Llle N.ewark Post VOLUME XIV NEWARK, DELAWARE, NOVEMBER 7, 1923 NUMBER 40 TOWN COUNCIL TO G IVE "PINAFORE" BIG BOOZE HAUL AUTQ TURNS OVER; FOR SITE CHANGE Benefit S how~ F~r Century HERE MON. NIGHT PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR EARLY START TWO ARE DROWNED Finally A g ree to Delaware I~:~~ ~:::~::e :~st~::hthat County Officers' Sh~ ts Stop ON STATE MEMO~IAL LIBRARY HERE Ave, Lot for Pro p 'o l ed the men and women of Newark will Driv er After Truck is Committee Hopes to Have Foundations Started Before Felton Men in Tragedy Post.Office present Gilbert and S ullivan's famous N earI_ y D 1' t C h e d Cold Weather Arrives ; Plans Readv Except Near Cooch's Bridge light opera "H. M. S. Pinafore" ., Yesterd ~y MUST OPEN DRIVEWAY sometime next March. Approximately 350 gall ons of pure For Few Minor Changes ON COLLEGE TRACT P reliminary plans are now under grain alcoho! loaded in a big truck --- • way, but a cast has not as yet been was confiscated by State and Co unty Although hampered and delayed ri============= Depa rtment Architect' s Re. selected. This will be done in the ~fficc r s a long W !:~ t . Delaware Avenue, for many months by unfol'eseen ob- HAD BORROWED CAR EXPERTS LlK~ c ent Appearance Here neal' future, and active work will Just abo~e the re:;Jdence ~f Dr. W al- stacles, the work on the new State FOR TRIP TO DOVER NEW LIBRARY Encourages Mayor start in plenty of time to allow for ~:r ~~~~~ne n.' ab ut ten 0 clock Mon- War Memorial Lib.rary. on t?e .Iower __ delays. This production will be most y . g 'Campus of the Ulllverslty will In all Dr. Walter Hullihen, H. Rod­ The T own Co uncil in session assem- elabora tely stageq and many local The . bIg co up was made by State probability be started within a few ney Sharp and other members Men Pinned Under Light bled Monday night vo ted their recom- sta t· s familial" to Ncwark audiences DetectIve Chandler, Constable L . C. weeks. of the Memorial Libra ry Com­ C~r in Two Feet of Water mendation that the lot at the corner will again appear. Jones, and State Policeman J. R. In an interview with Dr. Walter mittce have been busy the past of South Co llege Avenue and Dela- _ _ • Jones: The I~tt er r egularly patrols Hullihen, a member of the Building few months in gathering expert advice and criticism of the pro­ EFFORTS TO REVIVE ware Avenue, now owned by the Gov- F INES WILD DRIVER the ~Igh ways In and around Newark Committee, it was learned that efforts ONE MAN FAIL e mment, be turned over to the Uni- _ and IS well known here. are being made to raise a sum of posed new Library, both from \'el'sity of Delaware for a lot of Wil mingto n M an Falls In ~h e occupants of the truck gave about $60,000 by means of additional eminent librarians from other s miliar size located furthel' down T oils O f Law their namcs a.s Norman Watson and SUbscriptions from those who have al- Universities and from promi­ H erman Call oway and a cpmpa nion Delaware Avenue, east of Wolf Hall. __ Ch~rles .Watklns, both of Baltimore. ready pledged large amounts. nent a rchitects. named Anthony, the former f rom near J n so I ' th C '1 d h It IS beh eved that the truck was en- It i S d to d th t t h' Of chief importance in this F elton, De., and t he latter a resident )rovi . (Oll~~ , t e d .0 uncl ma e t e Adair Darnado, of 1613 Holland route to t he Maryland city when b u~ er s o. a IS a mount effort td' have everything right, F elton, Del., nad the latter a resident slOn a a I'I veway, now plan Street, Wilmington, was t d t d must e In the LIbrary treasury be- I was the co mment made by a ned on the University development Monday of this week by a~l~e:n~ cap ure . fore the building can be saf ely put yesterday afternoon about fO llr member of the National Fine program, be opened in the vicinity of P oli ceman Jones, charged with opel'-I' Chased j?'om City under way. There will be nQ.thing O'clock, when the Ford tOUl'ing car in Arts Co mmission in the Co n- the new Government lot, to facilitate ating a machine while undei' the in- The attention of the officers was done until the committee is ssured which they were riding, left the hig h­ traffic and the conveni ent delivery flu ence of liquor. first attracted to the truck when they that the work can be co mpleted with gressional Library in Washing- way about a quarter mile n orth of Cooch's Bridge, ran along the bank rea lestate .. e losses due to mi s- of Dayett's Mill race, and then turned se ~~:e ~::~~~:;: ~~~~d~n~; Th':n~ :~o~ :'Tt~ : n ~(:'i:Oe:~: ~:t s ~::~ ~.:~~:~ i~t~.:e~I O~~ i ~~:~nw~~~~~~~~n: fU~~~e~nd;:;c~'ing ~~~~iI~: s£~~~I~sCs~:~~I~]~~!~'~~~ turtle in 'the s ha ll ow stream. ~~I.:~tS a s the result of efforts on the $150 and costs. As the officers were on the trail of takes in filling out pledges by citi- widenOf the University a uthorities to Failing to pay the fine, Darnado an alleged robbery neal' Christiana, zens of the State, and the amounts to th~~:~n;~~'commission saw the Call oway was twenty-foul' years of South Co ll ege Avenue from the was co mmitted to the New Castle they dismissed the matter. Later, be set aside for maintenance and age, and leaves a wife and three-year 0told l ~eib r ary to Dela ware Avenue, and Co unty Workhouse, Tuesday. however, they again picked up the stocking with books, the committee tli~~:ryanl'nd NSe'k\VeatC" hke,so ll efO lo'f tthhee old daughter. Anthony's age was g iv­ 1110ve the last ob tacle in t heir truck on t he Glasgow-Newark road. had left a bout $225,000 with which to en as about forty. Efforts to get in plan of future developmen of the en- It ~va s then t hat Detective Chand- build. The plans then were a lterea members excla imed, touch with his relatives in Harring­ t ire Depot Road di strict. - - • IeI' played a "hunch" a nd made a n to fit the decreased a ppropriation, "This building will add di s- ton had not been completed at noon When fi r st the question of a n ex- effort to stop the truck and see what and later, the high cost of building . inction to any campus." today. change ca me befol'e Co uncil on July LOCAL PEOPLE TO was insi de. The drivel' , however, at- materials prompted a furthel' delay L~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2nd of this year, it ,vas voted do\vn. FEATURE MUSICAL tempted a nd nearly succeeded in until this Fall. = I, The car, only partiall y damaged by Then on October 3 rd of this year the • ditching t he otllcers' machine, and Many heavy subscribers have con- increased their pledges twenty per the accid ent, was the property of matted was r evived. Although cham- Changes In Program Mad e for proceeded on. siderably increased their pledges to cent. Rent? & Sons, a utomobil e dealers a nd pioned by Mayor Frazer a nd other Affair I n Century Clu b Bowling alon gat a high I'8te of make up the $60,000 funds, a nd the . As soon a s the c~. mmit tee can see garagement of Felton. Acco rding to members of Council, the proposal was O n 1 5th speed the truck entered Newark and co mmittee is still hoping to have the Its way clear fi.na.ncJally, ground will t he younger Rentz, who came to New- tabled a nd no definite vote taken. __ turned up the sli ght grade into West balance in hand within a very short be broken, and It IS hoped that a part a rk last ni g ht, Call oway had borrowed On Monday night,. however, the T he music co mmittee of the Te w_ Delaware Avenue from Depot Road. time. In many cases the citizens who of the foundation ~nd grading wOl'k the cal' when hi s own had developed Co uncilmen, on motion of MI'. Beales, a rk New Century CI.ub a nnounce that I The officers then .managed to cor- gave heavily to the fund have f urther will be co mpleted thIS month. a burned bearing. Rentz was inform- r evoked their former decision and they have been obli ged to make a ner the truck, bU ~ lt was not until ed that Call oway wished to go to Do- recommended the change. change, and will not be able to have several shots from the revolvers of ==== ========' ==== = = ====== ==== I vel' and return. A nthony was not It wa. felt by the members of Co un- Miss Frye s ing at their concer t, to Chandler and Constable Jones that it with Call oway at the time of depart- ci l that in passing this recom111e nda- be g iven on Thursday evening, No- came to a halt.
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