CUMULATIVE INDEX· ARIZONA HIGHWAYS VOLUME 1, 1925 through VOLU~IE 27, 1951 ARTICLES appearing in ARIZONA HIGHWAYS from volume 1 in 1925 through volume 27 in 1951 are indexed here under author and subject. Indexing is similar to that found in READERS' GurnE TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE; each article is listed under the heading or headings most closely indicating the general subject matter. This is not a detailed analytical index to contents of articles. The user will find, for instance, those articles which deal with Katchinas, but not the names of various Katchinas discussed in the articles. Very general headings such as DESCRIPTION have been used only where more specific headings were not possible. A series of tall tales which appeared during early years of the magazine have been listed under that heading. Portraits have been indexed wherever there was a clear likeness. Group por­ traits have been incJuded when likenesses were clear and recognizable. There is a special index to color illustrations which have been an outstanding feature of ARIZONA HrGHWAYS for the past 10 years. Generally each picture has been listed under a single subject, the one which in the fallible judgment of the compiler, seemed most appropriate. It is hoped this will be of use to teachers and armchair travelers. ♦ COMPILED BY DONALD M. POWELL Reference Librarian UNIYERSITY OF ARIZONA SPONSORED BY PUBLISHED BY ARIZONA STATE ARIZONA TRADE BINDERY LIBRARY 311 West ;\lonroe ASSOCIATION PHOE:-IIX, ARIZONA $1.00 PER CoPY - ADD 10c FOR PosTAGE CDllYt'lth 1952 r>r a.ld \J ':'owe.I ]JuL 'JjJUlluL /Jt .,) ,)·• ..:-·'' tl!uv,JUL ;J{iq.JwD.ljlL and engineering equipment, asphalt, Rickenbacker THE first issue of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS appeared in cars, Cactus bacon and Armour's Star Hams. The sev­ April, 1925. The editorial in that issue carried the title eral thousand copies printed that month were well re­ "To THE PuBLic'' and read, in part: ceived. The subscription price was $1.00 per year, 10 "With this issue, ARIZONA HIGHWAYS makes its bow cents per copy. to its public. In its decision to issue a magazine de­ voted to the interest of good roads, the Arizona High­ A brave little magazine had made its appearance into what has turned out to be a friendly and comfort­ way Department is following the example of 22 other state highway departments, the American Association ing world. The magazine has grnwn slowly but surely of State Highway Officials and the United States Bu­ during the years, developing in purpose, and increas­ reau of Public Roads, in disseminating information in ing its readership. The December issue, 1951, the last regard to its activities and those of the nation. issue covered in this CUMULATIVE INDEX was 550,000, produced entirely in color, and went to subscribers and "Although, during a previous administration, a readers in 76 foreign countries, in all the states of the pamphlet dealing with highways in Arizona was issued Union, all the provinces of Canada, and, perhaps, if at intervals, the inauguration of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS is there were communications, would have gone to Mars. the first big step forward to tell the people of Arizona Incidentally, the cost of December issue, 1951, prob­ and other states of the work being done by the Arizona ably exceeded the cost of magazines produced in the Highway Department . first five years of the magazine's history. Today, no state magazine produced in this country has the circu­ " ... ARIZONA HIGHWAYS will be published each lation of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS. month by the Arizona Highway Department. It will contain in each issue many interesting and well il­ Succeeding editors have contributed worthy lustrated articles by authorities on roads and allied changes to the pages of the publication. Gradually subjects, furnishing authentic information of value to through the years subject matter began to be more all who use Arizona's highways for business or plea- completely illustrated with less emphasis placed on sure .. technical material pertaining to highway construction and more emphasis placed on the beauty and scenic " ... A comprehensive program has been outlined interest to which the highways of the state took the for ARIZONA HIGHWAYS and it will grow bigger and traveler. The first full color cover appeared on the better with each issue. Suggestions containing con­ issue of July, 1937, and was produced from plates structive criticism are solicited and will be given care­ borrowed from the Santa Fe R. R. Co., an Indian paint­ ful consideration. Those who favor good roads will ing by Hernando G. Villa. The first December issue to boost ARIZONA HIGHWAYS." carry color was in 1939. The cover of that issue was No. 1, Volume 1 carried the slogan: "CIVILIZATION of a snow scene at Grand Canyon. All December is­ FoLLows THE IMPROVED HIGHWAY." It contained 26 sues since then have featured colored reproductions of pages, 8)~" by llW', was printed in black and white, paintings or photographs. The December issue of offered articles variously entitled "Goon ROADS AN IN­ 1946 was in color throughout, the first magazine in the VESTMENT, NoT AN ExPENSE TO THE PEOPLE," "WHo history of American magazine publishing to be repro­ PAYS FOR THE HIGHWAYS?", "CONDITION OF ROADS," duced entirely in four-color process. December issues "CALIFORNIA'S HIGHWAYS OF THE FUTURE," "THE ENGI­ of 1947, 1949, 1950, and 1951 were also notable for use NEER'S Loe," and "ExPANSION JOINTS-THEIR UsE IN of color in all illustrations. The acceptance of paid ARIZONA." There were 18 paid advertisements in April advertising in the magazine was discontinued in the issue, 1925, advertising such materials and products February issue, 1939. The liberal use of color illustra­ as cement, paint, highway equipment, printing, office tions and the fact the magazine does not carry adver- ,... aao-,,.., 1., ,.~ ~""fi <» n», t IIIIJ~Gf~ Df,-AA1--,I{~, ,,. "'1~.L • ,- , I, :,, " .• . ,l21i r. 111 T tHr~ .1;_1/.1:.1 •~r :..;, i, \ ueJV,'ii i ttir!,S" -J , .-,.\ .. ,_ .. •- • .:. o ~-1., ~ ~ r.: t"' '-f~ r; - CT 1 1 1961 tising have been important contributing reasons for will soon be able to drive over improved roads all the the increasing popularity of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS and way from Nogales, Arizona, to Guadalajara, Jalisco, its large readership, national and international. In Mexico. Many other issues in the past have carried August issue, 1942, the sustaining feature "RoAD PROJ­ features on outstanding scenic area in our neighboring ECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION" was dropped. states. It was felt, and it has proven to be true, that promotion of travel to these places in neighboring The years of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS have seen other states is also effective in promoting travel to Arizona. changes in format and editorial conception. The ever­ popular features began to appear as early as 1939. The The years of ARIZONA HIGHWAYS have told the Ari­ magazine also widened its scope by including travel , zona story in all of its color and variety. There seems and scenic features from states and countries adjoining-' to be no end of people and places to write about and to Arizona. The September issue, 1942, was devoted in portray in photographs. Some subjects are so big they its entirety to the Republic of Mexico, and that issue have been approached from many different angles and stands today as one of the finest brochures ever pub­ still their story has not been told. There have appeared lished for the traveler going to the Old Repblic. The through the years 31 features on the Grand Canyon, July issue, 1947, we devoted completely to Utah as a 11 features treating of cactus, 7 features telling of the gesture of good will to our northern neighbors cele­ desert, and 33 pertaining to the interesting lives and brating the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the colorful country of the Navajo Indians. Mormons to the valley of the Great Salt Lake. Novem­ ber issue, 1947, was devoted from cover to cover to the Arizona is a big state. It is a beautiful state. It is an state of Sonora, Mexico, Arizona's southern neighbor, interesting state. Its story has been told each month in while the November issue, 1950, portrayed the four ARIZONA HIGHWAYS since April, 1925, and it will con­ west coast states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit and Jali­ tinue to be told for many years to come. The Arizona sco, a preview, as it were, for the auto traveler who story never grows old. ~6,~~(!~ Editor ABBREVIATIONS USED biog. - biography My - May n.p. - no paging Je - June obit. - obituary JI - July port. - portrait Ag - August Ja - January S - September F- February 0 - October Mr-March N - November Ap-April D -December CUMULATIVE INDEX, 1925-1951 ARIZONA HIGHWAYS t\BBOTT, CHARLES H. ADAMS, RAMON F. Tale of three counties. J. F. Stocker, Chuck and Esther. R. Carlson, Je'43 p.2 Bottle fever. S'51 p.36 F'47, p.10 port. Je'43 p.2 Cowman says it salty. D'48 p.26 see also RANCHES Range calico. S'49 p.12 ABBOTT, CHARLES H. AND Roundup. My'49 p.18 AG RI CULTURE - SONORA HENDERSON, ESTHER Shakin' a hoof. F'51 p.32 Ciudad Obregon. C. Abbott, N'47 p.26 Along the trading post trail. Je'43 p.12 Sundown Slim on singin' to 'em. Ja'49 p.14 Arizona lumber goes to war. Ja'43 p.1 AINSWORTH-HALDERMAN AFFAIR 1 ADAMS, RAY Retribution on the frontier. J. F. Weadock, ABBOTT, CLIFTON port. S'46 p.10 0 '34 p.11 Ciudad Obregon. N'47 p.26 Mt. Lemmon. N'45 p.31 ADAMS HOTEL, Phoenix AIR CONDITIONING Our newest and oldest almanac ..
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