March 17, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7013 DEPARTMENT OJ' JUSTICE IN THE NAVY Vice Adm. David H. Bagley, U.S. Navy, Lawrence J. Semenza, of Nevada, to be Adm. Worth H. Bagley, U.S. Navy, for ap­ having been designated for commands and U.S. attorney for the district of Nevada for pointment to the grade of admiral on the other duties of great importance and respon­ the term of 4 years vice V. DeVoe Heaton, retired list, pursuant to the provisions of ti­ sibllity determined by the President to be tle 10, United States Code, section 5233. resigned. commensurate with the grade of admiral Mark W. Buyck, Jr., of South Carolina, to Adm. Harold E. Shear, U.S. Navy, for ap­ be U.S. attorney for the district of South pointment as Vice Chief of Naval Operations within the contemplation of title 10, United Carolina for the term of 4 years vice John pursuant to title 10, United States Code, sec­ States Code, section 5231, for appointment K. Grisso, term expired. tion 5085, in the grade of admiral. to the grade of admiral while so serving. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS QUALITY DENTAL CARE Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent most consumers. Future plans in the field of that a statement entitled "Dental Care in dental development should be consistent Our State: A Statement From Our State with this concept, and with a minimum of HON. JESSE A. HELMS Dental Board," prepared on March 11, Federal intervention. OF NORTH CAROL~A 1975, be printed in the Extensions of IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Remarks. Without objection, the statement was Monday, March 17, 1975 ordered to be printed in the Extensions AN OPEN LETTER Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, on of Remarks as follows: Wednesday of last week, a number of my There being no objection, the state­ colleagues and I had the pleasure of ment was ordered to be printed in the HON. PHILIP M. CRANE meeting with representatives of the RECORD, as follows: OF ILL~OIS boards of dental examiners from 10 DENTAL CARE ~ OUR STATE-A STATEMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM OUR STATE DENTAL BOARD States. Specifically, the states of Ala­ Monday, March 17, 1975 bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North We are present today as representatives of Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Ten­ the people of our States, as the duly consti­ Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker,in the March nessee, Texas, and Virginia were repre­ tuted authority for the control and regula­ 11, 1975 issue of the RECORD I included sented. Additionally, the president of the tion of the practice of dentistry within our in the Extension of Remarks an address American Association of Dental Exam­ State. It is our statutory duty to protect our given by President Thieu to a delegation iners, Dr. James R. Little of St. Paul, citizens from the illegal and unethical prac­ of our colleagues who were recently in tice of dentistry. We do this by examination the Republic of South Vietnam. Minn.; the secretary-treasurer of the and licensure of qualified people, the investi­ American Association of Dental Exam­ gation and prosecution of those individuals Today I would like to call to the atten­ iners, Mr. B. J. Crawford of Chicago, Til.; in violation of our State laws. We provide tion of the Members of this body an edi­ and the president of the American Dental standards by which dental educational insti­ torial in the Saigon Post--one of 16 news­ Association, Dr. L. M. Kennedy of Dallas, tutions are approved. All of this is to protect papers published in that city-which Tex., were present. In all, 28 people the consumers of dental care and the health, was also addressed to the congressional took time off from their busy schedules safety and welfare of the general public. delegations. I believe this editorial ex­ to come to Washington and in many in­ We are here today because the Division of presses the view of at least a substantial Dentistry of the Department of Health, Edu­ body of the ordinary people of South stances traveled substantial distances in cation, and Welfare Is making it impossible order to be here. for us to continue to protect the citizens of Vietnam and, therefore, should be of They came because like an increasing our State and to guarantee them that those considerable interest to our colleagues. number of other good citizens they are who provide dental care are qualified and The editorial, dated March 3, 1975, concerned about the way things are go­ competent. follows: ing in this country. Particularly, they are The Department of Health, Education, and ON OPEN LETTER TO U.S. LEGISLATORS~ disturbed about a matter in which they Welfare and its Division of Dentistry have VIETNAM have special insight-the efforts on the exceeded the intent of Congress by imple­ DEAR FRIENDS: Godspeed as you return to part of the Department of Health, Edu­ menting Federal law with rules, regulations the United States after a visit to Vietnam. and guidelines which require the subordina­ You have heard the pros and cons on the cation, and Welfare and its Division of tion of State laws in order for dental edu­ need of additional aid for the Republic of Dentistry to coerce State legislatures and cational institutions to qualify for Federal Vietnam and assessments on the current sit­ State dental boards into allowing less funds. Such subordination of State laws is uation prevailing here. Doubtless, in your qualified, nonprofessional persons to per­ demonstrated by the HEW requirement that meetings with a cross section of the commu­ form dental functions such as actually unlicensed persons be taught dental func­ nity, you were treated to discourses on the placing final dental restorations-fill­ tions which are lllegal in forty-three States; prosaic and the ponderous. Undoubtedly, too, ings-in patients' teeth. for example, the placing of final dental you must have been regaled with perorations Now these concerned citizens did not restorations (fillings). Otherwise, funds are about what Is right and what is wrong in withheld. HEW is spending vast amounts of Vietnam. come to Washington as representatives of tax dollars on programs which are ineffec­ We do not propose to dwell on this right­ the dental profession-though they are tive in resolving the dental problems of the or-wrong-course controversy. We are not con­ practicing dentists; they came as mem­ consumers of dental care. In the granting cerned with politics. We are but ordinary bers of the various boards of dental or withholding of Federal funds, HEW is people concerned with a free Vietnam-free examiners of their respective States. As in effect coercing dental educational insti­ of communism and the totalitarian way of members of such boards, it is their duty tutions to advocate tlie revision of State life. to protect the consumers of dental care laws in such a manner as to allow non­ Allow UH simple citizens to air a few from becoming the victims of improper professionals who have not been required thoughts. to attain the same standards previously We shall not be presumptlous by discuss­ dental practices and to provide appro­ required of professionals to provide dental ing American interests. In truth, we do not priate standards for dental care in their care to consumers. Obviously, it is not the know much about it. What we do know fs States. The dental boards are agencies of proper function of unelected officials in HEW that a little over a decade ago, you committed State government. They represent the to lnfiuence or structure state laws. troops to Vietnam. And from the beginning citizens of their State, and it was in this We believe that such action on the part to the end of that presence, there were not fine spirit of good citizenship that they of HEW will result in the deterioration of a few mistakes by Americans as well as Viet­ met to discuss problems that are being the quality of dental care. Of course, the namese. It cannot be denied that the pres­ created by HEW in derogation of the poor, the disadvantaged, and the minorities ence of these American troops gave rise to a with less economic fiexib1llty, will be the very special situation replete with problems public interest. primary recipients of such lower quality care. which it was our lot to inherit. While in Washington, they drafted a It is our view that the traditional American We do not want to argue about the merits brief statement of their purpose and free enterprise system has provided the high­ of your desire to end involvement in Viet· goals. I would like to share this state­ est level of dental carP. in the world, with nam for the sake of your own interest and, ment with my fellow Senators. the greatest avallab111ty of such care to the may we say, ours too. 7014 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 17, 19'15 The Vietnamese people do realize that to omy. I heard testimony from more than money left after paying rent and utilities. As be truly deserving of freedom and independ­ two dozen witnesses, including heads of the cost of living rises, the problem becomes ence, they have to struggle for it themselves senior citizen organizations, government more a.nd more severe. and not rely on other people to do it for SAC has determined four major areas of agency directors, and several individu~ls. them. concern for the elderly who have to depend What concerns us is the manner and the The hearing room was crowded With on SSI for their existence.
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