- cxpccted to come from a president of Pinney State ating millage.” 46-foot by 42-foot wing to n uti1ber of‘ sources. Bank from 193 1 to 1977 and The library, which has an west0fthe build- Although a specific figurc RAWSON MEMORIAL Library in Cass City will take on a whole new look una was a lifelong Cass City resi- annual budget of some has not been set yet. the ing dent. $175,000, is funded prima- der a proposed major expansion and renovation project designed to meet the The wing, to bc named in Pinney Foundation has indi- honor of the Pinney family, To-date, the foundation has rily through a .75 mill levy needs of the community into the year 2015 and beyond. Details of the proposal cated it will commit to a sub- contributed thousands of dol- in a district comprised of will a lneelingrOOt,l s til n t i a I c o n 1I’ i b u t i c) n h y lars to community projects Elkland, Elmwood and were announced last week. designed to comfortably seat matching dollars raised by 100 people, kitchenette fa- such as park improvements Novesta townships. the library. and school playground Other funding sources in- cilities, adequatc storage for think thc Pinney Founda- “I equipment, Donahue noted. clude penal fines, appropria- tables and chairs, newtoilct tion is going 10 support this “But this is our biggest tions from contracted town- 100 percent because we’ve project by far.” ships. state aid. revenue from ~~~~i~~~~r~~~~~~~~~talked ahout sonic kind of Adjacent land owner Johnson And it will take support copy machine and book abilities Act and Michipan community meeting place from many sources in the fines, gifts, etc. barrier-free laws, a lobby Ind the t‘oundation could put community, Wallace pointed Despite the size of the task a 26-foot by 46-foot storage somc nioncy into. and this is out. “It’s an aggressive ahead, Hutchinson indicated basement. ideal.” commented Dick project that’s going to need she’s confident the project “A separate entrance will. Donahue. *suesCass Citv Gun Club some push.” will move ahead. In fact, she permit use of thc room and Donahue chairs the Pinney Hutchinson noted the li- said, “We’re hoping that we toilet facilities during hours Foundation Board of direc- when the library is closed, brary currently has $50,000 Please turn to back page. A neighbor dispute has emotional stress and injury The self-employed refrig- to discuss the situation, but making possible an even prompted a Novesta Town- rcqu iring medical attention. cra ti onhppli ance repairman no solution has been reached. more diversified use of thc ship man to file a lawsuit In an interview last August, said bullets also flew on his According to court records, facility,” Hutchinson said. against the Cass City Gun Johnson and his wife. Lmurie, property last June while he the couple is seeking dam- Another addition will be Club. said their problems with the and another man werc cut- ages in excess of $10,000 located on the north side of The suit was recently filed gun club began Scpt. 18, ting wood. - and a court order forcing gun the building. With re-zoning by Eric M. Johnson in shortly 1tfte:r they purctiased The Johnsons, who have 2 club officials to change the of the property, Hutchinson Tuscola County Circuit an 80-acre parcel on the sons, ages 7 and 8, said much down range location of the explained, a section of wall Court. north side of Severance of their property is wooded, club’s rifle range, 34 feet long can be pushed Johnson claims that “on re- Road, just east of Englchart with the northern half of the out 16 feet. Road. peated occasions, members parcel located adjacent to thc The Cass City Gun Club has “This will add 544 square and guests of the defendant “Shotgun pellets fell on us 40-acre gun club property to feet in the non-fiction and while posting the property on been open for 30 years and Cas City Gun Club have dis- the west. Eric said a large has a membership of about reference area and is a very charged firearms, causing the hack west sidelinc,” Eric mound of earth used as a important part of the commented, adding about 107 people, according to bullets, shotgun pellets and backstop is located just feet project.” , month later, while bow hunt- club President Charles other projectiles to enter from his property line. McPhail, who could‘ not be The additions will increase ing, bullets from a high-pow- plaintiff’s property, endan- reached for comment on the space on the library’s main ered rifle came within feet of The Johnsons said they’ve floor by 57 percent, and us- gering plaintiff and his fam- rnct with gun club officials lawsuit. ily, including minor chil- him. ing the basement for storage dren.” will free space on thc main Johnson alleges his prop- Zn fatal accident tloor. erty has sustained “numerous and irreparable damages,” RENOVATION reducing the value of the land and timber. Aside from new construe-. The suit, which charges the Mother files suit. tion. plans call for the exist- gun club is in violation of ing building to be completely state trespassing laws, also A Decker wonian whose suit are Amanda J. Smith, 14, Inc ., Harbor Beach. i-ernodeled and the electrical alleges the gun club has in- 12-year-old daughter was of Deford, who allegedly The fatal crash occurred at heating system converted to adequate target backstops, killed in a fatal crash last drove the stolen pickup truck about 1: 10 a.m. March 25 as a more efticient form of en- and that the improper loca- spring has filed suit against in which Nazario was a pas- Recse police pursued the sto- ergy. ON THE AIR - REMC #10 Director Bob Townsend cut a tion of backstops is prevent- several defendants, including senger; Smith’s parents, Rick len, eastbound pickup on M- ing Johnson and his family a Deford family, Wruhlc El- and Dawn Slater; Reesc Po- 81 near Kirk Road, accord- “Rearrangement will in- ribbon at the doorway to the REMC television studio in Cass from enjoying safe, full use evator Inc. and the village of lice Officerled Hull; the vil- ing to Tuscola County clude ;1 children’s room with of their land. Reese. lage of Reesc; Tcrry Cramer Sheriff’sDepartrlient reports. computers tof young people City Monday to mark the first official broadcast of Thumb As a result, the suit states, June Nazario f‘ilcd thc suit of Bad Axe, thc driver ofthe Deputies said the pickup to use the wide variety of Area Television. Thumb TV will broadcast 2 channels of edu- Johnson has suffered severe in Tuscola County Circuit pickup, which was owncd or left the highway and rolled software dcsigned for them.” Court on behalf of her leased by Wruble Elevator over about 8 miles southwest Hutchinson said. Another cational programming 24 hours a day on channels 98 and 99 daughter, Edelfina Nazario. Inc., and Debbie Wruhle of of‘ Caro. rooni, shc added, will be set aside specifically for teenag- or 61 and 62, depending on the age of the television used. Named as defendants in the Ubly and Wruble Elevator Please turn to page 8. $80,000 project New ambulance home Construction began Mon- have full storage facilities, Elkland, Novesta, Greenleaf day morning on a new ani- too,” Beem said. and Evergreen townships, bulance base in Cass City. Thc total project cost is es- and the village of Gagetown, “We’re kind of excited. It’s timated at $80,000. each of which has a represen- been a long time in coming,” Beem pointed out the new tative on a local board that John Beem, project manager ambulance base will include oversees the operation. for Mobile Medical Re- sleeping facilities for on-duty The funding provided by sponsc (MMR), commented crews, something not avail- those local governmental at the building sitc.
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