BIODIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT REPORT for a proposed Caravan Park at Lot 105 DP 260058 (No. 246) Mungo Brush Road HAWKS NEST NSW Prepared by: WILDTHING Environmental Consultants 38c Stapleton Street WALLSEND NSW 2287 ABN: 41 033 509 215 For: Australia Oracle Developments Pty Ltd Job No: 12399 December 2019 38c Stapleton Street, Wallsend NSW 2287 Phone: 02 4951 3311 Fax: 02 4951 3399 Email: [email protected] www.wildthing.com.au A division of Tattersall Lander Pty Ltd ABN: 41 003 509 215 Biodiversity Development Assessment Report for a proposed caravan Project Name park at Lot 105 DP 260058 (No. 246) Mungo Brush Road, Hawks Nest NSW. Project Number 12399 Daryl Harman Senior Ecologist - Accredited Assessor Prepared By (BAAS17074) Dr Kylie Bridges BEnvSc Hons PhD Status 04/12/2019 Version Number 1 Disclaimer This report has been prepared in accordance with the proposal provided by the Client and outlined within this report. All findings, conclusions or recommendations contained within this report are based upon the data and results collected under the times and conditions specified in the report and are only applicable for the proposal considered within this report. This report has been prepared for use exclusively by the Client. No responsibility for its use by any other party is accepted by WILDTHING Environmental Consultants. Wildthing Environmental Consultants Lot 105 DP 260058 M u n go Brush Road H A W K S N E S T NSW CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 OBJECTIVE 1 1.2 THE PROPOSAL 1 1.3 DEFINITION OF THE STUDY AREA AND SUBJECT SITE 4 1.3.1 STUDY AREA 4 1.3.2 THE SUBJECT SITE 4 1.4 INFORMATION SOURCES 4 2.0 LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT 7 2.1 NSW ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT ACT 2017 7 2.1.1 NSW BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (BC) ACT 2016 7 2.1.2 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING POLICY (SEPP) 44 KOALA HABITAT PROTECTION 8 2.1.3 COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEPP 8 2.2 NSW BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 8 2.3 COMMONWEALTH ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 9 2.4 LICENCING 9 3.0 STAGE 1 - BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT 10 LANDSCAPE CONTEXT 10 3.1 IBRA BIOREGION & SUBREGION 10 3.2 NSW LANDSCAPE REGION 10 3.3 RIVERS AND STREAMS 10 3.4 WETLANDS 10 3.5 CONNECTIVITY FEATURES 12 3.6 GEOLOGY TOPOGRAPHY AND SOILS 12 3.8 NATIVE VEGETATION EXTENT IN THE BUFFER AREA 12 3.9 CLEARED AREAS 13 3.10 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAPPED VEGETATION EXTENT AND AERIAL IMAGERY 13 4.0 SUBJECT SITE CONTEXT 15 4.1 NATIVE VEGETATION EXTENT IN THE SUBJECT SITE 15 4.2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAPPED VEGETATION EXTENT AND AERIAL IMAGERY 15 5.0 PLANT COMMUNITY TYPES 16 5.1 PLANT COMMUNITY TYPE (PCT) ASSESSMENT METHOD 16 5.2 PCT’S IDENTIFIED WITHIN THE STUDY AREA 16 E c o l o g i c al A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | i Lot 105 DP 260058 M u n go Brush Road H A W K S N E S T NSW 5.3 PCT’S IDENTIFIED WITHIN THE SUBJECT SITE 18 6.0 VEGETATION ZONES 20 6.1 VEGETATION ZONES ASSESSMENT METHOD 20 7.0 ECOSYSTEM CREDIT SPECIES 26 7.1 ECOSYSTEM CREDIT SPECIES ASSESSMENT (STEP 2) 28 8.0 SPECIES CREDIT SPECIES 29 8.1 DETERMINE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF A CANDIDATE SPECIES CREDIT SPECIES 41 8.2 DETERMINE THE AREA OR COUNT, AND LOCATION OF SUITABLE HABITAT FOR A SPECIES CREDIT SPECIES 42 STAGE 2 – IMPACT ASSESSMENT 47 9.0 ACTIONS TO AVOID/MINIMISE PROJECT IMPACTS 47 9.1 PLANNING AND DETAILED DESIGN 47 9.2 CONSTRUCTION 48 10.0 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACTS 51 10.1 DIRECT RESIDUAL IMPACTS 51 10.2 INDIRECT RESIDUAL IMPACTS 51 10.3 PRESCRIBED IMPACTS 53 10.4 SERIOUS AND IRREVERSIBLE IMPACTS (SAII) 54 10.5 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 54 11.0 BIODIVERSITY CREDITS 55 11.1 IMPACTS ON VEGETATION ZONES NOT REQUIRING OFFSETS 55 11.2 IMPACTS REQUIRING OFFSETS UNDER THE BIODIVERSITY OFFSETS SCHEME 55 11.2.1 ECOSYSTEM CREDITS 55 12.0 CONCLUSION 56 13.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 58 E c o l o g i c al A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | ii Lot 105 DP 260058 M u n go Brush Road H A W K S N E S T NSW LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A ASSESSMENT AGAINST BIODIVERSITY LEGISLATION APPENDIX B – FIELD SURVEY APPENDIX C FLORA LIST APPENDIX D FAUNA LIST APPENDIX E BAM FIELD DATA SHEETS APPENDIX F – BAM PLOT PHOTOS APPENDIX G BAM CREDIT CALCULATOR OUTPUT APPENDIX H EPBC PROTECTED MATTERS SEARCH TOOL E c o l o g i c al A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | iii Lot 105 DP 260058 M u n go Brush Road H A W K S N E S T NSW Acronyms and Abbreviations used in this report AOBV Area of outstanding Biodiversity Value BAM Biodiversity Assessment Method BC Act Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 BAR Biodiversity Assessment Report BCAR Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report BDAR Biodiversity Development Assessment Report BCT Biodiversity Conservation Trust BSA Biodiversity Stewardship Site Agreement BOAMS Biodiversity offsets and Agreement Management System BOPC Biodiversity Offsets Payment Calculator BOS Biodiversity Offset Scheme BOSET Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Entry Tool CEEC Critically Endangered Ecological Community CKPoM Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management DNG Derived Native Grassland DPIE Department of Planning, Industry and Environment DoEE Department of Environment and Energy EEC Endangered Ecological Community EPBC Act Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 EP&A Act Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 IBRA Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia LLS Act Local Land Services Act 2013 NOW NSW Office of Water NPW Act National Parks & Wildlife Act 1974 OEH Office of Environment & Heritage (now DPIE) PCT Plant Community Type REF Review of Environmental Factors SAII Serious and Irreversible Impacts SEPP State Environmental Planning Policy TEC Threatened Ecological Community VIS Vegetation Information System E c o l o g i c al A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | iv Lot 105 DP 260058 Mungo Brush Ro ad HAWK S N E S T NSW 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) has been prepared for Australia Oracle Developments Pty Ltd (the proponent) to inform the preparation of a Development Application (DA) for a proposed caravan park at Lot 105 DP 260058 (No. 246) Mungo Brush Road, Hawks Nest NSW. A location map of the study area has been provided in Figure 1.1. This assessment forms part of a development application in accordance with Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act). 1.1 OBJECTIVE This BDAR has been prepared in accordance with the Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM) (OEH 2017) by Wildthing Environmental Consultants on behalf of Australia Oracle Developments Pty Ltd. The primary objective of this assessment is to use the guidelines and methodology provided in the BAM to determine the impact the project would have on biodiversity, avoid and mitigate these impacts and then calculate the project’s biodiversity offset requirement. This BDAR has two broad stages consistent with the BAM methodology: Stage 1 – Biodiversity Assessment • assessment of site context features, • assessment of native vegetation; and • assessment of threatened species and populations Stage 2 – Impact Assessment • avoid and minimise impacts on biodiversity values, • consider impact and offset thresholds; and • determine and calculate offset requirements In addition, assessment was also undertaken having regard to Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 and relevant State Environmental Planning Policies. All aspects of this biodiversity assessment have been undertaken in accordance with the BAM. This BDAR has been prepared by Accredited Assessor Daryl Harman (BAAS17074). 1.2 THE PROPOSAL The proposal is for a caravan park with 220 long-term sites – there will not be any short-term sites. The proposal also includes community facilities for use by the occupants of the park and road and drainage. The landscaping plan includes an east west movement corridor for native fauna species such as Koalas. The proposal also includes a perimeter road and two entrance ways. The proposal will be positioned largely on an area that is highly disturbed as a result of previous sand mining. The proposed development layout is shown in Figure 1.2. Biodiversity Development A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | 1 Lot 105 DP 260058 Mungo Brush Ro ad HAWK S N E S T NSW Biodiversity Development A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | 2 Lot 105 DP 260058 Mungo Brush Ro ad HAWK S N E S T NSW Biodiversity Development A s s e s s m e n t P a g e | 3 Lot 105 DP 260058 Mungo Brush Ro ad HAWK S N E S T NSW 1.3 DEFINITION OF THE STUDY AREA AND SUBJECT SITE 1.3.1 STUDY AREA The study area (48.16ha) wholly encompasses Lot 105 DP 260058 (approximately 45ha in size) and is located at 246 Mungo Brush Road, Hawks Nest, NSW within the Mid Coast Council Local Government Area (LGA). The study area was bordered by the Myall River to the west and Mungo Brush Road to the east. The study area includes the narrow strip of road reserve alongside Mungo Brush Road(3.16ha). Under the Great Lakes Environmental Plan (Great Lakes Council, 2014) the eastern portion of the study area is zoned RU2 Rural Landscape with the majority of the western portion zoned E2 Environmental Conservation.
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