r 's Weekly 0 av Cn II, Statesman vs PolityvsAdmin E The hot, the cool, V.P. office is currently moderating the dispute Polity cuts off Statesman's funds and the frozen Statesman loses $1,550 a week in ad money Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 -The Fourth Estate: Editorial Respons ibility As time went on, these three males were re- range of 18-22,who are now receiving their first The catchword in the current Statesman-Polity placed by three females who proved to be just experience in the business world, directing a dispute is "lawlessness." Not the breaking of as incompetent at this task. Laura Craven, quarter of a million dollar a year operation for laws but the lack of them. The Press has un- Tracy Edwards and Adina Finkelstein allowed which they are totally, legally, responsible. covered in its investigation of the controversy, the situation to grow well out of hand, until the Corporate responsibility in terms of law can that Statesman, unlike every other student or- current clash occurred between Craven's and mean personal lawsuits against corporation dir- ganization on this campus, can apparently Edward's successors. ectors and jail legally sentences. Documents obtained operate without the hinderance of An attempt to rectify the situation is now un- SUNY guidelines. by the Press prove that last year some of States- derway. If one would guess that it would not man's top officials came dangerously close to The essential question here is whether or not take long to draw up a new contract, they would this fate. It was only because, as students, any student corporation should indeed be able be wrong, because the negotiations are not Polity did not wish to prosecute other to operate as independently as any outside corp- students attempting to solveithe~ i problems.According to that charges were not filed. oration. Unlike outside corporations, student Emile Adams, arbitrator for the negotiations, Any corporation should have a financial direc- run associations experience rapid turn over of such a discussion between our once-happy :tor who will be around longer officers, making it impossible for these corp- than one year. couple would end in litigation. In a desperate This would ensure the stable business practices orations to operate as smoothly as needed. attempt to avoid this, much of the preliminary Some constant element must be present. of the corporation and keep its directors out of discussions centered around the corporate status jail. This constant element is provided for Pol- of Statesman and the date of Statesman's in- This editorial also serves as an Introduction to ity clubs and businesses by the executive direc- dependence from Polity. the Polity -Statesman dispute story. tor, firstly, the Vice President of Student Through its investigations the Press has come Affairs, secondly, and the President of the up with six possible dates, -one is in , the future. University, thirdly. When the goal of indepen- These dates are: 1975, when the Statesman was dence at all costs outweighs corporate respon- incorporated as an independent not-for-profit sibility, as in Statesman's case, crisis like those corporation, 1977, when Statesman and SUNY EDITOR'S NOTE: Due of last year and now are bound to occur. But signed the revocable permit (A document issued to the complexities of interpereting by no means can Statesman be held soly res- only to independent corporations), 1981, when legal documents and filling in areas where ponsible for the current situation. There's the last Polity-Statesman contract elapsed, 1982, these documents were missing in the lead plenty of blame to go around when Statesman stopped using its signature card, story, the Press was forced to come out a day late Let's start with the basics...contracts. Polity March 1983, when the Polity Council declared and Statesman currently do not have one and them independent and May 1983. when States- have not since August '81. On this firm ground man may cease to be a line budget item L, L 1 LI , IIIII II· I__I I of agreement, based ori mutual admiration and The actual date is very important, because, ac- respect these Brook superpowers transferred cording to Polity's financial policy and pro- $100,000 of student activity fee money in 18 cedure, a document Statesman once agreed to, The Stony Brook months. Each side is now considering sueing the Polity is entitled to all equipment purchased by Press other for not fulfilling the spirit of their non- Statesman prior to that date. contractual agreement. All these important negotiations, which are The two people responsible for insuring the debating the avenue which large sums of money welfare of student organizations were Ex Vice shall and have passed through are not nearly as Executive Editor.........Paul Dilorenzo President for Student Affairs, Elizabeth Wads- important as the ramifications that the speedy Managing Editor.............oe Caponi worth, and Polity Executive Director Levy decisions will have on the future of Stony Brook Assistant Editor.... Gregory Scandaglia They did nothing while the contract between We are primarily addressing ourselves to the is- Senior Photo Editor.... Eric E.Wessman two largest student corporations lapsed. Blame sue of whether or not independent student cor- Arts Editor.................Kathy Esseks also rests with former Statesman editor Hloward porations that deal in any way with activity fee Arts Director.............. Blair Tuckman Saltz, Polity Treasurer Chris Fairhallt and Pol- money should be bound to the Chancellor's Business Manager.......... Dawn DuBois ity President Jim Fuccio, who were responsible guidelines. Student Affairs, through its com- for drawing up the agreement. Their summer ments, seems to be leaning toward the opinion News Feature: Eric Corley, A. Cunning- 1981 contract was a masterpiece of detail which of Statesman that they are not responsible to ham, Ned Goldreyer, Dave- Goodman, even F. Lee Baily would love. But when it ran anyone but their own board of directors. This Kathy (iont, Patrice Jacobson, Barry out, there was not another to put in its place. board is composed of individuals in the age Raigin, T. S. Fapasak. Arts: Hob Goldsmith, Paul Gumpol, Dan link, Ralph Sevush, lared Silbersher, SLetter -ony VjhitJ,J.f f Zoldan. Photo: (Chthy Dillon, Dan Mangus, Gail Matthews, Paul ()'Flaherty, Chris Von TO THIE ED ITO R: officer that you may encounter. Anc ken. As the Administrative Super- One difference between the officers visor of the Volunteer Resident of this campus and those of Suf- Advertising Director.. Samir Makhlouf Dorm Patrol, I would like to res- folk ('ounty is that the police of- Ad Design.............Maria Mingalone pond to the recent article which ficers of our campus are not al- Graphics/Cartoon............ Ken Copel was printed concerning the iUni- lowed to carry'sidearms. The other R. Gambol versity Police Dept. I have no ob- difference is that many of the jections to any individual stating police officers that work for the Office Manager.J.............J ohn Tom his/her opinion. But if that per- campus community were once son is going to make the kind of members of the campus com- The Stony Brook Press is published waves that Mr. (oldreyer was munity. In addition to that, they every Thursday dluring the academic year trying to make in Thursday's have also received special training hy the Stony Brook Press Inc., a student issue of the Press, then he should in dealing with a community such run and student funded not-for-profit first become educated about what as ours. 'This type of training is corporation. Advertising policy does not he is addressing. not routine for the officers of necessarily reflect editorial policy. The point in question is that of the Suffolk County Police De- the Department of Public Safety partment. Now the question is The opinions expressed in letters anc taking on the title of thel ni- posed: who would you rather viewpoints do not necessarily reflect versity Police )ept. The fact have patrolling our campus, Uni- those of the staff. Please send letters anc stands that this campus no longer versity Police or the Suffolk viewpoints to our campus address. has a security agency patrolling County Police Department? the areas. Every officer that you Many times I hear people talking Phone: 246-6832 see out in the public has been about the University Police De- Office: 020 Old Biology Building trained for the p)urpose of being a partment. Most of the time what I police officer for the State of New hear is negative. I would like to Mailing Address: York. Every officer in the depart- state at this point that no matter P.(). Bx 591, East Setauket, New York ment has the same rights, respon- what police department you deal 11733 sibilities, and power as any police with, you are going to find that I I~rl' Continued on page 7 ~~ I I=~ r' rl ~- page 2 The Stony Brook Press Frozen Admin moderates student dispute By Joe Caponi and President Fred Preston Paul DLorenzo The role of Emile Adams as mod- A continuing controversy bet- ,erator has also come under dispute ween the Polity Student govern- because of charges made by anon- ment and Statesman was rekindled ymous members of the Polity at the beginning of this semester, Council that he has not been im- when, in a routine check of Polity's partial. "We believe that the Of- files, assistant Treasurer Brian Kohn fice of Student Affairs is on States- discovered that Statesman did not man's side," said one source. The have a standard signature, card on Press has also learned that prior file. The signature card is used to to the negotiations members of guard against forgery in the Polity Statesman had at least one meet- vouchering system.
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