Of Well at Moh: Noor Ahamd Khan Koroona Sabir Abad

Of Well at Moh: Noor Ahamd Khan Koroona Sabir Abad

District. Project Description BE 2016-17 KARAK KK15D00001-Pavement of street / PCC at UC Jandari - KARAK KK15D00002-Const: of Well at Moh: Noor Ahamd Khan Koroona Sabir Abad - KARAK KK15D00004-Const: of open Well at Paidal Khel - KARAK KK15D00008-Street Pavement at Shawa Nari Panoos - KARAK KK15D00009-Pavement of street at Sher khan kala Zebi - KARAK KK15D00011-Pavement of Street PCC at Faqiri Banda Rasool Badshah Koroona UC - Jatta Ismail Khel KARAK KK15D00012-Replacement / Maintenace of Transformer in Karak PK 40 - KARAK KK15D00013-P/Pumps functioned by Solar system for Hilly area in Tehsil BD shah - KARAK KK15D00016-Inst: / Purchase of W.S Pipeline at Pk 40 - KARAK KK15D00017-PCC road from Tormirch to Algada Bilan Kalae (Additional work) - KARAK KK15D00018-Construction of T/Well at Qabila Shakhan Alam Gul Khel Shafiq ur - Rehman Koroona KARAK KK15D00030-Solarization of EducationalInstitutions. SH: 1.GHS Sabir Abad 2. GGHS - Sabir Abad 3. GMS Sabir Abad.VC Sabir Abad KARAK KK15D00031-"Provision of missing facilities inMiddle/High Schools in UC - ShanwaGudiKhel,SH: 1.Procurement of equipmen,2. Pressure Pumps. (As per PC-I) 1. GHS: Gumbati Mina Khel. KARAK KK15D00032-Solarization of EducationalInstitutions. SH: 1.GHS: MithaKhel Rs: 0.5 - (M) 2. GHS:Tapi Kanda Rs:0.5(M) 3.GHS:Esaf Khel Rs:0.5(M)4.GGHS:Mitha Khel Rs:0.5(M) KARAK KK15D00033-Constuction of Additional Class Roomsin1.GMS: Faqir Abad. VC - KandoKhel KARAK KK15D00034-Provision of missing facilities to GHSDabbSangani. 1- Procurement of - equipment 2. Group Laterin. (As per PC-I)VC EsakChuntra. KARAK KK15D00035-"Solarization of EducationalInstitutions SH: 1-GHS: Teri 2.GMS Shagi - Teri as per PC-I. VC Teri, VCChappari." KARAK KK15D00036-Construction of Additional Classroom inGHS: Jatta Ismail Khel as per - PC-I. Jatta Ismail Khel. KARAK KK15D00037-"Construction of Group Laterin in1-GHS:Jatta Ismail Khel 2- GHS - MamiKhel as per PC-I. VC Jatta IsmailKhel, VC MamiKhel." KARAK KK15D00038-"Provision of missing facilities toGovt: Middle/High Schools in UC - PaloosaSar. SH:Drinking Water,Solarization. 1. GHS:GhundaShamshaki 2.GMS Kurd Sharif 3. GMS Walay KARAK KK15D00039-Provision of missing facilities to Govt:Middle Schools Khada Banda - .SH: 1.Drinking Water Supply Scheme 2. Repair&Maintenance as per PC-I. GMS Khada Banda KARAK KK15D00040-Construction of PCC approach road fromMain road to GMS Khada - Banda as per PC-I. GMS Khada Banda KARAK KK15D00041-Solarization of GMS: Wargh Banda.DaggarNari - KARAK KK15D00042-Construction of PCC approach road fromFHA road to GHS - GandariKhattak as per PC-I. GandariKhattak KARAK KK15D00043-Construction of PCC approach road fromFHA road to GHS BangiKilla as - per PC-I. VC Shahidan KARAK KK15D00044-Provision Water Supply Scheme to GMSMianki Banda as per PC-I. VC - Shahidan KARAK KK15D00045-"Solarization of Govt: schools as perPC-I. 1. GGHS: Deli Mella, 2.GGHS - Dabb, 3.GGHS Bogara." KARAK KK15D00046-Provision of WSS. 1. GHS Warana 2.GHSSurdog 3. GHS Latamber as - per PC-I. VCSurdog. VC WaranaLatamber KARAK KK15D00047-Provision of Drinking Water andconstruction of additional classroom - in GHS DarishKhel as Per PC-I GHSDarishKhel KARAK KK15D00048-Provision of Drinking Water facilities/solar system in GHS BahadarKhel - as per PC-I. VC BahadarKhel. KARAK KK15D00049-Gravity based water supply scheme fromAmrotTangi to GGHS No.1 - Karak as per PC-I. NC Tapi Karak KARAK KK15D00050-Fixing of tough tiles in lawn of GGCMHSKarak as per PC-I. NC Tapi - Karak KARAK KK15D00051-"Drinkng Water Supply Scheme at GMSOrbashi, GHS Gurguri, GMS - AmanKot as per PC-I. VC MardanKhel, VCGurguri." KARAK KK15D00052-"Repair of Govt: Schools (Middle & High)as per PC-I. VC - SuratiKilla,VCSaikot, VC WMH Khel, VC Tater Khel.VCWaranaMusakan" KARAK KK15D00053-"Solarizationof Govt: Middle/HighSchools (B&G)1-GHS:KhojakiKilla, 2- - GGHS KhojakiKilla as per PC-I. VCKhojakiKilla." KARAK KK15D00054-"Holding academic competition, quizcompetition, declamation - competition/ study tour and award ofscholarships/ prizes ontheir performance to govt: school students as KARAK KK15D00055-Solarization of EducationalInstitutions. SH: 1.GHS TarkiKhel 2. GHS - Wasif Ali Khan as per PC-I. VC Sabir Abad KARAK KK15D00056-"Water Supply Schemes atGHSGarangSirajKhel, and Constr GGMS - WankiSirajKhel as per PC-I. VCWankiSirajKhel" KARAK KK15D00057-"SolarizationofGovt: Schools (Middle &High) as per PC-I. VC Janderi, - VC SaratKhel, VC Tarkha Koi, VC DhodaKhel" KARAK KK15D00059-Renovation /Improvement/Rehabilitationof Dispensary at SabirAbadas - per PC-I. VC Sabir Abad KARAK KK15D00060-"Installation of Pressue Pump in BHUMona Khel and RHC Shah Salimas - per PC-I. VC Nara Banda, VC Shah Salim," KARAK KK15D00061-Provision of drinking water facility to BHUs in UC EsakChuntra as per - PC-I. 1.BHUKandoKhel 2.BHU EsakChuntra 3.BHU Dabb KARAK KK15D00062-Solarization of BHUs. in UC MithaKhel. SH: 1-BHUMitha Khel - Rs:06(M)2.BHUDabliLawaghar Rs:0.5(M)as per PC-I.VC MithaKhel, VC Kanda Karak, KARAK KK15D00063-Maintenance and repair of BHU jattaIsmail Khel as per PC-I. VC Jatta - Ismail Khel KARAK KK15D00064-Provision of solar panel to RHC HospitalJ.I.Khelas per PC-I. VC Jatta - Ismail Khel KARAK KK15D00065-Repair & Maintenance/Provision of .Drinking Water facility as per PC-I. - VC PalosaSar KARAK KK15D00067-Repair of BHU building of Khurramas perPC-I. BHU Khurram. - KARAK KK15D00068-"Improvement/Rehabilitation of BHUBangiKilla, Solar Panel,. - Procurement of Medical/Surgical Equipment,Water Supply Scheme, Fencing & Leveling of lawn as per priority above KARAK KK15D00070-"Installation of Pressure pumps at BHUDarishKhel and RHC - BahadarKhelas per PC-I. VC DarishKhel, VCBahadarKhel" KARAK KK15D00071-Water supply scheme at CivilHospitalGurgurias per PC-I. VC Gurguri. - KARAK KK15D00072-"Provision of missing facilities to BHUsin UC Warana Ahmad Abad. SH: - DWSS, Public Toilets as per PC-I. VCSuratiKilla, VC Saikot, VC WMH Khel, VC Tater Khel. " KARAK KK15D00073-"Improvement and standarization of BHUin UC Jehangiri, SH: Repair - work/Drinking Water as per PC-I. VCJehngiri, VC YaghiMuskan, VC Khojaki. " KARAK KK15D00074-"Provision of Dental Chair at RHC AhmadAbad. VC Ahmad Abad," - KARAK KK15D00075-Installation of PVCLinefrom Tube wellAmal Khan Koroona to BHU - Chokaraas per PC-I. VC Chokara KARAK KK15D00076-Provision of Micro Lab facility in CivilHospital Terias per PC-I. VC Teri - KARAK KK15D00077-Approach to BHU GMK Khelas per PC-I. VCGMK Khel - KARAK KK15D00079-Solarization/ maintenance and repair ofRHC Janderi as per PC-I VC - Janderi KARAK #################################################################### - KARAK #################################################################### - KARAK KK15D00083-"Improvement and Lining of Water Coursesas per PC-I. VC Deli Mella, - VC Sabir Abad, VC DhandEidalKhel." KARAK KK15D00084-"Construction of Protection Band as perPC-I. VC Deli Mella, VC Sabir - Abad, VC DhandEidalKhel." KARAK KK15D00085-"Water Harvesting (Ponds development)and Conservation Schemes as - per PC-I. VC Deli Mella, VC Sabir Abad, VCDhandEidalKhel." KARAK KK15D00086-"Construction of protection Bandas perPC-I. VC Shah Salim, VC - KiriDand, VC Nara Banda " KARAK KK15D00087-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC MithaKhel,VC Kanda - Karak, VC LakkiGhundaki " KARAK KK15D00088-"Construction of protection Band/ WaterChannel/ spur s as per PC-I. - VC EsakChuntra, VC KandoKhel" KARAK KK15D00089-"Construction of Water Channel/ CementedPondas per PC-I. VC - Teri,VC EsakKhumari,VC Teri Chapari " KARAK KK15D00090-"Construction of Pond and distributionlines for irrigation purpose at - BodoZiariat, VC JattaIsamilKhelas perPC-I.VC Jatta Ismail Khel." KARAK KK15D00091-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC PalosaSar, VC - ChiniKhel. " KARAK KK15D00092-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VCTakht-e-NasratiBala, - VC Takht-e-NasratiPayan, VC Bogara " KARAK KK15D00093-"Construction of protection Band / WaterChannel/ Check Dam at UC - NariPanoosas per PC-I.VC DagarNari. VC Khurram.VC NariPanoos. " KARAK KK15D00094-"Construction of protection Band/ WaterChannel/ spur in VC - GandariKhattakas per PC-I. VC GandariKhattak, VCShahidan " KARAK KK15D00095-"Construction of protection Band/ WaterChannel/ spur in VC - GandariKhattakas per PC-I. VC Mandaw, VCLatamberSharqi, VC LatamberGharbi, VC Surdag, WaranaVC Latamber " KARAK KK15D00096-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC BahadarKhel, VC - DarishKhel" KARAK KK15D00097-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I.VC Mandawa, VC - LatamberSharqi,VC LatamberGharbi, VC Surdag, VCWaranaLatamber " KARAK KK15D00098-Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC MitaWala - KARAK KK15D00099-"Construction of water pond andImprovement and Lining of Water - Channel for Irrigation Purpose as perPC-I. VC Gurguri, VC MardanKhel" KARAK KK15D00100-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC Surati Kala, VC Saikot, - VC Warana Mir Hassan Khel, VCwaranaMusakan, VC TattarKhel " KARAK KK15D00101-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC Jehangiri, VC - YaghiMusakan, VC Khojaki " KARAK KK15D00102-"Construction of protection Band/WaterChannelas per PC-I. VC - Chokara, VC GhundiKilla, VC Ahmad Abad" KARAK KK15D00103-"Construction of protection Band/ WaterChannel/ spursas per PC-I.. - VC GMK Khel, VC TarkiKhel" KARAK KK15D00104-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VC WankiSirajKhel, VC - SarkiLawagher" KARAK KK15D00105-"Construction of protection Band as perPC-I. VCs Janderi, SaratKhel, - DhodaKhel&Tarkha Koi" KARAK KK15D00106-Provision for

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