I'll XED ADC 83^.. 2 30632 12/M• ^ / / 2 0 0 4 www.magicvalla l l e y . c o m SCSOUTHWEST MICRO P U U L I 5 H ,)1M PftRHF. 2 6 ,2 7 E VANDELL' (L P A 5 D 1TX 7 9 V 0 3 r h e e T i I I T ^ ^■ /O X ' r S 5 0 c c n t s 'i'hursday,/, May 20, 2004 'I’w in Falls, Idadaho/99th year. No.1). 141 - ■ ■ — ' G o o d m o r n i Coiiwier N I N G 1 Cl LOTHIINGO RACKD Q W rN decri(ies Graduate pictuit u r e s Hanssen ads Q Today's schools^^^ Includc: Jerom e.'^^H L e g i s l aitors t say Wendell, Hagerman. ISD8. Gooding. Gooding Accelerated LaartJing Cent^ n t e r , ^ t h e y n e;ver v gave Liberty Christian Academy Bliss p e r m i s ssion for □ Friday's schools will Include: Shoshono, Dletrti n a m e s tot be listed Richfield, Wood River, Con ty School. Camas. Carey, ( By Julie Pcnctice Ferry. North Valley Christii Times-News w riter_____________ ver Creek Alternative and Idaho Home Educators d J.S - As they race □ yesterday's seftools: Burley.Boi sdiiy's priiiiiiry d ec­ Minico. Amerlcsn Heritage:age,M C .'r'M th e ree Hepublican Ois- Opportunity Cenier. Valley.Iley. Rail trici 21 Idabiibo River. Declo, Cass/a Educelucatlof} ' ■■-''1 S e n a te 'c a nidi- d i Center. Oakicy ona MC' HoH om e Ed- r;| dates are eneii- ucalors g a g e d in a litlil- K tledusi-up. yW T h e C h uick c - ■ - c amn 'Pi jlgHjP^KI conieiuls th;' \V ic.v i'iii';K n lias D ecision T o d a y : W ; : ' ' ; 5 , relatively d r y H V m perniissio™; 2004 and paril]ir tly the names, <(it cloudy. II ^ eiTlaiii i-lec D o n a t io n s . ed oflii-ials ; l o w ‘18. 1 ^ endorsemeii Pj ag e A2 ^ ------- 1 lh a i lie s lllhe support ASHirr $«msMiiM superior eai■;ui- b a s e s . s ()r-n x K )k s break. Shep- didaie. Shepard, loft, talks with felloww stu d e n ts C altle Kirby and MlMIcah Rovcra during lunch brci Twin Falls HighIgh School sophom ore Je ssic a Sh( ’••i' Seepage allow chains and somo plercinclngs and restricts clothing styl ard disagreesIS vwith the school's proposed nownew dress code that does not al aid. " ^ |)loy 1 go district ^ iiin’a n d d isio rlio n ," Falls High’ss new dress icode could ;wide ",11 y o u nir ; goin g lo jiro m o le i Dl'scomiiiiilee voiirM-lf by; iiusing lliose people's I Tlie high sclinors u'd heller have those valski liati siiidenl.s. paremreiiis. teachers names, yoiii iin d you," h e saiii. • w riter and adminisiralors.rs ievaluate ils people behii lewspapiT adverlise- ffSflti dic.ss i'oile. whiciiil llllild g en eral h i lu s ne> nsen ideiiliried Heps, Trails going deep: I I .IIS - Sophomori.' H | | | H giii(l(']iiH.'s a iu l s I'Ki.odforihelasikI ments. laii^ ger. |{-Sli(ishone, and II) \c-ars. Ovei tluthe past few Q m y o n W ild e r n e s s , I/, H-aildwell.iishav- Twin] a n d a inoi’itli.'., th e I'oiniiiliiiuiliee (level- narrell Bol/, offers liistory and a <ed hill) iiisiiM ilof th e a snake, nnd tluit ' • oped a more dela■eli.iied sel o f •n g e n d o rs e i welcom e escape, in oilier twoI Iciindidates. Coiner By Karin Kowalie r riglu ear. guidi'liiK's. O u t d o o r s . ilm iinds,ll;insenalso Tlm es-Nows wrirobe ty]iically con- s .„ ^ Aili'ii :.aid at leastast three olher and Ken i:di: laiiieofSeii, Hrad lit- P .. chains, studs and diM iivlsbaveaskedledforeoniesof used l ie nai iieii. one of the four : H e l l s I'W IN i-A iLb u t n e x t y e ar she'll .J lUiii I’alis ci)de loIO ilise in over- 'le. H;i-.ninu of Seiiiiie Ifiidership. ss Area Ics.sica Shc|iarto make few , ^ hauling Ibeir own;i litdress codes, meinbi'isol .irseinenl. O l M N I O N I 2 earring, a scifollow T\vin Falls as an endor; revised dress -A a At the high sch! inifiiiiiici*. according j- Successful Blectlonj111in today'sl u u a y w“‘'“P."* as JUSI “'"VIIJ h e“ r = h ° » i g Sen. l.iiird .N'oh - S tu d e n is th is wveek ei' e,\pressed whose berllrill is lieing sought by School levy votes pr_ Her wardrolguidelines for dress mixed feelings aboiboiil the new n;msen.c:oi'oinerandl'dinunds- t h a t v o t e r s w ill p o nPage j U l tains spikes,re c! tlie School Board m il's. considered improper lots o f black,. blan Informational B I B is that it's c( a good cause, today lor S liep a rd sa id >liishe eould see (ousesomeiieoiie's na m e w iih o u t . likely have;slblv t be adopted for Jessica;a S Shepard says sho will not ba1 a llo v ^ t^ ^ r bolts In her — ^----------editorial-says:----------- -------^------- botirsides-n|-tlie-is>,nssue.-even-iis- -perm ission;n------ ;----------------------------------^---- changes to:liool fc d is t r ic . ~ oars no«lnext year at the high school. she wore several thiithings Moiulay -"i-ariiculailarly il y(iu're liilking 0 ,,„.P HiRh Kchoolilade a whole lol of the two junior high ^.cliooools to thal woii'l meel ilulhe co d e nexi ;,i,<)in legi>i^isliiiive Iciid ersh ip .” • * co d e, 10 m a k o il c o n siste n t o u t mulliiuillngs to parents about i adapi itfortliew iioledi'iiriiitricl. year. N o h sa id , "I.•■|.eadership is usu a lly p r o v e T lic n e w L*."g»i Superintendent the new,ew dress code so ihi-y can ; "1 think it will he positisitive."' ' •'Some ofil I canan agree with." preiiy camlutious iihdui doing Dny u p for will go beforeissjild. i plan ahahead. The dress code CoMiNc; ;\llen said. He said somene stu- Shepard said that becaii>u s e il Ciin c au se fric- lay’s in June as5 Ha lgli S c h o o l I’rin ci- c o m mniiiee iu took input from ele- i dents will push die guulcl: item, to »osslbMien said all the mentarylary school aclininisirators. i DRESS, P.i(;eA2 P lease see!0 CANDIDATES. Page A2 H e’s In you then follow what is appiopi"to a , Please SKDB AC Uie e n tire schc;he district will send parentsIts and representatives of i R o c k m u s i c i a nPageA6 -it j^st mad Fram pton is con se n se to u s to i to I d a h o . -t) dlstrlctwldc." 1 W Uey D o b b s s First sohIdier sent(tenced in abuse Friday In 1 \v in Tails H The Tlmes-Ne\ OU pal Ben /\ll( scliools in the [ m ilitary prison a n P e t e r case gets:s year in i I n d e x : o m1 i n g ,---------------------- Los Angelos Timos ___ Classified .......................10. a C o m ic s .............................n HA(iHDAD. Iraq - ( •liokingIk back tears and expressiiiHiiiB w- I should ha'have protected those detaineesd that C o m m u n ity ....................'J e w s niorse.U.S.AnnySpc.Icrei'reinyC.. C o m u n id a d .................... I ' v e d o n e . Sivits p le a d e d g u ilty Wudm ______ night ■■■... I'm .soiTy for w hat 1 C ro ssw o rd ....................... — lo'flbuslnfrdctaincesnt-ihi Cihraib detention cenierier a n d D ear Abby ...................... 9 ? .. .Ell-20 w a s s e n te n c e d to a y».'ar..■ar ill a H o ro s c o p e ....................... ................B5 militar>’ prison - making ny Spc. Jeremy C. SIvlts atit hls court m artial L M . B o y d ....................... lh e first A m e ric a n solilier c martialed in an evolvinglg sfan- L o c a l............................... ealnient apolo- beadi|iiarurte is I'm lh e U ,S ,-led dal thal auil«)rities sayly icould p ris o n e r in a ltre a ti ainees, the Iniqi CoalilionI I’nivisidiiiil1 A uthority. Money ............................. re a c h b e y o n d th e se v e n sosoldiers gized to tbe detain : : .- - . " C7---------- ly a n d his fam ily "1 s h o u ldI haveI protected thoso implicated so far. p e o p le, th e A rm y a M o v ie s .......................... a’si November. tieiaineess thilll niglil... I'm sorry 4# (Mo Al a heavily guarded mim iiilar)’ for h is a c iio n s last: Naiion ............................. ine down," said for what I've1\ done,” bearing in Haghdad, tinthe 2’l- "1 let everyone :ole show s U.S.
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