t a r S t r u c k Ghostr- stories e Horoscopes with Hijfnks and hauntings, ghosts Observer Life and goblins delight and terrify. Section C i t s Observer Life. ' y % Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 118 Seduction years Doctor argues PLYMOUTH that certain foods can be addictive October 26 2003 Health, C6 75 cents V o l u m e 118 N u m b e r 18 © 2aee^M m »flNeiri(^jeafNETw oRK T h i e v e s r o b Did Ytti ReinemlW’! FA LL B A C ro STANDARD 71 | -5t?i\ «>d*W «^jVrt c r e d i t T - W a V Sra 't ? 2 # ; f t 'r u n i o n BY BRAD KADRICH STAFF WRITER Two suspects made off w ith an ■ Garden club undisclosed amount of cash m a dar­ ing robbery of the USA Federal Credit The Woman's Union in Plymouth Township PAUL HURSCHMANN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER National Farm and W ednesday Garden Club is taking No one was injured in the robbery, orders for fresh greens, Royal celebration which happened around 4 45 p m including wreaths rop­ Sophomore Kaylee Fox of Canton, 14, (center) celebrates with friends after being named Homecoming Princess during halftime of the Plymouth High when two black males entered the ing, door swags and School junior varsity game Thursday night Her brother Taylor a football player, was named Homecoming Prince branch and ordered employees to lay mixed greens Delivery on the floor A t least one o f the sus­ w iil be made Monday, pects was brandishing a handgun lo N ov 24 According to Plymouth Tbwnship To place an order, call Police Detective Marc Hoffinan, tb JoAnn Harreid, (734) suspects then escorted the manager t; 455 4224, or Karen Plaza Lanes, Sheehan's hit state lottery the vault and made off w ith cash _ Horton, (734) 207- No one was injured during the rob­ 0 5 6 3 bery, which Hoffinan said was “w ell Plymouth businesses among those launching newest games planned out ’ W e’re analyzing the video,” The Circle of Hope Hoffman said W ere s till investigat­ Gala, benefiting cancer BY BRAD KADRICH m hopes of generating more money Sheehan’s on the Green on Five M ile are ing They may have staked the bank se rvices STAFF WRITER Nearly 1,000 establishments w ith signed up for the launch out in advance, or they’ve done this a t St Class C liq uo r licenses — licensed to sell ‘ It s a potential income for the busi before Based on how the whole thing M a ry Faced w ith flattening revenue rates alcohol by the glass — have signed up to ness, said Roy Biggs, general manager went down, it was pretty well-organ­ M ercy and competition from some 20 casinos become vendors for a p air of games that at Plaza Lanes “We run a lo t o f traffic ized ’ H ospital in Michigan, the Bureau of State Lottery launch Monday Plaza Lanes, on Ann in is turning to local bars and restaurants Arbor Road in Plymouth Township, and PLEASE SEE LO TTERY, A 8 PLEASE SEE C R E D IT U N IO N , A 7 Livo n ia, is set for Friday, P u rta n N ov 14, a t L a u re l M anor Commissioner wants ban The gala includes din­ ner, dancing and a vari­ ety of music by on nudity, alcohol sales intrigue Health re p o rte r Jo A n n e Dan Dwyer says fo r the sake of his two Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a Van Purtan of WXYZ TV-7 children, and the residents of Plymouth, he Buren Township ordinance m a battle w ith serves as honorary wants to ban businesses m the city that sell Legg’s Lounge c h a ir liquor and allow nude entertainm ent “I ’ve got two kids, and if you want to see Guest tickets are $75 Dwyer, a Plymouth city commissioner, per person For spon­ said the tim e is rig ht after the Michigan PLEASE SEE B A N , A 7 sorship or ticket infor­ mation, call the St Mary Mercy Hospital Foundation, (734) 655- 2 9 0 7 Last chance to win shopping spree ■ Halloween Thursday is the last day to enter the O riental Rugs (Birmingham), W alker Owner-partners Eric (left) and David Buzenberg are helping their furniture store, Halloween enthusi­ Observer & Eccentric’s Fabulous Furniture Buzenberg (Plymouth), House of lig h ts and Walker-Buzenberg, celebrate its 70th anniversary this year asts have a chance to $16,000 Shopping Spree Designers Emporium (Rochester, take part in what's V is it one of the sponsoring merchants and Farmington H ills, Roseville, Grosse Pointe being billed as "the enter fo r a chance to w in a $1,000 g ift cer­ Woods and Shelby Township/Utica) and spookiest, silliest tificate to shop at Newton Furniture Rochester Rug G allery ( Rochester) Brothers m aintain integ rity Halloween blowout (Livonia, Bloomfield H ills, Novi and Each participating merchant has official ever' by the folks at Sterling Heights locations), Classic Interiors entry forms available Just look for the dis­ the Oasis Golf Dome (Livonia), Amish Direct Furniture (Shelby play inside each store You may enter one as furniture store hits 70 Sponsored by the Township), Master Spas o f Michigan (Utica, tim e at each store dome, th e Observer & Rochester and Novi), Sherwood Studios You must be at least 18 to enter A ll BY BRAD KADRICH Washing windows Cleaning Eccentric Newspapers, (West Bloomfield), Laurel Furniture entries have an equal chance of being STAFF WRITER floors Emptying out the trash cans Parisian department (Plymouth), Pine Tree Lighting (Lake drawn Deadline to enter is 5 p m Thursday, Errands galore store and Big Boy Orion), Recherche (W aterford and Oct 30 Look inside today’s edition for an Like most sons who grow up as And, like most sons, the brothers restaurants, the "Black Farmington H ills), Grant’s Cabinets entry form or visit the O&E online at part of a fam ily business, Dave and eventually went into the fam ily Widow Bash m the (Redford Township), Independent Carpet wttw.hometownlife.com Eric Buzenberg did th e ir share of business Now, Dave and Enc Dome,'is Oct 30-31 One (Westland), Mans Lumber M illw ork Sixteen tacky winners w ill be selected the chores around th e ir dad’s fu rn i­ The dome w ill be home (Canton), Franks Furniture (Wayne), Azar’s Friday, Oct 31 tu re store PLEASE SEE S T O R E , A 6 to a Haunted Hayride, a runway costume parade, an obstacle course and more RECEPTIONIST/FRONT DESK Tickets are being 5 to 7 years of receptiomst/clencal CONTACT US 1 INDEX LOOKING AHEAD experience pnor commercial Newsroom-(734) 459 2700 pre-sold for $13 Oasis Apartm ents E5 Jobs E8 Positive spin Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 Golf Dome is located at Autom otive F6 Obituaries A5.A8 Things went reaily well with the ad 1 Classifieds 1 800 579 SELL Laurie Eisenhower keeps modern Classified DEF Observer Life Cl 39500 Five Mile For Thanks' PK Livonia Home de [very 1 866-88 PAPER dance in motion even Gov Classified Index E3 New Homes D1 more Information, call 1-800-5T9-SELL Jennifer Granholm has taken (734) 420-4653 Crossword Puzzle E4 Service Guide F5 PUT OUR CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU' j notice roMMirrvir.A r n p t w o b k Health C8 Sports B1 Enjoy great savings when you advertise online at hometownlHe.com It'd easy to arrange and so affordable! a f y ) h o m e im . in Wayne County, 2 4 8 -9 0 1 -2 5 0 0 in Oakland County'’'* — in Rochester-Rochester Hills A 2 ( p > Observer & Eccentric | Sunday October 26 2003 AROUND TOWN ivwic.hometownlife.com POLLUTION PACKAGE State Rep John Stewart, (R- Church of Plymouth presents For more information, call Plymouth Township), voted “From Narnia, W ith Love,” (734)971-1944 State Sen Bruce Patterson, Wednesday to allow credit M ark McPherson’s dram atiza­ (R-Canton) announced this unions to offer expanded serv­ tion of CS Lewis’spiritual NUTRITION SEMINAR week the passage of Senate ices to the communities they journey from atheism to Bills 46,47 and 568, which serve Christianity at 7 p m Saturday, Leading nutritionist Ron increase penalties for polluting The seven-bill package N o v 1 Kosloff w ill host a free n u tri­ Michigan’s waters Patterson, allows credit unions to be com­ McPherson, an author and tion seminar on Monday, O ct the sponsor of the b ills, also petitive w ith banks by allowing performer, has created a range 27, from 7-8 30 p m at Better announced an amendment was them to offer expanded servic­ of historical figures for stages Health, located at 44427 W. added to include anyone who es such as pay-day lending, throughout the United States. Ann Arbor Road m Plymouth. fails to report a chemical sp ill group travel and estate plan­ Canada and Great B ritain His in a tim ely manner n in g performances have included In his discussion, Kosloff “Last week, people downriv­ Stewart said the package characters such as W inston w ill teach the basic principles er awoke to find an o il sp ill had also allows credit unions to Churchill, Charles Dickens and of nutrition and discuss n u tri­ Recurred m the D etroit and take advantage of new tech­ Teddy Roosevelt tion for athletes and body­ Rouge rivers, Patterson said nologies Tickets are $10 for adults, builders, overcoming lack of ^W hile we came to learn that ‘This is great for our local HEATHER ROUSSEAU I STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER $7 for seniors and students, energy, complete dietary pro­ ^Snore than 250,000 gallons of credit unions and by extension w ith a fam ily package available grams, weight loss/gain, food >gf>il had, been spilled, we s till their members,” Stewart said McDowell ministry for $25 First United allergies, colon cleansing, 4lo n t know who is responsible ” “Now our community credit Methodist is located at 45201 digestive problems and ADA in § The b ills provide a civil fine unions w ill have the ability to Josh McDowell speaks to a group of kids at the Plymouth Christian N Territorial For more infor­ c h ild re n £of not less than $50,000 per
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