Future Frontier/vSMD insertinside RedstoneRocket www.theredstonerocket.com July 29, 2020 Vol. 69 No. 30 PUBLISHEDINTHE INTERESTOFPERSONNEL AT REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL Materiel enterprise greets 17th command sergeant major By RACHEL DELOACH ArmyMateriel Command Public Affairs In atime-honored Army tradition, Army Materiel Command’s16th Com- mand Sgt. Maj. Rodger Mansker passed the colors to Command Sgt. Maj. Alber- to Delgado during achange of responsi- bility ceremonyThursdayatAMC head- quarters parade field. The enterprise bid farewell to Mansker in aceremonyattended by an intimate COMMUNITY NEWS group of distinguished guests consisting IndustryDaysevent of AMC leaders,familymembers and friends,due to COVID-19 restrictions. pushes supply chain. AMC Commander Gen. Ed Daly, PAGE 5 whopresided over the ceremony, praised the twoNCOs,describing them as tre- mendous Soldiers,trainers,leaders and warriors. “Both Command Sgt. Maj. Mansker and Command Sgt. Maj. Delgado live the NCO creed each and every day,” Dalysaid. He described the manyroles and re- sponsibilities of the Army’s senior en- listed adviser and said thatthe position is the most critical mentor in an Army organization. “The AMC command sergeant ma- jor is not onlyresponsible forthe com- mander’sintent butthe oversight of our MILITARYSCENE enlisted corps; the quality of life forour Soldiers and workforce; the execution of Series on Armyvalues the command’stradition of excellence starts with loyalty. and legacy; and its mission of integrat- PAGE 13 ing and synchronizing sustainment and materiel readiness to our Soldiers,” Daly said. The passing of the colors from the commander to the incoming command sergeant major represents the trust and confidence the commander has in the newcommand sergeant major’sleader- ship and commitment to carefor the or- ganization. “One quality thatmakes our Army the best Army in the worldistransitions, and in this case,achange of responsibili- ty,allowing one greatNCO to seamlessly hand over responsibility to another with equallytremendous potential and exper- WIN OR LOSE tise,” Dalysaid. Beach volleyball tourney Over the past three years,Mansker Photo by Eben Boothby visits parkinHuntsville. set the example forthe command by Army Materiel Command’sGen. Ed Daly passes the colorstoCommand Sgt. Maj. Alberto Delgado during achange of responsibility ceremonyThursdayatAMC PAGE 29 See Ceremonyonpage 18 headquartersparade field. 2 Redstone Rocket July 29, 2020 Redstone Arsenal: Federal Center of Excellence RocketViews Virtual schools challengeparents to be creative When the three school systems in babysitting them, we’regoing to come up diseases than we thought, and maybe the Madison County decide to have an all- Snippets afew dollars short. big nasty one Ireferenced aboveisjust virtual start to their school year and it By Jonathan Stinson But again, it’shardtoget past that the lack of time we all have in our day- causes acrisis forthousands of families, Assistant editor when you’re choosing between aplace to to-daylivestotakecareofthe things we we’vegot aproblem –the problem’snot live or teaching your children. reallyneed to do. thatthe schools have had to go virtual So as parents wrestled with this prob- The answertothe problem is,of because of apandemic. But youhavetowonder if thatworka- lem their first thought was“well, if the course,moremanpowerand higher pay. As parents sawtheir hope of are- holicism is just adisease or asymptom schools won’twatch my kids,then the Thatway people don’t have to work as prieve from having to takecareoftheir of something much nastier. daycares we alreadyuse should?” long or youdon’t have to have dual in- kids 24/7 evaporate, they realized they My vote is forsymptom. Here’sthe problem with that. comes to survive. couldn’t,infact, takecareoftheir kids Here’sanother symptom thatwas First, morekids go to school than go But thatwon’t happen because we’ve 24/7. caused by the parents’ fear of not being to daycare. If you flood the local child- still got afew moreillnesses to curebe- My kneejerk, child-free reaction to this able to staywith their kids during the careproviders with all the extrakids fore employers could evenconsider do- problem wasthatmaybe they should’ve day: people were moreupset thatnoone thatnot going to school produces,then ing that. Iget it. I’ve been on both sides. thought about thatbeforethey had kids. would be availabletobabysit their kids you’re going to just overrun them. The immediate answeristhatevery- But, there’salwaysabut, that’snot fair. than they were thattheir kids might not Second, if it’snot safe forthe schools, one is just going to have to compromise Immediatelybeforethem stood a be getting top-notch educational instruc- the large institutions which were built to alittle,help one another and get creative. choice between taking careoftheir off- tion. house hundreds of kids at once,tohost Maybe the silver lining to this pandemic spring and putting food on the tableto Even though, when abuddy of mine the area’schildren then howisasmaller is it will forceusto fixthe other things feed them. wonateacher of the year awardinher operation supposed to? thatail us. If youshut down the schools,then system and Itold her thatIdidn’t know If COVID-19 has taught us anything Iknowthat’snot much of an answer, parents can’t work because there’snoone they gave out awards forbabysitting, I it’sthatwe’re suffering from afew more butyou do get this column forfree, so… to takecareoftheir kids while they’re at knewdeep down thatteachers did more work. than just babysit. And that’snot reallythe parent’sfault. There’sapolicy conversation to be had We live in asociety thatexalts work- about what teachers areand arenot al- On this date in history: July 29 aholics,oratleast we live in asociety lowedtodo thatgoes aboveand beyond wherewederive alot of our self-worth babysitting, butwhen the school systems In 2005: Astronomers announced their discovery of the dwarf planet Eris. by measuring howmanyhours we put in were thought into being it wasneverin- In 1976: In NewYorkCity,David Berkowitz (a.k.a. the “Son of Sam”) killed at the office.It’sthe story we’vebeen told tended forteachers to be babysitters. one person and seriouslywounded another in the first of aseries of attacks. by every TV showand Lifetime movie I’m happytoargue about what should In 1967: Offthe coast of North Vietnam, the USS Forrestal caught on fire in we’veeverwatched. be taught and howteachers should have the worst U.S. navaldisaster since WorldWar II, killing 134. If youonlywork40hours aweek then morecontrol in their classrooms,but re- In 1958: President Dwight Eisenhowersigned into lawthe National Aeronau- you’re probablynot thatimportant, and gardless of the what and how, education tics and Space Act, which created the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- let’snot eventalk about those people is the currency we’regoing to use to pay tration or NASA. whoworkless than that. forour futureand if we don’t get beyond In 1921: Adolf Hitler became leader of the National Socialist German Work- ers Party. In 1914: The Cape Cod Canal opened. Send your letters to editor In 1836: The ArcdeTriomphe wasinaugurated in Paris,France. In 1775: In founding the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’sCorps, The Redstone Rocket invites your signed letters to the editor and your commen- Gen. George Washington appointed William Tudor as judge advocate of the taries.Unsigned letters will not be published. Send your letters and commentaries to Continental Army. [email protected]. Editorial office: 256-876-1500 Editorial Fax: 256-955-0133 RetailAdvertising: 256-340-2463 Classified Advertising: 256-260-2218 AdvertisingFax: 256-260-2211 RedstoneRocket Rocket articles are available at: Co., Inc., aprivate firminnoway connected with the Depart- exclusivewritten contract with the Department of Army. http://www.theredstonerocket.com ment of the Army.Opinions expressed by writers herein are Everything advertised in this publication shall be made their ownand are not to be considered an expression by the available for purchase, use or patronagewithout regard to The Redstone Rocket is published weekly on Wednesday. Rocket Staff Department of the Army.The appearance of advertisements race, color,religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, The publisher will receive editorial content for publica- Editor-in-chief: Col. KelseySmith, Garrison commander in this publication, to include inserts and supplements, does physical handicap, political affiliation, physical handicap, or Director of Public Affairs: JulieFrederick tion in the Redstone Rocket through the Public Affairs not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser,userorpatron. Editor: Skip Vaughn Army or the civilian publisher TN ValleyMedia,ofthe products Aconfirmed violation of this equal opportunity policy by an Office, Army Garrison-Redstone, Bldg.4488Room Assistant editor: Jonathan Stinson or services advertised within this publication. advertiser will result inrefusal to print advertising from that A-213, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. Staff writer/Social media: Katie Davis Skelley The Redstone Rocket is an authorized publication for source until the violation iscorrected. Staff writer: The civilian enterprise printer of the Redstone Rocket WendyReeves members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Redstone Rocket is distributed free of cost to anyper- Staff photographer: Eric Schultz is Tennessee ValleyMedia Co., Inc.,located at 201 1st the Redstone
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